How to wipe adhesive from a sticker from plastic

Plastic is the most common material found in human life. It is used to make dishes, toys, parts or housing for household appliances, as well as other household appliances (basins, ladles, scoops). Often, when purchasing a new plastic product, housewives have to deal with such a small but very unpleasant problem as price tags and labels. It is not difficult to remove the label itself, but wiping off the adhesive from the sticker from the plastic is already a more significant problem, because the sticky mark not only affects the appearance of the product, but also collects dirt and dust.

Methods for removing stickers and marks from furniture and plastic

The method of removing the sticker and traces of glue from it depends entirely on the material from which it is made and on the adhesive composition. There are 3 main methods:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. With the use of oily substances.
  3. Removal by chemical means.

A variety of tools can be used to remove the sticker from the plastic. But it should be understood that when using chemicals of chemical origin or other aggressive compounds, it is imperative to check whether they are safe for the material of the product.

How to wipe a sticker off plastic

After purchasing plastic products, removing the label or price tag becomes a problem for many. If you manage to remove the sticker, traces of glue still remain on the surface. Therefore, you should definitely stock up on several methods for removing the sticker and wiping off traces of glue from it from the plastic.

How to wipe off the adhesive from the sticker from the plastic

Before you start using any means in order to remove the sticky mark, it is still better to resort to a mechanical method and try to wipe off the glue.

The easiest way is to roll the remaining glue on the plastic with your fingers. To do this, rub the sticky dirt in one direction with a little pressure until pellets form. After that, these spools can be easily removed. The cleaned area is then rinsed with warm water, rubbing with pressure with the hard side of the sponge. If it is rather difficult to perform this action with your fingers, you should take a damp cloth.

Important! The remnants of the glue should not be rolled in different directions, otherwise it will simply smear even more.

If the sticky dirt cannot be rolled up, you can use the items at hand and just scrape off the glue. A regular plastic card is perfect in this case, office supplies, for example, a ruler, a flat stack, also do a good job, and an eraser will help to wipe off the remnants of glue.

Another method of mechanically removing glue residues from plastic is the use of masking tape. To do this, stick the adhesive tape in place of the removed label, press it tightly and tear it off the surface with a sharp movement. After the place needs to be rinsed with warm water.

In addition to mechanically removing traces of glue from plastic, you can try applying oily substances, such as vegetable oil or essential oil, to the contaminated area. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cloth with oil, lightly rub the sticky area with it.Then the leftovers can be removed with a paper towel, and in the end, wash the plastic product with soapy water.

Products such as the following can cope well with traces of glue on plastic:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice.
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To remove the glue after peeling off the sticker with soda, it is better to prepare a paste. To do this, a little soda is mixed with water until a thick mixture is formed, the surface of the plastic is rubbed with it in a sticky place and left for 15 minutes. Then wash off the soda with warm water and wipe with a paper towel.

The vinegar can only help wipe the adhesive off the plastic as soon as the label is removed, while the sticky residue is still wet. A little 9% vinegar is poured into place, wait 10 minutes and then washed off.

Lemon juice should be used in extreme cases, as it can lighten the plastic. If necessary, the surface with contamination is moistened with fruit juice and left for 10 minutes. Then wipe the glue with a paper towel and rinse the place with water.

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How to wipe the sticker off the plastic

If, after purchasing a plastic product, it was not possible to remove the label or price tag on your own, then you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Use dishwashing liquid. The product is liberally applied and smeared over the label, waiting for it to completely soak. After scraping off and scrubbing the soggy label with a scraper, rinse the place with water.
  2. You can soften the sticker with vegetable oil. They also need to rub over the label, wait until it is completely soaked. Scrape off the backing paper and wipe off the rest with soapy water.
  3. The use of a hair dryer helps well to remove the sticker from the plastic. Using a hair dryer, the label is heated by directing hot air onto it, and then it is effortlessly peeled off from the product.
Attention! The use of detergent and oil is only suitable for paper labels, but a hair dryer can be used to remove vinyl stickers.

How to wipe stickers off furniture

When removing stickers from furniture, the main task is not to leave any traces on it (scratches, scuffs, roughness and glue residue). The most difficult thing is to remove old stickers, which over time began to wear off slightly. After all, the glue has already firmly eaten into the surface over a long period, and the edges of the sticker have worn off, which simply cannot be picked up. If it was still possible to remove the sticker from the surface of the furniture, but a sticky trail of glue still remained, you should stock up on options to wipe it off correctly.

How to wipe off the adhesive from the furniture sticker

As well as when removing the glue from the sticker from the plastic, the available tools will help to wipe off the dirt on the furniture - these are:

  • vegetable or essential oil;
  • soda and water paste;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol-based substances;
  • nail polish remover.

The soiled sticky place on the furniture is smeared with vegetable or essential oil and the glue is rubbed off in a circular motion. After removing it, be sure to wash the surface with soapy water to avoid the appearance of an oil stain.

Important! The use of oil is possible only on the surface of furniture made of plastic, metal or varnished wood. Do not use oil on an untreated wood surface.

A paste of soda and water also works well with glue. This mixture is used to lubricate the contaminated area of ​​the furniture, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wipe off the remnants of the glue with a rag and rinse with warm water.

Alcohol-based substances (vodka, deodorant, cologne, perfume) also allow you to wipe off the glue, but you should understand that this method can affect the appearance of furniture. Therefore, before use, be sure to apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area and monitor the reaction. If the surface remains unchanged, then this method can be applied.

Nail polish remover also works effectively with glue, but before using this tool, be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition. It is highly undesirable to use a liquid containing acetone, since this component is aggressive and can damage the surface of the furniture.

How to wipe stickers off furniture

If you need to remove the sticker itself from furniture, you can use the following methods to remove it:

  1. Try to pick up the edges of the sticker and tear it off with a sharp movement. If the sticker is removed from furniture in parts, you can moisten it with water until it is completely soaked, and then try to scrape it off with a plastic scraper.
  2. The old sticker can also be removed by heating. You can use a hairdryer or iron for this. The hair dryer allows you to heat the sticker and soften the adhesive with a jet of hot air. But you should use the iron as carefully as possible, it is advisable to carry it through the furniture with an iron through a sheet of thick paper or fabric. The heated sticker is slightly pry off and peel off.
  3. You can use special household chemicals to remove the sticker. Today in specialized stores you can buy decal and sticker removers from furniture. They are usually produced as aerosols for easier handling.

Useful Tips

When wiping off traces of glue or removing the sticker itself, you should adhere to some recommendations that will not only save time, but also preserve the original appearance of the product:

  1. The sticker, price tag or label should be removed immediately after purchasing the product, otherwise, over time, the glue will stick into the material and it will be much more difficult to wipe it off.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the surface of the product. If it is colored, then using products such as lemon juice, vinegar or nail polish remover is not recommended, as they can lighten the colors. But on a rough surface, the use of oil or detergent will help.
  3. When trying to scrape off the sticker or glue from it, do not use sharp objects to avoid scratching.
  4. A fresh sticker is much easier to remove if you pull it in the same direction as it was originally glued, in the opposite direction you cannot completely peel it off.
  5. It is easier to wash off the remaining glue with the hard side of a sponge or with a toothbrush.


It is not an easy task to wipe the adhesive off the sticker from plastic, furniture and other objects, but if you use all the recommendations and choose the right product, it will be much easier to accomplish. And you should not hope that the sticker will disappear over time, on the contrary, the sticky place will constantly collect dirt, deteriorating the appearance of the product.

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