Eucalyptus: beneficial properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of eucalyptus have been well studied for several centuries of its widespread use. The unique properties of a potent plant are used in traditional and folk medicine, cooking, in everyday life. Eucalyptus oil has helped humanity to defeat many dangerous diseases, and today it is a part of cosmetics, hygiene products, antiseptics.

What does eucalyptus look like and where does it grow?

Eucalyptus is a thermophilic plant from the myrtle family, native to Australia. Although the usual habitat of the culture is the tropics or subtropics, some high-altitude species tolerate frosts up to 20 ° C perfectly.

Any soil is suitable for the growth of useful trees; even marshy soils are not harmful to some species. The plant is famous for its ability to easily withstand critical climatic conditions. Trees can grow straight out of water, survive prolonged droughts, and regrow after forest fires.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of eucalyptus, the plant has spread around the world. Since the late 19th century, different species have conquered Asia, Europe and both Americas. In Russia, useful giant trees take root only in the Crimea and several Black Sea regions of the Caucasus.

Eucalyptus trees develop very quickly, with the main growth occurring in the first 10 years after planting. This property makes the culture very useful for areas requiring urgent landscaping. Most species have a straight, thick trunk. The periodically renewed bark can be smooth, covered with scales, folds, and fibers.

Depending on the variety, the crown can take on different forms. The leaves are lanceolate and face the sun, so they give little shade.

Large flowers consist almost only of stamens and can be of the most varied colors: white, yellow, all shades of red to purple. The buds are collected in umbrellas or loose panicles. A useful property of flowers is to attract a large number of bees.

Fruits, resembling a ball, bell or box in different species, ripen during the year. The germination capacity of individual seeds can exceed 10 years; individual specimens tend to germinate after many decades.

Varieties of eucalyptus

The tallest recorded tree in the world belongs to a subspecies of regal eucalyptus, reaching 100 m in height. At the beginning of the last century, the use of wood was in the production of paper from it. Today this type is used in construction and furniture manufacturing.

Cineria is a species that has taken root well in the European climate. In Russia, a useful plant is found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The species is often called ashy or silvery, for the color of its rounded leaves. A useful, beautiful tree is often grown at home, and designers use it in interiors.

The most valuable for medicine are spherical and rod-shaped eucalyptus. They are used for the production of pharmaceuticals in almost all countries of origin. The benefits of eucalyptus leaves lie in the rich chemical composition and the presence of rare substances that can have a healing effect on the human body.

The chemical composition of eucalyptus

Leaves are used as a raw material for the preparation of medicines. The most useful component in their composition is essential oil. Its content is almost the same in fresh and dried raw materials, it can reach 4.5%.

Most of the health benefits of eucalyptus are due to its high content of cineole, one of the terpene compounds. In the essential oil isolated from the leaves, its content reaches 80%. In addition to cineole, the benefits of the plant are determined by the following active substances:

  • phytoncides;
  • gallotannins (tannins);
  • organic acids, including cinnamic and coumaric;
  • esters;
  • aldehydes;
  • bitterness.

In addition to oil, the leaves contain many useful trace elements and other biologically active substances, but the powerful healing properties of eucalyptus are mainly determined by the presence of terpene compounds and phytoncides.

The healing properties of eucalyptus leaves

The uniquely balanced composition exhibits many beneficial properties, and is similar in action to antibiotics. Streptococci, staphylococci (including golden), pathogens of dysentery, Trichomonas, tuberculosis are sensitive to eucalyptus oil.

The essential oil of the plant exhibits not only a bactericidal effect - its benefits have been found in the treatment of viral diseases, fungal infections. Scope of application of eucalyptus in medicine:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract of various etiologies: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  2. Respiratory infections of viral origin: influenza, ARVI.
  3. Gynecological diseases: endometriosis, cervicitis, adnexitis, trichomoniasis.
  4. Outwardly - with purulent inflammation, non-healing ulcers, for disinfecting infected wounds, with herpetic eruptions, abscesses.
  5. In the complex treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
  6. For the destruction of parasites (ticks, lice, fleas), in the treatment of helminthic invasions.
  7. In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

The healing properties of eucalyptus for women are not limited to the treatment of infections and inflammations in the reproductive and genitourinary systems. Douching with water solutions with oil or decoction of the plant helps to get rid of erosion, polyps, papillomas.

