Chia seeds: benefits and harms, how to take for weight loss, recipes

The beneficial properties and contraindications of chia seeds are of interest to lovers of the so-called superfoods - products with the highest concentration of valuable substances. To understand the effect of regular consumption of seeds, you need to study their properties in detail.

What chia seeds look like and where do they grow?

The word "chia" refers to the Spanish sage, a plant native to South America. The ancient Aztecs knew about the beneficial properties of chia - the plant was eaten and used for treatment. At the moment it is cultivated in Guatemala, Mexico, in the countries of the South American continent, in Australia. In recent years, chia has experienced a real renaissance - vegetarians and fans of healthy eating around the world are experiencing an increased interest in the plant.

The seeds are oval in shape and usually do not exceed 1 mm in diameter. They are white, black, brown or gray in color, the surface of the seeds is uneven, with a relief texture.

Chia seed types

Basically, you can find 2 types of seeds on sale - in black and white peels. White seeds belong to narrow-leaved sage, which is cultivated in South America and Mexico, and black ones to pigeon sage, which grows in Central America and Guatemala.

Both varieties contain approximately the same composition of nutrients. Scientists believe that white and black seeds are exactly the same in properties. However, in traditional medicine, it is believed that white chia is better for anemia, hormonal disruptions and allergies. And the benefits of black chia seeds are especially relevant for fever, diabetes and high cholesterol.

The composition and calorie content of chia seeds

The seeds of the Spanish sage, regardless of their color, contain the following beneficial components:

  • iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
  • zinc and selenium;
  • potassium and manganese;
  • copper and sodium;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B9;
  • vitamins E and A;
  • vitamin C;
  • Omega-6 and Omega-3;
  • cellulose;
  • amino acids.

The product is of great interest in terms of nutritional value. The energy components in it are well balanced - about 42 g are carbohydrates, another 30 g are fats, and 16.5 g are proteins. As for the calorie content, 100 g of the product contains about 486 kcal.

Why chia seeds are good for you

The health benefits of chia seeds are that they:

  • have a strengthening effect on the immune system and increase resistance to colds;
  • remove toxins from the body, reducing harm to the liver;
  • regulate appetite - this makes them especially useful on a diet;
  • reduce harmful cholesterol and protect blood vessels from the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthen the heart system and equalize pressure;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles and bones, serve as the prevention of joint diseases;
  • increase overall stamina and energy;
  • have a slight anti-aging effect;
  • have a positive effect on the brain and memory.

For women

The benefit of chia seeds for women is that the product makes it easier to endure critical days. It improves mood and reduces the level of fatigue, normalizes hormonal levels, and replenishes blood loss.

Chia is a good beauty aid. Antioxidants and vitamins in the composition are good for the skin and hair, in addition, the product helps to lose weight, despite the high calorie content.

For men

The benefit of chia seeds for men is that the product has a good effect on the endocrine system and regulates hormonal levels. The seeds protect against problems in the genital area, improve potency, and prevent the development of prostate adenoma.

Potassium and phytoestrogens in the composition protect the cardiovascular system from heart attacks and strokes. The balanced composition of nutrients in the product helps to increase the body's endurance, muscle tissue recovers faster after exertion.

For vegetarians

In the absence of meat in the diet, people often develop a deficiency of fatty acids and valuable minerals. However, chia seeds are able to completely cover the lack of nutrients - they contain a lot of vegetable protein and Omega-3. The product allows you to maintain well-being without abandoning principles.

At what age can chia seeds be given to children

The benefits and harms of Spanish sage seeds for children is a question that is of keen interest to young parents. In general, the properties of the product have a beneficial effect on the child's body - they strengthen the bones and the nervous system, prevent constipation and anemia.

But it is recommended to give the product to children no earlier than 5 years. It is better to start by adding seeds to porridge and healthy salads in the amount of 1/3 teaspoon. If the baby does not show allergies, the dosage can be increased later.

Attention! In some cases, the product is harmful to the child's body, so you should consult a pediatrician before offering it to a child for the first time.

Can chia seeds during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body experiences a double need for vitamins and minerals, since they are consumed very quickly. The benefits of chia seeds for pregnant women are that the product is able to saturate the body with the most essential elements - potassium, calcium, fatty acids. Fiber in the composition promotes good digestion and prevents constipation.

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However, before introducing the product into the diet of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to consult a doctor, chia remains a rather exotic product. Make sure that there are no strict contraindications, and the seeds will not harm.

Chia seeds when breastfeeding

You can use the product during lactation, but only 2 months after childbirth. In this case, it is worth carefully monitoring the baby's reaction and in case of allergies, immediately stop taking the seeds. It is also necessary to take breaks from using the product for a couple of days once a week.

How to use chia seeds for weight loss

Since the product is rich in fiber, it significantly speeds up the metabolism and is very useful during the diet. It is very simple to consume chia - before each meal you should drink a glass of water in which 1 teaspoon of seeds is diluted.

