Food supplement E476: effect on the body, what is it made of, where it is added

Recently, the influence of the food additive E476 on the body has become increasingly discussed. The official sources indicate that the preservative is allowed in the food industry and belongs to the category of emulsifiers, thickeners and stabilizers. This component affects the thickness of the product, but how safe it is is still a controversial issue.

Description of food additive E476

The preservative E476 is usually called polyglycerin or polyricinoleate. The food additive is included in the list of officially approved substances. The component is included in food in order to make the product thicker. The texture remains unchanged, but an increase in viscosity occurs.

The emulsifier is a fatty chemical compound that is tasteless and odorless. It acts as a stabilizer.

The preservative differs from other food additives in its properties:

  1. Has a yellowish tint.
  2. The emulsifier is presented in the form of a viscous transparent liquid.
  3. No smell or taste.
  4. It can dissolve in water and alcohol.
  5. Resistant to high temperatures.
Attention! The preservative E476 is also called soy lecithin in manufacturing plants.

What is soy lecithin made of (E476)

Flavoring E476 is obtained as a result of chemical processes. During the run of the ester of ricinoleic acid and glycerin, a substance is formed - lecithin of animal origin.

In some cases, the stabilizer is obtained during the processing of products such as soy, castor oil, or castor oil.

The benefits and harms of soy lecithin (E476)

An emulsifier is added to products in order to normalize the viscosity and increase the uniformity of the products. Due to the presence of these properties, the stabilizer ensures the viscosity, density and homogeneity of food.

Emulsifiers and stabilizers improve product consistency

E476 is often added to formulations, as this component helps to reduce the inconsistency between those particles that cannot be mixed. One such example is water and oil.

Important! E476 is a licensed substance in the CIS countries. In acceptable quantities, the emulsifier is safe, therefore it is often used in the food industry.
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Some experts claim that soy lecithin has several beneficial properties:

  • a stabilizer increases hemoglobin levels;
  • there is an improvement in immunity;
  • the level of assimilation of fatty acids increases;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases, toxins are removed from the body;
  • damaged cells begin to gradually recover.

The emulsifier has been tested many times. According to the research results, it turned out that E476 does not cause allergic reactions and irritations on the skin, even with direct contact. The preservative has no toxic effect.

Dangerous or not E476 food additive

The dangers of the food additive are still controversial. But many experts still believe that in acceptable quantities, E476 is safe for the body. Many tests were carried out, from which it turned out that the emulsifier cannot cause negative reactions in either adults or children.

After consuming a product with a preservative, the substance enters the digestive tract, where it is partially absorbed, broken down by the liver, and exits the body with urine and feces.

Important! The daily amount should not exceed 75 mg per 10 kg of body weight. An increase in the norm is dangerous for children under 12 years old, pregnant women and people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Overuse of soy lecithin can lead to the following problems:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • irreversible changes at the genetic level;
  • excess weight;
  • enlarged liver;
  • impaired renal function;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system in preschool children.

If a person believes that soy lecithin is harmful to the body, then products containing E476 should be completely excluded.

Where and why add preservative E476

Soy lecithin can be found in chocolate, margarine, adapted baby formulas

More and more often the emulsifier E476 can be found in chocolate. This is beneficial for the manufacturer, because it is possible to significantly reduce costs. It is generally accepted that if a treat contains a lot of cocoa butter, then in molten form it spreads well and has a high nutritional value.

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If the main component is replaced with a food additive E476, then the fat content of the finished product will be much higher, but at the same time it will cost several times cheaper. It can also be seen that the melting performance increases. Due to the presence of an emulsifier in chocolate, you can add various fillings.

Soy lecithin E476 is found not only in chocolate, but also in other products. This list includes:

  • mayonnaise, margarine, spread;
  • canned food, pates;
  • ice cream;
  • ready-made gravies, dressings and liquid soups;
  • chocolate spreads, sweets;
  • eggplant and zucchini caviar.

The stabilizer is added to cosmetics that are considered natural. The food additive can be found in infant formula.


Many experts will say that the effect of the E476 food additive on the body is not critical. The preservative is recognized as one of the safest and rarely causes adverse effects. But this is only if the person respects the dosage. It so happens that a child or even an adult eats a lot of chocolate a day. At first glance, it seems that since the allergy has not arisen, then everything is fine. But the harm will manifest itself in another - this can affect the work of the urinary, digestive or endocrine systems. Therefore, it is better to reduce the use of those foods that contain stabilizers.

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