Benefits for the body include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, immunomodulatory, expectorant, astringent effects.

Comment! A feature of eucalyptus is its low toxicity. Potent beneficial substances of a medicinal plant can only cause harm with a significant overdose or non-compliance with the rules of admission.

Eucalyptus for weight loss

The plant has no direct effect on the body's ability to break down fats. But for helping with weight loss, its benefits are quite tangible.

Benefits of Eucalyptus Used for Weight Loss:

  1. As a component of wraps, masks, body lotions, oils and tinctures help to accelerate metabolism in tissues. Skin areas receive more nutrition, muscles respond better to physical activity. The benefits of training are increasing.
  2. As part of cleansing tinctures with hay, eucalyptus acts as an antispasmodic, helping to overcome the side effects: pain, diarrhea, nausea.
  3. The aroma of the oil, its taste can temporarily reduce appetite, which is beneficial if necessary to regulate the diet.
Important! For the use of a potent herbal medicine without a medical indication, dosage must be strictly observed. Excessive use of the properties of eucalyptus can be harmful to health instead of benefits.

Eucalyptus-based pharmacy products

The beneficial substances in the essential oil of the plant helped to stop the spread of diseases such as typhoid, measles, scarlet fever, cholera. Pharmacy preparations based on eucalyptus are not only excellent antiseptics. They have the beneficial properties of relieving pain, thinning phlegm, and healing wounds.


Liquid extract of eucalyptus, developed by domestic microbiologists, can be used externally and orally. An alcoholic or oil solution is used mainly in the treatment of staphylococcal infections of the oropharynx, bronchi, and lungs.

Chlorophyllipt has a valuable property to accelerate wound healing and restore damaged tissues. For purulent, infected lesions, burns, it is useful to add the extract to solutions for rinsing and compresses.


A pharmacy preparation in the form of a powder is effective against insect bites. In addition to eucalyptus oil, it contains talc and starch in a ratio of 1: 2: 13, respectively.

It is useful to rub the skin with a powder that is not covered with clothing to scare off blood-sucking insects.

Eucalyptus essential oil

The benefits of eucalyptus oil have multiple uses. When applied externally, it has an analgesic, antiseptic, healing effect. It is useful to rub in a remedy to relieve joint and muscle pain.

Warning! The benefits or harms of essential oil strongly depend on the good faith of the manufacturer, storage conditions and transportation. The properties of the hood are reduced when frozen or overheated.

The medicinal properties of eucalyptus oil are used against viruses and bacteria. In the form of aqueous solutions with different concentrations, the drug is used for rinsing, douching, and rinsing. Baths and wraps with the addition of essential oil provide tangible benefits for fungal infections of nails and skin.

Eucalyptus ointment

Together with other natural ingredients, eucalyptus is part of a balm (ointment) prescribed for respiratory diseases. The use of the remedy for coughing is the increased formation of sputum, facilitating its withdrawal.

The ointment is used for rubbing, performing procedures up to 3 times a day. For inhalation, 1 tsp. useful balm is diluted with 1 liter of hot water, vapors are inhaled for at least 5 minutes.

Important! Inhalation with hot, highly active essential oils can harm hypertensive patients and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Thermal procedure with eucalyptus is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and those suffering from bronchial asthma.

Traditional medicine recipes with eucalyptus

The benefits of eucalyptus for humans have been scientifically proven and have been used for several centuries, it has been successfully used in medicine, as well as in home treatment. The plant shows its beneficial properties in infusions, teas, broths, alcoholic tinctures. A feature of eucalyptus oil is that its benefits are not diminished by prolonged heat treatment of raw materials.

Attention! Self-treatment with eucalyptus is beneficial and does not harm the body, provided that the recipe is followed.

Eucalyptus decoction

Decoction is an effective method of extracting oil from eucalyptus. When boiled, hard leaves soften, and dissolved fractions of useful substances enter the water.

