Vitamins for appetite for children from 3 years old: what to give, reviews

Vitamins for appetite for children can only be prescribed by a doctor. Special complexes are able to “awaken” interest in food. When prescribing a drug, one should know the advantages and disadvantages of the drug, as well as the features of its use. The competent use of the medication will solve the problem without harming the child's body.

How vitamins affect appetite

Vitamins for appetite for children, after activation in the body, improve the absorption of nutrients. Energy production starts, the full functioning of internal organs is normalized.

There are a lot of reasons why the child began to refuse food. There are times when the parents themselves are to blame. The baby may have a disturbed eating behavior, some have an aversion to food. Moreover, if the parents themselves feel bad if in childhood, then there is a high probability that the same situation will happen again with their child. Doctor Komarovsky tells in detail why the child refuses to eat and what the child's appetite depends on.

The following vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on a child's appetite:

  • A - has an effect on the skin, helps to strengthen the immune system and vision;
  • group B participates in the processes of digestive metabolism and favorably on the nervous system;
  • C strengthens the immune system and promotes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • zinc strengthens the body's defenses;
  • magnesium affects blood sugar and glucose;
  • iron affects the formation, development and maturation of blood cells;
  • oligofructose increases the microbial flora in the intestinal tract, which has a beneficial effect on digestion.

The benefits and harms of children's vitamins for appetite

Everything in the body is thought out. When nutrients are ingested, all organs function correctly. If something is missing, then the child's health worsens, he becomes irritable and does not want to eat at all. Vitamins to improve appetite in children are able to normalize the level of nutrients.

However, it should be remembered that with excess, everything happens exactly the opposite. If the daily dose of nutrients is exceeded, then the child develops a headache, lethargy, irritability, and insomnia. In addition, an allergic reaction is possible, for example, a rash on the body. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed the specialized complex and observe the required dosage.

Indications for the use of vitamins to increase appetite in children

Vitamins for children to increase appetite can be used only with a doctor's prescription. You do not need to independently choose the treatment and immediately give the child the drug. This can only harm the child's body.

The pediatrician prescribes a drug complex in the following cases:

  • prematurity;
  • birth trauma;
  • malnutrition;
  • great physical or mental stress;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • rehabilitation period after illness;
  • lack of nutrients in the body;
  • growth period;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • preventive measures for colds.
Important! Vitamins are not a drug and cannot replace good nutrition. They are used only as a dietary supplement.

What vitamins to give a child for appetite

The multivitamin complex can be different depending on the age. What is possible for a child of 3-5 years old is by no means allowed for a baby. When buying, you should pay attention to:

  • manufacturer;
  • composition and dosage of the substances contained;
  • shelf life.

Vitamins for appetite for babies

At this age, the best vitamin complex is the mother's breast milk. At the same time, it is not always possible to feed a child in this way, for example, when the baby does not eat enough or the woman has stopped emitting it.

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If the newborn begins to refuse food, then the pediatrician may prescribe vitamins that increase the appetite in children, which contain calciferol. For babies who are bottle-fed, all the nutrients are contained in the milk formula. Therefore, in most cases, it is enough just to give "Baby". At the same time, artificial people are highly likely to develop rickets, the doctor prescribes vitamin D.

Vitamins for appetite for children from 1 year old

After 12 months, many complexes can already be given. The specialist will prescribe a drug that is suitable for this particular child and select the required dosage. In pharmacies you can find the following vitamins for children for appetite from year to year:

  1. «Vitrum Kids»Released in the form of animals. The tablets are chewed after meals.
  2. «Cavit Junior»Are released in the form of plates. They are divided according to taste into apricot and chocolate.
  3. «Pikovit"Is a sweet syrup. Production - Slovenia.
  4. «Kinder Biovital gel»German production has a small cost (200-220 rubles) and is used with meals for 1 tsp.

Vitamins for appetite for children from 3 years old

Three-year-olds can already be given gummies or effervescent tablets. Here the list of drugs becomes even wider:

  1. «VitaMishki"Are gummy candies. At a cost of about 350 rubles.
  2. «Supradin»Contains 12 vitamins combined with minerals.
  3. «Alphabet-Our baby»Is a Russian drug produced in sachets. The daily intake is 1 sachet.
  4. «Multabs - Kid»Is produced by a Danish pharmaceutical company in the form of chewable tablets. The cost varies from 450 to 510 rubles. As a rule, it is sufficient to take 1 tablet a day.
  5. «Pikovit»From 3 years of age are available in the form of chewable tablets. It is taken with meals. The price of the drug is 250-290 rubles.

Vitamins for children for good appetite are used strictly according to the prescriptions of the pediatrician, regardless of the manufacturer. Do not use the drug on the advice of a friend.

