Useful properties of mustard oil

Mustard remains a popular spice in many countries due to its beneficial properties and taste. It was actively used in the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. Nowadays, oil is made from it. Those who have learned the benefits and harms of mustard oil appreciate the product and use it for their own purposes.

How mustard oil is made

The extraction of mustard products, which has a lot of useful properties, is carried out in several stages, where the most basic is the preparation of seeds. Mustard seeds are processed by special equipment from impurities and cleaned, so that the beneficial properties will not be lost.

The second stage is spinning. This technology has been known since antiquity. It is used to obtain the highest quality product that is environmentally friendly. True, there is a minus: the maximum amount of liquid extracted from the seeds mustard, is no more than 70%. Some manufacturing companies use hot pressing technology, thanks to which up to 90% of the seeds can be obtained. But the beneficial properties are lost. The process is carried out in two steps:

  • starting pressing, due to which the seeds secrete oil, and cake is formed;
  • the second spin, after which the residues in the cake are removed almost completely.

The next step is extraction. This mining method has been known since the end of the 19th century, it was invented by the Germans. The essence of mustard seed extraction is the extraction of the product with special solvents. Penetrating inside the mustard seeds, the solvent promotes the removal of liquid.

Attention! It is cold pressing that allows you to preserve the maximum number of elements, due to which the beneficial properties are much higher.

The final stage of obtaining a useful product is purification (distillation). With the help of a solvent, the necessary components are removed, that is, it is possible to ultimately obtain unrefined oil. To collect the refined product, the following manipulations have to be done:

  • hydration;
  • refining;
  • neutralization;
  • freezing;
  • deodorization.

The output is thick mustard oil. The sad thing is that you cannot make this product, which has beneficial properties, at home.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The beneficial properties of a mustard product are due to its chemical composition, which may differ depending on the variety of mustard. The chemical content of useful mustard oil:

  • saturated eicosanoic acid - from 6.9 to 13.9%;
  • linolenic acid - from 7.9 to 11.9%;
  • linoleic acid - from 13 to 18.5%;
  • oleic acid - from 2.1 to 29%;
  • erucic acid - from 10 to 50%.

A pattern is observed: monounsaturated fatty acids in the composition occupy about 61%, and polyunsaturated fatty acids - 20%. In addition to essential oils, mustard contains beneficial antioxidants. They contribute to the burning of fats, allowing the oil to remain refined for up to 2 years.

Attention! In the 70s, they proved the harm erucic acid has on the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of mustard oil have decreased. Because of this, new varieties of plants were bred, in which the acid content reached a maximum of 5%. The beneficial properties of such a product are better.

The composition is rich in vitamins: B3 and B6, A (0.14 mg) and E (9.1 mg), a small amount of vitamin D and K. Other elements: phosphorus, chlorophyll, sinegrin, phytosterols, phytoncides. Also contains the elements Omega-6 and Omega-3, which are sourced from fish oil and flaxseed oil. Everyone knows their benefits. As for the nutritional value, 100 g of mustard oil contains 897 kcal, 99 g of fat, 0.2 g of water. There are no proteins and carbohydrates.

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Benefits of unrefined mustard oil

The benefits of mustard oil for the body are great due to the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3 contained in the composition. Due to the balance of these nutrients, the functionality of the body is normalized. The effect of the product on the body allows:

  • improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • stimulate blood circulation during massage;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • regenerate and restore damaged skin;
  • destroy dental bacteria and liver parasites;
  • strengthen hair and improve skin condition;
  • clear the airways during a cold;
  • improve eyesight.

The beneficial properties of mustard oil cannot be overstated. It is used as a prophylactic agent because it is a natural antibiotic. The product improves appetite and stimulates the digestion process. It is used as a means of preventing liver dystrophy, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and hepatitis of any type. In addition, the composition of the blood improves, the permeability of the capillaries decreases, and the elasticity of blood vessels is strengthened and increased. Mustard oil is a means of preventing hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia, it is used for diseases of the joints and muscles, for gout, polyarthritis, arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, rheumatism.

