Varenets: what is useful, contraindications, product composition

The benefits and harms of varenets for the body depend on personal characteristics and on the tolerance of dairy products. To understand whether a product is worth trying, you need to study its composition and action.

Product composition varenets

Varenets is a product prepared on the basis of baked milk with the addition of lactic acid bacteria. It includes:

  1. vitamins A, D and PP;
  2. vitamin H;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. B vitamins - from B1 to B12;
  5. calcium, phosphorus and cobalt;
  6. molybdenum and potassium;
  7. magnesium, sodium, selenium, chromium and zinc;
  8. iron, iodine and chlorine.

The product also contains organic acids and ash, useful fatty acids, sterols and natural sugars, lactic acid bacteria.

Varenets is made from baked milk with the addition of beneficial bacteria

Basically, varenets consists of carbohydrates - about 4 g in the total volume of the product. Proteins and fats occupy a slightly smaller proportion - 3.2 g and 2.5 g, respectively.

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The benefits of varenza

The product contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals important for the human body. Varenets is better absorbed than milk due to partially fermented proteins, rarely causes intolerance. In addition, the product:

  1. is a valuable source of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve intestinal microflora and prevent fermentation processes;
  2. increases immune resistance and helps to cope with infectious and viral diseases;
  3. contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the health of the skeletal system, nails and teeth;
  4. due to B vitamins, it improves the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems;
  5. has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver and kidneys;
  6. helps regulate appetite;
  7. has a mild laxative effect and gives a good result with a tendency to constipation;
  8. removes toxins and toxic substances from the body;
  9. benefits from dysbiosis and helps to cope with symptoms of irritable bowel.

Varenets is especially useful for women, it helps to get rid of excess weight, it is often used for weight loss diets. Like many fermented milk products, it has a beneficial effect on the female hormonal background and helps to improve well-being and mood during menstruation.

Both regular and thermostatic varenets are very beneficial for digestion

In addition to the usual varenets, you can see a thermostatic product in stores. The benefits and harms of thermostatic varenets are almost the same, the whole difference lies in the manufacturing technology. Since thermostatic products are fermented already in the package, they are distinguished by a thicker consistency and a richer taste.

What is healthier - varenets or fermented baked milk

Fermented milk products are very similar to each other both in appearance and composition. But there are also differences, in particular, varenets contains less sugar. It is distinguished by lower fat and calorie content, therefore it is used more often on a diet. There is more phosphorus and ascorbic acid in its composition than in fermented baked milk, but calcium is slightly less.

Recommended reading:  Why fermented baked milk is useful and how to make it at home
Varenets and fermented baked milk are similar in composition, but fermented baked milk is more fatty

In general, both fermented milk products bring benefits to the body. But when controlling weight, it is better to use varenets, it will not have a negative effect on the figure.

Which is healthier - kefir or varenets

Kefir is considered one of the most popular fermented milk drinks. It contains beneficial streptococci and yeast, acetic bacteria and vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The probiotics in kefir help to normalize digestion and get rid of dysbiosis, it also has a good effect on constipation.

Kefir and varenets are equally useful, but kefir is a more dietary product

In terms of the benefits, kefir can be compared with varenets, both products strengthen health. But on a diet, kefir is used more often due to its low calorie content. True, the drink has a drawback - it contains a certain amount of ethyl alcohol, which causes a negative reaction in people with hypersensitivity to alcohol. With such a feature of the body, it is better to give preference to Varenets.

Harm of varenets

For all its benefits, varenets can harm the body. It is recommended to refuse the product if milk is intolerant; after consuming a thick fermented milk mixture, skin irritation and intestinal upset may appear.

Varenets can damage mainly with lactose intolerance
Attention! You need to take the product in moderation - no more than 300 - 500 g per day. Otherwise, the body will receive too much calcium and phosphorus, and this will have a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys and digestive organs.

How many calories in varenets

The calorie content of varenets per 100 grams depends on the fat content. In stores you can buy varenets with a fat content of 2.5% - such a fermented milk product contains only 53 calories. But a natural fermented milk mixture prepared on the basis of village milk in an oven will be much more nutritious - up to 100 calories per 100 g.

Contraindications to Varenets

There are few bans on the use of a fermented milk product; it benefits most people. It is necessary to refuse it only when:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. allergies to lactose, in this case any fermented milk products will be harmful;
  3. an excess of calcium or phosphorus in the body;
  4. acute pancreatitis or stomach ulcer - fatty foods with these ailments are poorly absorbed.
The main contraindication for varenets is severe lactose intolerance.

With excess weight and a tendency to obesity, you can use the product. But in such cases, you need to choose a fermented milk treat with a minimum percentage of fat and low calorie content.

