Rosewood essential oil: properties and uses for face and hair

The properties and uses of rosewood oil affect several areas at once. The product is used in cosmetology, for the treatment of ailments and in aromatherapy. If you follow the rules, it has a beneficial effect.

How rosewood oil is obtained

The valuable oil is made from the wood of Aniba rosaeodora, a plant that can be found in the South American tropics. To obtain ether, a distillation method is used, first the solid raw material is crushed and soaked, and then treated with hot steam. As a result, the necessary volatile substances are released - only about 1.2% of the volume of used wood.

The finished rosewood oil is an almost clear, slightly yellowish liquid

Compared to other ethers, the tool is quite expensive, this is due to its rarity, combined with high demand.

Composition and properties of rosewood oil

The aromatic ether contains substances valuable for health. Namely:

  • aldehydes and ketones;
  • linalool is the main component of the ether, taking up to 97% of the composition;
  • cineole;
  • terpineol and nerol;
  • geraniol and depanthene;
  • benzene compounds.

Due to its concentrated composition, the oil is very beneficial for humans. When used correctly, it:

  • helps with heavy emotional stress;
  • accelerates digestive processes and relieves constipation;
  • improves blood circulation and helps to cleanse blood vessels;
  • has a beneficial effect on hormones and helps with problems of the reproductive sphere;
  • has a beneficial effect on colds, coughs and asthma;
  • eases the condition with migraines;
  • relieves muscle spasms and pain;
  • improves tissue regeneration and promotes rapid skin regeneration;
  • effectively fights inflammation and infections;
  • has an antiseptic effect.

The scent of rosewood ether is both toning and relaxing. It is recommended to use the remedy for insomnia and increased anxiety, for chronic stress and loss of strength. The oil will be very useful in case of strong mental stress, it will improve concentration and will allow you to achieve great success.

The use of rosewood oil for medicinal purposes

Essential oil is valued not only for its pleasant aroma. Numerous beneficial substances that make up the composition give it strong medicinal properties. It is impossible to use the product internally, but even when applied externally, it brings relief from ailments.


You can take aromatic baths not only to calm your nerves, but also to improve your physical condition. They help with varicose veins and dry eczema, dermatitis, joint diseases and muscle pain.

Rosewood oil baths are beneficial for joint and skin ailments

To prepare a bath, you must:

  • fill the container with hot water at about 38 ° C;
  • take a tablespoon of coarse salt and mix with 7 drops of valuable ether;
  • add a small spoonful of honey to the mixture and pour all the ingredients in 300 ml of milk.

The product is poured into a prepared bath and lowered into it for 15 minutes. You do not need to dive deeply - the chest should remain above the surface of the water.

If you take a therapeutic bath twice a week, then you will soon notice positive changes. The skin will become softer and stop peeling, muscle pain will go away, the emotional background will even out.

Important! A hot bath with essential oil helps to cleanse the body - waste and toxins leave the tissues through enlarged pores.


Another popular way to use the product is massage with rosewood ether. It relaxes muscles and helps to remove clamps, improves blood circulation in tissues and relieves spasms. Against the background of the action of the oil, cramps in the legs and arms, migraines and constant physical stress go away. With a severe headache, you can apply a drop of ether to your fingertips and massage your forehead, temples and back of the head for several minutes - the discomfort will quickly recede.

For body massage, rosewood oil is pre-mixed with the main

For a classic massage, 5 drops of a useful agent are dissolved in 20 ml of a base - any vegetable oil will do. Then, problem areas on the body are treated for 8-10 minutes, the effect occurs after the first session.

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Volatile vapors of the essential oil have antiviral and antiseptic properties and are good for flu, colds, coughs and runny nose.

Rosewood scent kills germs and purifies the air

To scent a small room, you just need to add 5 drops of ether to a special lamp and light it for 15 minutes. Rosewood will have a calming effect, allow you to breathe more freely with a severe cold, and eliminate pathogens in the air.

Advice! A few drops of ether can be placed in a wearable aroma pendant, in which case the rosewood will help not to get infected with SARS or flu outside the house.


For angina and adenoids, ether can be used for rinsing - in a glass of warm water, dilute 3 drops of a valuable product and 1 small spoonful of salt. You need to treat the throat with such a home remedy every 4 hours until the discomfort begins to recede.

Rosewood oil diluted in water can gargle

You cannot swallow the liquid after rinsing, you need to spit it out. Even in low concentration, the agent can burn the esophagus and stomach.


For skin lesions, rheumatism, arthritis and osteochondrosis, compresses with rosewood ether can be used. It is necessary:

  • warm up 10 ml of vegetable oil and mix with 6 drops of the extract;
  • dip folded gauze or cotton pad in the product;
  • put on a sore spot for 2 hours and fix with a bandage or piece of tissue.
Rosewood oil is used for cold and hot compresses

It is permissible to use a cold compress, in which case the product is simply diluted in 500 ml of water. For hypertension, rubbing with diluted ether is used, absorbed through the skin, it dilates blood vessels and restores good health.

The use of rosewood oil in cosmetology

Ether is very popular in home cosmetology. It is added to masks and balms, it accelerates hair growth and helps to improve skin condition.