For men and women

Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids have a positive effect on the female and male body. Mustard oil improves reproductive and sexual function, aids in sperm production and has a positive effect on the health of the offspring.

It is useful for women, as it copes with diseases of the female reproductive system, helps to stabilize hormonal balance. If you include healthy mustard oil in the diet, then the possibility of infertility and ovarian disease is reduced. The state of the woman's body before menstruation and during the climacteric period is normalized.

There is also a benefit for men - mustard oil is effective in the treatment and prevention of:

  • prostatitis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • prostate adenoma.

The work of the organs improves, as does the reproductive system.

During pregnancy and lactation

Mustard oil is also useful for pregnant women, since it makes pregnancy easier. The use of a useful product has a positive effect on the condition and development of the fetus, and during childbirth, the risk of complications decreases. Vitamins A and E are especially important for expectant mothers, which are enough in the composition of healthy mustard oil, as well as Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids.

After giving birth, you do not need to stop taking it. The diet should be enriched with mustard oil because of vitamin E, which improves the production of breast milk, making it better and tastier.

For children

How useful mustard oil is for a child is clear from the fact that the Moscow Health Department has recommended the product for inclusion in the diet for preschool children who are over 1.5 years old. For a growing organism, the composition contains all the useful substances. Thanks to the complex of B vitamins, the nervous system is formed and develops correctly. And vitamin D has a positive effect on bone tissue.

Useful properties of the product and the fact that it is used in the treatment and prevention of parasites in the child's body - helminths (worms). Mustard oil also improves brain function, improves concentration, strengthens memory and vision.


The product is also useful in that it helps not only to lose weight, but also to fight obesity, normalizing metabolism and removing cholesterol from the body. Mustard oil improves the digestive tract and fat metabolism. All athletes know how useful Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids are for losing weight.

The oil is used in two ways: internally and externally. To lose a few pounds, you need to take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach every morning. l. oils. It has a specific taste, but the beneficial properties are more important. Alternatively, season salads with it. Do not overdo it, as it is high in calories.

Attention! You can lose weight if you combine the reception with sports and proper nutrition.

The second way is wrapping. According to reviews, the product stimulates blood circulation, is able to break down fat deposits and removes toxins and toxins from the body. The skin becomes firm and soft, cellulite is smoothed out. The result is visible after the first procedure.

How to take mustard oil medicinally

The beneficial properties of the product made it indispensable for medicinal purposes. For example, with such colds:

  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.

In the last two cases, it is necessary to rub mustard oil around the nose, temples and eyebrows. Alternatively, put a few drops into your nose. In case of inflammation, this product is used to warm up the bronchi and lungs. The body is rubbed and covered with a cloth.

The benefits of the product are obvious for otitis media and ear pains. You need to drip 2 drops into the ear, put cotton wool in it. Next, you need to lie down, you need to be in this state so that the liquid does not leak out. Mustard oil also cleanses the liver, it is used for spleen diseases, edema, and joint diseases.

To overcome insomnia, you need 4 tbsp. l of product add 1 drop of lavender, eucalyptus and basil oils, then mix. If wounds, stretched ligaments, dislocations, bruises, bruises, burns and other injuries appear on the body, then it is enough to lubricate these places and soon all problems will disappear.

Mustard oil for hair: mask recipes

Useful properties make the scalp healthier and stronger. For this, masks are used that are applied to clean hair.

Useful mask for gray hair:

  • mustard oil in pure form is rubbed into the skin;
  • the head is massaged for 3 minutes;
  • the product is distributed along the length, the hair is covered with a film and a towel;
  • the mask is done before shampooing for 20 minutes;
  • washed off with water.

