Cinnamon oil: properties and uses

The aroma of cinnamon is often associated with culinary confectionery. The seasoning is widely used in the form of oil, for example, in beauticians. The beneficial properties and uses of cinnamon essential oil have a direct relationship.

How is cinnamon oil made

An essential solution, the use of which is important in cosmetology, is produced using 2 methods:

  • leaf processing;
  • bark processing.
The product is made from leaves and bark

The starting material affects the properties and application of the finished composition. The ether solution obtained from the bark of a tree has a dark shade. Its composition is cinnamaldehyde (70%), which gives the product a burning taste and bright odor, characteristic properties. When applied to the skin and mucous membranes, an irritating effect is noted. Other useful ingredients include:

  • alcohols;
  • acids;
  • resins;
  • organic and mineral substances.
Important! Eugenol, which is part of the composition, is considered a natural antiseptic and analgesic, smelling like ginger and cloves.

The ester synthesized from leaves, as well as young shoots, includes eugenol (90%), cinnamaldehyde (up to 6%). Such a composition is considered less aggressive for the skin due to its properties. Accordingly, the leaf-based essential solution has found application in cosmetology.

Important! The type of oily liquid is differentiated by color and information indicated on the package.

Composition and benefits of cinnamon oil

The use of the product in cosmetology is due to its composition and properties. Cinnamon essential oil contains the following ingredients:

  • eugenol;
  • aldehyde;
  • tannins;
  • resin;
  • starch.

The following useful properties of cinnamon ether solution are called:

  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • astringent;
  • antimicrobial;
  • warming;
  • fortifying.

The properties of the product ensure its use for colds and infectious diseases. The oily liquid is effective for the following skin conditions:

  • scabies;
  • warts;
  • papillomas.

Cinnamon ester is considered a natural antidepressant. The product has tonic properties. Its use is shown in lingering stress. A few drops of cinnamon ethereal solution can be added to the aroma lamp.

Important! Inhalation of the agent improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, reduces anxiety, and increases stress resistance.

Doctors recommend using an ethereal solution to improve digestion by stimulating gastric juice. The product is able to relieve flatulence in gastritis, colitis and diarrhea.

The essential solution has a positive effect on blood circulation, which leads to its use in the composition of massage oils.Application of the product prepares muscles for physical activity and reduces the likelihood of injury. The oil can be used to treat bruises.

The use of cinnamon essential oil in cosmetology

The tool is used in cosmetology to solve various problems. This is due to its beneficial properties.

Cinnamon essential oil for facial skin

The liquid is not used in its pure form. Failure to do so may result in burns and irritation. The product is mixed with fatty oils, fermented milk products, honey, clay and flakes. This application allows the ether to manifest its healing properties.

Cosmetologists recommend enriching the cream by adding 1 drop of the product. This composition makes the skin velvety. The cream is applied with patting movements on the cleansed face.

To prepare the tonic, mix water (100 ml), lemon juice (20 ml) and 3 drops of the product. Shake the bottle vigorously before use. The skin of the face is treated twice a day. Before using the composition, knead the pulp of half an avocado with a fork, add flour from chopped walnuts, a mixture of oils (almond, olive, cinnamon).

The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. After that, the composition is removed from the face using a herbal decoction.

Masks based on spices are highly effective, which is associated with its properties

Essential oil of cinnamon for lips

Due to its properties, the product can be used for lip augmentation. Its application is irritating and produces slight swelling.

In a water bath, melt a teaspoon of wax, add the same amount of honey and coconut oil. Then the contents of 1 capsule of Aevita and an ethereal solution of cinnamon are introduced.

Important! Instead of coconut oil and wax, you can add carrot juice and fatty cottage cheese to the composition. This mask is recommended for moisturizing lips.
You should use lip balm no more than 4 times a day

Cinnamon body oil

To prepare a healing mask, milk is heated and honey is melted in it (1 tablespoon). Then clay is added to the product, 3-4 drops of cinnamon and orange essential oils. The finished composition should resemble sour cream in consistency.

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The tool is applied to problem areas and insulated with plastic wrap, a blanket. After application, the mask must be washed off, and the skin must be treated with a moisturizer.

The product eliminates stretch marks, makes the feet soft and strengthens the décolleté

For hair beauty

An essential oil solution allows you to strengthen curls, eliminate brittle hair and hair loss. To achieve the desired effect, you need to add 1-2 drops of a cinnamon-based product to cosmetics for hair.

Hair beauty can be maintained with cinnamon oil solution

Cinnamon oil for cellulite

A few tablespoons of coffee grounds, honey, fatty oil (for example, almond or olive oil) are mixed in a container, an essential composition is added.

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Take a shower before using the scrub. The product is gently rubbed into the skin. After the procedure, a cream is applied to the skin.

To get rid of the cosmetic problem, it is recommended to use a scrub that has beneficial properties.

