Red root (penny): medicinal properties and contraindications, composition, what heals, how to take it right, photo

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the penny penny allow it to be used as an effective traditional medicine. The plant has a long lifespan. She can be up to 80 years old. The greatest concentration of substances beneficial to health is concentrated in the root system of the penny plant.

What does a penny house look like and where does it grow?

The red root is a perennial plant belonging to the legume family. It got its name from the similarity of individual parts of the beans with a coin. The kopeck plant has a strong long stem, the height of which reaches 90 cm. It has unpaired leaves, divided into elongated obtuse lobes. During the flowering period, the penny plant is covered with red, pinkish or white inflorescences. This process takes place from July to August.

Altai Territory is considered the birthplace of the red root. Today the plant is found in the Urals, Siberia and in the southern part of the Kola Peninsula. It can be found on forest edges, mountain slopes and meadows. Kopecknik prefers drained soil located in an elevated area. Its distinctive features include the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of other plants. In total, there are about 100 species of kopeck in nature.

Penny root goes into the ground to a depth of 5 m
Attention! Due to the content of catechin, the penny is able to remove heavy metals from the body.

The chemical composition of the red root

The healing properties of the red root are due to its unique composition. It is represented by bioactive compounds. Among them are minerals, vitamins and organic acids. Due to this, the plant is in demand in alternative medicine. It contains the following elements:

  • catechins;
  • micro and macro elements (zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, strontium, potassium, selenium, calcium);
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • saponins;
  • estrogen;
  • flavonoids;
  • xanthones;
  • coumarins.
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Xanthones, present in the composition of the red root, stabilize the functions of the central nervous system. It helps to eliminate the effects of stress and improve sleep quality. Estrogens are hormones essential for the female body. Thanks to them, a penny can cope with gynecological diseases. Catechins protect the body from the harmful effects of radiation and help cleanse it in case of poisoning with toxic substances.

Saponins, in turn, normalize the water-salt balance.Flavonoids help prevent the proliferation of malignant cells and strengthen blood vessels. Tannins normalize intestinal microflora and regulate stool. Ascorbic acid, present in a large amount of the red root, activates the body's defense mechanisms.

What heals and medicinal properties of red root

Since ancient times, a penny has been used to replenish energy reserves. Residents of Altai prepare tea from it, which has a powerful tonic effect. A set of useful qualities of the plant make it indispensable in folk medicine. Even bears prefer to recover from hibernation with a penny. It saturates the body with useful substances and inhibits the aging process. The red root plant has the following medicinal properties:

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  • antipyretic effect;
  • antitumor effect;
  • participation in the process of platelet formation;
  • antioxidant action;
  • stimulation of the kidneys;
  • regulation of water-salt balance;
  • expectorant action;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Due to the mass of useful properties, the red root helps to cope with various diseases. It is often used as part of complex therapy. There are several medicinal forms of the plant - decoctions, tinctures, teas and infusions. Each of them has certain functions and application nuances. Sometimes they are combined with each other. The main advantage of penny treatment is the low likelihood of side effects.

The red root effectively treats the following diseases:

  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • cough;
  • asthma and pneumonia;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • anemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • SARS and flu;
  • cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Substances in the composition of the red root increase capillary permeability and strengthen blood vessels
Important! When growing a red root in a garden plot, you need to add some soil from the plant's natural habitat to the soil.

Why is red root useful for women

The root of the tea kopek root for women is prescribed in order to solve gynecological problems. Its effectiveness is due to its hormone content. Therefore, before treatment, it is extremely important to determine the level of estrogen in the blood by testing. The penny is often used as an effective remedy for infertility. It has the ability to even out the menstrual cycle without causing hormonal imbalances.

Sometimes the red root is used to relieve pain in the mammary glands. In addition, it is considered a real elixir of youth. The substances that make up the plant help to rejuvenate the skin and improve the condition of the hair.

Why is red root useful for men

The use of red root for men is indicated for the fight against erectile dysfunction. The plant stops the inflammatory process in the prostate and normalizes blood circulation. But you need to remember that the effect is cumulative. Additional medication may be required. The penny plant has the following effect on the male body:

  • antioxidant effect;
  • improving reproductive function;
  • increased libido;
  • tonic effect;
  • increasing resistance to stress.

Useful properties of red root for children

In childhood, the correct application of the red root is imperative. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the permissible dosages, as this can provoke side effects. Under the age of 12, alcohol-containing tinctures are prohibited. It is better to use herbal tea for treatment. The main indications for the use of a penny for children are immunodeficiency and colds.

How to brew and apply red root

The process of brewing a red root is carried out according to a certain algorithm. There are several universal recipes.In each case, the concentration of active ingredients will vary. Accordingly, the effectiveness of therapy will also change. The method of using a penny should be chosen based on the nature of the disease.

Advice! Before using a penny for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult a doctor.



  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped root;
  • honey, cream - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. A penny is poured into any container that retains heat well. Then hot water is poured over it.
  2. After 45 minutes of infusion, the drink is poured into cups.
  3. Cream and honey can be added directly to the cup.
You can use a French press to make penny tea



  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped penny;
  • 150 ml of water.


  1. The raw materials are poured with water, after which the container is placed in a water bath.
  2. The liquid is heated for 20 minutes.
  3. After removing from heat, the broth is infused under the lid for 2 hours.
  4. The drink is filtered before use.
Treatment with a decoction of a penny is practiced for no more than 1 month



  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. red root.

