Sunflower root: medicinal properties and contraindications, from what and how to take, how to brew, reviews, photos

Sunflower is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is a medicinal plant with a mild therapeutic effect on the body. In folk medicine, the healing properties and the use of sunflower root are known. This is due to its unique composition.

What sunflower roots look like

The sunflower belongs to the aster family that bloom in flower beds. An annual plant can grow up to 3 m in height. The sunflower has a powerful taproot. Its length is about 1.5 m.

Important! According to the myths of some peoples, the sunflower is revered as a child of the sun and a divine plant. An annual in the noble heraldry of Europeans indicates fertility, prosperity and belonging to the nobility.

The sunflower is considered the birthplace of the North American and South American lands. The culture was cultivated 5 thousand years ago. Currently, sunflower is used in the following industries:

  • food;
  • livestock;
  • pharmacological;
  • chemical;
  • pulp and paper.

The sunflower root, the photo of which is below, resembles other plants. The rhizome has a conical shape. There is a channel inside. Its diameter is about 2 mm.

On the side, there are thin roots, also used for medicinal purposes

To check the authenticity of the raw materials, it is necessary to peel the peel, chop the root and brew with boiling water. You should get a brown infusion with a sunflower oil aroma.

The chemical composition of sunflower roots

For the first time, the raw material was described in detail by academician Bolotov. He noted diuretic activity, which is manifested in the ability to dissolve stones, and then naturally remove them from the body.

Sunflower root water extracts include:

  • polysaccharides;
  • pectins;
  • hemicellulose (forms A, B);
  • inulin;
  • tannins;
  • arginine;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • barium.

High-energy nutrients are absent, resulting in a low-calorie concentrated tincture.

What is useful and what heals sunflower root

Medicines that are made on the basis of a plant have the following properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • laxative;
  • choleretic;
  • enveloping;
  • anti-asthma;
  • expectorant;
  • antitussive;
  • antirheumatic;
  • anti-sclerotic.

Aqueous sunflower tinctures are used for the purpose of therapy:

  • urolithiasis;
  • stagnation in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases (arthrosis and arthritis).

According to the recipes of traditional medicine, you can crush kidney stones with the help of sunflower root. When making a decoction, it is important to observe the recommended proportions of the constituent components.

Among women

Sunflower root is beneficial due to the content of valuable substances.The presence of calcium is especially important during the menopausal period.

Adequate mineral intake prevents the development of osteoporosis
Attention! Sunflower has medicinal properties. During pregnancy and lactation, funds based on its root are not used due to insufficient knowledge of the effects on the body.

In men

The formulations produce an anti-inflammatory effect on prostatitis. Ingestion helps to eliminate pain and prevent relapse.

Sunflower helps treat prostatitis

In children

Decoctions of sunflower root provide the supply of beneficial nutrients, excretion of harmful substances. The funds can be taken both in adolescence and childhood.

Age under 18 is not a contraindication to ingesting infusions and decoctions

From what and how to take sunflower roots

The plant has been known since antiquity for its medicinal properties:

  • increased immunity;
  • beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart functioning;
  • slag removal;
  • normalization of blood sugar concentration;
  • prevention of malignant tumors;
  • improvement of the nervous system.

Sunflower root helps with the following pathologies:

  1. Diseases of blood vessels and heartand. The rhizomes contain potassium, which prevents the appearance of tachycardia. Sunflower nutrients normalize cellular metabolism, blood pressure.
    Root-based preparations help strengthen the heart muscle
  2. Kidney and gallbladder stones... Modern medicine treats pathology with ultrasound and surgery. A folk remedy allows you to eliminate urate or oxalate formations. Decoctions help get rid of stones in the gallbladder and biliary tract, kidneys. It is a safe alternative to traditional treatments. Drinking sunflower root with phosphate and carbonate stones is ineffective.
    Before drinking funds from sunflower rhizomes, you need to consult a specialist
  3. Diseases of the joints... Until recently, diseases of the musculoskeletal system mainly affected the elderly. However, joint diseases are rapidly getting younger. Infusions and decoctions of sunflower roots improve the general condition. This is facilitated by the elimination of salts from the joints. Treatment is also aimed at normalizing the state of health with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, gout. Thus, joint mobility is improved. Reducing the severity of pain is essential.
    Sunflower rhizomes are not able to restore articular cartilage
  4. Diabetes... Regular use of infusions helps to lower blood glucose levels.
    The remedy is useful for diabetes

You can use the roots of a sunflower for medicinal purposes to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium present in the composition has a beneficial effect on the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. It enhances bioelectrical activity and neuromuscular excitability. Regular use of decoctions and infusions can increase resistance to stress.