Rosewood oil for face

Rosewood in the form of ether smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the epidermis and gives the face freshness and elasticity. If you apply homemade masks on an ongoing basis, the effect will become obvious after 2 weeks.

Anti-wrinkle mask

You can get rid of the first wrinkles and restore youthfulness to the face with the help of this mixture:

  • 1 large spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with 1 small spoonful of honey;
  • add 3 drops of rosewood ether and the same amount of orange oil;
  • pre-beaten egg yolk is introduced into the mixture;
  • mix and rub into the skin, without touching the area around the eyes.

Keep the mask for 20 minutes, and you need to apply it for 2 months with a break every 2 weeks. Rosewood oil also helps with post-acne - a firming mixture removes the remaining small scars and tightens pores.

Rosewood oil enhances the beneficial effects of the honey and oatmeal mask

Moisturizing mask

Another remedy works well for dry skin:

  • knead 3 large spoons of avocado pulp;
  • add 2 drops of orange and chamomile oils;
  • add 3 drops of pomace of rosewood and jojoba.

Apply the nutrient mass in a dense layer to the face for 15 minutes. You need to use the product twice a week for 2 months in a row, after several sessions the skin will become velvety and smooth.

Rosewood oil for hair

The valuable ether is useful not only for the epidermis, but also for the curls. Rosewood strengthens the subcutaneous follicles, regulates scalp oil production and adds volume to the hair.

Firming mask

If your hair is too brittle and prone to falling out, you can make the following remedy:

  • mix 50 ml of olive oil with 30 ml of castor oil;
  • add only 3 drops of rosewood ether;
  • distribute the liquid mask along the length of the curls and comb gently.

The composition is left on the hair for 50 minutes, having warmed the head with a film and wrapped it in a towel. Then the curls are washed with shampoo. You need to continue the procedures for a month, then the home remedy will bring results.

Rosewood ester with vegetable oil strengthens hair

Dandruff mask

If dandruff appears on the head from dryness or increased fat content, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • mix 2 tablespoons of burdock oil with raw yolk;
  • add 5 drops of rosewood ether;
  • add a spoonful of honey to the mixture.
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The mask is rubbed into the skin at the roots, put on a shower cap and wait 50 minutes, and then the mixture is washed off. You need to process your hair for 2 months with a frequency of 2 times a week.

What oils are combined with

Rosewood oil can and should be combined with other fragrances. The product itself has a very high concentration, so it is not applied in its pure form to the skin, it usually causes burning, tingling and irritation.

You can use rosewood with many other oils:

  • myrtle;
  • incense;
  • mint;
  • tea tree;
  • sandalwood;
  • bergamot.
Attention! In general, rosewood pairs well with pine and woody aromas, as well as herbal oils.

Harm of rosewood oil and contraindications

When using valuable ether, one must take into account that it can turn into harm. It is not recommended to use it for massage, rinsing and aromatic baths:

  • with hypotension;
  • while taking homeopathic medicines;
  • during treatment for cancer;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the presence of allergies.

It is prohibited to use oil for the treatment of children under 6 years of age. In toddlers, the highly concentrated product can cause skin irritation and headaches.

It is not recommended to consume rosewood ether internally, it can burn mucous membranes even in diluted form.

How to choose and store

Real rosewood oil is a scarce product. It is not easy to find it in a store, but there is a great risk of stumbling upon numerous fakes. For example, geranium, sandalwood and palmarose esters are often added to a fake product to create a similar scent.

You can evaluate the quality of rosewood ether by its color, aroma and level of transparency.

To choose a quality rosewood oil, you need to pay attention:

  • in color - transparent with a slight shade of yellow;
  • on consistency - the air should not contain turbidity or sediment;
  • to the aroma - the smell of rosewood essential oil is complex, multi-component, at the same time with floral and woody notes.

High-quality ether is produced in only one way - steam distillation. Oil cannot be cold pressed, if this method is indicated on the packaging, we are talking about a fake. The cost of the product is of great importance - rosewood is very expensive and cannot be sold for 100-200 rubles, like many ethers.

Store rosewood oil in a dark and dry place in a tightly closed bottle. The temperature should not exceed 25 ° C. Ether has a shelf life of 1-2 years, depending on storage conditions.


The properties and uses of rosewood oil are quite varied. Ester is mainly used for skin and hair care, but it can also be used to treat colds, joint and skin ailments. In this case, they use exclusively external methods.

Rosewood oil is not taken internally, but when applied externally it is very beneficial

Rosewood Oil Reviews

Fedorova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, 31 years old, Moscow
I like rosewood oil for its complexity - its aroma is both woody and sweet-floral. I often add ether to the bath, the unobtrusive smell relaxes well, after the procedure it is easy and quick to fall asleep. In winter, I use hair masks, and the curls remain healthy, despite the cold outside the window and dry air in the apartment.
Yashina Olga Sergeevna, 25 years old, Stavropol
After an unsuccessful tan, my skin deteriorated badly, began to dry, peel off, wrinkles appeared on my forehead. Applied the mask with avocado and rosewood oil for 2 months in a row - the effect was really good. By autumn, the epidermis recovered, freshness and softness returned to the face.

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