Shoe storage: in the hallway, closet, dressing room, ideas and photos

Storing shoes in a closet is common, but not the only way. There are many options and useful life hacks to preserve winter and summer shoes without compromising their quality.

Features of storing shoes

Not a single pair of outdoor shoes is used throughout the year - warm boots, summer sneakers and sandals are worn only for a certain season. The rest of the time, the shoes are in storage, and in order to not have to change them every year, you need to approach the storage process carefully.

Among the main features of storing any shoe are several:

  1. Only thoroughly dried summer and winter boots can be removed for several months. If you put damp shoes in a closet or box, then mold and an unpleasant smell will quickly develop in it.
  2. During storage, temperature conditions must be observed. Too low and high temperatures negatively affect the condition of not only leather, but also suede, fabric and other materials.
  3. When cleaning shoes for long-term storage, it is advisable to position them so that no kinks form on the skin and fabric. Otherwise, next season the creases will be difficult, if not impossible, to straighten, and the shoes will lose their attractive appearance.
  4. If necessary, it is advisable to repair shoes before storing them, and not to leave them until next season. Defects can get worse in a few months and become more difficult to deal with.
Advice! Before you put your shoes or shoes in the closet, you can treat them with special compounds that protect the material from moisture, excessive dryness and dust.
Following simple rules will keep your shoes and boots beautiful

At what temperature to store shoes

Temperature conditions are of great importance in the matter of storage. Even winter boots are not recommended to be kept in the cold - this will negatively affect the condition of the material and lead to its cracking. At the same time, it is impossible to keep shoes near heating devices, hot dry air can deform shoes.

It is best to keep your shoes at temperatures between + 10 and + 25 ° C in a dry place with good ventilation. In such conditions, they will be able to wait for the next season without losing their beauty and quality characteristics.

How to prepare shoes for storage

Before you put sandals, sneakers or winter boots in the closet, you must first prepare them for a period of long storage:

  1. First of all, shoes and boots need to be cleaned and washed. Rinse the sole under warm water, gently clean the top with a damp cloth, and then wipe it dry or allow the shoe to dry naturally.Sneakers and sneakers can be washed before winter storage, the insoles are removed and washed or simply thrown away.
  2. Shoes that are completely dry are inspected carefully. If boots or shoes require repair, then it is necessary to fix the heel, fastener or change heels just before folding the products into the closet.
  3. Clean and restored shoes are treated from the inside with a special antiseptic spray, it will prevent the appearance of mold or mildew, and also prevent an unpleasant smell.
  4. So that the shoes do not lose their shape, from the inside they are tightly stuffed with crumpled paper or newspapers. You can also insert special pads from a shoe store into boots or shoes to help prevent deformation of the products.
  5. Before being sent for storage, leather shoes should be cleaned using a special cream, it will soften the material and prevent it from drying out after a few months of rest. It is recommended to put a special moth repellent in fur winter boots and boots.

Fully prepared products can be stored. If you devote a little time to each of the above stages, then in the new season boots and shoes will still look attractive, and you can put them on immediately, without preliminary preparation and repair.

Before storing shoes, they need to be washed and treated with cream

How to store shoes at home

Throwing boots for the whole winter or summer in the hallway is not recommended. First of all, they will take up extra space and create a sense of clutter. In addition, in an open place, they will quickly become covered with dust, and you will have to wipe them every few days.

Convenient storage of shoes can be organized both with the help of purchased devices, and through simple self-made storages.

Shop accessories for storing shoes

Among the purchased devices, you can list several of the most popular. They are inexpensive and easy to find.

Shoe rack

The simplest idea for storing shoes in the hallway is a regular shoe rack. A small open or closed bedside table is inexpensive, takes up little space, and is very convenient to use. The shoe rack is placed in the corner of the hallway or in the dressing room, boots, shoes and shoes are placed in any order on its shelves. In this case, they are stored in one place, are always at hand, but do not catch the eye and do not interfere with movement around the apartment.

