Bitter (Saussurea) willow, bitter: medicinal properties, application

The medicinal properties of Saussurea and contraindications deserve careful consideration. A useful plant improves the condition of digestive and inflammatory ailments, but requires careful use.

What it looks like and where it grows

Saussurea salicifolia, or bitter (Saussurea salicifolia), is a perennial plant of the Astrov family. It has thin roots and short single stems. The leaves of the grass are lanceolate, narrow with a solid edge, green above and with white tomentose pubescence below.

In July and August, Saussurea produces tubular pink or purple buds in compact baskets that form larger inflorescences. By autumn, it bears fruit - hemicarps with a tuft.

Saussurea is usually no more than 10 cm in height

Saussurea is found everywhere in Eurasia and North America. In Russia, the plant can be seen in the Far East, Central Asia and Siberia, Altai, Yakutia and Buryatia. For life, bitter grass chooses alpine and subalpine belts, rocks and talus, and also develops in the steppes and on salt marshes.

Chemical composition

The medicinal value of Saussurea is determined by its rich composition. The green parts of the plant and rhizomes contain:

  • iron, zinc and copper;
  • tannins and essential oils;
  • calcium, magnesium and aluminum;
  • vitamin C;
  • cobalt;
  • natural sugars and alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids.

Bitter herb has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, improves blood composition and promotes bile secretion.

Medicinal properties of Saussurea willow leaf, bitter

When used correctly, medicinal Saussurea brings significant benefits to the human body. Namely:

  • serves as the prevention of malignant tumors and fights existing neoplasms;
  • has an antihelminthic effect and helps to remove parasites from the intestines;
  • strengthens blood vessels and normalizes the work of the heart system;
  • helps with mastopathy and fibroids in women;
  • cleanses the liver and helps restore its functions;
  • stimulates immunity and increases resistance to colds;
  • accelerates the body's metabolism and helps burn fat;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps with insomnia;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • fights urinary infections;
  • helps with malaria.

You can use decoctions and infusions of Saussurea to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. The plant increases libido in both men and women.

Preparation and application methods

The valuable properties of medicinal Saussurea are well revealed in water decoctions and alcoholic tinctures based on the plant. Traditional medicine offers several algorithms for processing medicinal raw materials.


Alcohol tincture of Saussurea is of particular benefit for giardiasis in adults and adolescents. The tool is prepared as follows:

  1. 100 g of crushed dry leaves are poured into 1 liter of vodka or diluted alcohol.
  2. When closed, the vessel is removed in a dark place for a week and a half.
  3. After a lapse of time, filter from the sediment.

In order for Saussurea willow herb to help with lamblia, it is necessary to take the drug three times a day, 30 drops per large spoonful of clean water. At the same time, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical antihelminthic agents.

Treatment of giardiasis with Saussurea tincture is carried out within two weeks


Saussurea water infusion has good fixing properties and helps with diarrhea. Traditional medicine recommends the following recipe:

  1. 30 g of dry raw material plants are crushed and poured into a glass container.
  2. Pour 500 ml of fresh boiling water and leave under the lid for four hours.
  3. Filter the product through cheesecloth.

In case of indigestion, the infusion of Saussurea is consumed in 1/4 cup three times a day on an empty stomach. Improvement should occur within the first day.

Saussurea herb infusion is beneficial for colds, coughs and bleeding


For severe pain and elevated temperature, a decoction of medicinal sassurea is used. To prepare it you need:

  1. Pour 20 g of dry stems and leaves with 350 ml of cold water.
  2. Bring to a boil on the stove and leave on low heat for ten minutes.
  3. Insist covered for two hours.
  4. Filter the solution through cheesecloth.
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The finished broth is taken three times a day. A single dosage is 30 ml.

You can rinse your mouth and throat with a decoction of Saussurea in case of inflammation.

The use of Saussurea in traditional medicine

Medicinal bitter is often found in home health recipes. It is usually used as a fixing agent, for expectoration when coughing and for joint ailments.

With rheumatism

The analgesic properties of Saussurea are beneficial for rheumatism as well as for gout and arthritis. For treatment, prepare the following decoction:

  1. A small spoonful of chopped Saussurea is poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Heat in a water bath for eight minutes.
  3. Remove from the stove and leave under the lid for an hour.

The filtered Saussurea preparation is taken 50 ml on an empty stomach three times a day. With exacerbations of joint ailments in the broth, you can moisten the tissue and apply compresses to the sore spots.

With tuberculosis

Saussurea's antibacterial and mucolytic properties are beneficial in tuberculosis. To facilitate coughing, prepare the following solution:

  1. Dry bitter root is ground in a volume of 5 g.
  2. Pour raw materials with a glass of warm water.
  3. On the lowest heat, heat for five minutes after boiling.
  4. Remove the product from the stove and leave under the lid for 2.5 hours.

The finished Saussurea broth is filtered and the remaining raw materials are squeezed out. You need to take bitter 10 ml up to four times a day.

With intestinal parasites

Medicinal Saussurea is especially prized for its anthelmintic properties. The plant helps with lamblia and nematodes, roundworms and pinworms. It has a depressing effect on the parasites of bitter bitter in any form, but the fastest effect is the use of alcohol tincture.

