Food supplement E110: dangerous or not, effect on the body

In the manufacture of products, various substances are often used, which give products a rich color. E110 food additive - artificial coloring. It is also called the Sunset Sun. The term is due to the bright orange tint of the substance.

The dye is distinguished by its budgetary cost and widespread use.
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What kind of additive is E110

The additive has several variants of names:

  • Sunset Yellow FCF;
  • Orange Yellow S.

Orange powder dissolves well in water. The share of dyes is 89%. There is no characteristic smell. The additive has a melting point of 300 ° C.

The substance belongs to azo dyes and is of artificial origin. Thus, E110 is synthesized under laboratory conditions. The food supplement is obtained from petroleum products. The colorant gives food a rich orange hue.

The raw material is the cheapest component used in industry. It is used for coloring the paste of ballpoint pens, lubricants.

Important! Sudan 1 (feedstock) is not intended for food use.

The color of the substance varies with acidity. The popularity of the E110 is explained by its budget. The additive is often present in rich colored juice drinks.

What is yellow dye made of?

The substance is synthesized artificially. E110 production is possible due to the processing of oil products.

The benefits and harms of food additives E110

Since the dye is not natural, there are no health benefits. There is no evidence to support the beneficial effects of tartrazine.

Experts attribute the sunset to the dangerous poisons. The food supplement has the following effects:

  • chronic nasal congestion;
  • an allergic rash;
  • rhinitis;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • nausea;
  • violation of visual acuity;
  • disorders of the functioning of the kidneys, the digestive system.

Adverse reactions are more pronounced in people with hypersensitivity to the substance. There are also negative effects in people with aspirin intolerance.

The negative impact is caused by the constituent residues of the original components. The dye called Sudan 1 is known to be carcinogenic.

There is an opinion that the danger of adding E110 is exaggerated if the technology of its production is observed. The carcinogenicity of the dye does not exceed that of fried meat.

Dangerous or not yellow dye Sun Sunset (FCF)

Doctors believe that the E110 food supplement is extremely dangerous. It is a toxic mutated chemical (Sudan 1). A harmful substance has a negative effect on human health, leading to serious complications.

The most dangerous food supplement E110 for children. Against the background of its use, hyperactive behavior, tearfulness are observed. Regular intake of the chemical in children and adolescents causes inattention and emotional instability.

Food supplement E110 has a negative effect on the body. The substance is banned for use in the United States and a significant number of European countries.In Russia, as well as in the CIS countries, the component is used in the manufacture of products in the food industry. If a harmful chemical is found in the composition, it is recommended to refuse the purchase. This applies primarily to products intended for children and adolescents.

Important! Some experts believe that the food supplement E110 can lead to the development of tumors, both benign and malignant. The data supporting this theory appeared in the 70s of the last century.

Where and why is the food additive E110 added?

The azo dye, which gives the product a rich orange hue, is added during heat treatment. The substance is found in the following products:

  • jelly (citrus);
  • marmalade;
  • sweet roulettes;
  • cream (lemon or orange);
  • hot chocolate;
  • coffee and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • instant soups;
  • sauces;
  • instant soups;
  • cheese products;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • frozen products;
  • snacks;
  • Dessert;
  • conservation.
Important! The chemical is sometimes used with other substances (E123). This is necessary to give a rich brown hue, E110 is also added to medications.


Food supplement E110 is not a useful substance. The component is prohibited for use in many countries of the world, due to its negative effects on the human body. The azo dye negatively affects the psyche and the nervous system, provoking attention disorders, hyperactivity, disorders of the functioning of the digestive system. Taking tartrazine as part of products is also not recommended if you are prone to allergic reactions.

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