Maple: useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of maple were first mentioned in the 16th century, in folk healers. Due to its beneficial properties, maple is widely used in folk medicine, for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of many diseases. Despite the fact that maple raw materials have practically no contraindications for use, it is worthwhile to first consult with your doctor, which will prevent harm to the body, instead of the expected benefits.

Maple chemical composition

In the chemical composition of maple, the following components can be distinguished, due to which the product has useful properties:

  • tannins - organic compounds that impart an astringent taste to the product. This component is able to kill pathogenic microorganisms, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • vitamins of group A and C, without which it is impossible to carry out any process in the human body. These components play the role of antioxidants, prevent the destruction of cell membranes in violation of the biochemical process;
  • organic acids - allow to stabilize the metabolic process and prevent the appearance of alkalosis.

It is important to understand that maple is used only in traditional medicine, therefore its chemical composition is not well understood.

What is maple useful for humans

Since maple has a rich composition and a number of useful properties, it is widely used in folk medicine. Maple is used as:

  • diuretic;
  • an immunomodulatory agent;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfecting substance;
  • tonic;
  • pain reliever.

Maple infusion can improve the functioning of the digestive tract, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces blood pressure, and normalizes menstrual bleeding. Maple sap has special medicinal properties. It is used as a vascular cleanser.

Attention! Do not forget about the benefits of a maple broom for a bath, because it allows you not only to keep the heat well, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin.


Due to its properties and composition, maple leaves are beneficial for the human body. Tannins, carotene and ascorbic acid can fight inflammation, high body temperature, festering wounds, tuberculosis and even jaundice. Leaves can be prepared:

  • broth;
  • tincture;
  • lotions.

Before taking broths based on maple leaves, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Important! For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, you can use not only young leaves, but also yellowed ones.


The properties and uses of maple wood are known to almost everyone. Bark-based decoction can help relieve diarrhea. If you prepare ash from tree bark, make a solution on its basis and then rub it into the scalp, you can significantly increase hair growth. In addition, the raw material has anti-inflammatory properties.


Maple flowers are usually small and regular in shape. Since they also have useful properties, many people collect flowers during the flowering period, after which the collected raw materials are dried and stored in paper or fabric bags. Dried flowers are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures, which are subsequently used to treat gastric and intestinal disorders.


Both maple leaves and its fruits have medicinal properties. Thus, maple fruits take part not only in reproduction, but are also used as medicines for a number of diseases. In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from maple fruits, with which you can get rid of diseases of the oral cavity. Some of this medicine is used as a diuretic.

What diseases does maple help against?

Since maple has beneficial properties and is not capable of causing harm to the body, if used correctly and consulted with your doctor, it is widely used in folk medicine for many diseases. For decoctions and infusions, not only maple leaves are used, but also bark, flowers, fruits. With the help of broths prepared on the basis of maple raw materials, you can get rid of the following diseases:

  • herpes;
  • viral infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • heart disease;
  • radiculitis;
  • scurvy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • diarrhea;
  • colds;
  • ulcers.

Considering that some people harvest brooms, then you need to know about the benefits and harms of ordinary maple in the bath.

Maple-based traditional medicine recipes

Adherents of traditional medicine are sure that maple has medicinal properties. Over the years of practice on the use of maple in traditional medicine, a large number of recipes have been created, thanks to which you can get rid of many diseases. Maple is used to prepare syrups, decoctions, tinctures. Before you start using maple, you need to understand that raw materials can be not only beneficial, but also harmful, due to the intolerance of some components.

For joint pain

If there is inflammation of the joints, it is recommended to take maple broth:

  1. For these purposes, take 6 dried maple leaves.
  2. Pour 400 ml of water.
  3. Bring to a boil.

The regimen is as follows: for a month, you need to drink 100 ml of broth 3 times a day, then take a break for 7 days and repeat the course 2 more times.

To increase potency

Alcoholic tinctures based on young maple leaves are recommended for men who experience sexual impotence:

  1. The leaves are ground in a blender.
  2. Alcohol is added.
  3. The ratio of the number of leaves and alcohol should be 1: 3.

The resulting infusion is taken 5 times throughout the day. Thanks to the beneficial properties of maple, the effect will be obtained after 4 weeks.

For colds

Hot milk with maple juice helps with colds. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take 100 ml of milk.
  2. Boil for 3 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool slightly.
  4. Add 100 ml of maple juice.
  5. Mix thoroughly.
  6. For greater efficiency, you can add 1 tsp. maple honey.

The effect of the application will be if you consume milk with maple juice 3 times throughout the day.

When coughing

When coughing, it is recommended to make a tincture based on maple seeds. This will require:

  1. 2 tsp mix maple seeds and 400 ml of boiled water thoroughly.
  2. Let it brew for 40 minutes.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth.

