Vitamins for eyes Doppelherz: reviews, composition, instructions

Visual impairment is very diverse. And we are talking not only about real ophthalmic disorders and diseases, but also about such unpleasant things as rapid eye fatigue, redness, bursting blood vessels, a feeling of dryness and soreness when moving the eyeball. To solve these inconveniences, there are Doppelherz vitamins for the eyes.

Description of the drug

Vitamins for the eyes are not a drug. This is a biological supplement designed to provide the organ of vision with those substances that are necessary for its normal functioning. Accordingly, the vitamin complex does not affect vision in any way and is not able to increase vigilance.

Doppelherz vitamins are produced in the form of capsules, packed in a cardboard box. The blister contains 30 pieces. The capsules are small, round-cylindrical, red-brown in color. The package contains detailed instructions.

Important! The complex "Doppelherz with lutein" and "Doppelherz with lutein and blueberries" should not be confused. In the second preparation, the lutein content is 2 times less.

Composition and properties

The main components of the drug are vitamins of groups A, C, E, as well as specific pigments from the group of oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances determine the beneficial properties inherent in the drug:

  1. Lutein and its isomer zeaxanthin are the basis of the eye's photoprotective system. The maximum of these substances is in the macula - 70%. They are also found in the lens, retina, choroid. Lutein includes conjugated double bonds, that is, it has the ability to attach functional groups. This property determines its role in eye protection.
  2. Vitamin A has a positive effect on color perception and increases the eye's ability to accommodate. Its deficiency quickly affects visual acuity, and also causes such a violation as "night blindness".
  3. C and E - their role is to maintain a good blood supply to the eye. They are responsible for oxidative protection and the normal functioning of the optic nerves. A sufficient amount of these substances prevents the development of cataracts and other degenerative diseases of the organs of vision.
Important! Unlike lutein, targeted use of vitamins is not possible. If tocopherol or ascorbic acid is required in another area, the eye simply will not receive them.

Why is lutein useful?

Lutein absorbs sunlight in the blue-violet spectrum. This is the most energetically saturated part. The compound dissipates excess energy, thereby protecting the retina and fundus from photoaging. In addition, the effect of the areola decreases when the eye is accommodated in the usual area - 550 nm, which increases visual acuity.

The second important quality is the ability to attach free radicals and thereby neutralize them. The high concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin prevents oxidative damage to the eye cells.

Lutein is not produced by the human body and comes only with food. It is a lipophilic substance with high digestibility - 80%. Normally, a healthy person needs to consume about 5 mg of lutein per day.This is not difficult, since it is found in a large number of plant products - in spinach, for example, there are 13 mg per 100 g, in pumpkin - 1.5 mg. People at risk need 6 mg per day.

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Doppelgerz eye vitamins contain 6 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin, which makes them an excellent prophylactic agent.

Properties of the drug

The Doppelgerz vitamin complex does not cure eye diseases, but promotes the fastest restoration of the organs of vision. Regular intake of vitamins provides the following changes:

  • vision normalizes and even improves if the deterioration was associated with excessive stress: prolonged work at the computer, minor activities like embroidery;
  • eye fatigue disappears;
  • the blood supply to the organs of vision improves, as a result the redness of the eye and the swelling of the eyelids disappear;
  • with a tendency to rupture of capillaries, the result of taking Doppelherz vitamins is especially effective;
  • the overall functionality of the eye is improved. In the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision, vitamins accelerate recovery.
Important! Vitamins for the eyes of Doppelhertz are a maintenance therapy, not a curative one. You cannot cure cataracts just by taking dietary supplements.

Indications for use

As a source of antioxidants, the drug for the eyes Doppelherz is prescribed to improve the functioning of the organs of vision and as a prophylactic agent.

Reception is recommended in the following cases:

  • with an increase in the load on the eyes, Doppelherz vitamins are drunk as a preventive measure;
  • if there is a predisposition to eye diseases, it is recommended to periodically drink a course of vitamins;
  • in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, and other ailments of the organs of vision, the complex is used as an additional therapeutic agent;
  • Doppelherz vitamins are prescribed after eye surgery to reduce the risk of complications;
  • vitamins for the eyes are used with an unbalanced diet - a low-calorie diet, abuse of fatty foods, to fill the lack of carotenoids, tocopherol, ascorbic acid.
Important! People who work at a computer for a long time should drink vitamins from Doppelherz, without expecting fatigue and redness.

