Star anise (star anise): use in cooking, what is useful for women, men

The beneficial properties of star anise deserve careful study. The medicinal plant has been known for centuries and is highly respected.

Star anise - what is this plant

Star anise, or star anise (Illicium verum), is an evergreen tropical plant from the Lemongrass family. It is closely related to ordinary anise and is widely used as a seasoning, as well as in folk medicine and cosmetology.

What does star anise look like and where does it grow

In the photo, star anise looks like a tree or a large shrub up to 18 m tall, in diameter it can reach 12 m. The leaves of anise are dark green, dense and leathery, oval in shape, simple in structure. Flowers - white with a yellow or pinkish tinge, with a double perianth. The plant blooms from March to May.

Star anise can bloom with white, yellow and pinkish flowers

It bears fruit in the form of woody multileafs, connected in a six-pointed or eight-pointed star, while each of the "rays" contains one beige glossy seed. In color, the fruit is dark brown, rigid in structure.

Star anise fruits - recognizable stars with 6-8 rays

Star anise grows mainly in warm countries, in India, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and Jamaica, in Cambodia. Japan and Southeast China are considered the birthplace of culture. Star anise is also grown in Europe and Russia.

How star anise seasoning is made and looks

For the manufacture of the seasoning, the fruits of star anise are used, but at the same time they are harvested while still immature. The seeds are dried thoroughly under the sun until they turn reddish brown and then crushed.

The finished seasoning is a coarse brown powder with a distinct red tint. Sometimes star anise can be found in the form of whole stars, which means that the fruits were dried right in the seed box.

As a condiment, star anise is sold both whole and in powder
Important! It is possible to collect poly-seed stars from five-year-old seedlings. But trees from 15 years and older are best suited for harvesting seasoning, the benefits of star anise seeds in this case are maximum, and the aroma of the fruits is stronger.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of an anise

Whole and ground anise seeds contain many beneficial substances. Among them are:

  • terpenes and resins;
  • Sahara;
  • essential oils, up to 10%;
  • tannins;
  • rutin and choline;
  • B vitamins;
  • sodium and iron;
  • ascorbic acid and vitamin A;
  • vitamin PP;
  • zinc, copper, selenium and phosphorus;
  • potassium, magnesium and manganese.

The nutritional value of star anise is 337 calories per 100 g. At the same time, there are about 35 g of carbohydrates in the seasoning, and 17 and 15 g of proteins and fats, respectively.

Why star anise is useful for the human body

Star anise not only has a pleasant taste, but also has a beneficial effect on the body. In particular:

  • has an antispasmodic effect;
  • helps fight inflammation and colds;
  • improves digestion and eliminates flatulence;
  • promotes expectoration in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

The seasoning is used as an anthelmintic. The valuable substances in star anise inhibit the vital activity of parasites and help remove them from the body.

Useful properties of star anise for women

The benefits of star anise for women are primarily in its analgesic properties. It is recommended to use plant-based medications for severe menstruation. The seasoning not only relieves pain, but also helps to establish an irregular cycle. Also, star anise is a powerful natural aphrodisiac and can be used to increase libido.

Star anise relieves pain in women and helps to take care of beauty

Star anise is actively used in cosmetology. Its essential oil is valued most of all, but decoctions based on spices, as well as masks with star anise powder, deserve attention. Any of the remedies help women prolong the youthfulness of the skin and get rid of epidermal defects.

Although star anise is very beneficial, it is forbidden to use during pregnancy, the seasoning can provoke internal bleeding and miscarriage. During lactation, star anise is used with caution, it stimulates the flow of milk, but it can cause an allergic reaction in the child.

Useful properties of star anise for men

Star anise strengthens blood vessels and helps take care of heart health. Men are prone to heart attacks and strokes at a young age, so consuming star anise is very useful for them to prevent ailments.

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Representatives of the stronger sex can use seasoning to improve potency. With a decrease in libido, it is enough to drink a decoction based on star anise at least once a week.

The healing properties of star anise herb for children

Teas and teas with star anise strengthen the immune system and stimulate appetite, so they can be beneficial for children. But you can offer them to a child no earlier than 5 years old, otherwise the seasoning will have a negative effect on the digestion and nervous system.

Children under 5 years old can only be offered star anise as a gargle

At the same time, even for young children, rinsing with star anise is allowed for gum disease and dental diseases. And for babies, you can gently spray the oral cavity when teething, anise will ease the pain.

