How to wash sneakers in a washing machine: washing rules

It will not work to completely clean sports shoes with only a wet sponge, because the soft, porous material quickly absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to breed in sneakers. Contrary to popular stereotype, you can machine wash your sneakers if you follow some simple instructions. Tested: Careful handling will keep your favorite shoes presentable for a long time.

Can sneakers be washed in a washing machine

Today, sneakers are worn not only for exercising in the gym - stylish and comfortable sports shoes were appreciated by women of fashion from all over the world, they go to work and glamorous parties, combined with trousers, shorts and summer sundresses. Of course, with such active use, your favorite shoes are easy to get dirty, especially if they are rag sneakers in light, pastel colors. In addition to daily care (cleaning from dust, dirt, removing unpleasant odors), from time to time sports shoes need a "general cleaning". You can wash leather, rag or mesh sneakers in the washing machine, you need to take into account a few rules.

First you need to find out what modern sports shoes are, and what result you can get if you thoughtlessly throw sneakers into the washer.

As a rule, a sneaker consists of a foam or rubberized sole, foam filling, leather, suede or fabric (they cover the upper part of the product inside and outside). The main problem that can arise if you carelessly wash sports sneakers in a washing machine, especially without a bag, is loss of shape and depressurization of the joints. It is quite possible to avoid such troubles - you just need to follow the simple rules of washing.

Important! Most manufacturers do not recommend washing sneakers in an automatic machine, but practice shows that everything is possible. But the risk of spoiling shoes is quite real (especially cheap Chinese products), first you should master the basic safety techniques - this will allow you to achieve the desired result without mutilating your favorite sneakers and expensive household appliances in the process.

Which sneakers can be washed in a washing machine

You can wash your sneakers by hand, but the effect of machine washing is much more noticeable - with a competent approach, even heavily soiled shoes will be able to return their original appearance, and fashionable white sneakers will sparkle like new!

Machine wash will have to say a firm "no" when it comes to cheap models made of incomprehensible materials with poorly glued joints.

The most capricious in terms of washing are sports shoes made of suede - this material does not tolerate prolonged contact with water, as a result of which the top of the sneakers can crack.Sneakers made of genuine leather should be washed by hand, since they will lose their shape from machine washing, and this material does not tolerate contact with strong detergents. Also, it will not work to wash sneakers decorated with stones and rhinestones in the washing machine - any sewn or glued decor will simply disappear, clogging the drain hole. For the same reason, sneakers decorated with reflective plates and foam stickers should not be folded into the drum, especially if it is already peeping out - small pieces that come off during washing will easily clog the pump or filter. A contraindication to machine washing will also be the presence of gel shock absorbers (in products intended for running) or metal plates, which in this case will rust. It is not recommended to machine wash sports shoes with thick soles - they can damage the glass sunroof or spoil any internal parts of the drum.

Features of washing sneakers in a washing machine

Comfortable sports sneakers and sneakers are an integral part of the wardrobe of active people, as well as those who, even in everyday life, prefer comfort and simplicity. From time to time, such shoes need proper cleaning - the easiest way is to make them look decent by washing them in an automatic machine using mild detergents.

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Compared to hand washing, machine washing has several advantages:

  • allows you to completely remove deep-seated dirt from mesh models;
  • washes away soil and sand from all seams and grooves on the sole;
  • effectively removes unpleasant odors;
  • perfectly disinfects the inner coating, preventing the growth of dangerous bacteria and infections.

Before washing, it is necessary to carefully inspect the crosses - they must be in good condition, without holes, ripped edges and foam sticking out. Also, it is undesirable to put shoes in the machine with glued, and not stitched seams - it is better to wash such sneakers by hand.

What mode to wash sneakers in a typewriter

For gentle washing of sneakers in the washing machine, it is enough to select the “Washing shoes” program, if such is provided by the manufacturer. Otherwise, for washing sneakers in a typewriter, the machine is also quite suitable for a gentle gentle wash.

What detergents to use

To wash sneakers in a washing machine, use liquid detergents, since ordinary powder, even with double rinsing, leaves white stains on the fabric, and the effect of the granular product on sneakers can be completely unpredictable. You can also wash sports sneakers in a typewriter with the help of special capsules filled with gel, but it is better to choose a conditioner without chlorine so as not to whiten the textiles - for bright models it is recommended to buy products that preserve color saturation. When washing light-colored shoes, stain removers are also added - thanks to this simple trick, not even new sneakers will shine with perfect cleanliness!

Washing temperature for sneakers in the washing machine

The recommended temperature for washing fabric sneakers in a washing machine is 40 degrees. This mode is optimal, since cold water simply will not wash away dirt, while hot water will stick all the seams. But for suede sneakers, the temperature is lowered to 20-30 degrees, but you should first check if all the joints are well stitched.