Cooking a useful broth:

  1. 200 g of dry leaves are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Heating is carried out in a water bath. After boiling, the useful composition is continued to cook for 30 minutes.
  3. The broth is filtered hot and topped up with boiled water to the previous volume.
  4. The medicine retains its beneficial properties for up to 48 hours.

A decoction of eucalyptus leaves, benefits and some contraindications:

  • used to treat inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, most often of an infectious nature;
  • contributes to an increase in the acidity of the stomach and can be harmful in some forms of gastritis, ulcerative processes;
  • in gynecological practice, the decoction is useful for diseases of the appendages, uterus, candidiasis, vaginosis;
  • an effective decoction for urological diseases: urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis.

For internal use, it is enough to drink ¼ st. funds up to 4 times a day. When treating stomach, intestinal diseases, it is useful to drink the broth immediately after a meal. Treatment on an empty stomach can harm the affected gastrointestinal mucosa.

External methods of application include irrigation of the skin, washing wounds, lotions, douching. The medicinal properties of the broth are used for inhalation, rinsing. With infectious lesions, the benefits increase if you combine internal use with external.

Eucalyptus alcohol tincture

The alcoholic composition has a strong effect and is applied dropwise. Will eucalyptus tincture bring benefits or harm depends on proper preparation and dosage when taken. You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy or make your own.

Preparation of a useful tincture from dried raw materials:

  1. The proportions are calculated based on the ratio: 1 tbsp. l. leaves - 100 ml of alcohol (70%).
  2. Dry raw materials are poured into glassware and poured with a measured amount of alcohol.
  3. Leave the tightly sealed vessels at room temperature, without access to light for 14 days.
  4. The useful composition is filtered and poured into prepared containers (preferably dark glass) for storage.

Before treatment with eucalyptus tincture, in order to prevent harm to the body, it is advisable to consult a doctor, and also to do an allergy test.

Advice! To make sure that there are no undesirable reactions, 10 drops of the drug are diluted in a little water and drunk. A skin test is carried out by applying the tincture to the bend of the elbow. The reaction is monitored for 5-6 hours.

Ways of using eucalyptus alcohol tincture:

  • rinsing the mouth, washing wounds, douching - 15 drops of the drug per 200 ml of warm water;
  • inhalation - 10 drops of tincture per st. hot (not higher than 70 ° C) water or into a nebulizer;
  • inside - from 15 to 30 drops, depending on the severity of the disease, up to 3 times a day;
  • externally (for the treatment of joints, muscles), subject to the integrity of the tissues, rubbing in an undiluted product is useful.

Alcohol tincture allows you to extract the maximum amount of active substances from the leaves, while the antiseptic properties are significantly enhanced. The benefits and harms of treatment are determined by the concentration of the composition. When applied externally, care should be taken, open wounds are treated only with an aqueous solution of the drug.

Eucalyptus water infusion

The infusion differs from the decoction in a lower concentration of potent substances, bitterness, and has a more gentle effect. The minimum time to obtain an effective drug is 60 minutes. The longer the medicine lasts, the more benefit it will bring.

Preparation of infusion:

  1. Dry raw materials are taken from the calculation: 1 tsp. per 100 ml of water.
  2. The leaves should be finely chopped, and the water should be heated to a boil.
  3. Raw materials are poured with boiling water, heated in a water bath for several minutes.
  4. Insist until completely cooled in a wrapped dish or thermos.

The water infusion retains useful properties for no more than 2 days, if stored in the refrigerator. Suitable for external application, inhalation. The infusion does not harm the skin, it is used without dilution in cosmetics, for washing.

Eucalyptus tea

The drink can be prepared quickly and used several times a day. The benefits of eucalyptus tea are found in the season of colds and infections. Regular consumption of the drink improves immunity and general tone of the body, and serves as the prevention of influenza.The beneficial properties of tea include mild sedation, which can be helpful in relieving stress during the working day.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

Making tea from eucalyptus:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Cover the cup for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Drink warm, no more than 2 times a day.

Through its effects on the pancreas, eucalyptus tea may be beneficial or harmful. The drink provokes an increased production of insulin. This property is useful in high blood sugar, but can be harmful in hypoglycemia.

