Vitamins for Chihuahuas: with natural nutrition, for wool

Vitamins and minerals are needed not only for humans, but also for Chihuahua pets. First of all, you need to think about their diet. It should be rich in proteins of plant and animal origin, as well as the presence of calcium and phosphorus for the strength of bones and teeth. But dogs do not always agree to eat what they are offered. Then veterinarians prescribe special vitamins for the Chihuahua.

What vitamins to give Chihuahua

Trace elements are needed by any living organism. This also applies to small defenseless Chihuahuas. Supplementation is essential for dogs that eat regular or premium food.

Attention! Not only the deficiency of nutrients is dangerous, but also their excess.

To avoid adverse effects, it is recommended that you first consult a doctor. He will select a vitamin and mineral complex and tell you how to take dietary supplements correctly.

Small breed dogs should be given mineral supplements, which include calcium gluconate, bone meal, phytin and glycerophosphate. It is these substances that are responsible for the formation and strength of the skeleton.

Irish Kal is considered popular vitamins for Chihuahuas. The drug is available in powder.

Contains a complex of vitamins and minerals:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • niacin.
Powder added to main meals or liquid

Veterinarians recommend giving seaweed, ground egg shells, Brewer's yeast... But the dosage should be selected by a specialist, since an excess of substances can lead to fragility and fragility of bones.

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What vitamins to give a Chihuahua puppy

Supplements for puppies can be started from 3 weeks to 1 year old. This group of dietary supplements is enriched with calcium and other nutrients that are needed for growth and development.

The following dietary supplements have been created for puppies:

  1. Canvit junior... The drug has a natural composition. Contains a large amount of amino acids, fatty acids of natural origin and organic trace elements. The mineral complex is produced in powder form. It has no contraindications. But it has a high cost. Taking these vitamins helps to improve the condition of the skin and coat. The prebiotics contained in the composition normalize the digestive process and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Excel Multi Puppy... Dietary supplements are prescribed to puppies under one year old who eat unbalanced. Vitamins for Chihuahua are available in tablets. The composition includes phosphorus, iron, potassium and brewer's yeast. It has a pleasant taste. Has a reasonable price. The preparation contains 11 vitamins and 10 minerals.
  3. Unitabs Junior Complex... The product is intended for puppies who are prone to allergies. They are available in tablets. Consists of 14 active elements, which include vitamin A, ascorbic acid, D3, fish oil, calcium and phosphorus. The dietary supplement improves the condition of the skin and coat, metabolic processes and increases appetite.
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Puppy multivitamins taste and smell good. But they are allowed to be given only once a day.

What vitamins to give an adult Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are decorative breeds. They require affection, love and careful care. This breed tends to gain weight rapidly. Therefore, it is worth choosing those products that contain the minimum amount of fatty acids.

The list of effective dietary supplements includes:

  1. Farmavit Active... This complex is considered one of the best. It provides mineralization to the entire body. Chihuahua vitamins are given for loss of appetite. The preparation contains 11 vitamins, fish meal and fruit enzymes. Thanks to this composition, trace elements are better absorbed.
  2. Multivitamin 8 in 1 Excel Edalt... Consists of essential minerals and antioxidants. The pet becomes active and cheerful.
Attention! If the dog eats special foods, then supplements are not required. If given chihuahua vitamins indiscriminately and without consulting a doctor, it will worsen the general condition of the pet and shorten its life.

Best Vitamins for Chihuahua Dogs

A pet should have a beautiful and well-groomed coat, as well as a strong skeleton and good immunity. To achieve this, proper nutrition alone is not enough.

Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio Booster is considered an effective remedy for dogs. It is responsible for good digestion and skeletal strength. The complex includes vitamins A, D, E and B12, amino acids. To make the digestive tract work better, prebiotics are added to the complex. But such a drug has one drawback - animals refuse to eat pills. So that the pet does not be capricious and receive the necessary dose of vitamins, the pills should be crushed and added to any dish.

In order for a dog's coat to be beautiful, it is necessary to care for it carefully. Good nutrition and daily brushing will help with this. But her health will be provided by brewer's yeast.

In this case, the following vitamins for the Chihuahua are prescribed for wool:

  1. Multivitamins 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yearst... Contains B vitamins. The dietary supplement takes care of the condition of the skin and fur.
  2. Happy Dog Haar Spesial Forte... BAA is indicated for poor nutrition. Improves the condition of the skin and coat.
  3. Beaphar laveta super... Vitamin delicacy, which is packaged in 50 ml bottles.

These types of vitamins for Chihuahua are rich in biotin and natural ingredients. They do not cause allergic reactions, prevent the development of inflammatory skin processes. If small wounds appear, then multivitamins accelerate healing.

Chihuahua is famous for its small, protruding and neat ears that require special care. If they become soft or begin to droop, then this is a signal of a lack of minerals in the diet.

Known additives include:

  1. Multivitamin 8 in 1 Excel Calcium... The composition is rich in doubled calcium. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  2. Multivitamins 8 in 1 Excel Glucosamine... Improves the condition of cartilage tissue.
  3. Food supplement Beaphar Top 10 joint problems... Consists of calcium and glucosamine. Makes bones and joints stronger, normalizes the external and internal condition of the ears.

Before you buy a vitamin complex for your pet, you need to study its composition and method of application.

How to give chihuahua vitamins correctly

Supplements are given to dogs with meals once a day. If the drug is produced in powder, then it can be mixed with liquid food or water. Supplements in tablets can be given in this form. But when the pet refuses to take the medicine, then it is necessary to crush the pills and add to the food.

Precautions and contraindications

Vitamins for Chihuahua have a minimum of contraindications. Some dietary supplements should not be given if you have a tendency to develop allergies.

Before giving your pet a pill or powder, you need to consult with your veterinarian and take the appropriate tests. There may be not only a deficiency of vitamins, but also an excess of them. This will have a negative effect on the condition of bones, cartilage, joints, skin and hair.

Food supplements should be given strictly according to age. If the Chihuahua is not more than a year old, then vitamins for puppies are suitable for her.


Vitamins for the Chihuahua are necessary with an unbalanced diet. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals adversely affects the general well-being of the animal: hair begins to fall out, bones become fragile, ears fall and become thinner. If such symptoms appear, you need to urgently show your pet to a veterinarian. After the examination, he will decide on the appointment of dietary supplements and tell you what is better to buy.

Reviews of vitamins for Chihuahua wool

Ekaterina, 27 years old, Stavropol.
I really love the Chihuahua breed. I have two dogs, one of which is 4 years old and the other is only 3 months old. The baby's skin began to peel off. The doctor advised an 8 in 1 multivitamin for puppies. To my surprise, after a week, the skin became beautiful, and the coat was silky.
Stanislav, 33 years old, Krasnodar.
I have been giving my dog ​​Happy Dog Haar Spesial Forte for over 2 years. No complaints. The pet feels good, is active and playful. But for the price, these vitamins will not be affordable for everyone.
Irina, 41 years old, Bryansk.
Our Chihuahua is already 5 years old. The dog eats both from the common table and dry food. About a year ago, ears began to sag. After a while, she became dull and less active. We ran to the vet. Diagnosis - mineral deficiency. Farmavit Active was registered. An excellent and inexpensive tool. Would recommend to all Chihuahua owners.
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