Why is dark chocolate useful?

The benefits and harms of dark chocolate are of great interest to connoisseurs of delicious but healthy products. To find out whether dark chocolate really has a lot of valuable properties, you need to know as much information about it as possible.

Types of chocolate

Any chocolate can be divided into 3 varieties, differing in composition and properties.

  • Bitter, or dark. The main ingredient is cocoa - its volume must be at least 70%.
  • Lactic... It consists mainly of milk - dry and condensed, and cocoa takes only 10% of the total volume.
  • White... In principle, this variety does not contain cocoa, but cocoa butter, sugar and milk protein are present.
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All of these varieties have a pleasant taste and certain valuable qualities. But the products differ greatly and the difference is not only in the color of the tiles.

Which chocolate is healthier: white, milk or bitter

To appreciate the benefits of white chocolate, dark or milk, it is enough to consider the composition of each type again.

  • White chocolate can be considered the least valuable of all. When consumed in moderation, it is not harmful because it does not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and does not raise cholesterol levels. However, the body does not receive any benefits from it, basically the product simply pleases with a pleasant taste.
  • Milk chocolate it is most popular for its mild taste, but its properties are more harmful to health. The benefits of milk chocolate consist only in excellent saturating properties, however, it is very high in calories, negatively affects the figure and in excess quantities can lead to diabetes and stomach diseases.
  • bitter chocolate is also capable of causing harm if consumed frequently and in large quantities. However, with moderate dosages, it will be mainly beneficial, it will reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation, will not harm the teeth, and improve brain activity. A healthy product contains few calories, therefore, with reasonable use, it is not stored in extra pounds.

Thus, the benefits of dark chocolate for the human body can be considered the highest - the product is able to strengthen health.

Composition and calorie content of dark chocolate

The main component of the bitter delicacy is natural cocoa, which makes up 70% or more of the total. But in addition to cocoa, other ingredients are also present in a useful product, namely:

  • vitamins B and E;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • caffeine;
  • theobromine;
  • cacao butter;
  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • antioxidants;
  • flavonoids;
  • alimentary fiber.

100 g contains about 539 kcal.This is a fairly high indicator, however, it should be borne in mind that a useful product is consumed in very small quantities.

The health benefits of dark chocolate

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate are very extensive, the product can have a beneficial effect on most body systems. In particular, the treat:

  • slows down the aging process and promotes rapid cell renewal;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels, prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, this is the benefits of chocolate for the liver;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used for colds;
  • accelerates blood circulation, but at the same time helps to lower blood pressure;
  • strengthens the heart and prevents heart attacks and other cardiac ailments;
  • increases endurance and gives a boost of energy - these are the benefits of dark chocolate for men involved in sports.
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The beneficial properties of the delicacy have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and improve mood. Eating a bitter product is beneficial for preventing depression and anxiety disorders.

For women

The benefits of dark chocolate for women are primarily in the beneficial effect on the nervous system. The properties of the delicacy help to maintain calmness and good mood during severe psycho-emotional stress.

The benefits of dark chocolate for women are expressed in the fact that the product improves the condition of the skin and hair. This healthy treat is recommended for use on a diet, since it promotes weight loss and rarely provokes weight gain.

For men

The benefits and harms of dark chocolate for men's health consist in its tonic properties. The delicacy belongs to the category of natural aphrodisiacs and has a positive effect on potency and libido. It is useful to use the product during intense physical exertion; in small quantities it gives strength and energy.

Is chocolate possible for children

The benefits of chocolate for children is that the bitter treat does not harm the teeth and digestive system of babies. On the contrary, the beneficial properties of the product improve the child's brain activity, help maintain the body's tone and have a beneficial effect on the state of immunity.

But at the same time, even a bitter product is difficult to digest. For the first time, it is possible to offer it to a child only after 5 years, earlier it simply will not be absorbed by the body and will cause harm.

Attention! A useful product has strict contraindications for use. In order not to harm the child, before introducing a treat into the diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Can pregnant and lactating women eat chocolate?

Chocolate for pregnant women may be beneficial - the product will strengthen the cardiovascular system, help cope with stress, and prevent hair loss. During the period of gestation, the hematopoietic properties of the product will be very valuable, it contains a lot of iron and prevents the development of anemia.

At the same time, a useful bitter delicacy should not be overused. The caffeine present in a natural product can tone up a woman's body too much and cause harm. In addition, even on a low-calorie bitter delicacy, you can gain excess weight if you do not follow small dosages.

During breastfeeding, it is better to refuse sweets. Bitter chocolate is an allergenic product and is highly likely to cause a negative reaction in the baby. In addition, the useful substances in the composition can harm the baby, for the baby's body the components of the product will be too heavy to assimilate.

Dark chocolate for weight loss

Due to its unique composition, dark chocolate is beneficial for weight loss.It normalizes the level of bad cholesterol and accelerates blood circulation, so metabolic processes in the body quickly return to normal. This contributes to the timely disposal of toxins and toxins, as a result extra pounds go away.

The dietary benefits of chocolate are that it satisfies hunger well. There are even special chocolate diets, but for the body as a whole, they are rather harmful. For safe weight loss, it is recommended to use a healthy treat on an equal basis with other food products - in small quantities between main meals.