Vitamins for appetite for children from 6 years old

On the Russian market, the following drugs are considered the best vitamins for appetite for children from 6 years old:

  • "Elkar" is produced in three forms: oral solution, effervescent tablets and composition for intramuscular injections, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor;
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Cavit Junior";
  • Vitrum Kids.

Each product has an enclosed instruction sheet, which shows the daily dosage and rules for taking according to age. You should definitely read it before using the drug.

The opinion of pediatricians

Before prescribing vitamins, in addition to reducing appetite, doctors evaluate all factors in combination:

  1. Does the child have a balanced diet? It is understood as the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, meat and fish dishes, dairy products and cereals. In this case, problems with the immune system are unlikely to arise, and problems with food will soon disappear.
  2. Environmentally friendly environment in the place of residence of the baby. In the absence of beneficial factors such as sun, water, clean air, the doctor will prescribe a specialized complex. This is especially true for residents of the Far North.
  3. The state of health and growth of the crumbs affects the decision of a specialist.He can give a full answer only after examining the child.

The opinion of pediatricians boils down to the positive effect of children's vitamins for improving appetite. However, they are only a preventive measure, if after the course no positive changes have occurred, then you should conduct a full examination of the body and look for the root cause.

In addition, experts note that if a child has the following factors in addition to a decrease in appetite, then most likely the body lacks nutrients:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased attention;
  • restless sleep;
  • gums begin to bleed;
  • irritability;
  • cracks appear on the lips.

According to a survey of mothers, about 80% of women noticed an increase in their child's appetite after completing the prescribed course. However, there are those parents who did not see any changes. This may be due to the wrong selection of vitamins that increase appetite in children. In any case, a second consultation with a specialist will be necessary.

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To increase the appetite of the little one, pediatricians advise to observe the following conditions:

  1. Spend time in the fresh air regularly, walk more often. Especially before lunch. Active and energetic games help to awaken appetite, improve metabolism.
  2. When eating, completely exclude watching TV. As an exception, experts cite only cartoons during an afternoon snack, when the baby has little food, for example, fruit and yogurt.
  3. Eat a minimum of sweets between meals. Of course, not completely excluded, but should be reduced.
  4. If the child refuses food altogether, there is no need to force him. The body itself knows what and when it needs. Therefore, react calmly to a half-eaten lunch. It is important here not to be annoyed with the baby, in no case to shout or try to force him to eat. After all, as you know, the more you are forced to do something, the more you don't want to.
  5. Each child is individual and needs to be approached. As you know, kids love pasta very much. Therefore, feeding the child with this dish is the easiest way. You can offer your kid a game of catching pasta. To do this, you need to boil large pasta (feathers, horns, bows, etc.). Give your child a small spoon or fork, or even a toothpick, or Chinese sticks. Let the kid catch all the pasta using any device. A very interesting culinary game comes with spaghetti. Children like to eat long pasta with their hands, without any tools. You should not worry about cultural education, because sooner or later the child will learn to eat correctly. And now it is important that he ate at all, no matter what way.


The doctor prescribes vitamins for appetite for children if there are indications, especially when the child has an unbalanced diet and the body lacks nutrients. This will help avoid possible health problems for the baby. The main thing is not to self-medicate, not to read forums on the Internet, but to visit a qualified specialist who will prescribe a vitamin complex. Anything that a child likes can be used to combat poor appetite. Using a variety of games, you will be able to calmly feed your baby.

Reviews of vitamins for appetite for children

Margarita, 25 years old, Murmansk.
It all started when my son suddenly stopped eating. At the same time, he refused almost everything, even his favorite dishes. I could hardly feed him once a day. This went on for about 5 days, after which I decided to go to our clinic to see a pediatrician. She did not find any deviations and prescribed vitamins to children for a good appetite. A few days later, the son began to say: "I want to eat." Just like a balm for the soul. He became more energetic and attentive. Now I plan to give vitamins for general development.
Svetlana, 32 years old, St. Petersburg.
I don’t know that vitamins are so praised, supposedly increasing the appetite in children. There is some kind of excitement on the mommies' forum. And I succumbed to massive influences. I bought it, gave my daughter a course, but the miracle did not happen. As she was capricious and refused food, she continues.
Ekaterina, 27 years old, Veliky Novgorod.
During a routine examination by a pediatrician, the doctor asked if the newborn baby was eating well - especially recently, the constant whims. I told the doctor about this. She advised to take a course of special vitamins and look at the changes. At the next appointment, I sincerely thanked the pediatrician. The baby's appetite returned to normal, he began to sleep peacefully and was constantly energetic during the day. By the way, this preparation is in the form of a sweet syrup and is called "Pikovit".
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