Foot massage: benefits and harms, how to do it right, video

The foot is not only an organ of movement and a shock absorber of the entire musculoskeletal system, but also a unique map of all organs and systems of a person, which, on the one hand, reflects their condition, and on the other hand, allows feedback with them. How this connection works for the treatment of diseases, what are the benefits and harms of foot massage as a simple and affordable tool for helping health, will be discussed further.

Why is foot massage useful?

Orthopedists know that the foot is a mirror of health, since its connection through 70 thousand nerve channels with all organs gives it the ability to reflect their condition and have a beneficial effect on them, which opens up the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment.

With pathological processes in the body, pain appears on the projection zones of the corresponding organs on the foot. The skin can change its color: for example, with anemia, it turns white, and with vascular diseases, redness is likely. A cold surface of the foot can become a symptom of thyroid disease, and a hot one indicates that a person is faced with the harm of hypertension or atherosclerosis.

There is also a feedback: foot massage can be beneficial for the body as:

  1. Anti-stress effect... Studies have shown the beneficial effects of a 10-minute foot massage to relieve the effects of high stress work.
  2. Improve sleep... The benefits of reflexology allow the influence on the pits of the upper part of the foot (the reflex zone of the solar plexus) to achieve an increase in the depth of sleep.
  3. Improving blood circulation... Tingling, numbness and cold temperature of the fingers are evidence of the harm of circulatory disorders: massage for up to 20 minutes at night will help restore it.
  4. Blood pressure normalization: Relaxing foot massage is beneficial to normalize systolic blood pressure and blood triglycerides, which reduces the risk of harm from strokes and kidney failure.
  5. Fast recovery from injuries, as well as properties to provide prevention of future injuries, for example, plantar fasciitis - the causes of pain in the heels: short massage sessions every other day will be beneficial.
  6. Relief for headaches and migraines - The benefits of foot massage are so great that it can help a person stop taking medication.
  7. Reducing the harm of anxiety disorders, as well as even for the relief of psychosymptomatics in menopause and PMS.
  8. Pain-reducing effect, especially with the use of pain relieving essential oils. There are known cases of the benefit of foot massage after a cesarean section to relieve pain in this condition.
    Interesting! Studies have shown that the benefits of reflexology can rival even pain relievers such as ibuprofen.
  9. Reducing leg swelling, for example, during pregnancy in the last trimester.
  10. Therapies for sinus inflammation - two-week daily sessions.
  11. Relief of cancer symptoms, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and diabetic foot - due to the ability to increase circulation.
  12. In prevention fatigue and multiple sclerosis.
  13. Useful heel massage can have a preventive effect of sexual impotence in men and, in addition, in both sexes - diseases of the pelvic organs: problems in this area will be indicated by pain in the center of the heels.

Indications for foot massage

The benefits of foot massage for the body are so multifaceted that it made it possible to include it as an auxiliary therapy for orthopedic disorders in the following cases: flat feet, hallux valgus, spurs, arthrosis, hypertonicity, fractures and other foot deformities. In addition, the procedure is used for "diabetic foot", complications manifested by lesions of the veins, as well as problems of the vessels of the legs: atherosclerosis, varicose veins and others.

The benefits of foot massage are also natural in cases of preventing the harm of nervous disorders, metabolic disorders.

Foot massage rules

The methods of treatment for the feet are varied.

Highlight the basic rules.

For the maximum benefit of the massage, work should be done not with the local area, but with the entire foot, from the toes.

When massage, you need to take into account the physiological connection with the lower leg, which is also worked out to improve blood circulation.

Preparing for a foot massage

Besides the technical part, it is important to think about creating an appropriate atmosphere. The room should be with a comfortable temperature for the body.

Under the knees and feet, it is necessary to place pillows, rollers, or a blanket rolled into a roll - to minimize unpleasant pain sensations from resting the bones of the legs against the surface of the lounger.

During the session, the second leg, free from massage, must be covered with a terry sheet or a blanket to exclude possible chills.

When conducting a relaxing massage, it will be useful to use the properties of aromatic oils to tone, relax and warm up. Olive oil is suitable as a basis for such massage oil - 2 teaspoons are enough, to which you should add 2 - 3 drops of lavender and a drop of geranium and chamomile oil.