How to cook varenets

You can not only buy a fermented milk product in a store, but also prepare it yourself at home. You will need only 2 ingredients - homemade milk, which will serve as the base, and homemade sour cream, which will act as a sourdough.

First of all, you will need to turn ordinary milk into baked product. This can be done in three ways:

  1. In the oven... About 3 liters of milk is poured into a cauldron or clay pot with thick walls and put into the oven for 5 hours at a temperature of 100 ° C or slightly higher. From time to time, the oven door will need to be slightly opened to remove the rising dark foam from the milk. Shortly before readiness, the milk in the pot will acquire a characteristic creamy color, and will approximately halve in volume, half will simply evaporate under the influence of high temperature.
    In the oven, baked milk for varenets is cooked at 100 ° C
  2. In a thermos... Milk in a volume of 1 liter is brought to a boil, and then poured into a large thermos with glass walls and tightly tightened with a lid. You need to infuse the drink for 15 hours, after the time has passed, the milk will become baked, but at the same time it will not decrease in volume at all, since it will not evaporate.
    In a thermos, milk will turn into baked milk in only 15 hours, but during this time it does not need to be monitored
  3. In a multicooker... The easiest way to get baked milk is to simply pour the original product into the bowl of the kitchen appliance and set the simmering mode for 5 hours.
    In a multicooker, baked milk for varenets is cooked in stewing mode

When baked milk is prepared in any of the above ways, it will need to be cooled to 40-45 ° C. After that, you can add sour cream or sourdough and mix the workpiece properly. The amount of additive depends on the amount of milk, but on average 1-1.5 large tablespoons of fermented milk sourdough is added to 1 liter of drink.

After adding sour cream, ceramic or glass dishes with varenets must be closed with a lid, wrap the container with a thick towel and leave to cool in room conditions for 9 hours. During this time, the necessary fermentation will occur, and the home product will acquire a thick

For homemade varenets to thicken, you need to keep it warm for 9 hours after adding sour cream
Advice! The viscosity of the finished product depends on the amount of added sour cream. To get a classic varenets, which is not drunk like kefir, but eaten with a spoon, you need to put in more leaven.

Rules for the use of varenets

In order for the benefits of Varenets for the intestines and the whole body to be fully manifested, first of all, you need to correctly choose a product in the store. It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

  • color - a quality product should be yellow or cream;
  • composition - the fermented milk mixture should contain only sourdough and cow's milk without any additives;
  • shelf life - it should be no more than 2 weeks, if longer periods are indicated on the packaging, then the naturalness of the product is questionable.
High-quality store-bought varenets should be creamy yellow, homogeneous and thick

After opening the package, a quality product should smell like sour milk. The consistency of the natural fermented milk mixture is very thick and completely homogeneous, without individual clots and air bubbles.

As for the direct use of the product, it is best to eat it, preheated to 25 degrees. You can combine a fermented milk delicacy with rich pastries, honey, black and white bread.

The benefits and harms of varenets at night are ambiguous. If you consume a small amount of fermented milk product in the evening, it will help satisfy hunger and improve bowel function. But right before bedtime it is better not to eat it, otherwise the processes of active digestion can interfere with a quiet night's rest. During the day and in the morning, the product can be consumed calmly, it will not cause harm.

Is it possible for a nursing mother varenets

Women are especially attentive to the composition of the diet during lactation. The menu should contain a maximum of healthy products and not have anything harmful in it, since all the nutrients will be received, including by the baby.

Varenets during breastfeeding is allowed for consumption and can be of great benefit. The product is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, supplies the body of women and children with proteins and fats. It contains a large amount of calcium, and this element is very important for the development of the skeletal system of the newborn.

During lactation, eating varenets is very useful, it supplies protein and calcium to the body
Important! An additional advantage of Varenza is that it improves lactation in lactating women.

Despite this, it is necessary to carefully introduce a fermented milk product into the diet during lactation. A woman should first consult a doctor and make sure that new food will not harm the baby's health.

Storage rules for varenets

A natural product without foreign additives and preservatives is stored for a short time, only 14 days. After this time, it simply turns sour, becomes liquid, tasteless and potentially harmful.

It is recommended to store the fermented milk thick mixture in the refrigerator. In room conditions, the product deteriorates very quickly, in just a couple of hours.

Varenets retains its benefits for the longest time in glass jars

It is strictly forbidden to store the product in metal pots and jars, from this it oxidizes and deteriorates.


The benefits and harms of varenets for the body depend on the state of health and individual reaction to dairy products. If you are not allergic to lactose, a thick fermented milk mixture can improve digestion and promote the elimination of toxins.

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