Cooking steps:

  1. A penny is poured into a thermos and filled with hot water.
  2. The medicine should be infused all night.
  3. In the morning, the liquid is filtered and taken in the required amount.
Red root can be brewed without grinding to a powdery state

Alcohol tincture

Alcoholic tincture of a penny before use must be diluted with water. It is prohibited for admission for liver and kidney diseases. In other cases, it can be a fairly effective alternative treatment. It is especially effective against colds.


  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 50 g of ground red root.

Cooking rules:

  1. Dry penny root is placed in a glass bottle and poured with vodka.
  2. The container is carefully corked and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  3. After a specified time, the liquid is filtered through gauze or a special filter.
In the pharmacy, you can find ready-made tincture of a penny

How to take red root to increase potency

The forgotten penny can be found in the composition of dietary supplements designed to increase potency. They are taken according to the recommendations specified in the instructions. A remedy from a penny can be made independently. Alcohol tincture is in great demand. It is considered to be a more concentrated product. A man should drink 1 tsp of tincture of red root. 3 times a day. The treatment is carried out for a month.

How to brew and take red root for prostatitis

The red root is rich in zinc, magnesium and copper. They are extremely important in diseases of the prostate gland. Their main function is to stimulate seminal fluid and increase sex drive. If the problem is caused by an infectious disease, then the penny directs its action on it. To get the desired effect, you need to properly brew the red root for men. This will require the following components:

  • 1 tsp St. John's wort;
  • 1 tsp thyme;
  • 2 tsp penny;
  • 1 tsp oregano;
  • 1 tsp burdock root;
  • 1 tsp pion;
  • 3 tbsp. water.

Cooking rules:

  1. All components are carefully mixed together and filled with water. For half an hour, it is boiled over low heat.
  2. The finished drink is cooled to room temperature and then filtered.
  3. The broth must be taken in 1 tbsp. twice a day. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the number of receptions is increased up to 3 times. Treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.
After a course of treatment with a decoction of a penny, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination

No less effective against prostatitis is the tincture of a penny in milk. But before using it, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications. The following components are involved in the recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. red root;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • honey and milk to taste.


  1. Raw materials are poured into a container and filled with hot water.
  2. The duration of the infusion is 2 hours.
  3. The milk is heated, then honey is added to it. The resulting drink is diluted with the infusion in a ratio of 1: 3.
  4. Tincture of red root for men in milk should be taken 2 times a day, 100 ml.
You can use absolutely any kind of honey in the recipe.
Comment! Taking a decoction of a penny for a long time normalizes the psychoemotional status of a person.

How to take red root for weight loss

The main benefit of the red root for the body is in the regulation of metabolism. That is why it is often used for weight loss. A penny helps to eliminate excess fluid and speeds up the process of digestion of food. For weight loss, the Alpine penny should be taken in tea. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Honey can be added to improve the taste. In addition to this, it is necessary to control the amount of calories consumed and apply physical activity.

The use of a penny in cosmetology

The red root is widespread not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is indicated for use by owners of problematic and aging skin. A penny broth is often used instead of a cleansing lotion. They soak a cotton pad with it and wipe the face twice a day after washing.

Another effective remedy is a curd mask. It is a mixture of infusion of red root and cottage cheese. The mask is applied to the skin of the face and left for 15-20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water. Regular treatment makes the skin firmer and removes fine wrinkles.


In addition to indications for use, the red root herb has contraindications. It is extremely important to consider them in order to prevent possible side effects. The penny is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • increased nervous irritability;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • high body temperature;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the risk of developing myocardial infarction;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • age under 12.

It is strictly forbidden to take red root together with antibiotics. This can increase their detrimental effects on the body. If you need to combine a plant with other drugs, it is important to consult a specialist. In the event of an allergic reaction, the drug is immediately stopped.

Collection and preparation of grass

The method and period for collecting a penny depends on which part of the plant is needed. The leaves are harvested during the flowering period. They are simply torn off or cut off with a sharp knife. The root part is used at any time, but preferably in the fall, dug out with a shovel. 1/3 of the system must be left in the ground.

The collected raw materials are washed with running water. It can be crushed before drying. Then the roots and leaves are laid out in an open space, providing protection from direct sunlight. Drying times can vary from a few hours to a day. The finished raw materials are stored in tin or glass jars with a lid. It is also acceptable to use paper bags for storage. It is necessary to keep the harvested raw materials away from moisture and sunlight. The shelf life of dried roots and herbs is 3 years.

Attention! Uncontrolled intake of derivatives of the red root can lead to nervous excitability.


The healing properties and contraindications of a penny should be known to everyone who practices alternative treatment. It will allow you to normalize the body's work and avoid side effects. During treatment, the prescribed regimen and dosage should be observed.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of red root for men

Guskov Valentin Nikolaevich, 54 years old, Rostov-on-Don
I started drinking alcohol-infused red root due to developing prostatitis.Discovered the disease at an early stage. The doctor allowed to resort to traditional medicine. The treatment was long, but the disease was stopped. Now, just in case, I always keep the red root close at hand.
Krylov Anatoly Sergeevich, 45 years old, Ufa
I took a penny as part of a herbal with thyme and oregano. I wanted to increase sexual activity and strengthen immunity. The effect was not immediately noticeable, about 2-3 weeks after administration. I noticed an increase in physical endurance and a disappearance of sleep problems.
Kozhevnikov Petr Alekseevich, 49 years old, Moscow
The health benefits and harms of red root are not known to everyone. In general, I found out about it only last year, when, on the advice of a friend, I began to take it for potency. Due to its natural origin, it is well tolerated by the body, without causing addiction and side effects. By the way, the result persists even after you stop taking it.
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