Why is Yodomarin useful and how to take it

The benefits and harms of "Yodomarina" are the first thing to know when starting to take a medicine. In order for the body to function normally, it needs to be regularly replenished with vitamins, nutrients and minerals. The most important element is iodine, as its deficiency can lead to a number of diseases. A change in the body, as a rule, negatively affects the functioning of all organs.

Composition and release forms of Yodomarin

"Iodomarin" for adults and children is produced in tablets. Each package contains from 2 to 4 blisters, each of which contains 25 tablets. The package contains instructions for use.

Each disc contains:

  • potassium iodine;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • gelatin;
  • carboxymethyl starch sodium salt;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate.

The release form "Yodomarina" for children - resorption plates.

Important! The medicinal product must be stored in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children. Shelf life 3 years after production, after the drug loses its properties. The maximum permissible storage temperature is + 25 ° C.

Indications for the use of Yodomarin

Iodine is a substance that must enter the human body every day. Due to the beneficial properties of the drug, doctors prescribe it to prevent diseases caused by iodine deficiency.

The most common disease is the appearance of goiter, which is formed not only in adults, but also in children. Goiter is of several types, it all depends on the nature of the disease. Allocate:

  • endemic;
  • euthyroid;
  • non-toxic;
  • diffuse.

It is possible to recognize iodine deficiency in the body by specific symptoms. A person's body temperature rises, drowsiness, anxiety appear, and fatigue quickly sets in.

Important! Some people use "Iodomarin" before or after meals, but according to the instructions the drug must be taken after meals.

Dosage and duration of taking Iodomarin

Medicines must be taken as directed by the attending physician in order for them to be beneficial and to exclude possible harm from the use of the medicine. Among the indications for use include:

  • therapy associated with iodine deficiency in the body;
  • prevention of goiter;
  • diffuse goiter therapy;
  • prevention of iodine deficiency in children.

Due to its beneficial properties, "Iodomarin" is recommended to be taken after surgery or after treatment of goiter in order to prevent it.

The course of treatment and dosage can only be prescribed by the attending physician, after the individual characteristics of the patient's body are taken into account.

Attention! It is not recommended to use "Iodomarin" after 40-45 years, as well as preparations that contain iodine, as you can harm the body.

To prevent iodine deficiency and goiter growth

Due to its beneficial properties, "Iodomarin" is prescribed as a preventive measure against the growth of goiter. The daily dose of the drug is up to 200 mcg:

  • for newborns and pediatric patients, it is prescribed from 50 to 100 mcg per day;
  • dosage for adolescents and adults ranges from 100 to 200 mcg;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation period - 200 mcg.

For preventive purposes, the drug is used for a long time. There are patients who have to use "Iodomarin" for life. The drug can be taken only after consultation with the attending physician; it is not recommended to self-medicate, as it is possible to bring harm to the body rather than benefit.

For the treatment of diffuse goiter

For the treatment of diffuse goiter, the following dosages are prescribed:

  • children and adolescents - 100-200 mcg throughout the day;
  • adults up to 40-45 years old inclusive - from 300 to 500 mcg per day.

Children and newborns should use the drug for 2 or 4 weeks, but no longer. For adolescents and adults, the attending physician may prescribe a course of treatment for up to 1 year.

After goiter treatment or removal

The daily dose of the drug must be drunk at one time in the morning with plenty of water. The dosage depends entirely on the purpose for which "Iodomarin" is prescribed.

Even after the goiter has been surgically removed, the use of the drug is not stopped, as in some cases the goiter may re-form.

In this case, the dosage of the drug for all ages will be the same. The daily dose is 100-200 mcg or 1-2 tablets. For children, tablets can be dissolved in water, milk, juices or in first courses, while the properties of the medicine will not be lost.

Instructions for the use of Yodomarin for children

The benefits of "Iodomarin" for children and adults are colossal, since the drug allows you to prevent many diseases, but you should not forget about the possible harm. The course of treatment depends entirely on the type and complexity of the disease, in order to prevent "Iodomarin" they drink for several years.