Attention! Before offering star anise in any form to a child, you need to consult a pediatrician. The product has contraindications and may cause serious damage.

Is star anise useful in tea

One of the most popular uses for star anise is to brew aromatic tea from it. Such a drink contains a huge amount of trace elements, B vitamins and tannins. When consumed carefully, star anise tea helps:

  • with flu, bronchitis and acute respiratory viral infections, the drink promotes sputum discharge;
  • with flatulence and colic in the intestines, star anise soothes pain and improves digestion;
  • for gynecological ailments in women, anise tea relieves the condition of painful menstruation.
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Star anise in tea is definitely useful, but only if the dosages are observed, a maximum of 5 cups can be consumed per day.

How to make tea

The classic recipe for making tea with star anise looks like this:

  • Take 1 heaping small spoonful of powdered seasoning or grind the fruit of anise;
  • pour raw materials 50 ml of fresh boiling water;
  • close the container with a lid and leave for 10 minutes;
  • filtered through cheesecloth or fine strainer to remove sediment;
  • add the product to tea 1 small spoon.
Both powder and whole anise stars are suitable for brewing tea.

Alternatively, you can simply put 2 stars of anise in a cup while the tea hasn't cooled yet. But in this case, star anise will reveal its taste and aroma a little worse.

The use of star anise in traditional medicine

Star anise is appreciated not only for its taste and smell, but also for its beneficial properties. Medicines based on it are used:

  • for coughs and colds;
  • in case of digestive problems;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • to get rid of worms;
  • with a rapid heartbeat;
  • with a tendency to edema.

Also, star anise is beneficial for rheumatism, helps to get rid of bad breath and stops diarrhea.

How to make cough star anise

For dry and wet coughs, traditional medicine suggests brewing the herb with milk and other spices. Recipe for using star anise:

  • 1 liter of milk and 100 ml of ice water are mixed in a ceramic container;
  • add a pinch of cardamom, 3 black peppercorns and an star anise star;
  • put the product in the oven for 15 minutes and make sure that it does not run away.
Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of cardamom

After the time has elapsed, the stove is turned off and the drink is left to infuse for another 5 minutes. After that, the drug with anise can be removed and drunk warm three times a day in a glass.

How to take star anise for rectal irritation

For rectal pain, stool disorders and abdominal cramps, you can take an infusion based on star anise. They do it like this:

  • 6 stars are ground in a mortar to a powder state;
  • pour 180 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for half an hour, and then filter.
Water infusion of star anise has a good effect on digestion and helps with irritations of the colon and rectum

The finished product is taken up to 5 times a day, the broth should be added to tea or plain water, 20 ml each.

Important! The medicine retains its useful properties no longer than 3 days, so it must be regularly prepared again.

Infusion of star anise against inflammation of the oral cavity

For gum disease, toothache, stomatitis and caries, you can use the following infusion:

  • 3 stars of anise are poured into a glass of hot water;
  • insist under the lid for half an hour;
  • filtered and a little lemon juice is added if desired.

The tool needs to rinse your mouth after each meal. The medicinal properties of star anise will help to quickly relieve pain and irritation.

Infusion of star anise against worms

With helminths, a simple infusion of star anise gives a good effect. To prepare it you need:

  • measure out 5 g of aromatic powder;
  • pour 1 liter of hot water;
  • insist for 4 hours and filter.

They drink 250 ml twice a day. The best effect of star anise will demonstrate if you combine it with the intake of pharmacy anthelmintic drugs.

Star anise to improve lactation in women

Star anise benefits nursing mothers. To stimulate lactation, you must:

  • pour 50 ml of pure water with 5 g of seasoning powder;
  • let it brew for an hour;
  • strain and dilute in 1 liter of milk;
  • drink a glass every day.
To enhance lactation, star anise is recommended to be consumed with milk.
Advice! Although star anise effectively stimulates lactation, at the first symptoms of allergies in infants, the use of the seasoning will have to be abandoned.

The use of spices in cosmetology

The appointment and use of star anise applies to cosmetology. In this area, first of all, essential oil is used - a pale yellow or colorless liquid with a pronounced smell of anise.The tool is added to creams and masks, lotions and shampoos, it helps to normalize the sebaceous glands, improves skin elasticity and fights acne and irritation.

