
Why boiled crayfish are useful for humans
The benefits of crayfish for humans have been known since antiquity. Arthropod meat has been eaten since the Neolithic. Several centuries ago, only ...
Vision products: for adults and children, for improvement and recovery
Healthy products for vision and eyes must be introduced into the diet before problems arise. Preventive action will not take much time ...
Selenium-Rich Foods: Vitamin Sources Table
The list of products containing selenium is a must for those who suffer from thyroid diseases. The mineral has powerful antioxidant properties, strengthens ...
Varenets: what is useful, contraindications, product composition
The benefits and harms of varenets for the body depend on personal characteristics and on the tolerance of dairy products. To see if it's worth trying ...
Tryptophan rich foods: a detailed list
Food is a source of nutrients. It is noteworthy that food can influence mood. Tryptophan-rich foods increase serotonin levels. Neurotransmitter ...
Silicon in food: table of contents
Silicon in food is essential for the proper formation of tendons and cartilage. He is responsible for the functions of the connective tissue. Total...
Why do women and men need lycopene
The human body needs lycopene as much as vitamins and minerals. It is a carotenoid pigment that gives plants their characteristic ...
Choline in food: table of contents
Vitamin B4 is considered one of the essential components for the body. The more common name is choline. Its production takes place in the body, but ...
Gut Foods: A List of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Foods with prebiotics and probiotics help prevent the onset of dysbiosis and its characteristic symptoms. It is known that the intestines of any person include up to ...
Products containing tyramine: detailed table
Foods contain tyramine, which improves mood and boosts metabolism. It is an amino acid that regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. When hit ...


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