Vitamin D in a man's body: how to increase, what is it for

Calciferol is a compound necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The component is known to be responsible for bone strength. Vitamin D is needed by men due to its specific effect on the body.

The substance affects the functioning of the male body

The benefits of vitamin D for men

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound that is represented by:

  • cholecalciferol or D3;
  • erocalciferol or D2.
Important! Vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Compound D2 enters the body with food.

D3 deficiency is often observed in the cold season with a small number of sunny days. Component properties include:

  • ensuring the absorption of calcium and phosphorus ions by the duodenum;
  • strengthening of the musculoskeletal system;
  • participation in metabolic processes;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of parathyroid hormone;
  • decrease in blood pressure indicators;
  • reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • the formation of new vessels;
  • regulation of apoptosis;
  • prevention of excessive division of cellular elements.

A sufficient concentration of the substance warns:

  • the appearance of early signs of aging;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncopathology;
  • disorders of an autoimmune nature;
  • diseases associated with the immune system;
  • dementia.
Important! Vitamin Proves the effect on the body of men.

Vitamin D and testosterone in men

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. Its formation takes place in Leydig cells (in the testes). Testosterone is formed under the influence of hormones of the adrenal cortex and cholesterol. The synthesis process is regulated by calcium ions. That is why a decrease in the concentration of the mineral can lead to a testosterone deficiency. Calcium absorption occurs with the direct participation of vitamin D.

Important! Determine the direct relationship of testosterone and vitamin D. Calciferol helps to reduce the production of estrogen in men, which is the main antagonist of testosterone.

The effect of vitamin D on muscle tissue

The increase in muscle tissue occurs only with intense training. Muscle contraction is provided by calcium ions that activate contractile proteins - myosin and actin.

Vitamin D in men blocks estrogen production. This female hormone provokes a set of fat mass. Calciferol allows men to gain excess weight more slowly.

The substance keeps the muscles in men in good condition

The effect of vitamin D on potency

Good health in men means full potency. The physiological role of a man is to reproduce. Vitamin D has a direct relationship with testosterone. The compound affects the stimulation of the reproductive system.

The increase in potency under the influence of the compound is due to the following phenomena:

  • normalization of serotonin levels and sex drive;
  • activation of semen production and sperm maturation;
  • regulation of the functioning of the cellular elements of the prostate gland;
  • improved erection.
Important! According to studies, more than 50% of men with vitamin D deficiency have potency disorders.

Daily intake of vitamin D for men

Vitamin D norm indicators are variable. It depends on the following factors:

  • physical activity;
  • age;
  • height and weight;
  • place of residence of the man.
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The average norms are:

  • 5 mcg / day - up to 50 years old;
  • 10 mcg / day - 51-70 years old;
  • 15 mcg / day - from 71 years old.
Attention! To correctly calculate the dosage, you need to conduct laboratory diagnostics.

Determination of the level of vitamin D in the blood

To find out if a man's vitamin D is low, he needs to take a blood test. The component is present in the body in different forms (active metabolites):

  • 25-OH;
  • calcitriol.

In the process of examining blood from a vein, it is the amount of calcidiol that is calculated. Normally, its content ranges from 30 to 60 ng / ml. By using the formula, the specialist determines the rate for a particular man.

Important! Calcitriol levels are not included in the calculation.

Thus, the basis for determining the norm, deficiency or excess is the concentration of 25 OH D. The adequate level of the substance is 30 or more ng / ml.

The analysis is recommended to be taken again after 3-6 months, depending on the results of the previous diagnosis. When a deficiency of vitamin D in the body is detected in men, appropriate drugs are prescribed in the required dosage, which depends on the level of deficiency of the component in the blood.

Lack of vitamin D in adult men

A man is said to have vitamin D deficiency if the concentration of a substance in the blood is less than 20 ng / ml. Insufficient levels mean 21 to 30 ng / ml.

Lack of vitamin D in men occurs for various reasons. The most common factors include:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of sunlight.

Low vitamin D in men due to a lack of ultraviolet rays is due to:

  • work mainly on night shifts;
  • living in countries with short daylight hours.

Work in workshops or warehouses (dark rooms) is also essential.