Bitter chocolate raises or lowers blood pressure

Unlike many other varieties of sweets, the delicacy is able to lower blood pressure, therefore it is very much appreciated by hypertensive patients. A useful feature is typical for a bitter product - milk and white chocolate bars do not have such properties.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate with diabetes

With diabetes, dark chocolate will be beneficial - unlike other types of treats, it is not harmful. The properties of the product strengthen blood vessels and normalize cholesterol levels, as well as increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which is very valuable in type 2 diabetes.

Of course, the daily portions of a healthy product should be very small. In excessive quantities, the properties of the treat will harm and only contribute to the deterioration of the condition.

How much dark chocolate can you eat per day

The benefits and harms of dark chocolate depend on the measure of consumption of the product. So that the properties of the bitter delicacy do not harm health and the figure, you need to eat no more than 1/4 of a regular tile per day, and no more than 2 whole tiles per week.

How to make dark chocolate at home

A useful product is not difficult to find in stores, but you can cook it at home with your own hands. You will need a few ingredients - just 100 g of natural cocoa powder, sugar and 50 g of butter.

The recipe looks like this:

  • butter is cut into small pieces and melted in a water bath;
  • then the butter is thoroughly mixed with cocoa powder;
  • add a small spoonful of sugar;
  • whisk the mixture and pour into the prepared form as follows.

The liquid mixture must be covered with cling film and refrigerated to solidify.

Important! The given recipe is the simplest and most accessible, however, if desired, it can be improved - take not butter, but cocoa butter, and replace sugar with 3 tablespoons of honey.

The use of dark chocolate in cosmetology

The benefits of chocolate for the female body are manifested not only with internal use. The treat is used in homemade skin care recipes, masks and wraps based on the product have a quick positive effect.

Facial masks

The benefits of the chocolate face mask are that the product accelerates blood circulation, makes the skin firmer, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates inflammation. For example, the properties of such a mask will be of great benefit:

  • 25 g of a bitter product is melted in a steam;
  • mixed with a small spoonful of starch;
  • add a small spoonful of coffee essential oil;
  • spread over clean skin for 25 minutes.

The useful properties of the mask will be especially pronounced in the winter season - the product will protect the skin from irritation and redness.

Body wraps

Noteworthy are the benefits and contraindications of chocolate wraps. When applied to the body, dark chocolate not only improves skin firmness. The beneficial properties of the procedure help to get rid of cellulite, as they accelerate the subcutaneous metabolism.

To carry out a useful wrap, a sufficient amount of a bitter delicacy must be melted in steam, then cooled slightly so that the mixture is warm, not hot, and applied to problem areas. The body is wrapped with cling film and laid under a blanket for 40 minutes to create a "bath" effect.Then the mixture will need to be washed off and the body is treated with a nourishing cream.

In total, to achieve maximum benefit, it is recommended to carry out 15 procedures at intervals of one day.

Attention! The properties of chocolate wraps can be harmful for cancer, heart ailments, product allergies and skin wounds - in all these cases, it is better to refuse the procedure.

Why dark chocolate is harmful

With all its useful properties, the product is capable of causing severe harm. An overdose is a great danger, in too large quantities the product provokes dizziness, tachycardia and sleep disturbances. The fact is that it contains caffeine, and this substance has an exciting effect on the nervous and cardiac systems.

Remember that caffeine can be addictive. If you consume a bitter product too often, you can form the same dependence as on coffee. And, finally, a bitter delicacy is considered low-calorie compared to other types of sweets, but in large quantities it also negatively affects the figure. Chocolate is especially harmful at night, it is deposited in extra pounds.

Contraindications to the use of dark chocolate

For some diseases, the product should be abandoned completely. Contraindications for him are:

  • chronic heart disease;
  • pancreatitis, gastritis and gastric ulcer in a state of exacerbation;
  • severe hypertension and a tendency to insomnia;
  • frequent migraines;
  • obesity tendency.

You will have to exclude a delicacy from the diet in case of allergies, in this case its properties will only cause harm.

How to choose quality dark chocolate

The product presented in stores can vary greatly in quality. There are several things to look at when choosing natural dark chocolate.

  • Composition of the product. The main volume should be occupied by cocoa powder - not less than 70%. Also, the composition may include cocoa beans and cocoa butter, but sugar should be present in the product only in small quantities.
  • The presence of additional ingredients. Almonds and hazelnuts, molasses and caramel are often added to the tiles. Such delicacies have an interesting taste, but their benefits are much lower and their calorie content is increased compared to ordinary dark chocolate without additives.
  • No unnecessary components. A good product should not contain anything superfluous. Flour, flavors, colors, emulsifiers, vegetable oils and margarine are all signs of a poor quality product.
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Fresh food purchased from the store should have a rich and even dark color. But a light light bloom on the surface of the tile indicates that the dark chocolate is expired and its useful properties are significantly reduced.


The benefits and harms of dark chocolate depend on the volume of its consumption. In small quantities, the delicacy will benefit the body and will not harm the figure, however, it is still not worth eating dark chocolate without measure.

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