Laser biorevitalization of the face: injections, before and after photos, reviews

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a procedure that increases skin elasticity and restores the natural moisture balance. The procedure has quite a lot of advantages, but there are also limitations, so you need to study biorevitalization with all your attention.

Pros and cons of biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid

The biorevitalization procedure has many positive aspects that make it popular:

  1. High-quality skin hydration... Already after the first injection of hyaluronic acid, dryness disappears, and the epidermis becomes softer and silky.
  2. Tightening of tissues and elimination of wrinkles... Hyaluronic acid fills in large and small wrinkles, making them less deep. Also, biorevitalization is able to eliminate a double chin and, in general, tighten the outlines of the face.
  3. Improving complexion... Under the influence of hyaluronic acid, the face looks fresher, the skin acquires a natural healthy color, pigmentation becomes less noticeable.
  4. Acceleration of metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis. The appearance of the skin is improved not only by the action of hyaluronic acid, but also because the substance activates natural processes in cells. The production of collagen and elastin is restored, the aging process is greatly slowed down.
Rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective and safe techniques

Along with the listed advantages, biorevitalization also has disadvantages. These include:

  • the risk of infectious complications, if the procedure is performed poorly and bacteria get under the skin, then it will take quite a long time to treat the epidermis;
  • the formation of microscopic hematomas immediately after the injection procedure, the vessels are damaged during the injections, and it takes about 5 days to restore the skin, and after the session, temporary swelling of the tissues may appear;
  • the risk of allergies - additional elements in the composition of the hyaluronic acid preparation can cause an individual negative reaction;
  • the addictive effect, if biorevitalization is done on an ongoing basis, then the natural production of hyaluronic acid will decrease, and in the absence of procedures, the epidermis will begin to age much faster.
Attention! Although the anti-aging procedure is not without its disadvantages, it has more advantages. A competent approach to the procedure and the choice of an experienced cosmetologist help to prevent side effects and negative consequences.

Which biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is better

Modern cosmetology offers 2 ways to biorevitalize the epidermis:

  1. Injectable... As the name implies, hyaluronic acid is injected using a syringe with a microscopic needle to a depth of 1.5 cm under the skin. The procedure is usually carried out under local anesthesia, however, unpleasant sensations during rejuvenation are still possible.
  2. Laser. In this case, hyaluronic acid is injected into the layers of the epidermis using laser radiation at low frequencies. Injections are not used during biorevitalization, so the method is completely painless and more comfortable.

At first glance, it seems that non-injection biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid is definitely better than classical injections. However, the reality is not that simple.

Despite all its advantages, the laser is less effective, the result is not so noticeable, since hyaluronic acid does not penetrate deeply into the skin. The rejuvenation effect is noticeably weaker and does not last so long, so soon the cosmetic procedure has to be repeated.

Cosmetology salons offer not only injection, but also laser rejuvenation

It is worth choosing the type of procedure based on personal requests for biorevitalization. Injections are more effective, but they bring more discomfort, while the result from the laser is less noticeable, but the skin is not injured during the hardware procedure.

Preparations for biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

In beauty salons offering biorevitalization procedures, you can find dozens of preparations with hyaluronic acid. But several means are most popular with masters and patients:

  1. Skin-R. The product contains hyaluronic acid and an amino acid complex that enhances the anti-aging effect. The drug is relatively new, but reviews confirm that the effect is very strong.
  2. IaL-System - a proven preparation of hyaluronic acid, which not only tightens the skin, but also has a complex therapeutic effect. Among the advantages of the drug are quick results and long-term effects.
  3. Biofactor - A German preparation intensively moisturizes the face and removes fine and rather deep wrinkles. The product does not cause allergies, it contains no animal components, and its properties are as close as possible to natural hyaluronic acid.
  4. Restylane vital - a reliable product with a long-term effect continues to work even after resorption of hyaluronic acid, as it helps to retain moisture in the skin cells. The tool is used, among other things, in combination with other procedures - peeling and Botox injections, after plastic surgery.

It is necessary to choose a product with hyaluronic acid not according to the description, but on the basis of the recommendations of an experienced beautician. Before deciding on a specific drug, you need to make sure that it does not cause allergies.

Indications for biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid

Although the procedure is certainly beneficial for the body, it should be carried out not only at will, but in the presence of certain indications. Hyaluronic acid is needed by the skin if:

  • increased dryness of the epidermis, decreased elasticity and flabbiness;
  • increased oily skin of the face and too wide pores;
  • profuse acne;
  • dull color of the epidermis;
  • vascular mesh on the skin of the face, or the so-called rosacea;
  • dark spots.
It is necessary to carry out the rejuvenation procedure only if there are indications

Most often, the listed indications for biorevitalization appear after 30 years. Most cosmetologists agree that women under 30 do not need hyaluronic acid injections in principle. The body already produces it in sufficient quantities, so anti-aging procedures will only disrupt the natural rhythms.

Contraindications to biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid

The procedure also has certain contraindications.Some of them are considered temporary, while others are prohibited from injecting hyaluronic acid in principle. It is impossible to resort to biorevitalization:

  • with active skin infections - bacterial, fungal or viral;
  • with herpes;
  • with any internal inflammation in the body and at elevated temperatures.

Absolute contraindications for the administration of hyaluronic acid are autoimmune diseases and oncology. Also, it is better to refuse the procedure in case of increased skin sensitivity, individual allergies, diabetes mellitus and poor blood clotting. You can not carry out biorevitalization while carrying a child and during feeding.

