Why is golden mustache useful, application in folk medicine, recipes, photos, reviews

The benefits and harms of the golden mustache is a question that interests many lovers of natural home medicine. With proper use, the plant can be valuable for health, but in order to avoid harm from it, it is necessary to study the features.

What does a golden mustache look like

Golden mustache, callisia or homemade ginseng is a large indoor plant that can reach a height of about 2 m.As you can see in the photo of the golden mustache flower, the shoots of the plant are covered with bright green long leaves and can be both erect and creeping. Horizontal shoots look like long tendrils - from them the name of the plant comes from.

The houseplant blooms with small white flowers, collected in panicle inflorescences. The flowers smell nice, but amateurs rarely enjoy the aroma and admire the flowering.

Chemical composition of golden mustache

The plant has not only aesthetic value - the properties of the golden mustache flower are used in medicine. Leaves contain a huge amount of nutrients, namely:

  • valuable mineral components - potassium, copper, iron and nickel;
  • vitamins C, B and A;
  • manganese;
  • pectins;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • zinc and chromium;
  • tannins;
  • calcium;
  • phytosterols;
  • flavonoids.

Useful properties of the golden mustache

Due to its unique composition, the indoor flower has a beneficial effect on the body. The benefits of the golden mustache for the human body is that the funds based on it help:

  • normalize the work of the endocrine and respiratory systems, improve digestion;
  • strengthen the vascular walls - the golden mustache lowers cholesterol;
  • increase immunity and make the body more resistant to infections, viruses and bacteria;
  • relieve pain - both inflammatory and traumatic.

Golden mustache is used in oncology - flavonoids and phytosterols in the flower contribute to healthy cell renewal.

What does the golden mustache help from

Traditional medicine uses the beneficial properties of the plant in the treatment of many ailments. For example, home remedies use:

  • with atherosclerosis and high blood pressure;
  • with metabolic disorders and diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • with liver ailments;
  • with endocrine disruptions;
  • with eye diseases and skin irritations;
  • for joint pain.

Benefits golden mustache in diabetes and obesity, and its valuable properties contribute to the early cure of colds.

Traditional medicine recipes based on the golden mustache

To create medicines based on plants, the properties of the green parts are mainly used. Many useful compounds can be prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant.

Flask of the Golden Mustache

To make a simple healing infusion, you need to take 1 large leaf of the plant and pour about 1 liter of boiling water. The agent is infused for a day in a ceramic or glass container.

The ready-made infusion is drunk in 1 large spoon no more than three times a day, so as not to get harm. The infusion helps with diseases of the stomach, chronic pancreatitis or liver ailments.

Golden mustache decoction

To create a medicinal decoction, you can use the properties of both leaves and stems. Raw materials are finely chopped, poured with water and set to boil for several minutes, and then removed from heat and insisted under a lid for 7 hours.

Golden mustache is taken inside a large spoonful for liver ailments, gastritis and ulcers three times a day. Also, a decoction can be used to treat skin inflammations - the agent relieves irritation.

Alcohol tincture of golden mustache on vodka

The alcoholic drug is prepared mainly from the stems of the plant. A small amount of raw material is finely chopped, poured into a glass container and poured with vodka, and then plugged with a cork and insisted for about 2 weeks in a dark place.

Shake up the product daily. The readiness of the tincture will be indicated by its dark purple color. The liquid must be drained and drunk twice a day. The benefits of alcohol tincture of golden mustache are clearly manifested in the treatment of hypertension, colds and inflammatory processes in the body.

Attention! A single dosage is no more than 30 drops, it is advisable to dilute the agent in clean water, otherwise the properties of the tincture of the golden mustache will bring harm, not benefit.

Golden Mustache Juice

Fresh juice contains a high concentration of nutrients and is an effective anti-inflammatory and healing agent. It is prepared very simply - you just need to cut the leaves of callisia and squeeze out a sufficient amount of juice through cheesecloth.

Most often, a useful remedy is used externally for burns, wounds, dermatitis, corns, as compresses for joints. But in small doses, you can also drink a golden mustache - they take it in only 30 drops, first diluting it in a large spoonful of water so that there is no harm to the mucous membranes. When used internally, the properties of the juice significantly increase immunity.

Oil on a golden mustache

Golden mustache for feet, as well as for treating skin irritations, is often used as a homemade oil. Making butter is not difficult, although it will take a long time.

  1. Fresh stems and leaves of the plant are crushed and squeezed out of juice.
  2. The remaining cake is dried, then placed in a small glass container and poured with olive oil.
  3. The tool is insisted for 3 weeks in a dark place.
  4. After the expiration of the term, the cake is filtered off, and the oil is poured into another vessel.

