Sunberry: useful properties and contraindications, recipes

The healing properties and contraindications of Sunberry are a very interesting question. In recent years, the popularity of this plant has increased among gardeners. To assess the characteristics of the fruit, you need to study the benefits and harms of the sunberry berry and photos.

What a Sunberry

Sunberry, or "sun berry", is an annual herb belonging to the Solanaceae family. The hybrid was bred by crossing a creeping and African nightshade, a sprawling shrub that reaches about 70 cm in height. Sunberry is very similar to tomato bushes - the stems and leaves have the same structure.

Sunberry is a plant from the Solanaceae family, related to tomatoes

Sunberry blooms in inflorescences, consisting of 10-15 individual flowers. Fruiting occurs at the end of September or mid-October, and the berries are similar in size and color to blueberries or black currants. The inside of the berries contains small seeds, which are also very similar in shape to tomato seeds.

Recommended reading:  Why tomatoes are useful for the body
Important! Sunberry can be found under other names - garden nightshade, Canadian blueberry and blueberry-forte.

The value and composition of sunberry berries

Sunberry fruits are highly prized primarily in traditional medicine. Small black berries contain a huge amount of valuable substances, among which you can list:

  • vitamin C and carotene;
  • riboflavin and niacin;
  • tannins and saponins;
  • iron and calcium;
  • pectin and fructose;
  • lipids and steroids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • silver and copper;
  • hexuronic acid;
  • bioflavonoids and chlorophyll;
  • fatty acid;
  • sodium, magnesium and potassium;
  • manganese, selenium and chromium;
  • zinc;
  • fiber.

The main share in the composition of berries is carbohydrates - about 41 g per 100 g of fruits. The second place is occupied by fats, which occupy about 28 g, and the third - proteins, the share of which is only 9 g.

Small berries of Canadian blueberries are very rich in vitamins

Calorie content

Small black fruits are highly nutritious. In 100 g of Sunberry, 220 kcal is present, however, it must be borne in mind that berries are consumed in small quantities.

Useful properties of sunberry berries

Due to its rich chemical composition, nightshade fruits have numerous medicinal properties. In particular, berries:

  • have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects;
  • have a laxative and absorbent effect;
  • help stop bleeding and heal skin damage;
  • tone up and restore vigor;
  • promote the removal of toxins from the body;
  • have a beneficial effect on the liver and help its recovery;
  • strengthen immunity and prevent the development of tumors.

Also, the beneficial properties of nightshade berries are used to strengthen blood vessels and lower cholesterol, to improve the functioning of the nervous system and memory.

Health benefits of sunberry jam

Nightshade fruits are consumed not only fresh, they are often used for making tasty and healthy jam. This delicacy also has many valuable properties and improves health. In particular, healthy sunberry jam:

  • improves the functioning of the intestines and liver;
  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol and protects the heart from ailments;
  • helps the body to cope with infections, taking jam is very useful for ARVI and flu;
  • relieves headache and muscle pain.

In the process of making jam, the fruits lose some of their useful properties, but they still contain a lot of vitamins. During heat treatment, vitamin C is almost completely destroyed, therefore, lemon is usually added to the jam, which not only increases the benefits, but also improves the taste of the treat.

Why sunberry is useful for the body

The beneficial properties of nightshade sunberry are actively used for the prevention and treatment of ailments. Nightshade has a good effect:

  • with colds and viral diseases;
  • with weakened immunity and loss of strength;
  • with a tendency to edema and impaired renal function;
  • with hypertension and high cholesterol levels;
  • with constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • with intestinal colitis and gastritis;
  • with a tendency to migraines.

Sunberry has a beneficial effect on any infectious process in the body. You can use the berry for joint ailments, it will stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain and restore mobility.

Garden nightshade benefits the entire body when consumed

The benefits of sunberry berries for men

For the male body, the beneficial properties of the Canadian blueberry sunberry are especially valuable. First of all, the berries, with regular use, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, increase endurance, this is important, since it is men who are prone to early heart attacks.