An ordinary children's cream can also be used as a base for a cream, in which it will also be useful to add a few drops of essential oil to taste. Before starting the massage, the mixture is heated to 37 aboutFROM.

In therapeutic massage, in order to get the benefits of anti-pain effects, relieve heaviness in the legs, a warming cream is used: Fastum-gel and the like.

The optimal time for massage is one hour after a meal: best of all - in the evening. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach or after a meal.

The feet are also prepared by rinsing with warm water and then rubbed vigorously.

After completing the massage, the legs are well wrapped. You should not get up right away: the patient is left to lie down for up to 15 minutes: this will provide the necessary rest and the benefits of restoring blood circulation and metabolism.

Technique for performing foot massage

There are different types and techniques of massage.

The easiest way is to walk on a massage mat. You can also use a treadmill, massage ball, etc. With seemingly extreme simplicity, the properties of such techniques provide an almost complete study of all points.

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A relaxing massage is also easy to perform, which does not have a deep therapeutic effect, but is more suitable for the benefit of an overall improvement in well-being.

For self-massage, it is enough to have minimal training: the movements are carried out easily, with medium intensity.

Important! Oriental massage techniques require special training from masters, since they are designed for deep energetic impact, which has the ability to balance the state of all organs and body systems at different levels.

For the benefits of the therapeutic effect, it is better to use the help of a professional massage therapist who can accurately affect the reflex zones, as well as work out the arch and toes of the foot: only a high-quality study of the foot will have a useful property. Usually, such an impact is carried out for a specific purpose, for example, the prevention or treatment of flat feet.

Among the variety of types of massage, not only manual, but also hardware methods are used with benefit: in order not to harm the foot, the doctor should do the selection of the optimal type.


  1. Relaxation. The foot is clasped with palms and vigorous up and down rubbing is done on the sides.
  2. The palms are placed under the ankle and make movements forward and then backward, with the leg swinging left and right.
  3. The fist of the left hand is applied below the base of the toes of the sole, and the girth of the top of the foot is made with the right. With the help of the left hand, press on the base; the right one at the same time rubs the top of the foot.
  4. Next, the left hand is moved under the heel: the right hand is left on top of the foot. Hands cover the foot and gently pull the heel towards you, twisting the foot in different directions in turn.
  5. The thumbs are placed at the top of the foot and the rest at the sole. Rubbing the foot in the direction from the rise to the base of the toes.
  6. The right hand wraps around the foot: the thumb is on the heel, and the rest are on top of the foot; the left hand supports the thumb on the pads. The right toe rubs the sole in a circular motion towards the left, and then back to the heel. Hands change and do a similar rubbing with the left thumb.
  7. Then they move to the ankles: they massage around the bones.
  8. The left hand is massaged with kneading and rubbing movements to the toes in turn, pressing on the base: they start with the thumb (with the index finger on top, and with the thumb on the bottom). While holding the heel with the right hand. Finish by scrolling each finger around its axis and pulling it.
  9. Relaxation. The left palm - on the top of the foot - is directed towards you, and the right palm - from the bottom of the foot - away from you, to the lower leg.

Reflex (point)

This massage technique is based on the use of reflex zones - projections of the feet of organs or body parts to respond to the massage effect. Knowing the location of the point of a particular organ, you can influence it both for prevention and for getting rid of a specific health problem.

Hands are warmed up before the massage. The procedure begins by kneading the feet, and then rubbing in a circular motion, gently pressing, stroking and tapping. Strengthening the benefits of the effect of acupressure of the feet is achieved with the knuckles and fists.

At the main stage, the reflex zone of the problem organ is alternately pressed and released for one minute. Usually, the projection area of ​​the problem organ reacts to pressure with pain. The benefits of massage effects will be indicated by the weakening or disappearance of pain.

Contraindications to this technique relate to acute inflammatory processes and fungal diseases of the legs.


Basic relaxation massage techniques:

  1. Knead the skin with varying strength. Rub the heels more intensively.
  2. Foot massage is done with the thumbs - longitudinal and circular massage movements. They help with the ribs and the back of the palms, with the knuckles.
  3. The impact is exerted both on the base and on the side and top of the foot.
  4. Each finger is kneaded in turn, from tip to base.
  5. At the final stage, the feet are moved up and down, as well as from side to side.

