How to remove black currant stains

Summer is the time for fresh fruits and berries. At this time, the housewives' worries are added: harvesting and its use, especially for those who like to eat tasty things - children - all this adds to the wash clothes with unpleasant berry traces. Don't rush to throw things away. You can remove a stain from currants from clothes, like other pollution, using folk recipes or modern stain removers.

Features of removing stains from currants

Due to the high content of purple pigment, it is very difficult to remove traces of currants. If you can put up with multi-colored clothes with small traces, then in order to remove dirt from white things, you will have to make an effort. The future result largely depends b on what gets on the clothes: fresh currants or drops of jam.

First of all, it is necessary to remove dirt particles as quickly as possible. To do this, just use a blunt object: a spoon, the back of the knife blade. If blackcurrant juice gets on your T-shirt or trousers, you can use a clean, dry cloth by gently applying it to the stained area.

After that, you will have to use more aggressive means to finally remove the currants from your favorite T-shirt or dress.

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How to remove black currants from clothes. Folk ways

Folk remedies are the experience of many generations. Housewives who found ways to remove currant stains shared with friends and acquaintances, accumulating and transferring the necessary knowledge. Many years of experience have proven the effectiveness of several methods.

Running water

Almost any fresh mark, including those from currants, can be removed with water. To do this is simple: just wash until the juice is absorbed deep into the threads of the fabric. And compliance with some rules guarantees a good result:

  1. To do this, you need to turn the clothes inside out.
  2. Direct a stream of cold water towards dirt.
  3. If it is fresh, the result will be visible in a few minutes.
Important! Hot water is not allowed: high temperatures can have the opposite effect.

Food salt

To remove contamination in this way, you must mix 3 tbsp. l. table salt with 1 tbsp. l. water to make a thick paste. Using a dull knife or spoon, apply the mixture in a thick layer to the stained area of ​​the fabric. The mixture should completely cover the currant marks. The fresher the pollution and the thicker the salt layer, the faster and better the reaction will be.

The average waiting time is at least 15 minutes. As the moisture evaporates from the resulting mixture, the salt will begin to absorb the currant juice.

Removal of paste residues and dirt should be carried out in two stages:

  1. Use warm water to wash off the applied mixture, directing the stream from the inside out.
  2. Turn the garment right out and turn on hot water, taking into account the maximum permissible temperature for the type of fabric used. Direct the jet from the front.


A very effective way to quickly remove fresh dirt from clothes. This requires a small piece from the freezer. The procedure is simple: apply ice to the stain and rub in until it completely melts.

Soda and vinegar

A good result at home can be obtained with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, you must first moisten the stain with cold water, sprinkle with baking soda and add a few drops of vinegar. After 2 minutes, rinse the cloth under running water. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

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Hydrogen peroxide

To remove dirt from clothes, you must mix hydrogen peroxide with ordinary water in a ratio of 1:10. A few drops are not enough. In the resulting solution, soak the soiled clothes. Therefore, it is better to bring the volume up to 1 - 2 liters.

Before use, a test should be carried out by applying a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area. If the fabric has retained its structure, you can start soaking.

Important! This method is perfect for white clothes.

Boiling water

A fresh stain can be removed well with boiling water. To do this, you need to boil the kettle. Having previously stretched the clothes over a basin or pan, pour boiling water over the contaminated area.

The method is not suitable for dyed fabrics, as the pigments of the paint can lose their brightness under the influence of high temperature.


This product is ideal for removing stains and dirt from delicate and dyed fabrics.

  1. It is necessary to take one raw egg, extract the yolk and mix it with glycerin. Beat the mixture until foam forms.
  2. The resulting mass is carefully applied to the dirt and rubbed into the fabric using an old toothbrush. The effect will become noticeable after 2 hours
  3. The clothes can then be washed as usual.

Table vinegar

This remedy can be found in the kitchen of any home. To remove stains, mix vinegar and citric acid. The solution should be applied to the contamination. For convenience and to simplify the process, you can use a regular cotton pad.

Attention! Care must be taken when rubbing the stain. Sudden movements can damage the fibers of the fabric.


Using sour milk or kefir is an effective method that has been proven by many generations.

  1. To remove the stain, pour the sour milk into a basin or pan. In the absence of milk, you can use regular kefir.
  2. Soak clothes, lightly wash the contaminated area and leave for 3 - 4 hours.
  3. Then put the clothes in the washing machine. Run the normal mode recommended for the type of fabric being used.


Fresh currant stains can also be removed with diluted ethyl alcohol. This requires:

  1. Mix alcohol and water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Wipe the contaminated areas with the resulting solution.
  3. At the end of the procedure, rinse thoroughly under running warm water. This will help eliminate the smell of alcohol and dirt residues.
Important! If the juice of black currant gets on a colored fabric, you should first carry out the test on an inconspicuous area on the wrong side.

How to remove blackcurrant stains using household chemicals

The use of household chemicals is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to eliminate this kind of contamination. Removing the mark and avoiding damage to clothing will allow compliance with several rules:

  1. Action must be taken quickly. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove.
  2. Before washing, you should treat the area where traces of currant berries appeared. The best way to do this is to use Persil small & mighty bio.
  3. Before loading the washing machine, the Eraser Ball can be applied to the stain for the best results.
  4. Using normal mode.Wash should be carried out as usual, taking into account the recommended temperatures suitable for the type of fabric from which you want to remove dirt.

New items that have proven their effectiveness

Rinsing with water can remove a significant portion of the berry juice. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to achieve perfect results on light-colored fabrics. If the consequences of eating currants appear on your favorite T-shirt, trousers or children's clothes, preliminary treatment with modern stain removers will help to remove them.

When applied, its constituent components soften the fabric, making it easier to remove the mark.

Persil small & mighty showed the best efficiency. It usually comes with a handy attachment known as the Eraser Ball. To remove contamination, the manufacturer recommends following a specific sequence of actions, which is indicated on each label:

  1. Lightly dampen the soiled area with cool water.
  2. Apply a small amount of the product to the damaged area.
  3. Rub in the gel with gentle movements.
  4. Wash clothes in the washing machine as usual.
Important! It is not recommended to use hot water or dry clothes in a tumble dryer if even the slightest traces of currants remain.

Removing stains with liquid soap

You can also use foam to remove traces of currant juice. To do this, mix a small amount of liquid soap with warm water. Beat the resulting solution until foam appears. It is best to use a sponge for application. After removing traces of currants, remove the remnants of the product with a clean dry cloth.

Vanish stain remover

This is a popular and effective remedy that many housewives love. You can remove currants from clothes, following the manufacturer's recommendations:

  1. Apply a small amount to the stain.
  2. Spread the gel evenly over the entire surface with gentle movements.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. Wash clothes in the washing machine as usual.


The effectiveness of many products that help remove currant stains from clothes has been tested over the years. However, the result depends on the degree of soiling and the time that has passed since it appeared.

In recent years, companies that manufacture laundry and home cleaning products have released many stain removers to help housewives remove any marks and marks. Consultation on the method of application, effectiveness and recommendations for selection can be obtained from a sales assistant. The advice of friends will also be of great help. The main rule to remember is that reaction speed plays an important role in the fight against pollution.

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