How to wipe ink off linoleum

Scrubbing the pen off the linoleum is not an easy task, since the ink has a very stable structure and penetrates deep into the surface of the flooring. But you can still wipe the linoleum from stains, there are many ways to do this.

Features of removing the handle from linoleum

The main advantages of a pen over a pencil when writing are that the ink is much brighter in color and virtually indestructible. Even over the years, the letters written in ink remain clearly legible. This is due to the composition of the ink - they include a dye that is responsible for color, and a special oil that ensures durability.

Unfortunately, sometimes this advantage turns into a negative side. If the pen leaks and ink drips into the linoleum in the apartment, or the floor is painted by children who are not yet accustomed to appreciate cleanliness, it will be very difficult to get the dirt off the floor. The decorative floor covering perfectly absorbs coloring pigments and is difficult to clean.

There are many ways to wipe the handle off the floor. But before starting work, you need to evaluate:

  • age of ink stains;
  • contamination area;
  • age and appearance of the floor.

If the coating is very old and has already lost its attractiveness, and ink spots are sprayed in all directions and have dried up long ago, then there is no point in saving such linoleum. Most likely, it will not be possible to wipe off the stains - it will be much easier to wait for the repair and replace the entire coating.

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But if the linoleum is new and beautiful, and the pollution is small and has appeared recently, then you can use one of the cleaning methods. All are based on dissolving ink and wiping it off the floor with minimal waste.

How to scrub a ballpoint pen from linoleum

The ink in a ballpoint pen is particularly resistant and therefore difficult to remove from linoleum. Old ink will leave an ugly and highly visible dark purple stain. In order to wipe off contamination, it is necessary to use chemical and household products with an aggressive composition - alcohol or alkaline. In this case, the product will be able to penetrate deep into the pollution and, if not completely wipe it off, then at least make it less noticeable.

You can wipe the paste off the handle from the linoleum with soap or washing powder, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, soda and other means. But you need to prepare in advance for the fact that it will take a long time to scrub the floor, the ink is very reluctant to remove.

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How to scrub a gel pen from linoleum

Despite the fact that the gel for gel pens is made on a water basis, it also has very high resistance rates. Typically, gel pens leave bright blue or light blue spots on linoleum.

You can wipe them off using the same methods as ball-point ink - alcohol-containing agents and alkalis. If the stain is old, it cannot be guaranteed that it will completely dissolve. However, in this case, gel pens have an advantage, if the contamination can be at least properly lightened, it will cease to be so striking.

How to wipe a linoleum handle with folk remedies

You can get rid of ink dirt on linoleum in several home ways.

  • With salt and citric acid... The method is well suited for fresh stains from the handle - add a few drops of acid or regular lemon juice to a teaspoon of salt, mix and apply a thick composition to the stain. You need to hold the product for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse the linoleum with water.
  • With soda... Dilute baking soda with water to a thick paste, apply it tightly to the contaminated area and wait until the product is completely dry. After that, the soda must be washed off. To enhance the effect, you can add a little table mustard to the soda, it also has cleansing properties.
  • With vinegar... Table vinegar 9% is slightly diluted with water or applied to a sponge in its pure form, and then thoroughly handle the contamination, trying to wipe off the handle. If the stain is fresh enough, vinegar should be sufficient.
  • With a melamine sponge... The popular eraser sponge is used specifically to wipe off stubborn dirt. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the sponge not only helps to wipe off the ink mechanically, but also emits aggressive ammonia and chloride substances during the cleaning process, which also corrode dirt. In order to wipe the pen, you just need to rub the dirt properly until you get the result.
  • With matches... An effective folk remedy against ink on linoleum is ordinary matches, or rather, their sulfur heads, slightly moistened with water. It is inconvenient to handle strong dirt with match heads, however, the method can help against small stains - linoleum should be rubbed with wet matches until the stain disappears. After that, the floor is washed with soapy water.
Attention! A radical home-based way to scrub stubborn pen stains off linoleum is to use a pumice stone or fine-grain sandpaper. The stain will surely go away, but the linoleum will inevitably suffer, so it is worth using the method only for old flooring and in not very noticeable areas.

How to wipe a handle off linoleum with household chemicals

If simple home remedies did not help remove ink from linoleum, or initially there are doubts that they will help, you can use household chemicals. These drugs are more aggressive and stronger.

  • Chlorine Powders... This method can be considered one of the oldest and most effective, it is not without reason that chlorine water was used to wash floors in public institutions, schools and hospitals. Chlorine detergents help to wipe off dirt very well. Bleach is used very simply, diluted with water according to the instructions, and then thoroughly wipe off the stain until it disappears or becomes noticeably lighter.
  • Bleaches... You can wipe the handle off the linoleum with whiteness, the product is diluted in water in a ratio of 2 to 10, and then the floor is treated, especially trying to wipe off the dirty areas.
  • Petrol... In the pantry, motorists will probably find a little car fuel, you need to soak a sponge with gasoline, rub the ink pollution and leave for 40 minutes. After that, the stain is treated with a sponge again and washed off with gasoline with water.

Gasoline, bleach and chlorine powders have an unpleasant odor, so after processing the linoleum, you need to properly ventilate the room. You can wipe off the stain only with gloves, it will not hurt to use a protective mask, this will avoid inhalation of harmful vapors and their contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Useful Tips

Simple rules will help to preserve the beauty and purity of linoleum.

  • To protect against contamination, linoleum should be regularly treated with special household products. For example, it can be rubbed with special mastics that do not cause a slip effect, or use drying oil and linseed oil.Polishes create an additional protective barrier on the surface of the flooring, if ink is spilled on the floor, it will be absorbed more slowly and it will be easier to wipe it off.
  • If ink from the pen gets on the floor, you must immediately start removing the stain. You cannot postpone cleaning - even in a couple of hours the handle will be absorbed into the floor covering so that it will be very difficult to wipe it off.

It so happens that even the most careful processing does not allow you to completely wipe the stain off the floor. In this case, you can use the following method - take a piece of linoleum with a similar color and pattern and cut out a section from it that is slightly larger in size than the contaminated area.

A piece of fresh linoleum is placed on top of the stain, pressed tightly, and then the bottom layer of the coating is cut along the edges of the piece with a sharp clerical knife. After that, the cut out piece with ink stains from below will remain to be removed, and in its place, exactly along the contours, insert fresh clean linoleum. The edges of the "patch" need to be processed with fine sandpaper, lightly greased with glue and pressed down properly so that the piece is fixed in place.


Many methods allow you to wipe the handle off the linoleum, but none of them gives a guaranteed result. To keep your flooring clean and beautiful, wash it immediately after ink stains appear.

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