How to get grass off jeans

A grass stain on jeans is a common problem in the spring and summer. Jeans are the most comfortable clothing for picnics and out-of-town walks. After the weekend, you may notice various stains on the trousers, including from the grass. How to remove fresh and old stains from jeans: the use of folk methods, household chemicals, useful tips.

Features of removing grass stains

Grass stains are the most difficult to remove, because when dry, green juice turns into a stable dye, and natural cotton, from which jeans are made, interacts well with natural pigments. In order to effectively remove stains, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to start removing stains immediately, since it is problematic to wash old traces of grass.
  2. You should soak your jeans in warm or hot water (not boiling water).
  3. You do not have to rub hard with wet wipes to try to clean the stain. This way, you can rub the natural pigment even deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  4. Before using household stain removers, you should make sure that there is no chlorine in the composition, otherwise the appearance of whitish stains on jeans is ensured.

The advantage of choosing traditional methods for cleaning trousers is the availability of the necessary ingredients. Many products are hypoallergenic, so they can be used to clean children's jeans. The main disadvantage of using these methods is that it is not always possible to completely remove the stain. For large and dry stains, it is recommended to use household chemicals that gently affect the structure of the fabric, gradually washing out the natural dye.

How to remove grass stain using folk methods

Folk methods are good because almost all the ingredients for recipes are always available in the house. Most of them are gentle on matter and remove stains without destroying its fibers. The effectiveness of folk remedies in most cases is not inferior to household chemicals. This avoids the cost of expensive stain removers.

How to clean jeans with rubbing alcohol

Almost every first aid kit contains 96% ethyl alcohol. It is often used to treat insect bites, small wounds and abrasions. In addition, rubbing alcohol is effective in removing grass stains from denim. You can wash your pants from grass with alcohol as follows:

  1. Moisten the grass stain liberally with rubbing alcohol and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Then rub the denim with laundry soap and leave again for 30 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, the trousers can be washed.
Advice! Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka or moonshine.

It is important not to rub the jeans after applying the alcohol solution, as there is a risk of removing some of the blue dye from the fabric along with the stain.

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How to remove grass from jeans with toothpaste

You can wash the grass off your jeans with an ordinary toothpaste. It is important to use a white product that does not have color streaks, as these can leave a mark on the fabric. In order to remove grass stain on trousers, you need to apply a small amount of toothpaste to it and massage this place with a toothbrush.

Rinse off the product with hot water. The procedure can be repeated several times if necessary. The best effect is observed when removing stains with a whitening toothpaste.

How to scrub jeans with baking soda

Baking soda is one of the few multifunctional products used for cooking, washing dishes, removing stains, and softening tap water. The algorithm for removing grass stains is as follows:

  • make a thick gruel from baking soda and a little water;
  • apply the mixture to the fabric and massage the contaminated area easily;
  • leave for 20 minutes, then rinse the jeans well in a thick soapy solution (it is recommended to use laundry soap, but baby soap is acceptable);
  • wash cleaned jeans in the washing machine.

This method is effective even for old green spots.

How to remove grass from jeans with lemon juice

Acid is known to be good at attacking natural dyes. In order to protect jeans from fading under the influence of lemon juice, it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Lubricate the stained area with the resulting liquid and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Then it is recommended to wash the pants in a washing machine at a temperature of 40 ˚С.

Advice! If you don't have lemon on hand, you can replace it with citric acid or even sauerkraut pickle. The algorithm of action does not change when the active substance is changed.

How to wash grass on jeans with boiling water

Hot water is the first aid in removing fresh dirt. If you soak jeans with a stain that has not had time to dry in boiling water, then with a high degree of probability it will disappear. Unfortunately, the product is not effective for removing dried or stubborn stains, in which case more aggressive methods are required.

Before you dip your pants in boiling water, you should study the instructions on the product tag. Jeans that are not recommended to be washed in water, the temperature of which exceeds 50 ˚С, should not be soaked in boiling water, as they may "shrink" or fade.

How to use hydrogen peroxide to remove grass from jeans

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic and therefore is available in almost every medicine cabinet. It can help remove any dirt on fabrics, including fresh grass. To do this, follow these steps:

  • apply a small amount of the medicine to the contaminated area and rub lightly with a soft brush;
  • wash pants with detergent.
Advice! Hydrogen peroxide has a rather aggressive effect and can damage the pigment on denim, therefore it is recommended to use it only on light fabric.

How to remove grass stains from jeans with table vinegar

You can wipe off the grass on your jeans using ordinary 9% vinegar. It is important not to confuse it with vinegar essence, as it acts much more aggressively on the fabric, as a result of which the fibers can become thinner. Table vinegar should be applied to the stained area without diluting it with anything. After a few hours, you can start washing. Instead of table vinegar, it is also permissible to use wine or apple cider vinegar. Although these formulations have a distinct color, it easily fades from the fabric during washing.

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How to remove grass stain on jeans with salt

Like boiling water, table salt is the first remedy in the fight against grass pollution. It can be used in two ways:

  1. Massage a small amount of salt into the stain and then shake it off. This method is perfect for picnic when there are no other tools at hand.
  2. Prepare a saline solution, which will require 1 tbsp. l. salt and 100 ml of water. Soak the stain with the resulting liquid and leave for about 1 hour.

After using table salt in any form, jeans should be thoroughly washed in warm water using washing powder.

How to remove grass stain on jeans with household cleaning products

Using household chemicals to remove stains, you can get a guaranteed positive result. There are both budget options, such as "Whiteness" or "Antipyatin", and more expensive gels and stain removers. They must be used according to the instructions indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Often, the products need to be applied directly to the soiled areas or added to the washing machine when washing. Some aggressive household products can even remove stubborn grass stains. After using them, it is important to thoroughly rinse the product, especially when it comes to baby clothes.

Important! "White" contains chlorine, which can remove dirt along with the color of trousers. For this reason, the product can only be used on white jeans.


Although it is difficult to remove grass stains on jeans, there are many traditional methods and household cleaning products to make removal easier. Before choosing a suitable product, you should take into account the features of denim, its color, otherwise you can damage the product.

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