Tryptophan rich foods: a detailed list

Food is a source of nutrients. It is noteworthy that food can influence mood. Tryptophan-rich foods can increase serotonin levels. The neurotransmitter is responsible for the performance and prevention of depression.

What foods contain tryptophan

Plant foods are low in protein:

  1. Juices... The product is not an optimal source for the synthesis of serotonin. However, ascorbic acid, present in high concentration, promotes the absorption of the substance.
    Natural juices improve serotonin production
  2. Dried fruits... Nutritionists note the benefits of dates and dried apricots for raising the mood.
    Products contain the required substance in high concentrations

The main source of essential amino acids is animal proteins:

  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • meat.
Protein products are distinguished by the maximum amount of nutrients

Useful properties of tryptophan

Every living organism needs protein. Proteins include amino acids. Tryptophan is considered an essential compound. It is not synthesized in the body. The intake is provided through a balanced diet.

The amino acid is directly involved in the production of serotonin. The substance has valuable properties. It is present in proteins of living organisms and promotes adequate metabolism.

Attention! Amino acid deficiency causes serious changes in the functioning of organs and systems.

Tryptophan is responsible for the synthesis of melatonin, which allows the body to adapt to changing times of day. The substance promotes the formation of hemoglobin and vitamin B3. The properties of amino acids include the normalization of pressure, regulation of the endocrine system. Thanks to tryptophan, proteins and lipids are converted. The inclusion of the component in the composition of sports nutrition is due to its participation in recovery after physical exertion.

As an antidepressant, tryptophan promotes:

  • getting rid of anxiety;
  • uplifting mood;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • reduction of hangover syndrome;
  • reducing cravings for sweets.
Attention! The connection allows you to eliminate the signs of PMS. Regular intake of amino acids into the body can improve well-being in the climacteric period.

Foods containing high amounts of tryptophan

Among the sources, leading in the amount of amino acids contained, are mainly animal food. For example, meat contains a sufficient concentration of proteins.

Vegetables and fruits

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Beets and potatoes should also be included in the diet. Bananas, avocados, citrus fruits and pomegranates contribute to the synthesis of serotonin. Among the main products containing amino acid are also called:

  • basil (39 mg);
  • onions (20 mg);
  • rutabagas (13 mg).
Recommended reading:  Potatoes: useful properties and contraindications
Attention! Apples are poor in substance.
Bananas contain significant amounts of the amino acid

Meat, fish and eggs

Animal sources contain tryptophan at maximum concentrations.Benefits can be expected from the following foods:

  • beef;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey.

When buying fish, red species should be preferred. The most useful products include:

  • trout;
  • cod;
  • horse mackerel;
  • mackerel;
  • caviar (red, black).

The following fish species are rich in tryptophan:

  • pink salmon (220 mg);
  • squid (300 mg);
  • herring (250 mg);
  • cod (210 mg).
The amino acid content in a chicken egg reaches 200 mg (80% of the daily value).

Nuts, cereals and legumes

Preference should be given to almonds, peanuts, pistachios, pine nuts. Tryptophan also contains foods:

  • dried acorns (98 mg);
  • cashews (287 mg);
  • sesame seeds (297 mg);
  • hazelnuts (190 mg).
Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications

The amino acid is found in beans, peas, and lentils. It is useful to include sprouted grains, bran, oatmeal in the diet. In the process of preparing dough products, it is advisable to use whole grain flour.

Cereals include the following amino acid amounts:

  • buckwheat (180 mg);
  • corn (60 mg);
  • pearl barley (100 mg);
  • wheat (80 mg);
  • rice (100 mg).
Soy is the leader in the amount of amino acids

Milk products

Nutritionists pay attention to the fact that fermented milk food is a good source of amino acids. A list of foods rich in tryptophan includes:

  • cheeses: Swiss, Roquefort, Cheddar, Poshekhonsky (700-1000 mg);
  • powdered milk (350 mg);
  • cottage cheese 220 mg.
Cheese provides a daily intake of the substance

Tryptophan Rich Table

The daily requirement for an amino acid is 250-1000 mg. Deficiency of the substance causes:

  • lack of vitamin B3;
  • decreased synthesis of serotonin, which leads to insomnia and depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • dermatitis.

In some cases, insufficient intake is accompanied by the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The need for a substance increases with increased physical exertion.

Foods with a high tryptophan content are listed in the table.

Nutrition should be balanced. An excess of a substance can provoke drowsiness, dizziness, and dysfunction of the digestive system. The intake of tryptophan more than 4 g during the day is dangerous for the occurrence of serotonin syndrome. This complication is characterized by convulsions and fever.

Attention! Foods containing tryptophan are good for humans. Often, an excess of an amino acid causes an uncontrolled intake of medications.

Rules for the use of foods with tryptophan

It has been proven that the intake of a substance with carbohydrates ensures its maximum absorption. The following compounds improve the synthesis of serotonin:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B9 and B6.

The level of magnesium in the body is also essential.


Tryptophan-rich foods promote serotonin synthesis. The hormone is responsible for the emotional background, performance and adequate functioning of all body systems. It is advisable to include meat and dairy products, eggs, fish in the daily menu. Nutrition should be balanced to ensure a sufficient supply of nutrients.

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