Shoe rack is the most common option for storing footwear

Rotating rack

These racks are usually used for displaying goods in supermarkets, but they are also ideal for storing shoes, especially when it comes to lightweight shoes, ballet flats or sneakers. An added benefit of the rack is that vertical storage of the shoe allows maximum space savings. The disadvantage of the device can be considered an open structure; from time to time, shoes will have to be wiped from dust.

Vertical shoe and ballet rack takes up very little space

Shoe organizer

The idea of ​​compact storage of shoes suggests using shoe organizers; they can be made in a variety of forms. Sometimes they are a suspended structure with spacious "pockets", sometimes they look like laconic pins, on which you can put on shoes, turning them upside down. Organizers of any type are convenient because they are suitable for use even in very cramped apartments and allow you to store a large number of footwear literally half a meter of space.

The shoe organizer can be hung anywhere in the apartment
Attention! The most common option for storing footwear is shop boxes. Those in which shoes or boots were purchased. However, they have a drawback - the boxes take up a lot of space.

Homemade shoe storage

If it is not possible to purchase store devices, or you just do not want to spend money on them, you can make convenient storage devices with your own hands. It takes a little time, and the constructions themselves are extremely simple.

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Hangers with clips

The original idea of ​​storing shoes in a wardrobe suggests not putting, but hanging boots and boots on hangers with clips. Clips are neatly secured over the tops of boots, boots, or canvas sneakers and sneakers and place the hangers in the closet.

You can hang boots and long boots on a hanger

The advantage of the device is that the products in this case retain their shape well and do not wrinkle. However, you should not store shoes in a closet without boxes on hangers if the tops of the products are made of leather. In this case, it is better not to use clamps, but simply hang the products on hangers in cloth bags.

Empty paint cans

Large cans that once contained paint are great for storing compact shoes, trainers, ballerinas and sneakers. The cans must be thoroughly washed and the smell of paint removed, and then fixed on the wall in even rows and the products must be placed inside. This idea is convenient for storing children's shoes, which are small in size.

The design is well suited for a pantry, where cans will not disturb the harmony of the home interior.

Empty tins are great for storing slippers and sandals

Crossbar against the wall

Among the photo options for storing shoes in the hallway, you can often find a very simple device - a bar fixed to the wall at a short distance. It is especially convenient to place women's boots, shoes and boots with heels on the crossbar. It is by the heel that the product is hooked to the support, due to which it firmly adheres to the bar and does not fall.

Slats against the wall - a compact option for placing shoes and boots

How to store shoes properly

Any ideas and photos of storing shoes in the hallway and other places require basic rules to be followed. These rules largely depend on the season.

How to store summer shoes in winter

Preparing summer shoes, sneakers and boots for storage is quite simple. They are small in size, easy to wash and dry, moreover, such shoe products take up the least space in the apartment.

Even if summer shoes look almost clean, you still need to wash them before putting them in storage - remove all small pebbles stuck in the sole, wash off dust and dirt particles, stains and streaks on the upper part. Fabric sneakers and trainers are recommended to be washed by hand or machine for maximum cleanliness.

After washing and washing, summer shoes are dried; this should be done at room temperature, in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Do not dry products near a battery, hair dryer or other electrical appliances. This can deform the fabric or leave yellow streaks on the fabric if it is light.

A useful life hack for storing shoes recommends filling it with crumpled paper or inserting special spacers inside to maintain shape. You can also wrap the top of your shoe with paper to keep dust out.

For storage, shoe products must be removed carefully, without crushing them or putting them on top of each other. Despite the fact that summer shoes and sneakers are less susceptible to deformation, if stored inaccurately, they can still lose their shape and wrinkle a lot.

Keep summer shoes in winter in a dry and dark place without sudden changes in temperature. Sneakers, ballet flats and shoes should not be placed in places with high humidity, but they should not be placed near hot batteries either. Dry hot air will damage leather, suede, shoe fabric and sole material, and the shoe may dry out.