Hypovitaminosis D can occur due to various pathologies, which include:

  • obesity or overweight;
  • the use of statins that lower cholesterol;
  • failure of the kidneys and liver;
  • Crohn's disease, manifested by chronic inflammation of the intestinal epithelium and the lack of the ability to absorb essential substances;
  • Whipple's disease, accompanied by an inflammatory process of the intestinal epithelium of an infectious nature;
  • celiac disease, manifested by damage to the villi of the intestinal epithelium.
Attention! Vitamin D deficiency in men is sometimes observed in the postoperative period.

The following degrees of severity of hypovitaminosis D are called:

  1. Severe deficiency (less than 10 ng / L). Pathology leads to the development of myopathy, rickets, osteoporosis.
  2. Deficiency (less than 20 ng / L). There is an increased risk of fracture during a fall.
  3. Deficiency (21-30 ng / L). There is an insignificant risk of fractures when falling.

Low vitamin D levels in men are manifested by the following general symptoms:

  • decreased mood;
  • frequent colds;
  • lack of libido;
  • fatigue;
  • muscle pain;
  • obesity.

How to raise vitamin D in a man

You can increase vitamin D in the body by following simple rules. To make up for the vitamin D deficiency, you need to pay attention to the diet. The diet should contain the following foods:

  • sardines;
  • salmon;
  • cow's milk;
  • eggs;
  • tuna;
  • mushrooms.
Important! Eating fatty fish can increase vitamin D levels.
A balanced diet and long walks maintain an adequate level of the beneficial component

Since vitamin D3 is produced in the skin by exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to stay outdoors more often.With a pronounced shortage of a useful component, drug treatment is prescribed.

Which vitamin D is best for men

The substance has different forms of release, which include both advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Dragee... This is a solid form that is obtained by layering the drug. The positive side is the ease of administration and the possibility of combining with other medicines. However, the active substance degrades less rapidly. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to add allergy-causing ingredients.
  2. Alcohol solution... In such preparations, alcohol acts as a preservative. The advantage of the funds is the presence of high dosages. In some cases, the use of alcohol-containing drugs is not acceptable.
  3. Oil solution... Oil is used as a preservative. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of receiving.
  4. Tablets... The shape is obtained by pressing the active substance. The tablets are easy to use and have low bioavailability.
  5. Capsules... They are a gelatinous reservoir with liquid or solid content. The drugs do not have a detrimental effect on the liver, unlike tablets, and also dissolve better when they enter the stomach. However, this form is characterized by low bioavailability.
  6. Suspensions, powders... There is the possibility of accurate dosing of the component, which does not have a significant effect on the digestive system. But they also note low bioavailability, inconvenience of use.
Attention! The combination of vitamin D and calcium is characterized by optimal absorption.

Experts call the following popular drugs for men:

  1. California Gold Nutrition 125 mcg (5,000 IU, 1250% DV). Each pack contains 90 or 360 tablets. Supports healthy teeth and bones. The supplement is represented by cholecalciferol from lanolin. Take 1 tablet per day with meals.
  2. Now Foods highly active (5000 IU, 625% of the RDA). This dietary supplement is a non-GMO kosher product. Taking the product helps to maintain bone strength and the functioning of the immune system. According to the instructions, you need to take 1 tablet every 2 days.
  3. Lake ave... Nutrition (10,000 IU, 1250% DV). The package contains 360 tablets. One tablet is taken every 3 days.
  4. Solgar (10,000 IU, 1250% DV). The package contains 120 gel capsules. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day with meals.
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Features of taking vitamin D

The correct intake of the drug affects its absorption. To achieve optimal results, you should:

  • take several vitamin supplements at different times;
  • take D-containing products with vegetable oil;
  • drink the tablets with milk or water;
  • observe the recommended dosage;
  • use drugs in the evening.

Vitamin D is both beneficial and harmful for men. Supplementation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • a tendency to constipation;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

Excess vitamin D in the body

Vitamin D is good for men. But taking dietary supplements under normal laboratory parameters and exceeding the recommended dosage lead to hypervitaminosis, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • muscle pain and twitching;
  • headaches;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • decreased appetite, changes in the work of the digestive system;
  • insomnia.


Vitamin D is needed by men due to its effect. The component ensures adequate functioning of the reproductive system organs, strengthens muscle and bone tissue. Vitamin D in men affects potency, libido, immune system and metabolism. The lack of a useful substance affects the well-being and work of internal organs.

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