Preparation for the biorevitalization procedure with hyaluronic acid

You need to go for injections with hyaluronic acid after some preparation. About a month before the injections, you should refuse:

  • from serious sports;
  • from taking blood-thinning drugs;
  • from sunbathing and visiting a solarium;
  • from the use of hormonal contraceptives, they affect the endocrine system;
  • from fatty, spicy and sweet foods.
Recommended reading:  The benefits of a solarium for the body

Immediately before biorevitalization, it is not advised to consume alcohol, coffee and strong tea, as well as energy drinks. Do not use chemical peels shortly before the procedure.

Attention! Hyaluronic acid can only be injected under healthy skin without damage or severe inflammation. It is impossible to carry out biorevitalization in case of exacerbation of any chronic ailments and poor health.
It is necessary to prepare for the procedure in advance

How biorevitalization is done with hyaluronic acid

The procedure for injecting hyaluronic acid under the skin looks pretty simple:

  1. In the beauty salon, the specialist, together with the patient, determines which areas of the face will be injected with hyaluronic acid.
  2. After that, the skin is cleaned and disinfected with a special tool. All cosmetics are removed from the face; before the biorevitalization procedure, in principle, it is not recommended to apply it to the skin.
  3. The epidermis is treated with a cream with an analgesic effect and covered with a film for half an hour or an hour, depending on the specific drug.
  4. When the anesthesia works, the film is removed and the remains of the cream are removed, and then they are re-disinfected.
  5. After that, the rejuvenation procedure itself begins - with the help of a syringe with a microneedle, the cosmetologist injects precise doses of hyaluronic acid into the right places.

Usually, during facial rejuvenation, acid is injected in several areas - in the forehead, in the nasolabial triangle and in the cheekbones, in the chin and around the eyes. The procedure can also be performed for the neck and décolleté. By the time the injecting with hyaluronic acid lasts on average about 50 minutes, at the end of the injections, the beautician applies a cooling and soothing agent to the skin.

Laser rejuvenation is completely painless, injections bring some discomfort
Important! Point injections almost always bring some discomfort and even painful sensations. But the strength of these unpleasant sensations is determined by a person's personal pain threshold.

As for the hardware biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, it is carried out according to a similar algorithm:

  1. Before the start of cosmetological manipulations, the face is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and superficial peeling is carried out to remove keratinized skin particles.
  2. Then a gel with anti-aging acid is applied to the face in an even layer.
  3. After that, the cosmetologist, using a laser device, ensures the penetration of the gel deep into the skin without injuring it. Hyaluronic acid does not enter the lower layers of the epidermis, but the upper ones are saturated with a useful substance very well.
  4. As in the previous case, at the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with a sedative.

Laser biorevitalization is convenient because immediately after it you can return to your usual activities and social contacts, it does not take time to restore the attractiveness of the face.

Face care after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Immediately after facial rejuvenation with a hardware or injection method, the skin must be properly treated. Namely:

  • do not use cosmetics and do not touch your face with your hands throughout the day;
  • for the first 2 days, apply to the face only soothing creams with anti-inflammatory components;
  • for 2 weeks, do not go to the sauna, steam bath or solarium and do not engage in intense sports;
  • do not take blood thinners in the first days.
After the procedure, the face needs to be looked after especially carefully in the first couple of days.

It is better to return to using ordinary decorative and care cosmetics 3-4 days after cosmetic manipulations.

Is alcohol possible after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Cosmetologists are completely unanimous regarding the use of alcohol - it is impossible to take alcoholic beverages in the first days after the procedure. First of all, alcohol can interact with hyaluronic acid and provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, drinking alcohol leads to the appearance of edema on the face, and the tissues after injection or hardware exposure may already be slightly swollen.

It must be remembered that alcohol, in principle, noticeably accelerates the aging of the skin and has a very negative effect on it. With the regular use of strong drinks, biorevitalization cannot give the maximum effect and practically loses its meaning.

How often can you do biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Hardware or injection rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is not a one-time procedure. The course consists of an average of 4 sessions, the exact number of which is determined by the condition of the patient's skin. Since the effect of the procedure lasts for about six months, it must be repeated from time to time.

Advice! Women with mature skin are advised to undergo repeated biorevitalization every 3-4 months, without waiting until the results of the previous course of rejuvenation completely disappear.
The procedure must be repeated regularly - on average three times a year.

Possible side effects

The negative consequences of biorevitalization are usually manifested after injection rejuvenation. For some time, noticeable papules from injections remain on the face, but they usually disappear within a day. Also, biorevitalization can cause local tissue edema, pallor, during the first day, skin soreness often remains.

Bruises and red spots on the face should not appear if the procedure is carried out correctly. Also, injections with hyaluronic drugs should not lead to damage to nerve fibers, which is why it is important to choose a professional cosmetologist who will not injure the tissues of the face.

Hardware biorevitalization gives a minimum of side effects. Sometimes, immediately after it, skin redness, slight swelling and a burning sensation may appear, but the discomfort quickly passes.

Photos before and after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

In order to fully appreciate the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid rejuvenation, it is worth studying the photos before and after the procedure.


Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a procedure that is carried out through injections or using laser exposure. Among anti-aging techniques, biorevitalization is considered one of the most effective, although it must be repeated from time to time.

Reviews of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Feoktistova Elena Sergeevna, 36 years old, Moscow
I thought about biorevitalization for a long time, but I was afraid of injections under the skin of my face. When I found out about the possibility of a laser procedure, I signed up for rejuvenation without hesitation.I am satisfied with the results, the process was painless, and as for the effect, hyaluronic acid helped to visually lose at least 5 years.
Krainitskaya Olga Anatolyevna, 40 years old, Yekaterinburg
For several years now, I have been regularly going through biorevitalization in order to keep my skin taut and fresh. Most often I resort to injections, but sometimes I also use a laser, for example, when there is no time for a long recovery. I think that even some discomfort is worth the result - the skin is visibly younger, most of the wrinkles are smoothed out.

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