Burbot: useful properties, what it looks like, contraindications

Burbot is the only freshwater representative of the Cod class. The most favorable time for catching it is winter, since the fish is cold-loving, active at water temperatures below +10 degrees. Interestingly, a tenth of the weight is occupied by the liver, which is considered the most valuable component. If the benefits and harms of fish burbot do not cause controversy among scientists, then there is no consensus about how the liver affects the human body. On the one hand, it is a fatty product. On the other hand, it is considered a delicacy and contains vitamins and minerals.

What does a burbot fish look like?

Burbot, in comparison with the more popular "relative" cod, undeservedly remains in the shade. The fish lives in northern lakes and rivers. The largest specimen, the size of which has been officially documented, weighed 29.9 kg. He was caught on the Taimyr Peninsula.

The skin of the inhabitant of northern rivers is so durable that in the old days boots were made from it, only rich people could afford shoes

The appearance of burbot is such that it is difficult to confuse it with other fish species. You can find out by the size and color of the body. Elongated and rounded, it has a fusiform shape and dense small scales, covered with a thick layer of mucus. The scales extend over the gill covers, fins, and head.

The pectoral fins are small and short. The abdominal ones are elongated, like filamentous processes. On the back there are two fins, one of which almost reaches the caudal, without merging with it.

The broad head looks like it is flattened from top to bottom. The upper jaw is longer than the lower. The teeth are small and sharp. At the nostrils there is a pair of short mustaches, on the chin there is a single unpaired mustache. The eyes are small, yellowish. The pupils are dark.

The color is most often greenish, olive. On the back, there are many irregularly dispersed black-brown spots and stripes. The belly and throat are colored in a light, almost white shade. Males and juveniles are dark in color. In this case, the size of the females is larger.

The chemical composition of fish burbot

Burbot meat is a nutritious product. It is 19.5% protein. It also contains:

  • 1% minerals;
  • 0.5% fat.
Important! The unique property of burbot is that its fat has a low viscosity, making it easy to digest.

The benefits and harms of burbot for the body are determined by the chemical composition. Meat is rich in the following substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In addition, fish contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium and sodium.

Comment! It is believed that burbot liver is superior in nutritional value to the more popular cod offal. And its meat contains 4 times more vitamin D and twice as much vitamin A.
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How is burbot useful?

The fillet has a delicate taste and nutritional value. And the properties of the burbot liver are such that, in terms of usefulness, it surpasses other representatives of the Treskovy order.

The taste of white burbot meat resembles lobster, for this reason in the United States it is usually called "lobster for the poor"

Fish is useful for many systems, organs, functions of the human body:

  1. For the cardiovascular system.Fish fillet has a unique composition that protects against high cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, prevents coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  2. For eyes. Fish contains vitamin A, which helps maintain visual acuity.
  3. For bones and teeth. Burbot is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamin D and protein. These components have a complex effect on the body, strengthen bone tissue. This property of fish is especially important for children and the elderly. The latter are at risk of developing osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. For the health of the expectant mother and fetus. To maintain it, doctors recommend that pregnant women eat fish at least twice a week.
  5. To protect against premature aging. The vitamins and minerals in fish help to normalize metabolism, nourish skin cells, and prevent aging.
  6. For mental development. Scientific research has shown that eating fish improves visual-spatial and speech abilities.

Fish harm to burbot

Like any seafood, burbot can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, people prone to them should use the product with great care or refuse it altogether. This applies not only to meat, but also to the liver.

The fish contains a component that destroys vitamin B1. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out heat treatment, and only then include the product in the menu.

In order not to harm your health, it is important to properly prepare the dish. Otherwise, infection with tapeworms dangerous to humans is possible. Burbot are often their carriers.

How many calories are in burbot

Burbot is considered a dietary product. All fat stores are concentrated in the liver. Energy value is 90 kcal. Therefore, fish can be included in the menu for everyone who adheres to proper nutrition and monitors weight. It should be borne in mind that the total calorie content of dishes, the ingredient of which is fish, depends on how they are prepared, as well as on other components. In addition, the nutritional value of burbot depends on what time of year the fish is caught.

Important! The meat contains no carbohydrates. This makes it possible to eat burbot for patients with diabetes.

Contraindications to burbot

Not everyone can use this useful product. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • increased calcium in the body;
  • excess vitamin D in the blood;
  • the presence of kidney stones or in the gallbladder, a predisposition to their formation;
  • severe liver disease;
  • allergic reactions to seafood.

Burbot preparation methods

From the point of view of benefits and culinary value, preference should be given to fresh burbot. After freezing, the meat loses its juicy and delicate taste, some nutrients begin to break down.

Milk and fish liver are considered a delicacy

The main task of the cook or the hostess, who decided to serve a dish of burbot, is to preserve the nutritional value, taste and benefits of fish. You can cook it in various ways:

  1. Oven-baked meat. Recipes for burbot with vegetables are good, which can be supplemented with a variety of sauces, for example, sour cream or cream. The festive table is served with fish stuffed with mushrooms or seasoned with vegetables.
  2. Steaks, fillets, fried in a pan. They can also be cooked in a multicooker.
  3. Meat fried in batter and fish cakes have excellent taste.
  4. Burbot can be a good base for making aspic, as well as fish soup and fish broths.
  5. Canned stewed meat. It is supplemented with sour cream, tomato paste, cream, vegetables. Dishes have a delicate taste.


The benefits and harms of burbot fish, as well as the excellent taste of the product, are beyond doubt.Using it at least 2 times a week, you can protect the cardiovascular system, strengthen teeth and bones, and slow down the aging process in the body. Fish is especially beneficial for children and expectant mothers.

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