Collagen Ultra (powder, gel, cream): instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Collagen Ultra for joints is a drug that consists of many active ingredients. It is used to eliminate pathologies of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, joints and the spine. The drug includes both synthetic and natural ingredients.

Release form and composition of the drug "Collagen Ultra"

Supplement "Collagen Ultra" is presented on sale in three forms of release. The powder intended for oral administration is produced in packs of 30 and 7 packets, each containing 8 g of the product. For external use, cream and gel are intended. Both forms of release are presented in tubes with a volume of 75 g. The manufacturer of the preparation "Collagen Ultra" in the form of a powder is NPO Zdorovye Pitaniya. Means for external use are produced by the Russian company "Vesna". The composition in each case is different. Collagen hydrolyzate acts as the main component. The following substances are also present in the oral form of the drug:

  • proline;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • hydroxyproline;
  • vitamin D;
  • glucosamine.

The composition of the gel and cream, in addition to collagen hydrolyzate, also includes:

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  • lingonberry;
  • Red pepper;
  • rosemary and fir oil;
  • pine bud extract;
  • mint.
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The complex of dietary supplements for joints is aimed at strengthening the connective tissues and accelerating the regeneration process. This effect is achieved by restoring the body's supply of collagen. Additional ingredients provide a tonic effect, boosting immunity and reducing the risk of developing serious diseases. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the destruction of connective tissues, and to normalize a person's well-being.

Oral powder

The human body needs not only external but also internal intake of collagen. It is easily absorbed, helping to prevent damage to tissue structure and cope with existing problems. Joints and ligaments have a special need for a useful substance. Collagen Ultra powder with vitamin C is prescribed for fractures, in old age and during the recovery period after surgery. In the assortment of pharmacies you can also find "Collagen Ultra plus glucosamine" with cherries. According to the instructions, the drug differs from its predecessor only in flavoring.

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The powder form of the drug for joints can be purchased not only in a whole package, but also in one package for a single use. The composition of the dietary supplement is enriched with vitamins and minerals that have a strengthening effect on the immune system. It contains flavors that facilitate the process of using the product.

The average cost of the powder form is 300 rubles

Gel and cream for external use

A distinctive feature of the external form of the drug is the content of essential oils. Thanks to them, the active substances easily penetrate the skin and have a targeted effect on the problem area. Collagen Ultra gel and cream differ in consistency. Both medications can improve blood circulation and relieve joint pain.

A slight burning sensation may occur after applying the gel
Comment! To increase the effectiveness of treatment, doctors recommend combining the use of a powder with a gel or cream.

Indications for use

Each form of release has the same purpose. The only difference is the method of use and the speed of the dietary supplement. Collagen Ultra Joint Powder is often prescribed in conjunction with a transdermal product. The indications for use are as follows:

  • osteoporosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • violation of the motor activity of the joints;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lack of collagen in the body;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal injury.

Help "Collagen Ultra" may be needed by athletes and people doing hard physical labor. It is especially useful during the recovery period after the intervention of surgeons. The medicine accelerates the regeneration process and prevents premature aging of tendons, ligaments, joints and bones. For preventive purposes, the drug is used to eliminate certain cosmetic deficiencies.

Method of administration and dosage

To get the maximum benefit from the drug, you must use it in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions. The duration of therapy depends on the neglect of the problem.

"Collagen Ultra" powder

Before taking, the contents of one packet are diluted in 100 ml of warm water. The resulting solution is a single dosage of an adult. It is taken with meals once a day. The optimal duration of joint treatment is one month. After a short break, therapy can be resumed. At least two treatment courses are recommended per year.

Collagen Ultra Gel and Cream

The gel and cream form of the drug is applied to the problem area with rubbing movements. The use of a medicine to strengthen joints is often combined with massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. A small amount of the product is distributed over the skin at least four times a day. It is strictly forbidden to apply gel and cream under occlusive dressings due to the burning effect.

Contraindications to the use of "Collagen Ultra"

The instructions for the Collagen Ultra ointment for joints provide a list of contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them first. Internal medication for the treatment of joints is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • oxaluria;
  • allergic reaction;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • age under 12;
  • phenylketonuria.