Healing oil helps well with allergic rashes, abrasions and scratches, promotes the healing of burns and corns. The beneficial properties of the oil are manifested in the treatment of joints, it is often used for compresses from a golden mustache and rubbing.

Ointment on a golden mustache

Another home remedy for external use is a plant leaf ointment. To prepare it, you need to properly grind the raw materials and mix with ordinary petroleum jelly until completely homogeneous.

A useful ointment is used for bruises and inflammations on the skin, for frostbite. The remedy is useful in pain relieving compresses for sore joints, for example, a heel spur can be treated with a golden mustache.

Balm golden mustache

One of the most interesting plant-based remedies is a healing balm. To prepare it:

  • mix 30 ml of strong tincture of the plant with 40 ml of sunflower oil;
  • stopper in a small glass jar and shake vigorously for several minutes.

You do not need to insist on the balm - it is used immediately. It is necessary to drink the medicine in a large spoon, three times a day, shortly before eating.

The properties of the golden whisker in gynecology and hemorrhoids are especially effective. A plant-based balm is not only taken orally, but also microclysters are made, and for gynecological diseases, tampons dipped in the balm are injected inside.

Important! Treatment of oncology and serious gynecological ailments cannot be carried out only with balm, from this harm is possible. It is necessary to combine the drug with pharmacological drugs.

Golden Mustache Syrup

The plant-based sweet syrup is beneficial for colds and looses phlegm from dry coughs.

Prepare the medicine like this:

  • a large sheet of callisia is rubbed;
  • pour a glass of water and boil for 7-10 minutes;
  • cool and mix with 1 large spoonful of vodka;
  • filter and add a little ready-made sugar syrup.

In terms of volume, the finished drink should take only half a glass. They drink such a remedy in a teaspoon twice a day, with a strong dry cough and a cold.

Fresh golden mustache leaves

For quick healing of abrasions, burns, abscesses and ulcers, use a gruel from fresh leaves of a houseplant. The cut sheet is washed, crushed, poured with a minimum amount of hot water, and then a compress is applied to the sore spot.

Golden whisker treatment

For certain diseases, compositions based on a medicinal houseplant are used most often. In order not to harm the body, you need to know exactly how to use the golden mustache for medicinal purposes.

Golden mustache for joint treatment

Pain in arthritis or arthrosis is perfectly relieved by compresses from houseplant gruel. Fresh leaves are cut off and rubbed until a mushy mass is obtained, then wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot. Since you need to keep the compress for 2 hours, it should be fixed with a bandage, and the procedure itself is best done in the evening.

A tincture on a golden mustache is also useful for joints - the agent can rub sore spots.

Advice! To relieve the symptoms of arthritis, you can take 5 drops of fresh plant juice twice a day. But first, the medicine must be diluted with water so as not to harm yourself with a concentrated agent.

Golden mustache from atherosclerosis and arrhythmia

A useful tincture of homemade ginseng is the best for problems with blood vessels and in case of heart rhythm problems. In a glass of clean water, it is necessary to dilute 30 drops of the healing agent and drink no more than twice a day half an hour before meals, so that the alcoholic agent does not harm.

It is recommended to carry out therapy for 10 days, after which you should take a break of the same duration, and then, if necessary, continue treatment.

Cough and bronchitis treatment

The most useful cold remedy is houseplant-based syrup. The remedy is taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach until the symptoms of the disease have subsided. The syrup has excellent expectorant properties and quickly reduces the temperature.

Treatment of eye diseases

The benefits of a golden whisker are manifested in astigmatism, conjunctivitis and myopia. Usually, an infusion of leaves is used for medicinal purposes, cotton pads are moistened in a fresh preparation and applied to the eyes three times a day for 5 minutes.

Getting rid of warts, boils, herpes and burns

The home herb helps fight skin damage, cosmetic blemishes and inflammatory breakouts. For herpes, burns and boils, it is customary to use juice, strong decoctions and a medicinal tincture of a golden mustache - a cotton swab moistened with a liquid is used to wipe the inflamed areas on the skin several times a day.

Elimination of problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Useful decoctions and infusions in water help fight a variety of ailments of the digestive tract.

  1. In case of stomach ulcers, it is recommended to use 1 large spoonful of the decoction of the plant three times a day on an empty stomach before meals.
  2. With cholecystitis, it will be useful to drink 1/2 cup of infusion before meals on an empty stomach three times a day.
  3. Constipation will help 1 large spoonful of medicinal broth, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. For chronic problems with bowel movement, enemas can be made from a weak chamomile decoction, to which 1 large spoonful of callisia is added.
  4. With hemorrhoids, painful nodes are recommended to be treated with plant oil - its properties will quickly relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

With gastric diseases, you can simply chew a golden mustache in the morning and before bedtime on an empty stomach, but in an amount of no more than 1 joint of the stem.