The use of eucalyptus in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of a tropical plant are successfully used for the health of skin, hair, nails. The antimicrobial effect of eucalyptus is combined with the ability to reduce oil secretion and tighten pores. Regenerating properties help to quickly restore tissue after damage, rejuvenate the skin.

Eucalyptus face mask

The drying properties of eucalyptus oil do not interfere with its use for improving dry, dull skin. The tincture mask is beneficial by increasing blood flow, increasing cell nutrition, and quickly refreshing the complexion.

Components for dry skin:

  • small banana;
  • egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp linseed oil;
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus tincture.
Recommended reading:  Why are bananas useful?

The rest of the useful ingredients are mixed with the banana chopped into gruel. Apply the mixture to the face and leave to act for 15–20 minutes. The benefits of eucalyptus for the face are manifested with the regularity of the procedures. Weekly application of the mask, in addition to the nourishing, rejuvenating effect, tends to discolor age spots, even out skin color.

Ice cubes with eucalyptus

The beneficial properties of frozen formulations with eucalyptus are especially applicable in the morning, to relieve puffiness, eliminate bags under the eyes, and improve complexion. You can use a decoction to make cosmetic ice. If the skin is oily or has rashes, it is helpful to mix 1 tbsp. mineral water with 0.5 tbsp. l. alcoholic tincture and freeze.

Daily rubbing with ice cubes with eucalyptus tincture makes the skin elastic. The procedure is useful for preventing the appearance of acne, blackheads. With regular use, the whitening and regenerating properties of healing ice are noted.

Tincture of eucalyptus for acne

Spot application of eucalyptus tincture reveals cauterizing properties. This method is used for emergency removal of pustules, acne, boils. Processing can be carried out up to 4 times a day. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to harm healthy areas of the skin.

To wash problem skin in water or ready-made products (gels, foams) add a little tincture. To reduce an allergic rash, no more than 5 drops per 1 tbsp. water, otherwise the harm of eucalyptus will exceed its benefits.

Eucalyptus for beauty and health of hair

Eucalyptus essential oil is useful in shampoos designed for oily hair or dandruff. Home remedies also help to cope with problem scalp, and not only visually remove, but cure seborrhea.

Antibacterial properties eliminate the cause of the disease, and the cooling, drying effect slows down the appearance of oily sheen. To rinse the hair, make a decoction, and then dilute it with warm water in half. After applying the shampoo, wash the hair by rubbing the solution into the roots and massaging the skin. The benefits of the procedure are observed even with weakened bulbs: the hair grows faster, their loss stops.

Eucalyptus body lotion

The easiest way to enrich a suitable commercial product is to add eucalyptus oil to it. For 5 ml of lotion or cream, mix no more than 5 drops. The composition, enriched with essential oil, gets the beneficial properties of tightening flabby contours, getting rid of rashes, making the skin elastic and smooth.

Eucalyptus tincture for sweat

Alcohol tincture destroys bacteria and inhibits their reproduction for a long time. Eucalyptus additionally tightens pores, dries the skin. The use of this property of alcoholic tincture in eliminating the smell of sweat, significantly reducing its separation.

Features of using eucalyptus for sweat:

  • the solution is prepared from 1 tsp. alcohol tincture and 100 ml of water;
  • before applying the product, wash the skin with soap and dry thoroughly;
  • wipe the armpits with a cotton pad or napkin dipped in a solution;
  • processing can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

Processing is carried out only with a diluted composition. Pure tincture is harmful to the sensitive skin of the armpits, up to burns.

How eucalyptus is used in cooking

In cooking, eucalyptus is used as a spice. This healthy supplement is especially popular in Asia. A burning substance known as "Australian cinema" is extracted from the leaves.

On the basis of hydrolat (steam extract), a tonic drink is prepared. To do this, it is enough to mix water with eucalyptus essence in equal quantities, add honey to taste. A useful drink increases the protective properties of the body, helps to recover from lingering illnesses.