Keep summer shoes in a dark, dry place in winter.

A closet or dry closet is best suited for winter storage. However, you can also keep shoes on the balcony, provided that the balcony is glazed.

Attention! From time to time, summer shoes in winter can be taken out, ventilated and cleaned from possible dust, this will benefit the condition of the products.

How to store winter shoes in summer

Storage of winter shoes is usually associated with great difficulties - careful care of footwear is required. When preparing boots and shoes, you must:

  • thoroughly wash the product and remove all dirt and small stones from the embossed sole;
  • wipe the bootlegs with soapy water or a special product;
  • wash the laces and insoles separately, replace both if necessary;
  • dry winter boots or boots, it is very important to do this in a natural way, without placing the products in the sun or near a heating radiator;
  • inspect products for defects and, if necessary, take boots or boots for repairs even before putting them away for storage;
  • stuff the product tightly from the inside with crumpled newspapers or paper, insert special spacers inside the shoe to help maintain its shape.

Most often, winter shoes are leather boots or boots with fur inside. Before putting the shoe products into the closet, you need to properly process their top with shoe cream, it will soften the structure of the leather and will not allow it to dry out. Inside the shoes, you should put tablets or powders in a closed package that repel moths, you should also sprinkle inside with a special antiseptic that prevents the occurrence of fungus.

Winter boots in summer should be stored away from the sun and in a dry place

Since winter shoes usually have high tops, they must be stored so that the product does not wrinkle or deform. Boots and boots are removed until next season in a straightened or vertical form, and if they are to be stored in a box, they are neatly folded, avoiding strong creases.

It is best to keep winter boots in a dry closet, closet or dressing room in summer. If warm boots can only be removed to the balcony, then the place should be shaded. It is important that hot sunlight does not fall even on the shoebox. If the balcony is open, then during the rain, boots and boots must be removed from it, even if they do not get wet, the drop in moisture can negatively affect their condition.

Advice! It is recommended to remove shoes from storage 1-2 times a month and ventilate them for a short time. Then the products will definitely not get damp, and an unpleasant odor will not appear in the shoes.

Shoe storage methods

If out of season clothes are usually stored in a large closet or simply on a hanger, then shoes can be found in various places in the house. If you know the basic rules, then you will be able to save footwear for the next season in the closet, in the hallway, and on the balcony.

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How to store shoes in the closet

A spacious wardrobe is one of the best options for storing shoes. It is dark enough, dry and dust-free, so summer shoes and winter boots can safely wait out a few months until the next season.

A closet is best for storing shoes and boots.

Ideally, shoes should be placed on the floor of the closet or on the lower shelves, from where boots and shoes are easiest to get. If the bottom of the cabinet is occupied, then the shoes in the boxes can be removed to the upper shelves. The main thing is to be able to freely reach them.

When storing winter shoes in a closet, it is most important to ensure that the fur elements are not eaten by moths. Insects often choose cabinets for their habitat, so boots and shoes should be placed in boxes or treated with moth repellents.

When storing in a closet, it is important to ensure that no other heavy objects are pressed down on top of the shoes.Over the course of several months, boots and shoes can become tightly packed and lose their shape.

How to store shoes on the balcony

A balcony is not the most suitable place for long-term storage of footwear. Things placed on it are very difficult to protect from temperature and humidity changes. But sometimes there is simply nowhere else to remove boots and boots and you have to think about how to provide them with suitable conditions on the balcony:

  1. You can store shoes on the balcony in winter only if the balcony is glazed. It is impossible to keep shoes on open balconies; this is tantamount to simply leaving products on the street.
  2. Regardless of the type of balcony, it is necessary to remove shoes for storage in a closet with tightly closing doors or in the far corner of the loggia, where the sun's rays do not reach. Even if the boots and shoes are tightly closed in the box, the direct rays of the sun will create temperature drops and constantly change the level of humidity.
  3. It is very important to protect boots and shoes on the balcony from moisture. On chilly days in the summer, you should regularly check the closet or corner where the boots and shoes are stored, and make sure that the shoes do not get damp. If the balcony is open and there is no closet on it, then during the rains, the shoe boxes will simply have to be brought into the apartment. It will be easier to initially select another storage location for them.
You can only keep shoes on a closed balcony