The beneficial effect is manifested in the feeling of a surge of strength and relieving fatigue.


This ancient technique, which came from the Celestial Empire, is also based on the principle of reflexology and on the philosophy of balancing the body's two energy flows: Yin and Yang, which are distributed along 12 energy channels. The lack of balance is harmful to the disruption of the functioning of organs and systems.

The standard technique is similar to the reflex technique. One of the specific techniques - "amma" - involves massaging through clothing, therefore does not require the use of massage oil.

Acupuncture points are influenced by stroking, kneading, rubbing, stretching and tapping.


The Thai massage method has combined Indian and Chinese practices. Like all types of oriental techniques, Thai has its own philosophical base: for health, the body needs a balance with nature, the violation of which is reflected in the body by the harm of clamps and blocks in the path of energy currents.

The reflexogenic zones are influenced by teak sticks, which have ends of different diameters. The properties of herbal creams and aromatic oils are used to stimulate bioactive points.

The benefits of Thai foot massage are manifested by the body's response in the form of pleasant muscle tingling and pulsation.

How to massage feet for medicinal purposes

Therapeutic massage involves a deeper effect on the feet through a complete and thorough study of the skin, the beneficial properties of which help to activate blood flow to the legs and eliminate edema as a cause of inflammatory processes in the body.

With flat feet

The most famous therapeutic massage for flat feet. The technique is used to relieve pain and strengthen muscle tissue.

There are two main forms of flat feet: transverse and longitudinal.

The first has an age-related etymology and is observed in people over 35; the second is more typical for overweight women aged 16 - 25.

Massage techniques are chosen depending on the degree of foot deformation.

  1. Warming movements from toes to knees.
  2. Massaging the lower leg. At the same time, maximum attention is paid to the back surface, on which the highest load falls in this pathology. Stroking, light blows, rubbing and patting eliminate the harm of painful consequences and discomfort.
  3. The massage lines work with the outer and back of the foot.
  4. Working with the lower part of the foot using alternate strokes and squeezes of the skin.
  5. Finish by massaging the thumb to develop its joints well.
Important! All massage movements are performed from the ankle towards the knee joint, and when massaging the foot directly - from the fingers towards the heel.

Finally, it is recommended to walk on the massage mat for up to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 sessions.

With arthrosis

The execution technique includes:

  1. Superficial and deep stroking of the fingers in turn.
  2. Circular wrap-around rubbing on the side, above and on the sole with the thumb and forefinger.
  3. Transverse or longitudinal movements, without missing interphalangeal joints, as well as flexion and extension of the toes.
  4. Massaging the sole of the big toe with the knuckles in one line: making efforts in one direction and stroking in the other.
  5. Accentuation with massage movements along the inner edge of the soles with a decrease in pressure to medium - along the edge of the bones. On the outer edge - massaging by pressing the upper area: deep and stationary pressure alternate with strokes.

With arthritis

For arthritis of the foot, a foot massage can be helpful, which you can do yourself.

  1. You need to knead the pads of the feet and toes, starting at the tips and gradually moving downward.
  2. Relax the upper part of the foot with stroking movements, going down to the ankle - 5-6 times. Further, clasping the heel with one palm, turn the foot alternately to the right and left - 5-6 times with the second.
  3. In the area of ​​instep, they grasp the foot and smoothly alternately stretch the fingers in the direction from the bases. Then each toe is grasped with the index and thumb of the hand - in rotational movements in a circle.
  4. Having fixed the heel, massage the zones between the toes 5-6 times.

With hallux valgus

This pathology is a common X-shaped curvature of the legs, which is often encountered by pediatric orthopedists. Its harm is manifested in flat feet, external turn of both fingers and heels.

