Is it useful to stand on your hands, standing technique

The benefits and harms of a handstand are not known to all people. Many people think that they will not do the exercise due to excess weight, inability to concentrate. The stand is often referred to as the work of gymnasts, circus performers.

Why is handstand useful?

The pose included in the list of yoga exercises is the position perpendicular to the surface. The lesson trains muscles, concentration of attention, the desire to hold on, to withstand. Precision of movement during the vertical rise and fall of the torso is one of the beneficial exercises that an athlete can use.

The entire body is subject to the load, but this does not harm. The specific properties of exercise are beneficial:

  • strengthen the muscles of the forearms, shoulders, arms, back - they will begin to take on shaped outlines;
  • help to hone a sense of balance;
  • tone up;
  • improve mood, suppress stress;
  • tighten the buttocks, make the contour clear;
  • improve the condition of bones and joints;
  • increase blood circulation.

Important! The upside down position, with constant training, will open up to a person new ways of push-ups, walking on his hands.
Recommended reading:  Why push-ups are useful and how to do them correctly, video

The benefits of walking on hands and other exercises upside down will become noticeable after a few months. The human body will acquire perfect contours, the mood will be positive.

Who is the handstand useful for?

The useful properties of such a rack are preventive, health-improving in nature. During exercise, the cardiac system is unloaded, the hair roots are strengthened, as the blood rushes to them more strongly.

The wall handstand benefits guys and girls. The wall will be an excellent assistant in the first steps of mastering the technique.

Exercise is useful for those who are fond of various sports. For people who are engaged in:

  • martial arts;
  • yoga;
  • dancing;
  • acrobatics;
  • gymnastics;
  • workout.

The stand will add variety and bonuses to other sports activities without causing harm.

How to learn to stand on your hands at home

To learn how to do the stance, a person needs to overcome fear. The inverted position causes fear in people, the risk of injury. This exercise will cause stretched muscles and tendons in people who have not played this sport before.

Therefore, it is best to start doing this type of sports training with a partner. If he is not around, it is better to train against the wall. She will act as a safety net that will not let you fall.

Advice! If a person accepts a handstand without ever doing any sport, it is advisable that he be backed up by two (wall, partner teacher).

Steps to take when trying to stand upside down:

  1. Take a rug, lay it against the wall, which will serve as a support.
  2. Lean forward, rest your hands on the mat at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
  3. The palms are shoulder-width apart, fingers to the sides.
  4. Push off with one leg, straighten the body.
  5. Stretch your legs along the wall.
  6. The body, hips, toes of the legs are as extended as possible, perpendicular to the surface.
  7. Maintain a position against the wall for a few seconds. If a person can stand this way longer, do not end the workout.
  8. Push off with one leg, take the starting position.

Advice! Before training, you need to stretch your hands, forearms, shoulders so as not to stretch the tendons.

Handstand without support

The next type is easy for gymnasts, acrobats. If a person has overcome the psychological barrier, learned how to do a handstand against the wall, it will not be difficult for him to do the exercise.

If a novice gymnast is not sure that he can perform a stand without support, it is better to resort to the help of a partner. He must support the person while he learns to insure in case of a fall.

After completing the exercises, the beginner will not be afraid to make a stand perpendicular to the surface without support or support:

  • push off, roll, fall to your feet;
  • when falling - bend, make a bridge.

The lesson will allow you to behave confidently while taking a pose upside down. Strengthens muscles, allows you to feel a sense of power over your own body. Will sharpen the coordination of movements, improve orientation in space without support.

Steps for taking a position perpendicular to the surface without support:

  1. Repeat all steps of the wall stand up to point # 5.
  2. Tear off one leg, stand. Change to another, stand again.
  3. Take both legs off the wall, try to stand.
  4. Move 2 steps away from the wall, repeat all points.
  5. After the steps listed, train in an open space.
Important! It is necessary to calculate the force of repulsion of the foot from the ground, otherwise the fall is inevitable.

Advanced handstand options

Hand-walking and other types of standing will benefit the body. A person will strengthen bones, build muscles, and form an athletic body.

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Rack on uneven bars

A useful post-standing workout is the upside down position on the uneven bars. This is a more dangerous activity. A person can be injured by falling off the bars.

It is necessary to start doing the exercise when the beginner is completely confident in his abilities. The first 2 or 3 weeks should be trained with a partner.

Better to start with floor beams. Gradually increase the distance between them and the ground.

A beginner should prepare his body well before training. The emphasis of the load goes to the triceps, the front muscle groups. It will not hurt to learn how to do push-ups, standing perpendicular to the surface.

Pirouette or reversal

To complete the exercise, you must learn to keep your body straight relative to an imaginary vertical line during a position perpendicular to the surface. The pelvis, legs should not deviate from this "rod".

Steps to perform a pirouette:

  1. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor.
  2. Push off with one leg, lift the lower body up.
  3. Having caught the "rod", shift the weight towards the turn.
  4. Move your hand to the side of the turn: first one, then the other.
Advice! You can not reduce the distance between the palms.


It is recommended to do the planchet or "horizon" on the uneven bars. The highest goal of this exercise is to bring it to the vertical from the maximum horizontal position of the body.

The legs are brought together. Do not touch the ground horizontally.

Steps for doing the tablet exercise:

  1. Bend over, rest your hands on the uneven bars.
  2. Push off the ground.
  3. Stay upright perpendicular to the surface.
  4. Tilt the body by changing the angle of the shoulder joint.
  5. Shift your weight forward.
  6. When performing, press your elbows to the sides, tightly.
  7. If the beginner feels enough strength, you can return the body to the upright position.

One-arm stand

A more complicated way is the position upside down on one hand. The weight falls on her, which makes it difficult to stand upside down.

It is recommended to take a position if the person is sufficiently trained physically.For a beginner, doing this will be problematic.

Exercise steps:

  1. Bend over, put your hands on the floor.
  2. Push off with one foot.
  3. Catch an even vertical "rod" after lifting the lower body up.
  4. Transfer weight to one side, lift the other hand off the floor.
  5. Move to starting position.

Hand walking

Walking upside down is the simplest exercise you can do while standing upside down. The performance looks spectacular in public. Easy to do.

Exercise steps:

  1. Bend over, rest your hands on the floor, palms shoulder-width apart.
  2. Push off with one foot.
  3. Raise the bottom of the body up.
  4. Move the weight to one side, put the other hand forward.
  5. Transfer the weight to the exposed hand, the first to put forward.
  6. Repeat the movements.

Handstand harm

For some people, standing on their hands is good, for others it is harmful if they have certain diseases. Exercise will harm:

  • eyes, increasing eye pressure;
  • increasing blood pressure;
  • congestion in the ears appears;
  • possible damage to the capillaries on the face;
  • redness appears that does not disappear for a long time.

It is recommended to talk with the trainer before classes, visit a doctor. When qualified specialists allow classes, you can start training.

Contraindications to handstand

Exercise is not good for everyone. For people with the listed diseases or conditions, exercise can cause irreparable harm:

  • high blood pressure;
  • glaucoma;
  • menstruation;
  • spinal deformities;
  • heart disease.

In such cases, it is recommended to check with a doctor before starting training.


The benefits and harms of the handstand are solely the merit of the person who made the decision to start doing this type of gymnastic exercises. With the right approach, after consulting a doctor, at the first positive results, the benefits of training upside down will be invaluable for the body.

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