In addition to dampness, winter frosts are especially dangerous for shoes on the balcony. Best of all, footwear will feel on an insulated loggia, where the temperature is slightly different from the temperature in the apartment. If the balcony is glazed, but it is cold in winter, you need to especially carefully stuff your shoes and shoes from the inside with newspapers. In this case, it is recommended to additionally insulate the shoe box with paper or cloth.

How to store shoes in the dressing room

A small dressing room in a city apartment is the best place to store seasonal footwear. The dressing room offers ideal conditions for unused shoes, it is always dry, warm and free from excess light. In addition, there is enough space for free placement of shoes, even in large volumes.

When storing shoes, boots and sneakers in the dressing room, you usually don't need to think about how to protect things from moisture and cold. The main task is to organize the storage of shoes or develop a system in which it will be possible to quickly find the right pair.

It is recommended to put footwear on shelves, stands and organizers using a simple and comfortable shoe storage system for the owner. For example, you can sort your shoes and boots by season, style, color.

If the whole family uses the dressing room, then it would be reasonable for each of the household to set aside a separate shelf or stand, then the necessary shoes will not have to look long.

If shoes are stored in a vertical organizer or on shelves located one above the other, then it is better to place shoes and boots on top that are not worn often. The most favorite and often worn shoes are recommended to be placed on the lower and middle tiers.

It is easy to create ideal conditions for storing shoes and boots in the dressing room

Since dust accumulates in the dressing room, it is better to keep shoes on the shelves in boxes or in breathable linen bags. In this case, the audit and cleaning will have to be done less often.

How to store shoes in the hallway

Sometimes there is simply no place in the apartment to remove the shoes out of season for long-term storage. In such situations, she has to be left in the hallway.

Even if the room is very small and cramped, it is worth buying a small shoe rack. Life hacks for storing shoes in the hallway are also recommended to hang an organizer vertically on the wall. Then boots and shoes will not clutter up the space and get in the way on the floor, besides, it will become easier to take care of them.

When storing shoes in the hallway, it is important to ensure that no large amounts of dust accumulate on them.From time to time, when cleaning, you need to wipe your shoes and re-treat them with a protective cream.

Keep shoes in the hallway in a closed shoe rack or on a high rack

If the boots are on a stand on the floor, place them away from the place where the seasonal shoes are left. Otherwise, they will get dirt, wet splashes and dust brought from the street.

Useful life hacks for storing shoes

A few simple shoe storage solutions can make it easier to care for your shoes between seasons:

  1. Shoes can take up a lot of space. Therefore, it is recommended that you conduct an audit of your stocks twice a year and throw away any shoe products that are definitely not suitable for wearing.
  2. Do not store new shoes that have never been worn due to the wrong size or for other reasons. It will still not work to use them, it is better to give the products to friends and free up some space in the house.
  3. To protect shoes from dust during storage, they can be not only folded into boxes, but also wrapped in paper or in linen bags. But it is categorically impossible to close boots and shoes in plastic bags, things will not be able to "breathe" and will become damp. It is also not recommended to use plastic boxes without air holes.

If the shoes are sorted into boxes, it is helpful to label each one, and tags can be glued to the opaque canvas bags. This will make it easier to sort your shoe stocks and help you quickly find the right pair when the season arrives.

It is worth getting rid of excess shoes in a timely manner, it only takes up space


Storing your shoes in a closet, handy organizer, and other dry and warm places will extend the life of your shoes. Subject to the simplest care rules, boots and shoes retain their shape, beauty and strength for a long time.

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