How to wash viscose: in the washing machine and by hand, temperature and washing mode

Clothes made of a material such as viscose are very light and practical, but they have one drawback - it can be damaged if not properly cared for. To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to be able to properly wash the viscose, avoiding shrinkage or, conversely, stretching the material.

Viscose is a very moody material that shrinks after improper washing.

Can viscose be washed

Viscose belongs to delicate fabrics, therefore products made from it require careful handling. But you can wash clothes made of this material both by hand and in a washing machine, provided that the following rules are observed:

  • things made of viscose fabric do not tolerate changes in water temperature, during washing and rinsing it should be the same;
  • it is better to use liquid detergents (gels) for delicate things, or you can use a special powder for fine fabrics, but it must be well dissolved in water;
  • it is impossible to rub and strongly wash the stains, as the material will stretch and lose its shape, therefore, soak for no more than 30 minutes;
  • it is forbidden to squeeze and twist the thing, the water must drain on its own, so it should be placed on a horizontal surface to drain the liquid, otherwise the material will stretch under the weight.

Does the viscose shrink when washing

Viscose fabrics are prone to shrinkage, especially if washed incorrectly. It should also be borne in mind that the most affected are those products, the fabric of which contains impurities of other fibers. For example, if natural cotton or acrylic is present in the composition, then the thing can sit down from high temperature water. Also, clothes can decrease in size with temperature changes if wool is present in the composition. But the presence of polyester contributes to the formation of pellets with improper washing, especially in an automatic machine.

Attention! A product made from 100% viscose is less demanding on the washing process than a mixed fabric.

If you are going to wash a viscose product, you should consider the following factors:

  • at high or unstable temperatures, things can shrink strongly, especially if the composition contains wool or acrylic;
  • the product must be properly and completely dried, a damp thing is capable of stretching strongly without the possibility of recovery;
  • if the composition contains a polyester thread, then the formation of pellets is possible, therefore it is recommended to wash such a thing in a special bag;
  • it is not advisable to use steamers for viscose clothing, as well as vertical hanging for drying, since under its own weight the material can stretch without restoring its original size.
If a viscose item has lost its shape after improper washing, it will be almost impossible to restore it.

At what temperature to wash viscose

The water temperature for washing viscose should not exceed 30-36 degrees. It is also important to ensure that it is not too cold, otherwise the dirt will not be removed.

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It is necessary to rinse the product in clean water at the same temperature, otherwise a sharp drop will cause shrinkage or stretching.

What mode to wash viscose

If the manufacturer allows clothes to be washed in a machine, then it is important to choose the correct mode. If there is a program specifically designed for rayon fabrics, you should choose this. In other cases, it is better to give preference to the delicate mode or hand wash, the number of spinning revolutions should not exceed 800 per minute. The most optimal for such a capricious fabric would be 400-500 rpm.

How to wash viscose so as not to shrink

Having purchased a thing from such a delicate fabric, you should carefully study the label. It will indicate the manufacturer's recommendations for proper care of the product. In most cases, hand washing is preferable, but automatic washing is also allowed, of course, subject to a number of rules.

How to wash viscose in a washing machine

Many housewives are wary of washing viscose in an automatic machine, justifying this by the fact that the fabric is very moody and can shrink. In fact, this is a common misconception, since with the correct preparation of the product and the choice of the mode (temperature, number of revolutions), the fabric will not shrink. In addition, there are also a number of recommendations that will allow the clothes to keep their original appearance:

  • wash viscose clothing separately from other fabrics;
  • before loading into the drum, the item is checked for damage, and all zippers (buttons, buttons) are turned inside out and closed; if there is a special bag for washing delicate fabrics, it is advisable to use it;
  • the mode is required to choose delicate or manual at the minimum number of revolutions and at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees (if a special mode is provided for washing viscose, then you must select it);
  • it is advisable to use a gel detergent for delicate fabrics;
  • spinning and drying must be turned off;
  • it is recommended to rinse by hand in a large amount of water.
Important! In no case should you put balls for washing in the drum along with viscose clothes, they will cause puffs and snags on the fabric, which will be impossible to remove.
By placing the viscose item in a special bag before immersion in the machine, you can avoid damage to it

How to hand wash viscose garments

If machine wash is prohibited, viscose clothing should be hand washed. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm water is poured into the basin (up to 30 degrees, at a higher temperature the viscose shrinks after washing). A specialized detergent is added to it, it is best to give preference to the gel. Stir it thoroughly.
  2. A thing is lowered into the resulting soapy solution, left for 20-30 minutes, depending on the degree of pollution.
  3. After this time has elapsed, the product is slightly pressed to the bottom several times and turned over (you cannot rub or wrinkle strongly).
  4. The washed item is taken out, but not wrung out. Drain the water, replace it with clean water (the temperature should correspond to that in which the product was soaked), then rinse the clothes. This process is repeated 2-3 more times.
Attention! You cannot squeeze out the product, it should be laid horizontally until all the water drains off on its own.
Hand wash is preferable for viscose

How to properly dry viscose

Observing all the rules of washing, housewives may be faced with the fact that the clothes still lose their original shape, stretch a lot. Sometimes such a nuisance can occur if the item was not properly dried.

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In no case should the item be wrung out by twisting immediately after washing, it must be laid out on a special net. After the water is completely drained, it is transferred to a terry towel and rolled up.Once the product is partially dry, it can be hung on a hanger until it is completely dry.

It is only required to dry viscose material in a natural way, away from heating appliances and direct sunlight.


It is quite simple to wash viscose at home, subject to all the rules. If you do not violate the temperature regime during washing and completely follow the recommendations for rinsing and drying, then the thing will not lose its original appearance.

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