Why swimming in the pool is beneficial

The benefits and harms of swimming have been studied for a long time and, undoubtedly, this is one of the most pleasant types of sports activity for people regardless of gender and age. The inclusion of swimming in complex treatment helps to accelerate the rehabilitation processes after injuries.

Why swimming is beneficial for men and women

Both men and women benefit from swimming in the pool; water has a positive effect on the functions of systems and organs:

  • heart muscle, to improve the functioning of the vascular system;
  • brain;
  • digestive system;
  • respiratory function (lung circulation improves).

Orthopedists, surgeons, traumatologists and other narrow specialists practice the inclusion of exercises in water for therapeutic purposes. The health benefits of swimming have been appreciated by conservative medicine.

A visit to the pool is assigned:

  • patients with disabilities - physical and mental disabilities;
  • infants: the benefits of swimming for babies with birth injuries are priceless;
  • people diagnosed with cerebral palsy, rickets, anemia;
  • with autism;
  • patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
Important! You can feel all the health benefits of the pool only by following the doctor's prescriptions, attending classes 2 - 3 times a week.

Swimming pros for women:

  • body shaping, keeping weight under control;
  • skin tone, getting rid of the "orange peel" on the thighs and buttocks;
  • restoration of sleep, elimination of psycho-emotional discomfort;
  • burning calories and losing weight quickly;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the body;
  • preventing the development of varicose veins;
  • strengthens the muscle corset.

The benefits of swimming in the pool for women are noticeable when visiting the complex at least twice a week, while styles and exercises are recommended to be changed.

In addition to external changes, there is a benefit for the male body in the ability to:

  • improve the health of the myocardium and blood vessels;
  • avoid increased injury risk;
  • strengthen the skeleton;
  • give flexibility to the body, correct posture;
  • increase self-esteem, tidy up the nervous system;
  • increase concentration, relieve stress;
  • tighten the torso and arms, give them a beautiful relief;
  • strengthen men's health.

The benefits of swimming for men in the pool appear in a short time, subject to regular visits (at least 2 times every 7 days). Important! To engage all muscle groups, the exercises do not have to be uniform. Swimming on the back is useful for men, as it strengthens the muscles of the back and hips. Strong shoulders lend masculinity and appeal. It is useful to do sports, and swimming practically eliminates harm.

For everyone, without exception, swimming in the pool performs the following tasks:

Develops muscles

Vigorous activity contributes to the development of muscles. If the techniques are performed correctly, the load is evenly distributed. For a positive result, it is not necessary to visit the pool every day, but if you do this more than 2 times a week, there will be no harm.

Relaxes the muscles of the spine

After injuries and with a tendency to scoliosis, osteochondrosis, doctors recommend swimming in the pool. Water unloads the spinal column, stretches it, eliminates asymmetry.

Improves flexibility

Water is the best medium for the development of plasticity. Without increasing the load on the joints, you can increase physical activity, get rid of stiffness.

Strengthens bones

It has been scientifically established that swimming makes bones strong. It is especially beneficial to exercise in outdoor pools where sunlight (vitamin D) is available. The benefits of swimming for the development of the child's body, the formation of the skeleton and muscle tone are priceless.

Improves breathing and relieves asthma symptoms

During the exercise, muscles are trained to promote proper breathing. An increase in the vital capacity of the lungs during swimming due to the ability to breathe correctly has a positive effect on the course of bronchial asthma.

Strengthens the heart

Staying in a horizontal position relieves stress on the muscle. Correct breathing and work of muscle tissues contribute to proper nutrition of the organ, strengthening of the vascular walls. There are several times fewer people with hypertension among those who go in for swimming.

Improves brain function and relieves stress

Water irritates the complex of receptors, tones up the nervous system. Systematic trips to the pool relieve irritability, relieve stress.

Prevention of joint diseases

The state of hydrostatic weightlessness relieves the musculoskeletal system, and increases motor capabilities. Thus, the epiphyseal cartilage is better preserved, and the health of the joints improves.

Important! Swimming is unable to do harm when blood glucose rises. What's more, regular exercise in water restores blood sugar.