In addition, sunberry has a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive sphere. Vitamins and minerals in the composition of the fruit increase potency and prolong sexual activity. The anti-inflammatory compounds in nightshade berries help fight urogenital inflammation and prevent the development of prostate tumors.

Why Sunberry is good for women

The garden nightshade has a positive effect on the female body. The use of berries is highly recommended for painful periods, sunberry relieves discomfort and soothes pain. Iron in the composition prevents the development of anemia, which often occurs against the background of severe blood loss.

The fruits of the garden nightshade are good for the nervous system. If you eat them regularly, your mood will improve markedly and your stress levels will decrease. Women suffer more from psycho-emotional stress, so for them this property of nightshade is very valuable.

Can children eat Sunberry

For adolescents, garden nightshade can be beneficial, berries strengthen the immune system and protect the body from gastrointestinal disorders. Sunberry helps to increase focus and concentration for schoolchildren.

However, in young children, garden nightshade often causes allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended to offer fruits to a child no earlier than 12 years.

Attention! Sunberry has a list of contraindications and can be harmful to the body. Before giving your child nightshade berries for the first time, you should consult a pediatrician.
Sunberry can cause allergies, therefore, berries are not offered to children under 12

What does the sunberia berry heal?

The valuable properties of the garden nightshade are used to treat many diseases. Although the product cannot completely replace pharmaceuticals, it does have a good complementary effect.

Sunberry for hypertension

With hypertension, the use of nightshade berries is very useful, they equalize pressure, relieve headaches and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. In addition, for the treatment of hypertension, you can prepare a remedy from the stems and flowers of the sunberry collected during the flowering period - the green raw materials are crushed and mixed with honey.

For eyes

The beneficial properties of the sun berry help protect visual acuity and prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma. Sunberry can be used for mechanical eye injuries and inflammatory processes; in all cases, the berries will have a beneficial effect.

The nightshade fruit extract is included, among other things, in the well-known preparation "Blueberry Forte". The vitamin supplement is not a stand-alone drug, but has proven beneficial effects.

For joints

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of nightshade are in demand in the treatment of joint ailments - rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis. In addition to eating Sunberry, it is recommended to take infusions of flowers and leaves of the plant.

It is very useful to combine the treatment with sunberry baths. They do it like this - add 100 ml of fresh nightshade juice and 50 g of fresh horseradish gruel to a filled container. You need to take such a bath no longer than half an hour, and the whole course of treatment consists of 13 procedures, usually in the second week of therapy, noticeable relief comes.

Fruits have anti-inflammatory and healing properties

With a lack of iodine

The sunberry fruit contains iodine, it is very valuable for the thyroid gland, but residents of the middle lane and northern regions are often in short supply. The greatest benefit comes from such a remedy:

  • 2 cups nightshade berries are poured into a blender;
  • add 1 glass of feijoa;
  • chop the fruits and pour the gruel with a glass of liquid honey.

Take the medicine in a spoonful before breakfast and shortly before lunch. The therapy is continued on average for about 2 weeks, then a break is taken.

With abscesses, purulent wounds

Sunberry can be used externally to treat inflamed wounds and abscesses that do not heal for a long time. Compresses are used to restore the skin - the sunberry is most beneficial in combination with egg white. You can also mix nightshade fruits with fermented milk products. In both cases, the vitamins in the berries will speed up the healing process of the skin and help relieve inflammation.

With angina

The antibacterial properties of the sunberry plant have a positive effect on tonsil inflammation. Vitamin C and other components help to quickly get rid of sore throat, cough and fever.

It is recommended to use Sunberry not only internally, but also as a gargle. Berry juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and a sore throat is treated up to 5 times a day.

With a decrease in the tone of the body

Sunberry fruits have a very high concentration of nutrients. It is recommended to use them for symptoms of vitamin deficiency, during the recovery period after illness and with a seasonal decrease in immunity and tone.

Sunberry has a good firming effect when combined with honey and nuts

A mixture of nightshade berries, honey and nuts is considered especially valuable. About 3 cups of fruit should be mixed with a glass of pine nuts, chopped in a blender and covered with honey. The mixture is taken in a large spoonful shortly before meals, after a few days a noticeable surge of strength is felt.

