Vitamins Alphabet Mom's health for pregnant women: composition, instructions, reviews

While carrying a child, you can saturate the body with the necessary substances if you eat well and take vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women. The complex "Mom's Health" is used as an additional source of vitamins and minerals during the period when the body especially needs them. Doctors do not recommend giving up a full-fledged balanced diet while carrying a child. The complex should become only an additional, and not the main source of substances that are needed during pregnancy.

Release form

Vitamins Alphabet "Mom's Health", intended for pregnant and lactating women, are produced in tablet form. The package contains 3 types of tablets:

  • pink or orange (iron +);
  • blue (antioxidants +);
  • white, the appearance of a light cream shade is allowed (calcium-D3 +).

They are housed in 3 different blisters. There are 60 of them in a cardboard box, 20 pcs. each color. 40 of them. weighing 0.5 g each, and 20 - 0.9 g each, excluding the shell.

Composition of vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

A feature of the "Mom's Health" complex is its composition. It is selected so that the body is maximally saturated with all the necessary vitamins and elements. The active substances are distributed taking into account the recommendations for the separate and joint intake of certain substances.

Vitamins and minerals in the complex for pregnant women are divided into 3 tablets, which differ in color

It is recommended to take them separately (during breakfast, lunch and dinner) so that the components that do not combine well with each other enter the body at different times. If the recommendations are followed, it is possible to obtain a daily rate for most of the substances that make up the complex.

Attention! Separation of the components that need to be taken at intervals of 4-6 hours increases the effectiveness of the complex for pregnant women by 30-50% compared to conventional vitamins.

Pink pill

The pink tablet No. 1 contains iron, copper, organic acids and vitamins that go well with each other.

The composition is presented in the table:


Content, mg

Percentage of daily requirement,%







Organic acid taurine



Vitamin C



Beta-carotene (provitamin A)



Thiamine (B1)



Folic acid (B9)



Pregnant women can prevent anemia by taking iron. Other components that make up the drug are involved in energy metabolism and provide the fetus with vital substances.

Blue pill

The main components of the blue tablet are antioxidants. It contains vitamins and minerals:


Content, mg

Percentage of daily requirement,%

Nicotinamide (RR)



Beta-carotene (provitamin A)



Vitamin E



Ascorbic acid (C)



Riboflavin (B2)



Pyridoxine (B6)





















The substances that make up the tablet number 2 of the vitamin complex Alphabet for pregnant women help to get rid of free radicals, help to strengthen the immune system.Due to the presence of iodine, the remedy prevents the appearance of thyroid diseases, both in a woman and in a fetus.

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Cream pill

You can saturate the body with calcium and vitamin D3, which is necessary for its assimilation, if you drink 1 tablet number 3 daily. It should be white with a cream shade.



Content, mg

Percentage of daily requirement,%

Calcium pantothenate



Folic acid (B9)



Vitamin D3



Cobalamin (B12)



Biotin (H)



Phylloquinone (K1)












Calcium-D3 + cream tablet helps to strengthen teeth, bones, and reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Biotin, which is part of the composition, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, and phylloquinone strengthens the vascular walls.

Separation of substances in the vitamin and mineral supplement "Mom's Health"

Indications for use

The alphabet for pregnant women is prescribed as a source of vitamins and minerals that the patient does not get from food. It is recommended to start taking it at the stage of pregnancy planning. You can saturate the body with all the required substances and prepare for conception if you include the agent in the diet in advance, 2-3 months before pregnancy. It is advisable to continue taking vitamins for pregnant women Alphabet during lactation.

A complex is prescribed for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. But you can use it for medicinal purposes in identifying a lack of any of the vitamins or elements in the body.

Useful properties of the drug

The alphabet for pregnant and lactating women allows you to make up for the deficiency of basic substances that are needed for the full intrauterine development of the fetus and the preservation of the mother's health. The properties of the vitamin complex "Mom's Health" from the Alphabet are influenced by the components included in its composition:

  • folic acid - is necessary for the correct formation of the nervous system, including the infection of the neural tube in the embryo, is responsible for the timely onset of labor and the recovery of the female body after them;
  • calcium in combination with vitamin D3 - are responsible for the formation of teeth, bones, muscles, heart, nerve tissues;
  • iron - reduces the risk of developing anemia.