Revitalizing mask:

  • Pour 45–47 g of nettle root (dry) with mustard oil, about 100 g;
  • the mask is heated in a water bath for 7 minutes;
  • pour the composition into a glass container and close the lid;
  • leave for 14 days in the dark;
  • after 2 weeks, strain and squeeze out the product;
  • rub into the roots every other day, 30 minutes before shampooing.
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Stimulating mask:

  • add fresh honey to a glass container, 1 tbsp. l. red pepper, 2 tbsp. l. our healthy oil;
  • apply the mixture to the scalp, cover with a film and a towel;
  • keep for 45 minutes;
  • wash off with running warm water (do not use shampoo).

Attention! Do not allow the mask to get into the eyes or other mucous membranes. The procedure is performed 2 times every 7 days.

Mustard oil for the face: recipes for masks

Phytoncides, chlorophyll, isothiocyanate present in the composition of the product help to cope with skin diseases such as herpes, pustular infections, psoriasis, mycosis, seborrhea, dermatitis. To make the most of the beneficial properties of mustard, face masks are being prepared.

Lotion recipe:

  • 16 ml of oil is mixed with sandalwood, lavender, ylang-ylang oil;
  • 16 ml need 1 drop;
  • the mask is applied every day.

Acne Remedy:

  • a cotton pad is soaked in mustard extract;
  • superimposed on the problem area;
  • the procedure is done 30 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

Mustard oil mask prevents facial hair growth:

  • 5 drops of the substance are mixed with wheat flour (1 spoon), with 3 drops of lemon juice and with a spoonful of water;
  • applied to the face;
  • kept for 5-10 minutes.

The use of mustard oil in cooking

Mustard oil is superior to sunflower oil in its beneficial properties and other qualities. It is used neat in salads, soups and homemade baked goods. In Asia, vegetables are stewed with it, fish and meat dishes are seasoned. Mustard oil does not produce bitterness when cooking food.

Suitable for vegetables and herbs. Can add spicy flavor to porridge, vinaigrette and cereal garnish. The baked goods are lush, with a beautiful golden tint and a pleasant smell. For the food industry, black mustard oil is used because it has a delicate aroma and a pungent pungent taste.

Is it possible to fry in mustard oil

The actual question of whether it is possible to fry in mustard oil cannot be answered unequivocally. Of course, it is used for frying. Moreover, such ordinary dishes as pancakes, pancakes, fish, potatoes or meat taste unusual, pleasant and unique in their own way. Although the oil does not burn or smoke, harmful compounds are formed during frying.

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This applies to the unrefined product. Therefore, you should not abuse the hot on it. Better to use refined.

How to choose and how to store mustard oil

Quality products are sold in glass or dark plastic containers. When choosing, it is important to look at the label and the contents of the bottle. Shelf life - no more than 12 months, regardless of the date the bottle was opened. The recommended spinning method is cold, as it retains all the useful properties. If there is sediment at the bottom, this is natural. It is enough to shake the container before use.

After opening the bottle, the product is stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

Mustard oil: harm and contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, it has its own contraindications. Caution should be taken when using the following diseases:

  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

The harm lies in the manifestation of an allergic reaction and personal intolerance. A tolerance test is done before use. If taken during pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to consume more than 4 liters of product per day. Erucic acid is present in unrefined oil. The body cannot break it down. Accumulating, the substance can cause inflammation in the myocardium and heart muscle.

Important! For diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys, it is better to refrain from using. And frying mushrooms in mustard oil is not recommended.


Vasilyeva Tatiana, Tiraspol
I have been using it in my diet for a long time. I add to salads, fry potatoes and fish. The taste is specific, you first need to get used to it. But then I don't want another oil. It has a pleasant aroma, taste and many useful properties.
Shishkina Victoria, Moscow
Attracted by the beneficial properties contained in the product. I prefer proper nutrition, and mustard oil turned out to be one of those healthy foods that I need so much. In addition, I make masks from it for hands, skin and hair. The result is just great.
Eremeev Vladimir, Kemerovo
An acquaintance told me that he treated sore joints with this product. I just rubbed mixed oil and camphor into them. He was more effective than ointments from a pharmacy. Now he forgot about joint pain.
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