The harm of eucalyptus and contraindications for use

The benefits of eucalyptus for humans can be detrimental if potent drugs are used inappropriately or in excessive quantities. Although the plant does not have increased toxicity, does not contain toxic substances, its use is contraindicated in such cases:

  1. The patient's age is up to 3 years.
  2. Hypersensitivity to the drug or allergies.
  3. The presence of diseases of the stomach, intestines with high acidity.
  4. For severe liver or kidney damage, do not take orally.
  5. Inhalation is contraindicated in case of a tendency to airway spasms.

The harm of formulations with eucalyptus is noted for hypertension, epilepsy, during a course of chemotherapy procedures. During pregnancy, use is permissible only in consultation with the attending physician.

Features of the use of eucalyptus for children

For children under 3 years old, it is forbidden to use eucalyptus in any form. Even beneficial aromatization and disinfection of the air with a few drops of essential oil can harm a child and should be carried out in his absence. After the procedure, the room must be ventilated.

Older children, up to 12 years old, can receive a substance with complex preparations or infusions. The beneficial properties of eucalyptus for children are manifested with minimal amounts of substances, precisely calculated in pharmacy sprays, ointments, cough tablets. To choose a method of treatment, calculate dosages, a pediatrician consultation is required.

Can eucalyptus be used for pregnant women

Eucalyptus is a dangerous medicinal plant during pregnancy. Internal intake of any of its dosage forms can harm the fetus.

The benefits of eucalyptus for pregnant women can only be used topically. To avoid harm to the child, all pharmacy or home remedies should be discussed with the doctor. In the absence of other contraindications, solutions in weak concentrations are used as rinses, lotions, irrigation, compresses.

Important! Some volatile components of eucalyptus essential oil can not only harm the development of the fetus, but also cause spontaneous abortion.

Is eucalyptus allowed for breastfeeding

The active substances of eucalyptus penetrate into breast milk, which can lead to a change in its taste. When the mother uses drugs internally, the child may refuse to feed.

The mild neurotoxic properties of eucalyptus have no apparent effect in adults. The vulnerable nervous system of the infant can react to the minimum concentration of the drug with pallor of the skin, convulsions, vomiting.

With moderate use of external agents, the harm to the child is minimal.Sprays, cough drops for a nursing mother should not be used more often than permitted by the instruction. Creams do not harm the baby unless they are applied to the nipple.

Collection, harvesting and storage of eucalyptus

It is possible to harvest the leaves of evergreen trees all year round, but the best properties are shown by raw materials collected in autumn. The beneficial substances of eucalyptus are volatile, so they try to keep the leaves intact.

For the workpiece, branches of the same length are cut, they are tied in small bunches. Such brooms are hung in a warm, shaded place to dry. At temperatures above +35 ° C, the useful oil will evaporate or turn rancid, lose its medicinal properties, therefore, the raw materials are not dried in hot weather or using an oven.

Having torn off the dried leaves, they are laid out in glass jars with tight lids. The bundles can be stored in their entirety by wrapping them in paper and keeping them out of the sun. The beneficial properties of eucalyptus last up to 2 years. Rancid raw materials change color, smell, its use can harm the body.


The benefits and harms of eucalyptus are closely related. The strength of the therapeutic effect on some organs and systems can cause unwanted reactions if inappropriate or excessive use. Having studied the beneficial properties of eucalyptus, assessing the possible harm, you can use simple home methods to create an entire pharmacy from the leaves of one tropical tree.


Victor Maksimov, 22 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Eucalyptus tincture helped to cure a runny nose and cough after the flu. I drank 20 drops inside, used for inhalation. I noticed that after the treatment the skin on my face became cleaner. Inhalation with eucalyptus has been beneficial where not expected. He began to cauterize the remaining foci with tincture. I have cured my cough, and now I am using the beneficial properties of eucalyptus for acne.
Maria Bulgakova, 40 years old, Moscow
A very useful budget remedy for aging skin. I use eucalyptus for the face in the form of a decoction. I add a few drops of oil to the foam for washing, shower gel. I started using eucalyptus for hair when I noticed that my curls were thinning. From the beneficial properties of essential oil, I will add a wonderful, fresh scent that lifts your spirits. There was no harm with such treatment yet. I keep the whole body in good shape with the help of eucalyptus.
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