  1. The massage begins with warm stroking of the back and rubbing it with the pads of the fingers.
  2. Next, deep warming kneading is carried out by comb-shaped sawing.
  3. Similarly, they work with the lumbosacral region in the direction from the center downward and to the sides, and end with stroking (like all the steps below).
    Attention! It is forbidden to touch the spine!
  4. The area of ​​the buttocks is worked out by patting and stroking with rotational movements. The thighs are massaged in the direction of the lymph flow: starting from the popliteal hollows and up and out.
  5. In the area of ​​the lower leg from the Achilles tendon to the popliteal fossa, forceps-like movements are performed. From the outside, stretching and vibration techniques can be applied. From the inside, the muscles are intensively kneaded with the inclusion of percussion techniques.
    Important! The area of ​​the knee joint is passed carefully, touching and lightly pressing on the condyle with your fingertips.
  6. The planovalgus foot itself is massaged in the direction from the toes to the ankle joint, the inner side is treated with intensive stroking: the principle of movement is to form the correct notch of the sole in the plane of its arch.

Foot massage to yourself at home

The beneficial properties of self-massage of the feet will reveal themselves as much as possible if it is performed correctly. First of all, it is important to warm up your hands and pour some massage oil on them.

  1. Rub your feet alternately with your hands from toes to ankles. To warm up and circulate blood, start from the top of the sole with gentle strokes. Then they go down towards the ankle. Both the top and bottom of the foot should be massaged 5-6 times.
  2. To relax the tops of the soles and joints, clasp the heel with the palm, thus fixing the foot. The other hand is wrapped around the pads of the fingers. Carefully turn the foot 5-6 times from right to left and in the opposite direction.
  3. Further, strengthen the massage movements, supplement with massage with the knuckles, and simultaneously rub the top of the foot with the other hand.
  4. The next stage is stretching. With one hand, firmly hold the leg from the bottom of the instep. With the help of the thumb, the second is pressed on the base of the toes in turn so that they begin to slowly stretch upward. The extension of each finger ends with its rotation around the axis with the help of a grasp of it with the thumb and forefinger.
  5. Smooth glide: they fix the heel with one hand, and with the other fingers they make sliding movements back and forth between the toes - 6-7 times on each leg.
  6. Compression of the instep: fixing the heel with the hand, while the second is pressed without force on the base of the foot in turn on the right, then on the left.

After the usual finishing strokes, it is helpful to put on socks.

For the prevention of varicose veins, the benefits of foot massage to oneself are supplemented by massaging the gastrocnemius muscle with the use of a venotonic agent. The foot technique will be to pull each toe, starting with the little toe, with one hand, and lowering the next toe with the other.

Further, supporting the heel with the other with one hand, you should grab the toes and pull them up and down.

After rubbing the leg from toes to heel, you should gradually move to strong, intense stroking of the feet with the palms of the palms from the ankles to the knees.

Put your palms on your ankles, then start stroking your legs to the knee, and then from knee to thigh.

The procedure must be completed with stroking movements from the inside from the foot to the groin - 10 times.

When massaging the feet, additional devices are used with benefit, including a massager.

Why is foot massage useful for a child

For a child, the benefits of foot massage can help in cases of:

  • reducing the risk of orthopedic disorders;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • correct formation of the arch of the foot;
  • normalization of muscle tone.

Self-execution of the technique is possible after consultation with a pediatrician and training with a physiotherapist, who will help you choose the optimal elements.

If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, massage will be beneficial exclusively from a specialist.

Is foot massage useful during pregnancy

In the first trimester, foot massage is not recommended due to the possible harm of disruption of the course of pregnancy from exposure to the Achilles tendon or in the case of gestosis or the threat of miscarriage.

With the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of contraindications of the gynecologist, the properties of foot massage can benefit a woman in getting rid of lower back pain, reducing the harm of leg swelling, reducing the risk of varicose problems, and others.

Contraindications to foot massage

Contraindications to massage, in addition to fungal infections and acute inflammations, may concern:

  • diseases of the joints of the feet;
  • osteoporosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases.

The harm of these conditions can manifest itself in the activation of various degrees of possible complications when exposed to the reflex zones of problem organs and systems. A careful approach should be taken under the supervision of a medical professional.


The benefits and harms of foot massage are determined depending on the purpose of the exercise, taking into account contraindications. The surface of the foot is unique in that it is like a set of buttons for a beneficial effect on all human organs. Despite the beneficial properties of the procedure against violations of almost all body systems, in the presence of diseases, consultation with the attending physician is needed. In addition, all types of massage that involve a deep impact must be performed by a professional massage therapist or under his supervision.

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