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Before you start giving the drug to a child, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician, find out side effects and contraindications, as you can harm your health. Since the drug is released in tablets, then before giving it to the child, it must first be dissolved, the properties of the drug are not lost.

If "Yodomarin" is used to treat goiter in a newborn, then the course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks, otherwise the use of the drug will not be beneficial, but only harm. The optimal time for taking the medicine is after a meal.

Children from 3 to 14 years old are recommended to drink from 50 to 100 micrograms per day (1-2 tablets).

Advice! It is best to take medication in the morning. This is due to the fact that "Yodomarin" has an invigorating effect, as a result of which it will be quite difficult to fall asleep.

Iodomarin when planning pregnancy

Considering the beneficial properties, then "Iodomarin" for the expectant mother allows you to prevent the occurrence of many diseases in advance. The medication is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, which excludes the possibility of causing harm. Reception of "Yodomarin" should be started several months before conception.

This drug is prescribed for women in areas where iodine deficiency is observed. Also "Iodomarin" is necessary for people with thyroid disorders. The dosage and course of treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician.

After pregnancy has occurred, the prescribed dosage is increased, as the need for iodine will increase.

Attention! Some women continue to take Yodomarin after childbirth with the permission of the doctor.

Can I drink Iodomarin during pregnancy

"Iodomarin" during pregnancy only benefits the body. With a lack of iodine, the functioning of the heart, nervous system is disrupted, the immune system deteriorates.

Iodine deficiency causes irritability, memory deteriorates, performance decreases several times, pains appear in the head area.

During pregnancy, the need for iodine only increases, which is why doctors prescribe Iodomarin. This drug allows the expectant mother and child to avoid many diseases.

In the early stages

In the early stages of pregnancy, "Iodomarin" is beneficial for a woman, since the fetus does not yet have a thyroid gland, and its condition is completely dependent on the mother's hormones.

In the 1st trimester, organs begin to form. With a lack of iodine, this process will be disrupted. This affects the fetal brain the most, which leads to the appearance of serious diseases.

The use of iodine reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, stopping the development of the child. It is necessary to prepare the body for bearing a fetus in advance, therefore, “Yodomarin” is taken 6 months before planning a pregnancy.

At a later date

The body needs iodine throughout pregnancy and even during breastfeeding. If this element is in deficit in the body, then hypoxia may begin. In the last term, the child is actively growing, the formation of the skeleton begins.

Thus, the development of the child depends entirely on the amount of iodine in the mother's body. It is also worth understanding that the lack of this element affects the amount of breast milk, in some cases, the milk completely disappears.

Do I need to drink Yodomarin while breastfeeding

“Iodomarin” is simply necessary for nursing mothers, since its use allows the mother and child to receive the necessary daily dose of iodine. If necessary, the lack of iodine can be replenished with natural food.

The use of "Yodomarin" during lactation and breastfeeding promotes the growth and development of the newborn. Given the beneficial properties, most of the attending physicians recommend that young mothers use preparations containing iodine.

Since each organism is individual, before you start taking "Yodomarin" you need to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist, since for some categories of people preparations containing iodine are contraindicated and irreparable harm to the body can be caused.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the benefits of "Yodomarin" for men, women and children, do not forget about contraindications and side effects in case of overdose.

Even taking into account all the beneficial properties, this drug is not suitable for everyone. If one person benefits from the use of a drug, then the other should treat it with caution so as not to harm health. For example, medical professionals do not recommend the use of "Yodomarin" for people who:

  • toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • contraindicated "Iodomarin" in hypothyroidism;
  • thyroid cancer and suspicion of it.

If you exceed the permissible dosage, it can lead to iodism, which is accompanied by inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane, the appearance of acne, fever, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Symptoms and consequences of an overdose with Iodomarin

"Iodomarin" is one of the drugs that is well tolerated by patients, but at the same time, despite the beneficial properties, one should not exclude side effects that cannot be avoided with prolonged use of the drug.

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In some cases, an allergic reaction may appear, you can understand this by the metallic taste in the mouth, edema, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The first signs of an overdose include:

  • brown staining of the mucous membrane;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen.

