
Laser biorevitalization of the face: injections, before and after photos, reviews
Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a procedure that increases skin elasticity and restores the natural moisture balance. The procedure has quite a few advantages, but also ...
Vitamins for the liver and pancreas: which are useful, the names of the drugs
The liver is considered one of the most important organs. It is she who is responsible for removing toxins and purifying the blood. But the organ ceases to cope with ...
Vitamins for the kidneys: the names of the best drugs, the rules of use
The kidneys are a paired organ. If for some reason one side refuses, the other will start working hard. Despite this, the paired organ ...
The best vitamins for women after 40 years: reviews, names, which ones to choose
Regular intake of nutrients into the body is necessary at any age. However, experts note periods when nutrient deficiencies can lead to ...
What vitamins for women to take after 70 years
Women who are over 70 years old need to monitor their health. To make age-related changes in the body less noticeable, to prevent the development ...
Vitamins after 55 years: what are needed and what to drink for women
The body of women after 55 years of age changes due to the characteristics of the climacteric period. The extinction of hormonal function leads to loss of hair beauty, wilting ...
Vitamins Alphabet Mom's health for pregnant women: composition, instructions, reviews
While carrying a child, you can saturate the body with the necessary substances if you eat well and take vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women. Complex "Mamino ...
Vitamins for older women after 80 years
In people over 80 years old, there is a decrease in activity, a violation of metabolic processes and a decrease in the need for calories. This is due to changes in hormonal ...
Anti-gray vitamins for women
Contrary to popular belief, gray hair is not an indicator of old age. Often, the appearance of early gray hairs is genetically determined. Helping to delay this process ...
Vitamin D in a man's body: how to increase, what is it for
Calciferol is a compound necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The component is known to be responsible for bone strength. Vitamin D is needed by men ...


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