Liver treatment

The houseplant benefits the liver. To help the work of this organ and cleanse the body of harmful substances, you need to drink 1 large spoonful of broth every day three times a day before meals. The course of therapy lasts a week, then they take a break for the same period and, if necessary, continue treatment.

Golden mustache from osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is usually treated comprehensively.

  1. Inside take a tincture of callisia - you need to drink it in 1 large spoon an hour before eating, three times a day. Treatment lasts no longer than a week, then you need to take a break for 2 weeks so that the medicine does not harm.
  2. The tincture is also used externally - the remedy can be used to rub sore spots twice a day for 3 minutes. Pain and inflammation from the cervical spine are removed by compresses with golden mustache gruel - they need to be done twice a day, and kept for about 2 hours.

Golden mustache from sciatica

An ointment from the leaves of an indoor flower will help restore mobility to the back with sciatica. To do this, the lower back needs to be lubricated three times a day and maintain a stationary position for half an hour after the procedure.

Diet in the treatment of golden mustache

A medicinal plant has a medicinal effect if you follow a healthy diet at the same time as taking it. In particular, you will need to exclude from the diet:

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  • soda and bread kvass;
  • confectionery and foods high in animal fats;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • peanut;
  • potatoes and bread made with yeast;
  • pickled vegetables and pickles.
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The benefits during a wellness diet will be from cheeses and vegetables, grain bread and boiled fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

Attention! During the period of treatment with means based on callisia, smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited.

Kvass recipe on a golden mustache for weight loss

A home flower not only helps in the treatment of ailments, but also helps to get rid of extra pounds. Healthy and tasty kvass can be made from the leaves and stems of plants. The drink is made as follows:

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  • several leaves and stems of the plant are crushed, wrapped in clean gauze and placed in a three-liter jar;
  • a glass of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream are added to the raw materials;
  • the kvass components are poured with clean water to the top of the jar and the container is removed for 2 weeks in a warm and dark place.

After this period, the fermented kvass will be ready for use. You need to drink the drink in a certain dosage - no more than half a glass before meals in order to avoid harm. Useful kvass will speed up the digestive processes, contribute to the elimination of excess substances from the body and help to quickly restore harmony.

The use of a golden mustache in home cosmetology

The valuable properties of callisia are used for facial skin care, plant-based products cleanse the skin, make it softer, and eliminate irritation.

Nourishing face mask

For dry and normal skin, the properties of such a mask will be of great benefit:

  1. a small cucumber is peeled, chopped and mixed with egg yolk;
  2. add 3 large spoons of olive oil;
  3. pour into the mixture 2 large tablespoons of mustache infusion, pre-mixed with baby cream.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the skin for half an hour.

Facial toner

A useful remedy made from golden mustache and sage is used as a refreshing and rejuvenating tonic.

  • 100 g of dry sage is poured with boiling water and insisted for 8 hours;
  • filter the cooled infusion and add 7 teaspoons of mustache juice.

The tonic will be beneficial if you wipe the skin with it in the morning and evening, it will remove fine wrinkles and deeply cleanse the face.

The harm of the golden mustache and contraindications for use

The properties of the golden mustache are almost not harmful to health. But the plant still has several contraindications. These include:

  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute phase;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • prostate adenoma in men;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Golden mustache for children can be applied externally. But it is not recommended to give the funds from the plant inside to the kids - it will harm.

Collection and procurement of a golden mustache

Usually, fresh leaves and shoots are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes; they must be cut off from the plant immediately before use. The most beneficial are brownish-purple stems with a large number of "nodules" and the leaves located on them, as they look, can be seen in the video with a golden whisker.

If desired, the leaves and stems of the plant can be dried. Drying is carried out in a standard way - the raw materials are laid out in an even layer in a shaded place with good air access. Dry blanks are stored in paper bags or linen bags for 1-2 years.


The benefits and harms of the golden mustache depend on whether there are any contraindications to the use of the plant. If these are not observed, then the indoor flower will be of great benefit and become a valuable element of the home medicine cabinet.


Vaganova Elena Vladimirovna, 39 years old, Saratov
The golden mustache from the heel spur helped no worse than the pharmacy ointments - I made compresses, the pain and inflammation disappeared in a few days. I know about the effectiveness of the golden whisker in pancreatitis, infusions and decoctions of the plant help to quickly go into a state of remission. And my daughter uses a golden mustache for acne - and skin inflammation goes away very quickly.
Petrova Irina Sergeevna, 42 years old, Tomsk
Tincture of a golden mustache on vodka always relieve attacks of osteochondrosis - I just rub the sore spot with the remedy. I can confirm that a golden mustache for joints helps with any pain - both bruises and inflammations. I used to use a golden mustache for uterine fibroids, the balm from the plant helped to quickly relieve symptoms.

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