Slimming cinnamon oil

To prepare the lotion, mix 3 tablespoons of cream and a few drops of cinnamon product. It is advisable to apply the composition before training.

The use of an oily liquid for weight loss is justified, which is associated with its warming properties.

The use of cinnamon oil in traditional medicine

Cinnamon oil is good for your health. Its healing properties have been used in numerous traditional medicine recipes.

For strengthening immunity and against colds

To stimulate the immune system, you need to mix essential oil solutions of cinnamon, ginseng root (20 and 60 drops, respectively), pure water (120 g). The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed indoors during the cold season.

The composition allows you to normalize the functioning of the immune system

For joint pain

The tool helps to reduce the severity of pain by increasing blood circulation and irritating properties. A few drops of the oil solution are added to pain relief creams.

Cinnamon is used for joint pain

Cinnamon oil for herpes

The elimination of signs of herpesvirus infection occurs due to its antibacterial properties. The agent is added to antiviral gels and applied to a vial with liquid contents.

Cinnamon helps to get rid of the manifestations of herpes

For bad breath

To eliminate the phenomenon, mix 10 drops of cinnamon and orange essential oil solutions. Honey (half a teaspoon), pure water (120 g) are introduced into the resulting mixture. Means irrigate the oral cavity twice a day.

The composition eliminates bad breath

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Cinnamon has the following positive properties:

  • increased general tone;
  • lowering the acidity of the stomach;
  • relief of diarrhea;
  • stool normalization;
  • reducing the risk of tumor formation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes.

Important. The use of an essential oil solution helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Useful properties are due to the presence of:

  • vitamins B, C, A;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.
To normalize the state of the digestive system, experts recommend the use of cinnamon in combination with honey or kefir

To normalize the menstrual cycle

The product stabilizes the cycle due to its hemostatic properties. With irregular cycles, the product stimulates the onset of critical days. Gynecologists recommend the use of a component of alternative treatment for scanty menstruation in the form of foot baths and warm compresses, performed every other day.

The remedy belongs to aphrodisiacs

Cinnamon oil for nail fungus

The unique composition and beneficial properties of cinnamon oil solution can eliminate itching and burning, characteristic of fungal infections. Dermatologists advise adding a few drops to medicated creams.

Cinnamon helps get rid of fungus

Aromatherapy with cinnamon oil

The product has found application as an aromatherapy agent due to its properties. Scientists have proven the benefits of inhaling it. Essential oil of cinnamon is added to aroma lamps for healing effects.

Attention! Aromatherapy is recommended for decreased immunity and colds.
Baths with cinnamon essential oil have a healing effect

What does cinnamon essential oil work with?

The use of cinnamon oil with other natural oils is justified. Cosmetics often include the following oils:

  • jojoba;
  • walnut;
  • almond;
  • olive.
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The components complement each other's impact.


Cinnamon is considered a strong allergen and has toxic properties. Application requires compliance with precautions:

  • application to the skin in a diluted form;
  • careful use for sensitive face type;
  • compliance with the recommended dosage.
Important! The drug is not used for hypertension, epilepsy, pregnancy. The duration of application is no more than 2 hours. Otherwise, symptoms appear that indicate overexcitation.

A sensitivity test should be performed before using the oil solution for the first time. This is due to the basic properties of the product. Application is possible in the absence of severe burning and irritation.

How to choose and store oil

When choosing, one should take into account the color, naturalness of the composition and the shelf life. Ceylon cinnamon oil has a distinct aroma.The product is stored in a glass container with a closed lid. A prerequisite is a dark and dry place. Do not use the product six months after opening.


The beneficial properties and uses of cinnamon essential oil are interdependent. The product is used in cosmetology and as a component in traditional medicine recipes due to its healing properties.

Reviews on the use of cinnamon essential oil

Reviews include information on the benefits of cinnamon oil for the face, body and general well-being.

Victoria Sergeevna Tyshuk, 19 years old, Krasnodar
I know that cinnamon oil can be used internally. However, such a remedy cannot be used for stomach diseases. I periodically prepare a fat-burning shake that includes banana, pear, milk, which and one drop of the product. The mixture should be drunk in 2 doses. I take any fruit.
Nina Sergeevna Schemeleva, 23 years old, Molodechno
I love the cinnamon oil massage treatments. The tool perfectly relaxes and cheers up. I noticed that the cosmetic product also reduces the feeling of hunger.
Victoria Alekseevna Artamonova, 31 years old, Penza
You can make an anti-cellulite formulation using cinnamon oil. Such a remedy will help with the old "orange peel". A few drops should be added to the body cream. It burns intensely, which indicates an increase in blood circulation. And also the use of the product allows you to eliminate scars and stretch marks. Excellent cosmetic cheap product. However, with sensitive skin, it sometimes causes burns, do not exceed the dosage.
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