Swimming for children

Swimming is good for children's health too, and the benefits of exercising in the water outweigh the individual's potential harm. A visit to the pool gives the child:

  • correct load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • full development of the muscle corset;
  • pulling effect - fast growth;
  • the ability to develop body coordination necessary for life;
  • proper breathing skills, which further prevents pathology;
  • natural hardening, strengthening the protective functions of the body.

The benefits of swimming in the pool for children are indisputable, but the task of parents is to dose classes so as not to provoke harm (atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, the effect of chlorine on the respiratory system). Important! According to statistics, most children who can swim above average do not cope with the situation and die - due to the loss of a sense of danger.

Swimming in water is prescribed for small patients with congenital pathologies, and visiting the pool by healthy children is incredibly useful, as it is an excellent means of preventing the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Exercise eliminates the risk of developing osteochondrosis, scoliosis.

Swimming during pregnancy

For pregnant women, the benefits of swimming are obvious. Excess weight, hormonal imbalance do not contribute to a woman's interest in sports. If there are no contraindications to classes, then mother's workouts in the pool improve blood circulation and, accordingly, eliminate nutritional deficiencies and breathing of the future baby.

During the period of gestation, as the embryo grows, back discomfort increases. The benefits of swimming for the spine of a pregnant woman are beyond doubt, as she thus rests and does not worry about the harm of hypoxia to the fetus.

More information in the video:

The benefits of swimming for weight loss

Swimming for weight loss is the best option that does not harm the digestive system. By practicing in the pool for more than 30 minutes regularly, you can achieve visible results. All muscle groups take part in the exercise process, the spine is strengthened. The benefits of swimming for the figure are beyond doubt.

Paradoxically, if you bring fins with you to your swimming training, you can increase the load on the lower limbs, abs and gluteal muscles. Swimming with fins in the pool is useful to increase the effect of the activity, for whatever purpose it is carried out.

Exercises in the pool

Overcoming water resistance, swimming exercises are more effective than gym fitness or other sports. Performing simple techniques, you can model the figure. In order for the result to appear, you should perform:

  1. Running on the spot (up to 5 minutes).
  2. Leg swings - 10 swings for each leg.
  3. To strengthen the muscles of the arms and back - swing arms (up to 15 times).
  4. Twisting in each direction - turns in water (7 - 8 times).
  5. Marching with high knees for 5 minutes.
  6. Bends in different directions with a simultaneous lift of the opposite arm (up to 8 on each side).
  7. A bike.

The beginning of classes is possible only after a preliminary warm-up, for this it is enough to swim arbitrarily for a quarter of an hour, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm.

How often to go to the pool and how much to do

The pool is visited to go in for swimming for pleasure, with a preventive and curative purpose. Usually you can see the 25 and 50 meter structures.

If the pool is visited in order to lose weight and tighten the body, it is worth learning different techniques. The benefits of breaststroke swimming will be higher than from chaotic floundering. In the absence of skills, they turn to the instructor. He also controls the pulse of beginners before the swim and after overcoming the goal, in order to further adjust the training, not to overdo it, and not to provoke harm instead of benefit. Typically, visitors have the following goals:

  • develop endurance;
  • aerobic capacity;
  • elimination of excess fat;
  • strengthening and tightening muscles.

In this case, classes should be intense, without distractions by trifles, and last up to half an hour. At the finish line, the pulse normally varies within 120 - 150 beats per minute. The next swim is possible after a decrease in indicators of 70 - 100 strokes. Important! The distance should be increased gradually. Only after the preparatory lessons, the visitor can swim non-stop for 30 minutes. You must attend workouts at least twice a week.

If the goal of the workout is to fight overweight, the benefits of crawl and breaststroke swimming will be felt after several visits, provided the instructor's recommendations are followed.