Method of administration and dosage

Each capsule of vitamin Doppelhertz contains 6 mg of lutein and the corresponding amount of vitamins. To support vision and prevent complications, it is enough to drink 1 capsule a day. It is not recommended to exceed the dose.

It is better to drink vitamins with meals. Group A and E compounds, as well as lutein, are classified as fat-soluble substances. They enter the bloodstream through the lymph in the form of a chylomicron. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the intake of the drug with any food containing fats, preferably vegetable ones. In this case, drinking water is optional.

Side effects and overdose

The maximum allowable dose of lutein per day is 10 mg per day. Considering that the substance is contained in the most common food products, the recommended dose cannot be exceeded. Fat-soluble vitamins and substances have the ability to accumulate. The drug from Doppelherz is unlikely to cause hypervitaminosis, but it can provoke some unpleasant consequences:

  • conjunctivitis, itching and burning of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the eyelids, profuse lacrimation;
  • blurred vision.

When such symptoms appear, the intake of vitamins for the eyes is stopped.

Contraindications for use

Doppelhertz dietary supplements include vitamins and some minerals - zinc, for example. Therefore, the only contraindication for taking the supplement is intolerance to any component. In this case, itching, burning, swelling appears - all the typical signs of an allergic reaction.

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Analogs of the drug Doppelherz

If vitamins for the eyes of Doppelherz are not available for some reason or their composition is not quite suitable for the patient, other dietary supplements with lutein may be prescribed:

  1. Vitalux Plus contain 5 mg of lutein in each capsule. In addition, the preparation includes vitamins A, C, E, K1, compounds of group B, as well as fish oil. The vitamin complex is suitable not only for improving the functioning of the organs of vision, as it has a rich composition.
  2. Multimax for eyes - in addition to lutein and the vitamins listed above, it contains all compounds of group B, as well as selenium and zinc - trace elements that stimulate the effect of vitamins. In addition, the preparation includes royal jelly, which is rich in bioflavonoids. These compounds prevent age-related changes in the organs of vision.
  3. Okuwaite Forte - a more affordable drug. Contains lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, as well as trace elements. Each capsule contains 6 mg of lutein, which ensures complete restoration of the organs of vision within a month. They use dietary supplements in the same way as vitamins from Doppelherz - 1 tablet per knock.
  4. Lutein intensive - Swiss drug. Contains lutein - 5 mg, zeaxanthin, vitamins B, A, C, as well as niacin. The drug is taken for at least 3 months in a row to ensure a persistent long-term effect.

It is better to consult a doctor before changing the drug.


Vitamins for the eyes Doppelherz is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. It is a source of vitamins and lutein, which is able to restore some functions of the organs of vision, if the disorder is caused not by ophthalmological diseases, but by fatigue or excessive exertion.

Reviews of doctors

Anastasia Korotkova, therapist, Volgograd.
I prescribe Doppelhertz with lutein to my patients if they work at the computer for a long time. This is a heavy burden for the eyes, since they constantly work in one mode and lose the ability to quickly accommodate. The vitamin complex prevents this disorder, especially associated with age.
Dmitry Perfilov, oculist, Ufa.
I think Doppelgerz vitamins for eyes are a good preventive measure. Of course, it cannot be called a medicine, but with age-related changes in the organs of vision, the complex helps to get rid of dry eyes, blurred vision.

Consumer reviews

Marina Nefedova, Mozhaisk, 35 years old.
I used to take products from Doppelherz, so I bought vitamins for the eyes with peace of mind. Alas, the intake of vitamins did not affect the condition of the eyes in any way: both fatigue and redness remained. But healthy nails began to grow, which I used to constantly break off. In general, the complex is vitamin, but not for the eyes.
Tatiana Krapivnitskaya, Tula, 26 years old.
Not the first vitamin complex I drank to help my eyes. The drug from Doppelherz does not affect visual acuity. However, I got rid of fatigue and redness of my eyes in just 7-10 days. I drank the course completely and will repeat it next year.
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