For example, to moisturize the epidermis and eliminate age spots, you can use the following tool:

  • dilute a drop of ether in a small spoonful of any base oil;
  • apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water and gently pat dry the skin with a towel.

If you apply the mask every 3-4 days, the effect will appear quickly, the skin will tighten and become softer.

You can use star anise with its beneficial properties and contraindications for aromatic baths, add essential oil or seasoning-based decoctions to warm water. The pleasant aniseed aroma has a calming and relaxing effect.

In cosmetology, not only decoctions of star anise are used, but also essential oil based on it.

But in aromatherapy, star anise is rarely used. The concentration of ether in the aroma lamp turns out to be too high, therefore the smell has rather a strong stimulating effect.

The use of star anise in cooking

Anise powder or dry stars are commonly used in cooking. Seasoning is added:

  • in preserves and anti-sugar jams;
  • in marinades and winter preparations to extend the shelf life;
  • in confectionery - pies, fruit dishes, cakes and pastries;
  • in drinks - jelly, compotes and liqueurs, tea and coffee;
  • in pastry - star anise gives it a special spicy aroma;
  • in meat dishes, the taste becomes slightly tart and spicy.

Badian can improve the characteristics of many dishes, but you need to know the rules for its use. For example, when added to baked goods, star anise is placed at the very beginning so that under the influence of high temperatures it has time to give off its aroma.

The classic use of star anise in cooking is to add spice to baked goods.

Be sure to take into account the dosage. So, only 2 stars or 1/4 of a small spoonful of powder are added to drinks, otherwise the taste will change too much. But in meat dishes, star anise can be put in 2 times more.

What can be replaced

If you need to season the dish, but star anise is not at hand, it can be replaced with other spices. For instance:

  • ordinary anise;
  • caraway seeds;
  • cinnamon;
  • dill and fennel - for vegetable dishes.
Plain anise can be used as an alternative to star anise, although the smell of the seasoning is not as strong

All these spices have some similarities with star anise. The related ordinary anise is especially similar to it, only the aroma is weaker.

Contraindications to the use of star anise

The health benefits and harms of star anise are inseparable from each other. First of all, excessive use of spices is dangerous. Overdose can lead to nervous overexcitation, burns of mucous membranes and vomiting, the product has a fairly concentrated composition and can have a strong irritant effect.

It is necessary to stop eating anise:

  • with a tendency to epilepsy;
  • with chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • with individual intolerance to seasonings;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with exacerbations of gastric and intestinal ailments.

During feeding of the child, star anise is consumed in minimal quantities and only when necessary, with insufficient milk production.

How to choose and store

When buying star anise, you need to pay attention to its appearance and freshness, otherwise the seasoning will not be able to please with its bright taste and smell. Star anise can be considered good quality if:

  • boxes-polyspermous whole, regular shape, without damage and dents;
  • the fruits look neat and are not eaten by insects;
  • there are no fragments of fruits and small twigs among the stars of anise;
  • seed pods have no stalks.
You should only buy neat anise stars without visible damage

When purchasing star anise in powder, it is enough to make sure that the packaging with the spice is sealed and not damaged, and the shelf life on the packaging is not yet coming to an end. But ideally, you need to buy just whole stars. It is not difficult to grind them at home, but it is much easier to determine the quality of a product in a store or on the market.

Store star anise in glass, ceramic or plastic containers at low humidity levels and at room temperature. Polyseeds or powder can also be poured into a paper bag. Keep the seasoning away from direct light. If all conditions are met, the star anise will be able to retain its benefits and aroma throughout the year.


The beneficial properties of star anise are widely used by traditional medicine. Spice medicines can help boost your immune system and treat ailments ranging from colds to intestinal upset.

Reviews of tea with star anise

Filatova Irina Sergeevna, 35 years old, Moscow
I love the aroma of star anise very much and regularly add a couple of stars to tea or coffee. Drinks are tastier and have direct benefits for digestion. Appetite improves, after eating does not bother the heaviness in the stomach, has long forgotten about such a problem as flatulence.
Kuznetsova Galina Viktorovna, 42 years old, Yekaterinburg
I always start drinking tea with star anise in the fall with the onset of cold weather. The fragrant seasoning really strengthens the immune system, colds appear much less often. And if, nevertheless, a cough has begun, then it is possible to cope with it quickly, the drink warms well and, moreover, removes phlegm.

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