The recipe looks like this:

  1. Saussurea roots and leaves are crushed in a volume of 15 g.
  2. Vegetable raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of high-quality vodka.
  3. For ten days, they remove the product in a dark place, not forgetting to shake it up daily.
  4. When ready, filter from the vegetable sediment.

The drug is taken for treatment 15-30 drops three times a day for two weeks. To prevent strong tincture of Saussurea from burning the mouth and esophagus, it is first diluted with clean water.

With bleeding

Useful Saussurea helps to cope with bleeding gums, promotes healing of mucous membranes, and improves hemorrhoids. Traditional medicine advises to prepare the following composition:

  1. A large spoonful of dry herb is poured over 250 ml of hot water.
  2. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for another ten minutes.
  3. The finished broth is added to 200 ml with clean water and left under the lid for two hours.
  4. They are filtering.

You need to drink the medicine from Saussurea up to three times a day, half a glass.

With stomatitis and gingivitis, you can rinse your mouth up to five times a day with a decoction of bitter

For intestinal disorders

With increased gas production, abdominal pain and poor digestion, you can take an infusion of Saussurea roots. Prepare it like this:

  1. Dry medicinal raw materials are crushed into small pieces or ground into powder.
  2. Measure 15 g of bitter and pour 250 ml of fresh boiling water.
  3. Leave for half an hour to infuse in a thermos or in a glass with a lid.
  4. Filter through cheesecloth.

You need to take the drug up to four times a day, 70 ml. Saussurea relieves painful sensations and spasms in the intestines.

High temperature

The healing properties of Saussurea can be used for fever caused by ARVI and influenza. A decoction to lower the temperature is prepared as follows:

  1. 20 g of dry grass is finely chopped or ground with a crush.
  2. Pour raw materials with 300 ml of water at room temperature.
  3. On the stove, after boiling, the agent is heated over low heat for ten minutes.
  4. Kept closed for another two hours and passed through cheesecloth.
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It is necessary to drink a medicinal broth, 30 ml three times a day.

Attention! Saussurea has diuretic properties and removes toxins from the body in case of colds.

With gout

Strong tincture of Saussurea is beneficial for joint ailments, relieves local swelling and soothes pain. The drug is done as follows:

  1. Four large spoons of crushed roots and leaves are poured into a glass vessel.
  2. Pour 250 ml of good vodka or alcohol, diluted to 50.
  3. Shake and put away in a dark place for ten days.
  4. During infusion, shake from time to time.

The finished strained Saussurea preparation is consumed 25 drops twice a day. You can use the tincture for rubbing and compresses - complex external and internal use gives especially good results.

For cuts and burns

Useful Saussurea has disinfecting and healing properties. For external use, you can use the following decoction:

  1. Two large spoons of medicinal raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Put in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. When ready, insist for two hours under a lid and filter.

In the resulting preparation, it is necessary to moisten a clean cloth and apply a compress to the sore spot for 20 minutes. It is allowed to repeat the procedure up to four times a day.

Saussurea decoction helps to cope with suppurations and boils

With angina and ARVI

The antibacterial and antiviral properties of bitter help you recover from colds. Usually, a healing collection of several herbs is prepared for treatment. The recipe looks like this:

  1. 10 g of dry Saussurea roots are ground into powder.
  2. Combine with a similar number of immortelle flowers and Amur velvet leaves.
  3. Measure out a large spoonful of the collection and fill it with a glass of hot water.
  4. Leave under a tight lid to cool, and then filtered.

You need to consume the resulting infusion 20 ml three times a day. If desired, it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey to the remedy, it will enhance the anti-cold properties of the medicine.

Contraindications to the use of Saussurea willow

Willow Saussurea is not a poisonous plant, but care must be taken when using it. It is necessary to refuse decoctions and herbal infusions:

  • with hypertension;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • with chronic constipation;
  • with individual allergies;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Medicinal bitter is not offered to children under 3-5 years old. The plant should be used with caution in case of fevers and blood diseases, as well as varicose veins, pancreatitis and stomach ulcers.

Warning! It is necessary to take decoctions and infusions of Saussurea in accordance with the recipes. Overdose can cause nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and migraines.

Collection and procurement

Leaves, flowers and stems of willow Saussurea are harvested during the decorative period of the plant in mid-summer. The grass is cut with a pruner or a sharpened knife almost flush with the base, leaving only small stumps above the ground. The collected raw materials are washed, and then laid out under a canopy in the shade with a thin layer or left in a well-ventilated area. Care must be taken to prevent direct sunlight from falling on the grass. In order to avoid the appearance of mold, raw materials should be agitated from time to time.

Saussurea roots are dug up in autumn, when the plant retires and nutrients are concentrated in the underground part. In the same way, the raw materials are rinsed from contamination and dried naturally or using an oven preheated to 50 ° C. The roots can be pre-cut into small pieces. Store dried bitter in glass jars or paper bags in a dark cabinet with low humidity.

Saussurea retains valuable properties for a year


The healing properties of Saussurea and contraindications are of interest to traditional medicine, primarily due to the antiparasitic properties of the plant. Bitter is actively used for giardiasis, it also helps to cope with diarrhea, relieves pain in the intestines and relieves inflammation.

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