Separation of the components allows for better digestibility.

Comment! Calcium reduces iron absorption by 50%, and about 30% of cobalamin is oxidized when taken with ascorbic acid. The inclusion of these components in different tablets improves the effectiveness of the vitamin complex.

How to take vitamins Alphabet during pregnancy

The manufacturer invites pregnant women to decide on their own according to what scheme to take the Alphabet. It is advisable to use the drug with meals.

It is best to take pills of different colors separately, spaced 4-6 hours apart. During this time, vitamins and minerals from the previously taken tablet will have time to be absorbed and will not interact with other components. The order of reception does not matter.

But you can take all 3 tablets at the same time. In such a situation, the effectiveness of the remedy will be the same as with the use of other vitamin and mineral complexes.

Daily Dose of Vitamin Supplement Alphabet for Pregnant Women

Contraindications and side effects

Before buying the Alphabet "Mom's Health", a pregnant woman should consult with her supervising gynecologist. Vitamins are contraindicated for some women. Patients should refuse to take supplements if:

  • intolerance to the substances that make up the composition;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
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There are no side effects when taking Alphabet. When creating products for pregnant women, the manufacturer pays special attention to their hypoallergenicity. When taken in prophylactic doses, problems should not arise.The exceptions are cases when the patient has an intolerance to certain components.

Interaction with other drugs

Before you start taking Alphabet for Pregnant Women, you should check with your doctor if vitamins can be combined with other medicines. When using the Alphabet for pregnant women:

  • the process of absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone derivatives worsens;
  • the therapeutic effect increases and side effects from sulfonamides develop;
  • absorption of iron decreases when taking a pink tablet at the same time as calcium, aluminum, magnesium preparations;
  • the risk of hypercalcemia increases when combined with diuretics.

It is prohibited to combine the reception of the Alphabet for pregnant women with other vitamin and mineral complexes. This can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis or an excessive increase in the content of certain minerals in the body.

Vitamin analogs Mom's Health

You can replace the complex Alphabet "Mom's Health" with any vitamins for pregnant women. If you need to choose analogues for the Alphabet for pregnant women, doctors advise you to pay attention to:

  • Vitrum Prenatal;
    Vitamin and mineral supplement for pregnant women to help carry out a healthy baby
  • Pregnakea;
    Capsules for expectant mothers are good to take even at the planning stage.
  • Elevit Pronatal;
    Vitamin and mineral complex for maintaining the health of pregnant women and young mothers
  • Pregnavit.
    Vitamin and mineral supplement - analogue of the Alphabet

These are the most popular fortified supplements for expectant mothers.

Comment! In all vitamin and mineral complexes, with the exception of the Alphabet, the necessary components are contained in one tablet or capsule, so a negative interaction between them cannot be avoided.

The doctor, if necessary, can advise other vitamin and mineral supplements, focusing on the patient's condition and the need for substances from the outside.


Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women are developed by Aquion. During their production, all the recommendations of researchers related to the combined and separate intake of vitamins and mineral elements were taken into account. The components that should not be absorbed into the body together are separated. Substances that complement and enhance each other's actions are grouped together.

Reviews about vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

Alekseeva Vera, 25 years old, Murmansk
At the stage of pregnancy planning, I came to the doctor for examination. The gynecologist did not identify any problems, but advised to take the Alphabet for pregnant women. It was possible to conceive a child from the first cycle, there were no problems with bearing a pregnancy, the analyzes were always perfect.
Dorofeeva Maria, 23 years old, Irkutsk
Since the 1st trimester, I have problems with nails and hair. Due to toxicosis, I could not eat normally. The gynecologist recommended the Alphabet for pregnant women "Mom's Health". I took the drug as indicated in the instructions - in the morning, afternoon and evening. After 2 weeks, I noticed that the nails stopped flaking, and the hair became less dull.
Ignatenko Lyudmila, 31 years old, Kaluga
She began to take the alphabet only at the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The doctor said to choose any complex with iron, since my hemoglobin began to decrease. After a week of taking it, I noticed that my general well-being improved, lethargy disappeared. A control analysis a month later showed that the level of hemoglobin increased.
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