How to clean white fur: artificial and natural

White fur has obvious drawbacks - even minor dirt is visible on it, over time it turns yellow. In addition, the absorbed dirt worsens its structure, it becomes greasy, it becomes outwardly unsightly, looks sloppy. It is not easy to clean white fur at home - the risk of hopelessly spoiling the product is too great. If you have a desire to try, you need to turn to the advice of experts.

Features of cleaning white fur at home

There are many ways to clean using various means - from folk to professional. Working with such a capricious texture, you must be very careful. Before you start using the product on the entire product, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area.

Light-colored fur clothing looks pretty but isn't considered the most practical

Cleaning of artificial and natural fur is different. With a wet procedure, with a natural one, you need to process only the pile, without affecting the leather base, otherwise this can lead to damage to the thing. In no case should you wet the flesh to which the hairs are attached, it will become oak, crack, and the pile will fall out.

You can clean the dirt only with delicate means, in no case use aggressive chemicals, powders with bleaches and enzymes.

Dry fur products naturally. You cannot use a hairdryer, hot iron, radiator.

Methods for cleaning white fur

It can be cleaned wet or dry. The procedure consists in treating only contaminated areas or cleaning the entire product as a whole.

How to wet white fur at home

The wet method is generally acceptable for faux fur products. Typically, a soap solution is used as a detergent. The procedure will require a delicate product - shampoo or liquid soap, a bowl, a soft bristled brush or sponge, a cotton napkin and a terry towel.

Pour water into the basin with a temperature of about 30 degrees, dilute the detergent in it so that foam forms. It is recommended to lay the product on a horizontal surface. If you need to clean the white fur on a jacket of small size and length, you can hang it on a hanger.

Dip a brush or sponge in a bowl of soapy water. Carry out processing in the direction of the pile. After cleaning the dirt, moisten a cotton cloth, remove the remaining soap, then blot well with a terry towel and dry at room temperature away from heat sources. After the garment is completely dry, you can comb it with a rounded-toothed comb.

The easiest and most affordable way to clean faux fur is with soapy water

The easiest way to clean, if the item is small and almost completely dirty, is to wash in a washing machine on a delicate cycle.

The wet method consists not only in using water and soap, but also in the treatment with alcohol, blue solution, vinegar, ammonia.

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Dry cleaning white fur at home

The dry method is more often used for cleaning natural fur, since the skin cannot be wetted. It consists in the use of free-flowing substances that have a porous structure and are able to absorb particles that make up the pollution.

One of the dry cleaning products for natural white fur coats is sawdust

Suitable for this are wheat bran, talc, chalk, semolina, starch, sawdust. The fur thing is laid out on a horizontal surface, the agent is scattered, it is evenly distributed. When the dirt is absorbed, shake the product well, comb out the residues with a rare comb, remove with a vacuum cleaner or brush. The short pile is brushed against the fur, long in the direction of hair growth.

How to wash white fur at home

To remove dirt from fur at home, various folk remedies are used, which are always at hand in the apartment. They are applied with cotton pads, sponges or sprayed with a spray bottle.

How to clean natural white fur

To clean natural white fur, absorbents are used that can absorb pollutants.

Experts suggest using fine dry sawdust of non-coniferous trees. You need to take a handful and wipe the dirty areas with them or sprinkle on the entire product and leave for 2-3 hours. Then shake them off, comb against the hair with a metal comb and shake again.

Important! Do not use plastic combs for combing natural fur because of the electrification of the wool.

As an adsorbent for cleaning, you can use semolina, talc, corn or potato starch. They rub the fur, hold it with your palms, wrinkle it slightly so that the dirt is absorbed into the absorbent. Then the product is shaken thoroughly. One procedure may not be enough, it must be repeated several times before the fur is clean. The degree of contamination is determined by the color of starch or semolina after processing. For greater effect, bulk products are heated in the microwave or in a dry frying pan before cleaning.

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Wet cleaners for natural fur are used with caution. Their impact should be short-lived.

You can use hydrogen peroxide (3%) for cleaning. It must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and sprayed with a spray bottle, then wait until it dries.

It is better to spray liquid products for natural things with a spray bottle.

A mixture of salt and alcohol in a 3: 1 ratio will help to restore the whiteness of the fur. It must be diluted with a glass of water and treated with contamination.

The yellowed collar area can be cleaned with a few drops of ammonia and 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide, diluted in a glass of water.

Another cleaning agent is vinegar 9%. To remove yellowness, you need to wipe the pile, moving along the hair growth.

You can wipe the dirty areas with lemon juice, which must be mixed with water in equal proportions, or dissolved in a glass of warm water 1 tbsp. l. citric acid.

How to wash faux white fur

On the one hand, it is easier to work with faux fur, because it can be washed - both by hand and in a machine. At the same time, it is not recommended to use such products as vinegar and acetone for it, it can also be spoiled by mechanical cleaning.

The following methods will help to clean it from dirt:

  1. Apply soapy water with a sponge, then rinse and dry.
  2. Wash the product in a machine in a gentle mode at low speeds.
  3. Prepare a blue solution, moisten a sponge with it, squeeze out and hold over the yellowed areas. This method is suitable not only for artificial, but also for natural fur. You need to clean it with blue color carefully so as not to spoil the product.This method requires certain skills, so it makes sense to first practice on an unnecessary piece of fur or on an inconspicuous area. It is very important not to overdo it with the amount of blue powder.
  4. You can brush the white fur with starch. You need to combine refined gasoline with potato starch to get a mixture that resembles a paste in consistency. Apply it to the dirt. After the gasoline has evaporated, shake off the starch and shake out the product properly.

You can use baking soda to clean the white fur on your shoes. It is rubbed thoroughly until it darkens, then removed. This method is suitable for small, usually greasy stains. For more serious soiling, soda is not suitable.

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Another way of cleaning is to sprinkle the fur on the boots with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. - 10 ml). After drying, comb through.

In some cases, you can machine wash your shoes. This possibility should be indicated on the product label.

To wash the faux white fur on the inside of the boots, it is better to have them dry cleaned with professional products.

Faux fur items are easiest to machine wash but may be at risk

White fur care rules

Natural and artificial fur requires careful wear, careful handling and constant proper care, otherwise it loses its appearance very quickly. Any cleaning is too aggressive for delicate materials and may be ineffective, so it is better to take care of it initially.

In order for a white fur product to retain its good appearance for a long time and the need for radical cleaning does not arise, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If your clothes get caught in snow or rain, after returning home, they should be thoroughly shaken off and dried in natural conditions. Exposure to moisture leads to yellowing.
  2. At the beginning of spring, fur clothes need to be cleaned of dirt. This can be done with a sponge dipped in a mixture of water and 9% vinegar. Then the thing must be dried and only then put away for storage.
  3. To prevent the product from turning yellow, it is wrapped in blue cloth or paper or placed in a linen bag.
  4. To protect natural products from moths, you need to arrange orange peels or geranium leaves in the cupboard.
  5. In summer, it is recommended to take out fur clothes from time to time, shake them, ventilate them on the balcony, and comb them.


You can dry clean your white fur or at home. In the latter case, you need to proceed with care so as not to damage the product irrevocably. It is best to take good care of your white fur garments and avoid heavy, persistent dirt that may not be helped by cleaning.

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