Rules for the use of sunberry berries for medicinal purposes

Traditional medicine offers several recipes using sunberry. Nightshade berries are used for the preparation of infusions, decoctions and compresses for external use; in all types, the product is beneficial.

Compress for skin diseases

For psoriasis, seborrhea and dermatitis, homemade ointment has a good effect. They do it like this:

  • break 2 chicken eggs;
  • add 100 ml of fresh juice squeezed from the leaves of the sunberry;
  • mixed with 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from nightshade berries;
  • apply the mixture to clean gauze and apply to the diseased area.

You need to keep the compress for about 40 minutes. The active ingredients in nightshade relieve inflammation and accelerate healing, while egg yolk and protein soften damaged skin.

Infusion for pain in the stomach

With gastritis and other negative processes in the stomach, an infusion of berries brings relief. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of a mixture of nightshade fruits and leaves, pour 500 ml of hot water and hold under the lid until the infusion cools down.

They use the product several times a day, 150 ml, it is better to drink the infusion on an empty stomach.

Infusion for asthma

Garden nightshade berries relieve bronchial asthma. To prepare a medicinal infusion you need:

  • mix the sunberry, dried nightshade flowers and lungwort stems in equal amounts;
  • measure out 1 large spoonful of the collection and pour 500 ml of boiling water into a thermos;
  • insist 2 hours, and then filter through cheesecloth.

Take the medicine in a large spoonful on an empty stomach, no more than 3 times a day.

Medicines are prepared from the fruits of Canadian blueberries - decoctions and infusions

Sunberry berry treatment rules

The fruits of the garden nightshade are an effective remedy with numerous beneficial properties. But when using berries, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Sunberry has laxative properties - no wonder the berries are used to treat constipation. When using vitamin mixtures and infusions based on nightshade, dosages must be strictly observed - exceeding the recommended norms can lead to indigestion.
  2. Sunberry has a sedative effect. This makes them a good sedative, but it imposes certain restrictions on their use. It is not recommended to take the fruits and remedies based on them before driving, or before intense mental work, the occurrence of mild drowsiness is possible.
  3. Although Sunberry can be used on a diet to cleanse the body of toxins, you cannot abuse the fruits, they are quite high in calories. The maximum daily allowance for fresh fruit is no more than 2 handfuls.
  4. Before eating the fruit or before cooking, the sunberry must be thoroughly washed. Dust and dirt on the fruit greatly reduces the benefits of the medicinal plant.
  5. Sunberry decoctions and infusions are advised to be cooked using hot, but not boiling water. So more valuable properties are preserved in fruits and less vitamins are destroyed.
  6. In total, you need to consume the fruits of the garden nightshade no longer than 14 days in a row. If the terms are exceeded, the effectiveness of the treatment will decrease, and in addition, digestive problems may appear due to the laxative effect of the berries.
Advice! Ripe sunberries are best used for treatment. Although the question of whether or not green nightshade is poisonous is still controversial among gardeners, the benefits of green berries are definitely lower and the taste is worse.

Limitations and contraindications

In some cases, the use of Sunberry for medicinal purposes should be completely abandoned. Fruits have contraindications, in particular, they are not recommended to use:

  • with individual allergies, in this case, the product will only harm the body;
  • during pregnancy, Sunberry provokes additional contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth at a later date;
  • during lactation, substances in the composition of the fetus can harm the infant;
  • with a tendency to diarrhea, nightshade fruits are often treated for constipation, but with frequent stool disorders, it is better not to use berries.
There are few contraindications for berries, but they need to be used in small quantities.

A single or long-term overdose when consuming berries leads to such an unpleasant condition as hypervitaminosis - an excess of vitamin substances in the body.Hypervitaminosis is expressed in skin rashes, headaches, nausea and heart rhythm disturbances. If side effects appear, treatment with berries should be stopped immediately and wait until the excess vitamins leave the body.


The healing properties and contraindications of Sunberry are closely related to each other, but when used carefully, the product is beneficial. Unusual nightshade berries relieve negative symptoms in many diseases and strengthen the body's strength, but when using them, you must definitely observe the dosages.

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