As soon as the first signs of an overdose appear, you must immediately stop using "Yodomarin" and make an appointment with your doctor. In this case, the doctor adjusts the daily dosage or recommends starting to use another drug.

Important! Before you start taking medication, it is worth checking the compatibility of "Yodomarin" with other drugs, so as not to harm your health.

Which is better: Yodomarin or Yodaktiv

Often, doctors can prescribe one of the drugs: "Yodomarin" or "Yodaktiv". These drugs are very similar, have the same property, the dosage produced is 100 and 200 mcg. It is impossible to say unequivocally that some drug is worse and another is better, and also that one drug will harm and the other benefit.

You can often hear that "Yodaktiv" is referred to as a dietary supplement, and "Yodomarin" is referred to as a drug. It should be borne in mind that the content of substances and useful properties are the same in both cases.

The difference lies in the manufacturer and the cost of the drug. Often, doctors themselves offer to choose a drug on their own from the proposed options.

Advice! It is not recommended to use "Iodomarin" in case of elevated THT. This is due to the fact that iodine increases THT levels and harm to health is inevitable.

Iodomarin's analogs

To date, domestic manufacturers supply for sale analogs of "Yodomarin", which cost much less, have the same useful properties. Among the full-fledged substitutes, it is worth noting:

  • potassium iodide - "Reneval";
  • Microiodide;
  • "Polyoxidine".

On the territory of Ukraine, "Yod Normal" and "Antistreamin Micro" are popular. If we consider foreign manufacturers engaged in the supply of "Yodomarin", he is distinguished here:

  • Yodilife;
  • "Yodirox";
  • "Vitrium Yod".

The principle of action of drugs is similar. Judging by consumer reviews, these drugs are no worse than the well-known "Yodomarina".


The benefits and harms of "Yodomarina", contraindications, side effects, overdose - all that you need to know when starting to take the drug. As practice shows, due to the large amount of nutrients, this drug can be used by both adults and children. It is important to understand that the benefits of using the drug are guaranteed only if the treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as the expected benefits can turn into harm.

Reviews of doctors

Many gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin during pregnancy because of its beneficial properties. The dosage is usually prescribed only after the patient has passed the tests, and they have been carefully studied by the doctor. After childbirth, the amount of iodine consumed in the body of a nursing woman increases. Often, it is not enough to consume products containing iodine, and there is a need for medical preparations. In this case, "Iodomarin" is prescribed for breastfeeding.

"Iodomarin" is also used by endocrinologists. In the process of vital activity, iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland, due to the deficiency, the metabolism is disturbed.

Despite the fact that the reviews regarding the use of the drug are only positive, this does not mean that you can independently prescribe treatment for yourself, since there is a high probability of harming health, and not as originally planned - benefit.

Some doctors note that patients express a desire to use "Yodomarin" for weight loss, thinking that due to its properties the drug will help to lose weight. In fact, you cannot lose weight with medication.The medicine helps to improve metabolism, but you can lose weight only if you eat right and play sports.

Patient reviews

Alina Karabanova, 28 years old, Moscow
I was prescribed by the attending physician "Yodomarin", as for a future mother. She began to take this drug due to a lack of iodine in the body. The treatment began immediately, as I was very afraid for the child's health and that I would bring him harm. Literally after a couple of weeks, I noticed that the skin color improved, the hair acquired shine. The baby was born completely healthy, she stopped taking Yodomarin. A couple of weeks passed, and I noticed that my hair became brittle, oily. After consulting a doctor, I began to take Iodomarin again, only now the dosage was reduced to 1 tablet a day.
Tatiana Simonova, 37 years old, Saransk
I thought for a long time whether it would be possible to use "Yodomarin" for children, whether it would be beneficial or, conversely, only harm. I was afraid to self-medicate, although the useful properties are impressive, I took the child to a pediatrician. They underwent examination, the doctor allowed to take the drug to improve memory, prescribed a course of treatment, individually selected the dosage. I got a special medicine for children. The plates are small, sweet, the child accepts with pleasure. The memory really began to improve. "Yodomarin" is an irreplaceable useful thing for schoolchildren when there are heavy loads at school.

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