Products containing tyramine: detailed table

Foods contain tyramine, which improves mood and boosts metabolism. It is an amino acid that regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. When ingested in excessive amounts, tyramine can provoke headaches. Therefore, when using it, you must observe the dosage.

What is Tyramine in Food

Tyramine is a substance that is formed as a result of the breakdown of tyrosine. When it enters the body, the adrenal glands release catecholamines into the bloodstream. They, in turn, promote the production of epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These hormones stimulate energy release. It is accompanied by an increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

The tyramine level in some dishes may vary depending on the storage time and how they were cooked. The substance is not only beneficial, but also harmful. Its highest concentration is found in food that has expired. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to properly consume foods containing the substance. Doctors recommend introducing them into the diet in case of an urgent need to reduce weight and to restore energy reserves.

Blue cheese is eaten in small slices in limited quantities

Lack of tyramine in the body can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. These include depressive disorders and memory impairment. Along with this, metabolic disorders are observed. It is accompanied by uncontrolled weight gain with concomitant pathologies.

Attention! Excessive accumulation of tyramine in the body can be triggered by hypothermia or overheating.

The benefits of tyramine-rich foods

Foods containing tyramine are very beneficial for the thyroid gland. By regulating the work of the endocrine system, it restores the metabolism, which is very important when losing weight. Tyramine is also thought to be able to improve mood by raising blood endorphins. The useful properties of products with its content include:

  • participation in the process of breaking down fatty foods;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • supplying the body with energy;
  • vasoconstrictor effect;
  • regulation of insulin levels.

Harm of foods containing tyramine

When consumed excessively, tyramine is harmful to health and well-being. There is a high likelihood of headaches. If food is consumed in conjunction with treatment with MAO inhibitors, the risk of opening intracranial bleeding increases. When combined with antidepressants, they increase the likelihood of stroke. In addition, tyramine is toxic. Therefore, an overdose of it can provoke the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased pressure;
  • vomiting and nausea.

After excluding food with tyramine from the diet, the state of health stabilizes. But it takes several days.

Where is tyramine found

Fatty and canned foods are the source of tyramine. In fruits and vegetables, it is formed during the overripe process. Fermented milk products are also distinguished by a rich supply of substances.Its low concentration is found in blue cheeses. The older the cheese, the more tyramine it will contain.

The list of foods containing tyramine is as follows:

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  • chocolate;
  • avocado;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • onion;
  • home preservation;
  • soy;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • smoked meats.

Contraindications to foods containing tyramine

The benefits of tyramine products are controversial. Under certain circumstances, they pose a health hazard and worsen well-being. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully study the list of contraindications. These include the following:

  • individual intolerance;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • treatment with antidepressants.

Tyramine can act as a powerful histamine. Sometimes its ingress into the body provokes allergies. If it occurs, you should work on changing the diet. Allergies are accompanied by symptoms of poisoning or skin rashes.

Similar contraindications apply to tyramine tablets.

Tyramine content table in foods

In order to understand which food can be eaten in large quantities and which cannot, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the amount of tyramine in it. The most accurate content of a substance in food is shown in the table:

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Grocery list

Tyramine content

French cheeses

20 to 225

Brewer's yeast


Pickled herring






Red plum








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Important! Most often allergies and migraines are provoked by chocolate.

Rules for the use of foods with tyramine

Tyramine is found in many common foods. Controlling their use is very difficult. The need for this arises only when there is an excess of the substance in the body. To prevent undesirable consequences, it is enough to follow the general principles of eating food with tyramine. They are as follows:

  • avoiding fasting with nutritious snacks;
  • eating in small portions;
  • increasing the number of snacks up to 5 times a day;
  • drinking enough water;
  • prevention of overeating.

Foods containing tyramine should be consumed in limited quantities. The substance is capable of provoking a sharp decrease in serotonin in the blood, which is fraught with headaches and a deterioration in well-being. Particular attention should be paid to foods and drinks with a record content of the controversial substance. For example, coffee is not recommended to be drunk more often than once a day. Stale canned and smoked products should be discarded altogether. In them, the substance becomes hazardous to health.

Comment! The substance is especially useful for people who are actively involved in sports.

Useful Tips

If migraine occurs with prolonged use of foods with tyramine, it is necessary to radically change the diet. Peanuts are considered one of the richest sources of the substance. When using it, you need to take special care. Sometimes the discomfort after tyramine enters the body occurs due to dehydration. With an excess of it in the body, the following products are introduced into the diet:

  • natural juices;
  • flour products;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • potatoes;
  • cherry;
  • low-fat soups;
  • sesame;
  • pasta and cereals.

Tyramine foods can be substituted for drugs. They are taken for disorders in the thyroid gland. In some cases, a dietary supplement is used for weight loss purposes. Before using medicines with tyramine, you should consult your doctor. Drug treatment is rarely prescribed, since it is significantly inferior to diet therapy.


Foods contain tyramine, which has controversial effects on well-being and health. With moderate intake, the substance improves mood and stimulates the flow of energy. An excessive amount can lead to undesirable consequences.

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