How to brew and drink lingonberry leaves during pregnancy

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy can be very beneficial. Funds based on it are able to replace pharmaceuticals for certain diseases.

Whether or not you can drink lingonberry leaf drinks during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, it becomes especially difficult for women to cope with chronic and acute diseases. Most of the drugs from the pharmacy are undesirable because of the possible side effects, and those that are still allowed are too weak. For this reason, recipes of traditional medicine, including remedies based on lingonberry leaves, are of particular interest.

Doctors have no unequivocal opinion about how safe a folk drug is during pregnancy. Lingonberry leaves are diuretic and can cause dehydration and dizziness. Infusions based on them lower blood pressure, this can also affect a woman's well-being in a not very favorable way. But in general, taking natural remedies is not prohibited with a reasonable approach.

You need to drink funds on a lingonberry leaf during pregnancy with the permission of a doctor
Advice! It is best to consume lingonberry leaves during pregnancy at 3 trimetres. In the early stages, the likely side effects are especially dangerous for the fetus.

Medicinal properties of lingonberry leaves for pregnant women

When eaten carefully, lingonberry leaves can really be of great benefit. First of all, they help with cystitis during pregnancy and with the appearance of edema. The use of a natural diuretic allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as relieve the inflammatory process:

  1. The leaves have antibacterial, astringent, choleretic properties, have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.
  2. The raw materials contain a large amount of B vitamins. These components help a woman to maintain vigor and tone throughout pregnancy, to resist psychological stress and fight stress.
  3. Drinking infusions and teas with lingonberry leaves is especially useful for colds. Most often, common antipyretic drugs are prohibited, but a natural remedy can help bring down the temperature and speed up the healing process. For sore throat, it is allowed to rinse with lingonberry broth.
  4. Natural infusions and teas have a mild laxative effect and soothe heartburn. They can be used with heaviness in the stomach, during bouts of toxicosis and with difficulties with bowel movement.

The hypotensive properties of lingonberry leaves are highly valued in folk medicine. Overdosing on drinks can indeed lead to a decrease in pressure to dangerous levels. But with hypertension, a natural medicine will be of great benefit and help to cope with an attack without the use of powerful medications.

How to brew a lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

The benefits and harms of lingonberries depend on how well the leaves are brewed.The exact algorithm for preparing a medicinal drink is determined by a specific recipe. But there is also a general scheme that can be applied in most cases:

  1. For a glass of hot water for brewing, take one large spoonful of chopped leaves or two pharmacy filter bags. It is not necessary to use boiling water, the temperature of the liquid should be no more than 80 ° C. Otherwise, lingonberries will lose some of their beneficial properties.
  2. The brewed drink is insisted for 15 minutes, then filtered and waited until it cools down to room temperature.
  3. Lingonberry leaves are taken half a glass twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The total daily intake should not exceed 250 ml.
Infusions on the leaves have a bitter taste, and this helps not to exceed safe dosages

Before starting to use folk remedies, you should make sure that there is no individual allergic reaction to lingonberries. To do this, you must first drink only 2-3 large spoons of the medicinal drink and wait a few hours. If negative symptoms do not appear, treatment can be continued, as before, observing the volumes recommended in the recipes.

How to drink and take lingonberry leaf drinks during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers several main uses for lingonberry leaves. On their basis, useful water drinks with different concentrations of valuable substances are made.


Tea made from lingonberry leaves has a good effect on edema during pregnancy. It is brewed according to the following algorithm:

  • measure out 1.5 small spoons of dried crushed leaves;
  • pour raw materials 300 ml of hot water;
  • cover the glass with a lid or saucer and leave for half an hour.
Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make
During pregnancy, the daily dosage of lingonberry tea should not exceed one cup.

The finished drink is passed through cheesecloth to filter the precipitate. It is recommended to drink the product warm in half a cup, morning and evening. With severe edema and the absence of contraindications, the frequency rate can be increased up to three times a day, but this must be done with the approval of a doctor.

Recommended reading:  Thyme tea: useful properties and contraindications


Another recipe suggests preparing an aqueous infusion on lingonberry leaves. It has a high concentration of vitamins and is especially beneficial for cystitis and colds.

Prepare a remedy as follows:

  • take four small spoons of dry leaves;
  • pour a glass of hot, but not boiling water;
  • cover the container with a lid and leave for 8 hours.
Infusion of lingonberry leaves during pregnancy helps to cope with any inflammation

Drinking a natural remedy during pregnancy is also necessary in a volume of no more than a glass per day. The daily dosage should be divided into several doses.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves during pregnancy

With severe inflammation, fever or hypertensive attacks, a decoction of lingonberry leaves can help. Of all drinks, it is the most concentrated and has the most powerful effect.

To prepare the product you need:

  • pour a glass of hot water 1.5 small spoons of dry raw materials;
  • put in a small container on low heat;
  • cook under the lid for half an hour.
The daily norm of the broth should be divided into two, or better into four servings.

The finished broth is poured into a clean dish through cheesecloth to separate the sediment. After that, you need to top up the product with drinking water to 200 ml, thus replenishing the boiled off part and reducing the concentration of the medicinal drink. Take a decoction of lingonberry leaves in an amount of no more than a glass per day.


When consuming lingonberry leaves during pregnancy, it is extremely important to consider contraindications and possible side effects. In particular, it is forbidden to take infusions and decoctions when:

  • chronic liver disease;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis with increased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • individual allergies;
  • reduced pressure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • poor blood clotting and weak blood vessels;
  • enterocolitis.
Attention! During pregnancy, women often develop allergic reactions that did not exist before. Therefore, for the first time, lingonberry drinks are tried in very small quantities.

If, against the background of the use of medicinal products, excessive swelling, rashes, shortness of breath and itching occur, you must immediately abandon the infusions and decoctions and consult a doctor.


Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy can be beneficial and harmful. The effect depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and dosages. In general, it is possible to use medicinal drinks for women in position, but under medical supervision and with caution.

Reviews on the use of lingonberry leaves for edema and cystitis during pregnancy

Petrenko Irina Viktorovna, 27 years old, Moscow
In the second trimester of pregnancy, edema became my constant companions. On the advice of a doctor, I began to take tea on lingonberry leaves, and the result appeared on the second day. You cannot use the drug in large dosages, but this is not required. Even a glass of drink a day provides an excellent diuretic effect.
Valentinova Anna Grigorievna, 32 years old, Yekaterinburg
I suffered from exacerbations of cystitis before pregnancy, and during gestation the problem worsened. In addition, you cannot take anti-inflammatory drugs, it is dangerous for the child. On the advice of my mother and with the permission of the doctor, I drink lingonberry broth on the leaves - the symptoms quickly soften, the painful sensations disappear in a couple of days.

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