It is recommended to continue the course for at least 1.5 months with a reduced daily amount of calories, then the benefits of chia seeds for weight loss will not slow down.The fight against excess weight with the help of the product continues for quite a long time, but it also brings stable results.

How to take chia seeds for medicinal purposes

The product rich in vitamins is used in traditional medicine. Medicines based on it help relieve the symptoms of many ailments.

For constipation and bowel cleansing

Dietary fiber in chia quickly normalizes bowel function and helps relieve constipation. To bring health back to normal, you need to drink a special cocktail with healthy seeds for 3 weeks. They make a drink like this:

  • a large spoonful of seeds is poured with a glass of kefir and insisted for about 2 hours;
  • if desired, add a couple of teaspoons of natural honey to the drink;
  • stir until complete dissolution.

You need to take the product on an empty stomach in the morning. The benefits of chia with kefir will help bind toxins and toxins and remove them from the intestines. During the course of cleansing the body, be sure to take at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

To lower cholesterol

The benefits of chia seeds will help to strengthen blood vessels, increase their elasticity and lower cholesterol. It is recommended to add the product to regular food daily. The daily portion should be no more than 1 large spoon, this amount should be divided into several doses.

Important! It is desirable to combine the healing properties of chia seeds with a healthy diet.

If you continue to eat fatty, spicy and fried foods, even healthy seeds will not be able to reduce the damage to blood vessels.

With gastritis

Acute gastritis is one of the contraindications to chia consumption. The product is too rich in fiber - if it enters the stomach, dietary fiber will irritate the mucous membranes and only increase inflammation.

During the chronic course of the disease, you can take chia seeds, previously soaked in water or juice. In this case, their shell softens and no longer injures the walls of the stomach.

With pancreatitis

The manifestations of chronic pancreatitis can be removed if you take 30 g of seeds three times a day with plenty of water. This should be done before meals. The total treatment period is a month, then chia is removed from the diet for several weeks.

During an exacerbation of the disease, chia must be completely abandoned. During this period, the product will only harm the pancreas.

With diabetes mellitus

The glycemic index of chia is only 30 units, and with regular use, the product is able to lower blood glucose. There are relatively few carbohydrates in it, and the protein content is high, so the product helps prevent sudden surges in sugar and serves as the prevention of obesity. Black seeds are especially beneficial for diabetics.

However, before introducing a product into the diet, it is worth consulting a doctor and obtaining permission to use. Seeds must be combined with medicines - chia cannot serve as an independent remedy.

Daily intake

Product safety for health depends on dosage. For adults, a safe dose is 4 large tablespoons of seeds per day. In order not to harm the child's body, it is necessary to measure out no more than 1 large spoon per day.

The use of chia seeds in home cosmetology

The high concentration of nutrients makes the product a valuable cosmetic component. Chia can be found in healing masks, scrubs and hair care products.

Facial masks

The benefits of chia seeds in skin masks are manifested in an anti-aging effect. For example, to tighten the skin of the face and eliminate wrinkles, you can make the following mask:

  • 3 large spoons of seeds are poured into 100 ml of water;
  • insist for a quarter of an hour;
  • a teaspoon of honey is added to the swollen seeds;
  • stir and apply the product to the prepared skin.

Keep the mixture for 10 minutes. If you apply the mask regularly, the skin will become smoother and the face oval will be tightened.

Chia seed face scrubs

Chia face exfoliators are beneficial in that the seeds of the plant help remove dead skin particles while nourishing it with vitamins. At home, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • 2 large spoons of seeds and half a fresh apple are chopped in a blender;
  • add 2 large spoons of honey and a little water to the ingredients to give the desired consistency;
  • the mixture is applied to a slightly damp face and the skin is massaged with light movements.

This scrub is especially suitable for oily skin prone to acne and acne, since the product also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chia seeds for hair

The vitamin product, even with regular consumption, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. But it is even more beneficial to apply seed-based products directly to the curls. For example, you can make a simple gel:

  • 80 g of seeds are poured with 500 ml of water, mixed and infused for 10 minutes;
  • then the mixture is stirred again and put into the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour to thicken;
  • then add 3 large tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to the resulting gel and stir again.

The product is distributed over the curls and kept for 10 minutes, and then washed off with plain water. Homemade gel strengthens roots, makes hair stronger and gives it a beautiful shine.

Chia seed oil properties and uses

With the help of cold pressing, a healthy oil is produced from white seeds, which contains a huge amount of acids, vitamins E and C and omega-3 fats. The oil has excellent anti-inflammatory and firming properties, helps fight infections, viruses and fungi, and promotes healing of skin lesions. The internal use of chia oil is that it lowers blood cholesterol, normalizes metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

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The oil can be added to food, but it is more commonly used in cosmetology. The product can be found in many creams and shampoos. However, it is best used to create homemade face, hair and nail masks. In this case, the concentration of the valuable product will be high enough for the effect to manifest itself after several procedures.

