Useful properties and uses of agave

Agave is a plant that many people confuse with cacti and aloe. Indeed, it is also a succulent, which, however, has its own, even more pronounced unique beneficial properties used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. For example, as a sweetener, it is included in syrups that can be found in stores. To understand what else the benefits and harms of agave are, it is worth getting to know the plant better.

What does agave look like and where does it grow

Succulents are a type of plant that can store water in special tissues. In agave, they are found in thick, fleshy leaves, most often attached to a dense, tough stem.

Common in the Southwestern United States and northern South America, this plant is about one and a half times sweeter than sugar, and therefore is often used to make tequila and various syrups. Due to its unpretentiousness to water, it is also actively used for decorative purposes in hot dry climates.

Agave blooms only once, after which the original plant dies and new shoots appear from the base of the stem. There is a common misconception that agaves are a type of cactus. As you can see from the photo, the agave plant has specific external differences. In addition, its medicinal properties as a succulent are much more pronounced.

In its homeland, the plant is considered useful and nutritious. One of the most common ways to consume agave is through nectar, which is a liquid syrup used as an alternative to traditional granulated sugar. The plant can also be eaten raw or dried. It is believed that in this form it brings more benefits to the body.

Chemical composition and calorie content of agave

Naturally, agave is an excellent source of iron, a mineral that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. A hundred-gram portion of a raw plant contains 1.8 mg of iron, and the same amount of dried plant contains 3.65 mg. This represents 46% of the daily value of this mineral for men and 20% for women. All this testifies to the great benefits for the body.

Other beneficial properties are as follows. A serving of raw or cooked agave provides about 40% of an adult's daily calcium requirement, while dried agave provides almost three-quarters of that. In addition, the plant is a good source of zinc, a mineral essential for wound healing.

The calorie content of the raw plant is 68 kcal per hundred grams. Agave syrup has a much higher nutritional value - 310 kcal per 100 g. It is a moderate source of vitamin C and several B vitamins.

The syrup is composed of 76% carbohydrates, 23% water, 0.4% fat and negligible amount of protein, so it can harm people who are prone to obesity.

Why is agave useful for the body

The plant contains several compounds with protective beneficial properties. It contains saponins that bind to cholesterol and can help lower overall cholesterol levels. These compounds can also inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors, which is of undoubted benefit.

In cosmetology, agave is used to improve the condition of the facial skin.

Agave also contains inulin, a type of fiber that is a probiotic or beneficial type of bacteria. A natural plant, unlike syrup, also provides the body with a good dose of fiber and a lot of fiber, which can reduce the risk of constipation.

Indications for the use of agave

Agave syrup is made up of fructose, not glucose, so it is easier to digest. The body needs less insulin to digest it. Fructose is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, reducing the highs and lows of blood sugar. This beneficial property means the plant has a very low glycemic index (GI), meaning it does not significantly raise blood sugar levels. This makes the product especially suitable for people with simple carbohydrate sensitivities. Agave syrup is a good healthy alternative to honey, maple syrup, dates, sugar, and other sweeteners.

The most common use of the product is when added to dishes as a source of sweet taste. It should be borne in mind that agave is sweeter than sugar and honey, so you need less to add it to food.

Agave traditional medicine recipes

The juice squeezed from agave contains various alkaloids, an estrogen-like isoflavonoid, coumarin and vitamins K, C, B1, B2 and D, as well as provitamin A.

The plant is distinguished by wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, in folk medicine, it is used to absorb bruises, treat burns, minor muscle sprains, bruises, abrasions and skin irritations provoked by insect bites.

In some regions of America, the juice of the plant, along with egg white, has been used for centuries as a compress to heal wounds.

But its benefits are not limited to this. Traditionally, it has been used to treat stomach problems, ulcers, jaundice and other liver ailments, as well as tuberculosis, syphilis, and gynecological problems.

In addition, succulent is capable of causing sweating, therefore it is used to knock down high temperatures.

A poultice made from the root and leaves of the plant can be helpful in relieving toothache.

For back pain

In the treatment of back pain, the plant can provide significant benefits. It is especially effective when painful sensations appear from prolonged sitting in place or sharp bends.

Agave will also help with muscle spasms. For this purpose, it is required to rub the sore spot with its juice. Be careful the first time as this can be irritating. If no harm to the skin is noticed, rubbing should be repeated twice a day. After the procedure, it is advisable to wrap up for a couple of hours.

With arthrosis

The benefits of this succulent in the treatment of arthrosis have been known for a long time. There are several well-known popular recipes based on it.

The two most common methods for making agave tinctures for continuous use are:

  1. Cut off the leaves of the plant and immediately chop or grate finely.
  2. Squeeze fresh juice using cheesecloth.
  3. For 800 ml of juice, add 200 ml of pure medical alcohol (96%).
  4. Leave for a week in a dark place.

The second option is prepared like this:

  1. Chop fresh leaves as small as possible.
  2. Put them in a glass bottle.
  3. Pour 150 ml of 70% alcohol into each tablespoon of raw materials.
  4. Close the container carefully and place in a dark place.
  5. Insist for ten days, then strain.
Important! This remedy is taken 20 drops three times a day, shortly before meals, diluted with a little water.

For headache

Succulent is taken as a fever and pain reliever. The method of application is simple - just drink a few drops of agave juice.

With gout

The use of agave leaves will help treat gout and other ailments associated with salt deposition. A tincture of them is used as a medicine.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Chop the leaves of the plant finely.
  2. For every 10 g of raw materials, take 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  3. Close the container tightly and put in a dark place for two weeks.
Important! You can not take more than 20 drops of tincture at a time, because in such a concentration it can become poison.

