How to remove greasy stains from wallpaper: how to wash oil

You can remove a greasy stain from wallpaper in many different ways - both folk and chemical remedies are suitable for this. Care must be taken when removing stains to avoid damaging the finish.

Features of removing greasy stains from wallpaper

Oil stains are considered some of the most difficult to remove. If possible, grease should be avoided in principle on the wallpaper. However, if this does happen, you can use one of the proven methods to remove oil and grease contamination. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the material and use only those methods that are suitable for a particular type.

How to remove greasy stains from paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are considered the most budget-friendly wall covering option. However, they are popular not only because of the low price. Such wallpapers are presented in a huge variety of patterns, do not contain harmful substances in their composition and are easily glued to the wall. In addition, if necessary, they can be very easily removed during renovation, you do not have to use strong chemical agents to separate the wallpaper from the wall.

Of course, paper material has serious drawbacks. One of the main ones is that stained paper wallpaper is very difficult to clean. They cannot be wetted and strong mechanical stress applied to them - from this they will simply deteriorate or break.

Removing greasy stains from such a coating is associated with significant difficulties:

  1. It is possible to remove greasy specks from paper wallpaper only by "dry" methods. It is impossible to process the material with a wet sponge or rag; at best, the pattern will float and rub off, and at worst, the coating will deform when it dries or simply break.
  2. Paper wallpapers cannot be cleaned with a stiff brush or hard scrapers. It is permissible to process them only with brushes with a very soft bristle.
  3. Grease stains from paper wallpaper are removed with the most gentle methods, usually using absorbents - substances that absorb dirt. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the stain while it is fresh, the older the dirt, the more difficult it is to remove it.
Advice! If the greasy speck is old and dried up for a long time, and it is not possible to remove it, then it will be easier to mask the pollution with a painting or curtain, or even re-glue the wallpaper.

How to remove grease from washable wallpaper

Washable wallpaper is the most convenient material for processing. Already from the name it is clear that they are suitable for wet cleaning, for example, they are very often glued in the kitchen, where the wall covering gets dirty especially quickly. You can remove grease stains under washable wallpaper in almost all available ways, the material tolerates moisture well, it can be rubbed with a medium-hard brush to clean grease from microscopic depressions.

Of course, even on washable wallpaper, old stains can stick very firmly. Therefore, you need to try to remove contamination while they are fresh, this will simplify the task.

How to remove grease from vinyl wallpaper

Fresh grease can be easily removed from vinyl wallpaper.First of all, by their structure, they are resistant to moisture, so they can be safely treated with soapy water or specialized detergents. Also, vinyl material is allowed to be brushed with the hard side of a sponge or an old toothbrush to scrub oil from the wallpaper.

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Another advantage of vinyl wallpaper is that its surface is, in principle, resistant to greasy stains. Therefore, traces of oil penetrate into the structure of the material slowly, and sometimes fresh stains can be removed with a regular soapy sponge.

How to remove grease from non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is also water-repellent, and it is very easy to remove grease from them. The material can be processed by any means, soap solution and aggressive chemicals, gentle abrasive powders and absorbents.

The non-woven coating is not damaged when scrubbed with a brush, therefore, it is possible to remove sunflower oil from wallpaper or other grease without problems.

In the process of removing a greasy stain, it is necessary to take into account only the color of the wall covering or the presence of a pattern; in these cases, enhanced processing can spoil the decorative appearance of the material. So, it is not recommended to clean colored or patterned coatings with caustic bleaching agents, the shade and pattern may suffer.

The non-woven coating almost does not absorb grease - it usually solidifies on the surface, without penetrating inside. This prevents stubborn stains from penetrating deep into the structure of the material and makes it easier to remove dirt.

How to clean greasy stains on paintable wallpaper

Usually vinyl or non-woven wallpapers are intended for subsequent painting. These materials have little grease absorption, which makes it easier to remove oil stains from them. But there are some difficulties, if the material is already painted, then when removing the stain, the layer of paint often suffers.

To return a beautiful look to the wallpaper for painting, you must:

  • remove a greasy stain from the surface using folk methods or chemical means, even if the color suffers in the process;
  • wait for the material to dry, and then prime the wall covering;
  • apply a fresh coat of paint in exactly the same shade.

In the process of priming and re-painting, it is necessary to process not only the area where the spot was, but also the surface adjacent to it. In the immediate vicinity of the stain, the color may also change slightly when dirt is removed.

How to remove a greasy stain from wallpaper with folk methods

To remove a greasy spot, it is not necessary to immediately apply specialized chemicals. For starters, you can try homemade methods for removing oil stains, often simple household products help to cope with dirt.

How to remove greasy wallpaper with an eraser

A regular stationery eraser is good for removing greasy stains that don't penetrate deep into the structure of the material. For example, an eraser is great for removing dirt that remains on the wall from constant finger touching next to the switches.

Using the eraser is simple - you need to gently rub the dirty area with an eraser, and then shake the spools from the eraser. The method is suitable for cleaning sensitive paper wallpaper.

How to remove fat from wallpaper with bread crumb

Fresh oil stains can be removed well with regular white bread. A piece of soft bread needs to be crumpled a little to give it a dense structure and applied to dirt. The crumb will absorb the fat, and the stain will become much lighter and smaller, or even disappear completely.

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How to remove grease from wallpaper with baking soda

Baking soda, found in every kitchen, is an effective anti-fat treatment.About 50 g of soda powder must be diluted with water to obtain a semi-liquid mass, and then dip a sponge or cloth in the solution and gently wipe oily areas. Soda should be left for at least half an hour, and then remove its remnants with a damp sponge.