You can brew sunflower roots for the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • laryngotracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Inhalation and ingestion of infusions from sunflower root help to eliminate stagnant cough and remove phlegm.

Treatment of gallbladder polyps can also be carried out using decoctions, infusions and tinctures. Sunflower rhizomes are used to combat flatulence, heartburn, constipation, nausea, and lack of appetite.


For treatment, small roots are suitable, which are separated from the main rhizome. They are crushed, dried, brewed with boiling water. The tool is infused for half an hour. Since sunflower root has certain contraindications, it is recommended to use a fresh infusion. It is prepared daily.

The tool is used for various diseases


To prepare, 1 glass of chopped and dried roots is poured with water (3 liters) and put on low heat. After 10 minutes, the composition is drained and placed in a refrigerator. Raw materials are again poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The duration of the third brew is half an hour.

For kidney stones, the decoction is taken a liter per day
Important! It can also be used externally as a lotion.


The drink must be prepared by pouring 100 g of fresh raw materials with water (1.5 l). The cooking time is 2 minutes. The specified volume is drunk in 3 days. In order to improve the taste, honey is added.

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Tea should be drunk for 2 weeks

Lotions and compresses

According to the instructions for use, decoctions and infusions from sunflower rhizomes can be used externally. A tissue napkin is impregnated with a product and applied to sore joints. To enhance the effect, cover the compress with foil.

Sunflower root reduces the severity of inflammatory processes with gout, pinched nerves, arthritis, arthrosis
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The dosage form is intended for external use. Raw materials must be infused with vodka for a month.

Tinctures are used in the form of various warming compresses

Contraindications and side effects of sunflower root

Specialists in the field of traditional medicine note the absence of serious contraindications to the use of funds. Severe side effects are also not indicated.

The use of raw materials from industrial fields is prohibited. Such a decoction of sunflower roots can be both beneficial and harmful.

Environmentally friendly raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy, or grown on your own. Funds based on sunflower rhizomes are not recommended to be taken orally in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • insoluble kidney stones;
  • allergic reactions.

Collecting and harvesting roots

The sunflower is grown in private plots. The plant can also be purchased in the markets.

Harvesting and subsequent harvesting is carried out when the stem is ripe to brown. After the plant dries, you need to cut off the cap, which includes the seeds. Use a shovel to dig out a rhizome, which is powerful enough.

Attention! For the manufacture of funds from sunflower roots according to different recipes, it is necessary to use a thick shoot. The thin roots can be preserved for later treatment of diabetes.

Using a sharp knife, the peel is peeled to white. The root must be split into strips that are the thickness of a pencil. The raw materials are laid out on fabrics and dried for about 10 days. It can be stored for up to 3 years in glass jars.


The healing properties and uses of sunflower root are known in folk medicine. The advantage of remedies based on a medicinal plant is the possibility of using it for various pathologies. The absence of pronounced side effects and a wide list of contraindications is essential.

Reviews of people about the medicinal properties of sunflower root

The plant is characterized by the presence of beneficial properties. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the use of funds based on sunflower rhizomes.

Nina Klimenok, 64 years old, Svetlogorsk
I managed to find quality raw materials in the pharmacy. I took a decoction for kidney stones. It is important to properly brew the sunflower root and carry out several treatment cycles. The break is 5-6 months.
Irina Nesteruk, 47 years old, Omsk
I drink tea from sunflower root in courses. The drink is good for diabetes. First you need to prepare the roots. To make tea, I take thin strings that extend from the main rhizome. The product helps to lower blood sugar and improve well-being.
Elena Ognerubova, 51 years old, Oryol
I use sunflower root in the form of lotions and compresses.Infusions and decoctions relieve arthritis pain. I usually soak a small piece of fabric with the product, apply it to the sore joint and insulate it with a film. You can also drink sunflower root teas to saturate your body with vitamins.
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