For constipation

Because the plant is high in fiber, its benefits include improving bowel function. To use it as a laxative, you need to cut the leaves, add water and cook the broth over low heat. The finished product is insisted for about an hour and filtered.

To get rid of boils

Succulent has anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is very useful in the treatment of abscesses and boils. For this purpose, a gruel is made from the leaves, which is applied every day to the affected area.

Advice! For sensitive skin, the raw material can be diluted in half with olive oil.

With hematomas

The healing properties of room agave can be used to quickly heal hematomas. The most common are two recipes for folk remedies:

  1. In the first case, juice is squeezed out of the pulp of the plant and mixed with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3. In the prepared product, moisten clean gauze and apply to the bruise for 15 minutes.
  2. In the second option, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed agave juice is mixed with two tablespoons of fresh aloe juice. In this solution, a tampon is moistened and applied to the site of the hematoma.
Important! In case of skin irritation, the lotions should not be repeated. A moisturizer can help relieve unwanted side effects.

To improve immunity

The plant sap is also used as a universal remedy that benefits the whole body, including increasing immunity. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 350 g of peeled walnuts;
  • 200 ml of fresh spring honey;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 ml fresh agave juice.
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To prepare this folk remedy, you will need to grind nuts and raisins in a food processor or meat grinder. In a water bath, you need to melt honey, mix with plant juice and other components. Store the prepared mixture in a sealed jar in the refrigerator. It should be taken in small amounts before meals.

With diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract

The beneficial properties of agave have long been used to treat impaired digestion, intestinal gas, and in cases of constipation.

Since the juice has antibacterial properties, it can be used to fight bacteria in the digestive tract. Despite the fact that succulent is a laxative, it can be used harmlessly to treat diarrhea and even dysentery. Diluted juice works well for treating stomach problems.

Interesting! The properties of agave extract are also ensured by the content of hecogenin, a substance used in the production of a number of steroid preparations.

With bronchitis and ARVI

For diseases of the respiratory system, plant tuning is also used. To prepare it requires:

  • 700 g crushed agave leaves;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 500 ml of fresh honey.

All components are mixed until homogeneous, then placed in a sealed container in a dark place for 9 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

With tuberculosis

For the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis at home, a mixture of succulent juice and fresh honey, prepared in a 1: 3 ratio, is used.

The medicinal properties of the agave flower may be beneficial for tuberculosis of the larynx.

Traditional medicine consists of the following components:

  • 20 g crushed agave leaves and flowers;
  • 15 g of aloe tree;
  • 10 g Kalanchoe;
  • 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 150 g of honey.

All components are mixed a day before use and insisted in the refrigerator.

How agave is used in cosmetology

A moisturizing mask with agave is also widely known, which is prepared from the juice of a plant diluted with water. It improves the elasticity and tone of the skin, and also allows you to get an even, beautiful tan if applied before going to the beach.

Agave in plant growing

The benefits of the agave plant at home can be decorative. The succulent plant perfectly adorns the design of the yard and garden, it can be grown even in apartments. It is very convenient to care for it, since it does not require too frequent watering.

For industrial purposes, it is used in plant growing for the production of alcoholic beverages and some medicines.

The use of agave in cooking

In addition to its beneficial properties and widespread medicinal uses, agave is also a food source.

The stems and large leaves of the plant can be roasted and dried. The juice can be drunk as a syrup or used to make alcoholic beverages.

In culinary recipes, agave syrup is used one third less than sugar. In addition, the total liquid content of the recipe is reduced by one quarter.

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In some regions of the United States and Mexico, agave is fried and even eaten raw, such as adding the stems to salad. The flowers of the plant are also edible. It is syrup that is the most common way to consume agave. However, craving for a product can be harmful, especially if it is a low-quality, non-certified product.

Agave harm

Potential health harm to agave can be from consuming its syrup. The alarming epidemic of obesity around the world and the emergence of millions of people with pre-diabetes have made the term “low-glycemic” suddenly very attractive. When food is designated with this property, it is immediately classified as useful.

As a result, people with blood sugar problems are genuinely mistaken in thinking agave is the healthiest sweetener. In fact, the plant has a low sugar content, but at the same time, it has a lot of fructose, the concentration of which in agave is even higher than in corn syrup.

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Agave does not dramatically raise blood sugar like glucose, but this fact does not make it unconditionally useful and harmless. Using a concentrated fructose product can relieve stress on the pancreas, but it can damage the liver.

Warning! Excessive consumption of fructose in the composition of agave can cause manifestations of metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, fatty liver, dangerous fat in the abdomen.

Contraindications to the use of agave

Agave damage can become very significant during pregnancy. Saponins are present in the plant in large quantities. This toxic steroid derivative destroys red blood cells. They should be avoided during pregnancy because of the risk of miscarriage by stimulating uterine blood flow.

There is some speculation that saponins are beneficial because they increase hydration and cellular water uptake. In fact, this is just a marketing gimmick.

Some people also have plant allergies, so caution should always be exercised. There are many alternative sweeteners that have fewer side effects and possible harm: honey, stevia, or dates.


Given the above, the benefits and harms of agave are definitely worth considering. The plant can help with many diseases, while making folk medicines from it is very easy to do. When used in moderation, agave syrup can help people with diabetes.


Vladimir Istokin, 45 years old, Volgograd
We started growing agave in our garden. The plant is very unpretentious, grows quickly, and requires little watering. In addition, we make a tincture from agave, use its juice with honey and dried fruits to increase immunity.
Maria Sazhina, 28 years old, Moscow
To maintain a good figure, I switched to agave syrup instead of sugar. Because it is sweeter, I eat much less of it than sugar-laden foods. This is especially noticeable when preparing desserts and pastries.

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