How long does it take to wash sneakers in the washing machine

Experts recommend choosing the shortest program in time - this is guaranteed to prolong the life of any sports shoe. Typically, 10 minutes in the washer is more than enough to get your sneakers perfectly clean and fresh again.

Is it possible to wring out sneakers in the washing machine

It is strongly forbidden to spin sneakers in the washing machine: the device will still not do this properly, but damaging household appliances with such careless handling is as easy as shelling pears.With this approach, the bearings fail in the first place, as a result of which the turned on machine begins to make a lot of noise.

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine

Before washing sneakers in an automatic washing machine, you should carefully inspect the shoes: clean the dirt, sand, leaves and grass from the sole, pick out small stones stuck in the rubber grooves with a hard brush or a thin sharp object - if this is not done, pieces of gravel can become unusable drum. It is also necessary to unlace the shoes - separately from the sneakers, the laces are washed off much better. Fasten all the Velcro, remove the instep support from the inside - they should be well treated with soap and a soft shoe brush.

Attention! Before washing, you should carefully study all the tags - the tag should indicate that the sneakers can be washed in principle.

The rules for washing sneakers in a washing machine are as follows:

  • a special bag will keep the sneakers intact, by the way, insoles and laces can also be folded into it;
  • useful life hack - in the absence of a bag, experienced housewives advise to put a pair of ordinary tennis balls and 2-3 soft terry napkins in the drum along with sneakers, this simple technique will make washing much more efficient - additional items will evenly distribute the load inside the drum and increase friction, besides this is how the individual parts of the drum will survive, which fly off in no time at a constant impact with heavy objects;
  • do not load more than two pairs into the washer - the quality of washing will become much worse, and household appliances can be easily damaged by such careless handling (for example, the glass on the door will crack);
  • if there is a need to wash two pairs of rag sneakers in the washing machine at once, they must first be sorted by color; it will be useful to conduct a small test: the textiles are wiped with a damp cloth - its clean surface means that your favorite sneakers will definitely not shed during washing;
  • Heavily soiled sneakers with stubborn dirt are soaked in water for a short time - this increases the chances of completely removing the stains in the machine.
Advice! You can also clean the insoles manually: for this, they are covered in turn with powder and thoroughly rubbed with a shoe brush for 10 minutes. It remains to rinse them well with water and dry.

Is it possible to machine wash glowing sneakers

Striking sneakers with LED lighting are not only fashionable, but also practical: in the dark they act as reflectors, ensuring the safety of the pedestrian. They cannot be washed in a typewriter because of the batteries and microcircuits, which will not withstand direct contact with water.

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How to properly dry your sneakers after washing

Even if the washing machine has an appropriate mode, it is better not to use it - this will instantly ruin even expensive shoes, in particular, deform them.

Dry the machine-washed shoes naturally at room temperature, after putting inside thin paper, napkins or cotton towels - so the sneakers will retain their shape. They must be clean and light, otherwise the paint and ink will stain the inner coating of the sneaker. When the filler absorbs excess moisture, special electric dryers with UV rays will help to speed up drying. Exposed to the delicate mode, the device will not only quickly and effectively dry the sneakers, but also carry out an anti-fungal treatment.

In winter, for quick drying, sneakers can be put on the battery, having previously spread any dense fabric under them so that the shoes do not dry out and do not lose their shape. In summer, a balcony is quite suitable for drying - the main thing is not to expose your sneakers directly to the sun, but fresh air and a well-ventilated room will be just right.

A few more life hacks for quickly drying washed sports shoes:

  • put bags of silica gel in each sneaker, take them out after two hours and dry the sneakers in a natural way in a well-ventilated place;
  • as an option, put socks filled with heated kitchen salt into crosses. If necessary, the salt can be changed several times;
  • After removing the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner, dry each shoe with a hose from the inside for 15 minutes.


Washing your sneakers in the washing machine is pretty easy. Depending on the material and quality of tailoring, this option for caring for sports sneakers is quite acceptable - you just need to follow simple rules that will help keep your shoes perfectly clean without damaging sensitive household appliances.

Reviews about washing sneakers in a washing machine

Akimova Alla, 31 years old, Omsk.
I love sneakers - in the summer I wear them not only to the gym, but also to work or a walk with my friends. The only negative is that light-colored models get dirty very quickly. The washing machine helps out - if everything is done carefully, then there will be no problems: it washes shoes well, and the unpleasant smell also disappears.
Sokolov Pavel, 45 years old, Ryazan.
Since the time the dog appeared in the house, I wear sneakers almost every day in any weather. Of course, they don't look very good after that, but the washing machine saves the situation. A minimum of fuss, everything washes perfectly in ten minutes. And a good powder also removes the smell - solid pluses.
Novikova Arina, 28 years old, Yaroslavl.
I am a mother of two active kids, who can only keep up with comfortable sports shoes. I wear sneakers with pleasure, but in rainy weather they get very dirty, and I have no extra time. I tried to wash them in an automatic machine - everything worked out, and I can spend the saved time with my family.
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