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Important! The method is suitable only for cleaning moisture-resistant coatings. In addition, you need to remember about the bleaching properties of baking soda - on dark walls, it can change the color of the coating.

How to clean wallpaper oil with vinegar

Another good way to remove grease stains from non-woven or vinyl wallpaper is with table vinegar. Usually it is used in combination with potassium permanganate; several grains of the substance are diluted in 1 large spoonful of vinegar. Then a cotton pad is moistened in the liquid and thoroughly wipe the contaminated area.

Since vinegar is excellent at dissolving fats, it helps with stains very effectively. But after applying it, the walls need to be rinsed several times with a clean dampened sponge in order to remove an unpleasant pungent odor. It must be remembered that with the help of vinegar, you cannot remove oil from paper-type wallpaper, the solution will damage their structure.

How to remove greasy stains from wallpaper with toilet paper and an iron

Very few methods are suitable for removing oil from wallpaper. One of the ways is to use toilet paper and an iron - when removing a grease stain, the wallpaper is not harmed, and the dirt comes off very well.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • a small piece of toilet paper is applied to the grease stain;
  • the iron is heated to a warm temperature, such that you can touch the sole of the device with your hand;
  • the iron is pressed against the wall through the paper and the problem area is ironed several times.

In this case, greasy traces should appear on the paper. A piece of paper must be replaced with a fresh one and the procedure must be repeated. When the heat stops absorbing grease, the paper can be finished. If the grease stain is fresh, then, most likely, it will disappear without a trace. An old stain may not come off the wall entirely, but it will in any case fade noticeably.

How to remove grease from wallpaper with chalk

Chalk is an excellent absorbent; it absorbs and absorbs grease upon contact. You can use chalk to clean paper or washable wallpaper - the result will be good enough anyway.

To remove dirt and clean the wallpaper from greasy stains, you must:

  • grind a small piece of chalk into powder;
  • apply the resulting mass to the wall surface;
  • put a napkin or paper on top and fix it so that the chalk cannot completely crumble down;
  • leave the absorbent on the wall for 2-3 hours.

After this period, the chalk is removed with a soft brush and the result is evaluated. If the stain has not completely disappeared, then you can try another option - first pour the chalk into an envelope made from a paper napkin, and then press it against the wall and walk with a warm iron, as in the previous method. The heat effect will increase the absorbent properties of the chalk by several times and will help to cope even with difficult stains.

How to clean greasy wallpaper with gasoline

Refined gasoline is a good remedy for stubborn old oil stains on walls. It has solvent properties and helps to quickly deal with even tough dirt.

It is necessary to wash the wallpaper from grease with gasoline according to the following algorithm:

  • in a small amount of gasoline, moisten a sponge or a clean soft cloth;
  • the product is tested on a small area of ​​the wallpaper in an inconspicuous place to make sure that gasoline will not damage the color and structure of the coating;
  • a greasy spot is carefully wiped with little effort, trying to remove the pollution to the end;
  • the treated area is left for 7-10 minutes so that gasoline can be better absorbed into the structure of the pollution;
  • the wall is treated with a warm soapy solution several times to remove the remains of the stain and gasoline.

You can use this method on wallpaper with a water-repellent surface - vinyl, non-woven, paintable. It is impossible to process paper material with gasoline - the wallpaper after such a procedure will be irretrievably damaged or saturated with an irreparable chemical odor.

How to clean wallpaper from greasy stains with starch

Potato or corn starch has strong absorbent properties. If wallpaper requires careful handling, then you can use this food powder. The starch is diluted in warm water to obtain a soft semi-liquid gruel, and then applied to the stained section of the wall for 7 minutes.

After the expiration of time, the dried mass is removed with a damp sponge and the area is wiped clean several times. If the pollution was planted not too long ago, then the starch will be able to absorb fat and remove it - not even a trace of oil will remain on the wall.

How to wipe grease stains from wallpaper using household chemicals

Folk methods are best for removing oil stains that have recently been planted on the wall. But if pollution appeared on the wall many months ago, managed to absorb and dry out, it may not be possible to remove oil stains from the wallpaper with household products.

In this case, it makes sense to use chemicals. They have a more aggressive composition and are often specifically designed to break down and remove fat:

  1. Vinyl or non-woven wall coverings can be cleaned with a dish soap. The gel is diluted in a small amount of lukewarm water, then the sponge is moistened in the solution until a rich foam is obtained and the greasy spot is wiped properly. It is advisable to leave the area soaked for half an hour so that the detergent penetrates the structure of the stain and makes it less resistant. After that, the remnants of the product are removed with a damp sponge and the surface is wiped dry.
  2. If the detergent has not worked, you can use an even stronger cleaning agent. Domestos and Silit have proven themselves well; they dissolve and help remove most stubborn dirt. Apply funds in exactly the same way as in the previous version.
  3. Washing powder can help remove greasy contamination; it also contains components responsible for the breakdown of fat. A small amount of powder is diluted with water, the foam is whipped, and then the dirty area is treated in the standard way.
Attention! Aggressive cleaners are only suitable for wallpaper with vinyl and non-woven surfaces. In addition, it is undesirable to use them on dark surfaces - household chemicals can remove not only fat, but also dye, which will lead to the appearance of a light area on the wall.


It is easiest to remove a greasy stain from the wallpaper immediately after it appears. But even if the pollution has arisen for a long time, several proven methods help to weaken the structure of the stain, and then remove it from the surface of the wall almost completely.

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