Ylang-ylang oil for hair: properties, reviews, how to use

Exotic essential oil solutions are often used in the care of skin and curls. Ylang-ylang essential oil for hair can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Strengthens weakened roots and rebuilds the ends that have been cut

Properties of Ylang Ylang essential oil for hair

The product has a sweet aroma. The tree, which is the basis for the production of an essential oil solution, grows in Polynesia. Its name translates literally as a flower of flowers.

Aromatic ether is used in both perfumery and cosmetic production. The popularity of the ether is increasing, which leads to an increase in its value. The high cost of essential oil is due to its quality.

Ylang Ylang essential oil has a unique composition:

  • formic, acetic, benzoic, valeric acids;
  • vitamins (PP, E, C, groups B, A);
  • minerals (magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese);
  • esters;
  • monoterpene alcohols;
  • phenols.

Ylang Ylang essential oil is considered a versatile hair remedy. Proper use of the product allows you to restore smoothness and silkiness to your hair. Gradually, the curls become more pliable, their volume increases.

The following indications for the use of an essential cosmetic product are called:

  • split ends treatment;
  • rehabilitation after chemical and thermal injuries;
  • protection from adverse external factors.

How to use ylang ylang oil for hair

There are several ways to use a cosmetic product. Their choice depends on the purpose of use.

Brushing hair with oil

The procedure is distinguished by its benefits due to the improvement of the curls, improving their quality. Normalization of the state of the nervous system, increasing attractiveness is essential, since the flower belongs to an aphrodisiac.

Attention! To carry out the session, you need a brush with exclusively natural bristles or wood based.

A few drops of an essential oil are applied to the comb. The optimal amount is 3 to 6 drops. However, during the first procedures, the amount of cosmetic product should be minimal.

Important! Any signs of discomfort indicate that the remedy is not suitable.

The hair is combed after washing and drying the hair, moving from the ends to the roots. The procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes once a week.

After each session, the comb must be washed with soap.


This procedure accelerates hair growth and improves hair quality. Manipulations are carried out up to 2 times a week for any type of hairline.

Burdock oil (3 tablespoons) and an essential oil solution of ylang-ylang are mixed in the palm of your hand. The composition is rubbed into the roots, I massage my head for 30 minutes. I saturate all hair with the mixture, including split ends. To improve the effect, the head can be insulated.

Hair is washed with shampoo after half an hour
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Adding to shampoo

Fortification of cosmetics is the easiest way to use ylang ylang essential oil. A small amount of shampoo is poured into the palm and 5 drops of ether are added. The product can also be mixed with hair balm.

Fortification is recommended for fine or oily hair. The method can also be used for other types of hairline.

Ylang Ylang essential oil is not used more than 3 times a week

Hair rinsing

The sessions allow you to improve the structure and normalize the condition of the hair along the entire length. The advantages include accelerating the growth of curls, giving elasticity.

Add 5 drops of an essential agent to a liter of purified water. For oily hair, also include a spoonful of lemon juice.

Rinse the head with the composition up to 2 times a week after washing

Ylang Ylang Oil Hair Mask Recipes

Masks based on cosmetic products restore strength and shine to curls. The absence of weighting is essential. Because it has a brightening effect, it is ideal for women with blonde hair.

Ylang Ylang Oil for Hair Growth

A mask with jojoba oil is suitable for enhancing the growth of curls due to the active components that make up the product. The procedure can be performed every week 2 times for an unlimited amount of time.

In the palm of your hand, mix jojoba oil (1 teaspoon) and ylang-ylang ether (5 drops). The composition is rubbed into both the roots and the tips. After half an hour, the mask is washed off.

Against falling out

To prevent the loss of curls and as the prevention of alopecia, a mask is used based on the following oil solutions:

  • lemon;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang-ylang.

The components are combined and applied with massage movements to the scalp, distributed gently over the curls.

After half an hour, the hair is washed with shampoo

From split ends

For split ends, you can use a mixture of oil solutions:

  • olive (2 tablespoons);
  • linseed or sesame seeds (2 tablespoons);
  • ylang-ylang (4 drops).

Cosmetics are mixed and heated, applied to the scalp, distributed over the curls. To enhance the effect, the mask is insulated with polyethylene, a hat or a terry towel. After an hour, the composition is washed off with shampoo.

Trichologists recommend using this mask twice a week. Preventive use is 1 month of regular procedures.

The result is visible in 2-3 weeks


A healing mask allows you to eliminate flaking, itching of the scalp. Oily essential solutions of eucalyptus, rosemary, thyme and ylang-ylang are mixed in a container. The resulting composition is added to the shampoo.

With the help of massage movements, the product is rubbed into the root zone and washed off

For density and volume

Hair density is possible only in the absence of hair loss. To add volume to the curls, you can use a mask based on burdock oil (5 teaspoons) and ylang-ylang ether (3 drops). The composition is heated in a steam bath, cognac (10 ml) and lemon juice are added.

The prepared mixture is applied to the area of ​​the root zone, distributed with a comb to the tips. The head is insulated with cellophane and a terry towel. After 2 hours, the curls are washed with shampoo

To restore and strengthen

The mask includes 10 drops of ylang-ylang ether, burdock or castor oil, natural honey (1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon, respectively). The finished composition is applied to the hair in the evening, while the scalp is massaged, insulated with a film and a cap.

In the morning, the curls are washed with shampoo, rinsed with 1 liter of water with lemon juice (1 tablespoon), ylang-ylang essential oil (2-3 drops) e

For oily hair

To eliminate increased greasiness, egg yolk, esters of rosemary, ylang-ylang (2 drops each), birch (1 drop), jojoba oil (1 tablespoon) are used. The mask is rubbed into the roots and after 10 minutes distributed over the curls, the head is insulated.After half an hour, the composition is washed off with warm water without the use of shampoo.

Egg yolk as part of the mask fights oily hair

For dry hair

A mask with the addition of avocado, chamomile ester will help in the presence of dry curls damaged by various adverse factors. To prepare the composition, mix esters of chamomile (2 drops), ylang-ylang (3 drops), chopped avocado puree.

The duration of the mask is half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water

Contraindications and rules of work

To achieve an optimal result, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a cosmetic product that is purchased only from reliable manufacturers. Ylang Ylang essential oil is active. In this connection, its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • oncological alertness.
Important! Before the first use of the product, a test is carried out to exclude allergic reactions. A drop of ether is rubbed into the skin at the inner crease of the elbow. In the absence of redness, the product can be used on the scalp.


Ylang Ylang essential oil for hair is used to solve various cosmetic problems. The tool is suitable for use with any type of curls. The cosmetic product does not have a cumulative effect. Usually the result appears after several procedures.

Reviews on the use of ylang-ylang oil for hair

Reviews contain information on the effectiveness of the used ether agent.

Alla Nikolaevna Lymareva, 24 years old, Saratov
I usually add essential oil to balms and shampoos. I drip a small amount into my palm and stir. Sometimes I include an egg in the composition, but then it is difficult to wash it off. I can withstand the mask for up to 30 minutes, I warm it with a shower cap. The result is simply amazing.
Valentina Alexandrovna Epifanova, 21 years old, Moscow
I add essential oil to cosmetics before use. The choice of oil grade (extra or first) is essential. With the help of masks, you can eliminate not only the problem of split ends, but also normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. A bonus is the effect of the ether solution as an aphrodisiac.
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