External use of "Collagen Ultra" is not recommended for use in the presence of open wounds, scratches and other skin lesions. An allergic reaction test should be done before use.

Attention! If an allergy occurs, you need to stop using the remedy, and then resort to using an antihistamine.

Side effects

Collagen Ultra should be used with caution for the treatment of joints and spine. In some cases, side effects appear. The cause of their development may be an overdose, ignoring contraindications and an allergic reaction. The most common side effects include:

  • redness of the skin and rashes;
  • burning at the site of application;
  • upset stool;
  • itchy sensations.

The dietary supplement is characterized by low toxicity.When used externally, the drug does not penetrate the bloodstream, but only acts on joints, ligaments and bones. This excludes the possibility of a systemic effect on the body. Despite this, people with chronic liver and kidney diseases should be supervised by specialists while using Collagen Ultra.

Analogs of the drug "Collagen Ultra"

Instead of "Collagen Ultra", you can take drugs that are similar in their action and composition. The tool has no structural analogues. Among those similar in therapeutic action, there are:

  • balsam "Sophia";
    Balsam "Sophia" is made on the basis of bee venom
  • injection solution "Artrozan";
    "Artrozan" effectively copes with painful sensations in the joints
  • cream-balm "Artro-Active".
    "Artro-Active" quickly relieves pain and relieves swelling in the joints

Drug interactions

Official data on the possibility of combining "Collagen Ultra" with other tablets is not provided. In each individual case, you need to consult a specialist. When using the powder form of the medication, avoid taking vitamin C supplements.

Important! While taking the drug in powder form, it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, this will reduce the therapeutic effect.

special instructions

For cosmetic purposes, you should use the specialized Collagen Ultra gel for the face. It is aimed at preserving youth and improving skin tone. The remedy does not conflict with decorative cosmetics.

It is permissible to use other forms of the drug only after consultation with your doctor. It is equally important to study the instructions in detail.


Collagen Ultra for joints is an effective remedy with a wide range of applications. Its effectiveness directly depends on compliance with the rules. With regular use, the drug helps restore tissue integrity and prevent further tissue destruction.

Reviews of experts about the drug "Collagen Ultra"

Goncharova Irina Alekseevna, surgeon, Moscow
I often prescribe Collagen Ultra to my patients during the rehabilitation period after surgery. It is advisable to combine the external reception with the internal one. The result is not long in coming. The recovery process is much faster.
Lonshakova Olga Vitalievna, cosmetologist, Vladivostok
I often use Collagen Ultra in my practice for facial skin. Feedback from my clients testifies to the high efficiency of this approach. The cream gives the skin elasticity, perfectly nourishes and saves from peeling. The result becomes visible after 3-4 weeks of active use.
Topalov Igor Mikhailovich, therapist, St. Petersburg
Collagen Ultra gel and cream should become an obligatory attribute of the first aid kit of every person who cares about their health. The remedy is affordable and, most importantly, effective. It can be used as first aid for bruises and sprains. However, use does not obviate the need to visit a doctor.

Reviews of patients about the drug "Collagen Ultra"

Alekseev Oleg Gennadievich, 56 years old, Severodvinsk
I took "Collagen Ultra" orange to strengthen my joints. The powder tastes like jelly diluted with water, only with an orange flavor. I did not notice the improvement in my health immediately. Increased mobility, began to get tired less, climbing the stairs. For my age, this effect is quite significant.
Annenkova Oksana Vasilievna, 45 years old, Novorossiysk
I always keep the Collagen Ultra gel in my medicine cabinet after one incident. Returning from the store, she fell and injured her legs. There was no fracture, but lameness and pain were present. A neighbor advised this gel. After the first application, I felt much better.
Rubinina Natalya Alexandrovna, 32 years old, Chelyabinsk
I was prescribed Collagen Ultra Plus Calcium D3 powder and a cream after surgery on the joints of my legs. The doctor said it would help him recover. I can't objectively judge the veracity of his words, but I returned to work quickly enough. I didn't even notice how the sick leave flew by. I was lucky not to face side effects.
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