An approximate swimming lesson plan for a beginner twice a week is as follows - Table:


(1 to 12)















200 and 100



200 and 100


3 — 4


200 and 200

3 — 4


200 and 200


5 — 6


200 and 200



200, 200, 100


7 — 8


300 and 200

2 — 3


200, 200, 100


9 — 10


400 and 200

1 — 2


300 and 200


11 — 12


500 and 200





For exercise to bring pleasure and energy for the whole day, it is worth evaluating the benefits of swimming in the morning. The time after waking up is considered the best time for swimming.

What to take with you to the pool

You need to know what to take with you for the comfort of your swimming training.

List of things you need for swimming:

  1. Health certificate from a local therapist.
  2. For men swimming trunks, boxers or slips, for women - a one-piece swimsuit.
  3. Swimming pool caps. It is better to stop the choice on silicone or silicone-woven.
  4. Swimming goggles are optional but convenient.
  5. Towel, soap, shampoo.
  6. Rubber or silicone slippers.

If the choice is on a microfiber towel, you do not need to take a bath with you. The medium-sized canvas perfectly absorbs liquid.

Swimming harm

As you benefit from swimming in the pool, remember that enjoyable swimming training can be harmful. This is mainly due to water, its quality and unsanitary conditions. Stopping your choice at one of the institutions - open, closed or sports school - you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics, reputation, reviews.Conditions must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

If an allergy is diagnosed, then there is no question of the benefits of visiting the pool, the harm for women and men is obvious: due to the saturation of water with chlorine, there is a high probability that the health will deteriorate.

In addition, the chemical gradually damages the quality of hair, nails, and skin. Visiting the pool every day is not recommended by dermatologists and professional swimmers. Contact with chlorinated water provokes the development of skin diseases and respiratory pathologies.

Important! The benefits of swimming for asthma can only be obtained in an ozonized pool. Exercising in water with an intense chlorine smell aggravates the situation and harms the respiratory system and the body as a whole.

The possibility of contracting fungus, scabies and other infections while swimming in the pool is likely if the rules of hygiene are not followed. You should touch the sides, tiles as little as possible.

To eliminate the harm from chlorine, you should shower with detergents after training to reduce the stress caused by chlorine.

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Swimming is good for men, as the slanting fathom in the shoulders looks attractive. At the same time, intensive exercises of the weaker sex give no less effect, which, however, is extremely undesirable if a woman wants to remain fragile.

Important! Swimming should not be classified as a harmless sport. The likelihood of choking is great. Even professional athletes must be vigilant.

Who is prohibited from entering the pool

Not everyone can appreciate the benefits of the pool for human health, since not everyone is allowed to attend swimming classes. There is a large list of contraindications that cannot be ignored so as not to harm yourself and others. Before attending a class, you should make sure that there are no following violations:

  • exacerbations of pathologies occurring in a chronic form, infections;
  • chronic diseases that can worsen under the influence of water temperature;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pathologies of the heart muscle (angina pectoris, arrhythmia, insufficiency);
  • dermatological problems, infectious skin lesions;
  • some diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Koch's wand lesions;
  • the presence of open wounds.
Important! There are many contraindications for swimming in the pool. In the presence of any pathology, you should find out from the leading specialist the degree of risk and harm to visitors.


The benefits and harms of swimming are two issues that deserve attention. Many diseases exclude sports because of the load on the body: training on the water in these cases is shown and strongly recommended. In order to benefit from visiting the pool, it is worth, as far as possible, to exclude external negative factors.


Karina, 26 years old, Tver.

I read a lot about the benefits and dangers of swimming in the pool for children, but when the question touched my child, doubts began to torment. Chlorinated water can harm the baby, and the lack of bleach raises concerns: how not to get infected with something and provoke harm.

Oleg, 42 years old, Balashikha.
I visit the pool twice a week, the health benefits and body shape are colossal. Firstly, it is a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and secondly, it is the well-coordinated work of the body, an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. I would recommend swimming for people with osteochondrosis: this way the pain syndrome is smoothed out and the back gets less tired during the day.
Irina Sergeevna, 54 years old, Oryol.
I work as a fitness trainer, but additional loads were needed to keep fit, as age takes its toll. Swimming in the outdoor pool is excellent all year round. I tell all my girls who dream of getting slimmer about the benefits of swimming for weight loss.
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