The benefits and harms of sprouted chia seeds

In order to enhance the valuable properties of exotic seeds, many people prefer to germinate them. In this case, the seeds become more amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids, and carbohydrates are broken down into easily digestible sugars.

Sprouted seeds are especially beneficial for weight loss, they effectively lower cholesterol and blood glucose. But it is very important to follow the correct germination technology, otherwise chia will be harmful. In particular, before germination, the seeds must be very well washed and disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The first portions of the product should be small - sprouted seeds are not always well absorbed by the stomach, it is necessary to check how the body will react to them.

Chia seeds in cooking

Healthy seeds are often added to food to enhance the valuable properties of common foods. There are also special recipes for making chia seeds.

  • The product is combined with almost all dishes, for example, chia seeds dissolve well in cereals, are found in soups and yoghurts, sauces and salad dressings.
  • Seeds are flavored with meat and fish dishes to improve their digestibility, if desired, the seeds can be added to tea or smoothies.
  • There are also unusual dishes, for example, urbech from chia seeds has invaluable useful properties, which is a thick paste of sugar and grated seeds.
  • The benefits of chia seed flour are evident in baked goods, making pies and muffins tastier and more nutritious.
Advice! The benefits and harms of chia oil in cooking depend on the temperature - you need to add it only to cold dishes.

Even with light heating, the beneficial substances in the oil are destroyed and turn into carcinogens that are harmful.

Chia seed porridge

Useful seeds can be added to regular cereals, or you can cook chia-based porridge. They do it in just 5 minutes. It is necessary:

  • cut a large peach and 2 figs into small pieces;
  • mix with 3 large spoons of chia;
  • pour the ingredients with 5 glasses of milk - regular or almond.

Before use, the porridge is kept under the lid for several minutes, allowing the seeds to absorb the milk and swell.

Chia seed smoothie

Healthy seeds are great for making a delicious and refreshing fruit smoothie. They make a drink like this:

  • 1 peeled banana, the pulp of half a coconut, 4 fresh mint leaves are poured into a blender;
  • pour 150 ml of water and grind.

Add half a large spoonful of seeds to the finished thick drink and stir again by hand.

Harm of chia seeds and contraindications for use

Sometimes the valuable properties of a product can be harmful. Contraindications will be:

  • hypotension;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute stage;
  • tendency to flatulence.

During pregnancy and lactation, chia should be consumed with caution - in small portions and with the permission of a doctor.

How to choose and store chia seeds

You can buy chia mainly in specialty stores or online; the product is rarely found in regular supermarkets. When buying seeds, you need to pay attention to:

  • country of production - chia is cultivated in South and Central America and Australia;
  • appearance of seeds - they should be smooth, without wrinkles on the surface of the skin, without chips;
  • tightness of packaging - seeds in a damaged bag quickly lose their beneficial properties.

Store chia in a dry place at room temperature, away from bright light. In a closed container, seeds can retain their beneficial properties for up to 2 years. You just need to ensure that mold does not appear on them, and protect the product from impregnation with foreign odors.

Opinion and reviews of doctors

In general, the medical community recognizes the health benefits of chia seeds. In moderate dosages, the product has a beneficial effect, since it contains a huge amount of fatty acids and vegetable protein.

At the same time, doctors and nutritionists note that detailed studies of chia seeds have not yet been carried out. The exact effect of the product on body weight has not been established, it has not been determined whether the seeds bring benefits or harm when consumed for more than 20 weeks in a row.

Doctors recommend supplementing diets and therapeutic diets with chia seeds, but do not exceed the dosage and do not forget about other useful products.


The beneficial properties and contraindications of chia seeds are still under study. But it has already been established that in small quantities, chia will strengthen the body and help in the process of losing weight.

Reviews of losing weight

Milovidova Victoria Sergeevna, 29 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Chia seeds for the face helped me remove the first wrinkles that appeared due to stress and poor nutrition. A few procedures were enough for the skin to become elastic and taut again. Now I use chia seeds for hair and I see that the loss has decreased, and the strands themselves have acquired a healthy shine.
Petrova Anastasia Dmitrievna, 30 years old, Kazan
I was hesitant about using chia seeds for breastfeeding but decided to give it a try. And she did not regret it - the child's allergies did not go, and lactation increased, so it became easier to feed my son. Friends say that chia seeds for older children solve the problem of constipation, when the son grows up, I will try to add the product to his diet.
Dobrovolskaya Anna Viktorovna, 27 years old, Moscow
I use chia seeds for weight loss - the diet is long, but it does not harm the body and gives a permanent result.Chia seeds have helped me for constipation several times, after drinking a cleansing drink, the problem is solved in a few hours, and the laxative effect is very mild.

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