The resulting infusion is taken every day before meals, 50 ml.

With gastritis

For people suffering from gastritis, a decoction based on maple leaves will help. Cooking algorithm:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves.
  2. Pour 400 ml of boiled water.
  3. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  4. It is taken 3 times a day.

If after taking a tincture of maple leaves there is no improvement, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

With diarrhea

If an intestinal disorder is observed, which, in turn, is accompanied by diarrhea, then it is necessary to prepare a decoction based on maple bark:

  1. Take 20 g of maple bark and 400 ml of water.
  2. Place everything in one container.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes, filter.
  5. Allow to cool.

The resulting broth is taken in 50 ml 3 times a day.

With colic

A tincture based on maple seeds and leaves will help to cope with colic. The cooking recipe is as follows:

  1. Take 2 tsp. maple seeds and 4 tbsp. l. crushed maple leaves.
  2. All this is poured with boiling water.
  3. Put on a water bath.
  4. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. They are filtering.

The resulting tincture after cooling is taken 3-4 times a day for 50 g.

Attention! It is important to understand that a decoction of maple leaves brings both benefits and harm to the body, therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it.

With stomatitis

In most cases, maple does not harm the body, but only benefits, if used correctly. Due to the presence of useful properties, a decoction based on maple leaves allows you to fight diseases of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis. Recipe:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Mix crushed maple leaves and 600 ml of boiled water in one container.
  2. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Leave to cool at room temperature, drain.

The resulting broth is used to rinse the mouth 3 times a day.

For wound healing

Antiseptics are recommended for wound healing. After the wound has been treated with an antiseptic, a dressing with crushed maple leaves can be applied. This procedure is carried out every day for a week.

For herpes

With herpes you will need:

  1. Grind the maple seeds to flour.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed seeds, pour boiling water over.
  3. Boil.
  4. Let it brew for 50-55 minutes, drain.

This broth is taken daily 3 times, 100 ml.

To improve immunity

To boost immunity, it is recommended to drink tea with maple leaves:

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make
  1. Take 1 tsp. tea leaves.
  2. Maple leaves are crushed in an amount of 2-3 pcs.
  3. All mix, pour boiling water.
  4. Insist like regular tea.
  5. Allow to cool to + 40 ° C.

This tea is consumed several times daily.

Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications
Advice! To improve the taste, you can add cinnamon, honey, turmeric.
Recommended reading:  Turmeric: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties, application

Properties and uses of maple honey

Maple honey has beneficial properties, but since this product is quite rare, few people know about its benefits. Due to its medicinal properties, maple honey is used:

  • for prophylactic purposes in the fight against atherosclerosis;
  • to strengthen the nervous system;
  • in combination with medicines in the treatment of laryngitis;
  • to enhance immunity;
  • with anemia;
  • with sleep disturbance.

In addition, honey has a beneficial effect on the female body during lactation. All available nutrients in maple honey pass through breast milk to the newborn. Due to the small amount of sugar contained in the product, diabetics can use maple honey.

In order for the body to benefit from the product, it must be used correctly:

  • honey is eaten 60 minutes before meals. For 1 time, no more than 1 tbsp is allowed. l .;
  • for preventive purposes, it is not recommended to take honey for more than 10 days in a row;
  • if honey has a specific taste, then it can be added to hot herbal tea.

While using the product, do not forget about a number of contraindications and harm that can be done to the body instead of the expected benefit.

Advice! It is not recommended to subject the finished maple product to heat treatment. This is due to the fact that when heated above + 40 ° C, honey loses all its beneficial properties.

Maple harm and contraindications

If you use decoctions and tinctures based on maple raw materials in moderation, then you can not be afraid to harm the body. Given that maple contains a large amount of alkaloids, it is not recommended to take it for women who are in late pregnancy. This is due to the fact that alkaloids are able to cause involuntary contractions of the uterus, which will lead to bleeding or termination of pregnancy.

It is also necessary to take into account the personal intolerance of some components, as a result of which an allergic reaction may appear and the body will be harmed.

Important! Fallen maple leaves have healing properties to the same extent as the green leaves on the tree.

Collection and storage of raw materials from maple

If we take into account that young shoots have more useful properties, then the collection of raw materials should be carried out in spring or summer. Initially, the leaves are plucked, dried in the sun for a while, and only after that they are removed to a well-ventilated place for further drying.

If you plan to use the bark for medicinal purposes, then it is harvested in the spring, when the juice begins to move.

The buds are harvested in the spring, at the time of swelling. The first time after collecting the kidneys, it is necessary to keep in a room with a low temperature, while the access of oxygen should be good. Only then do they start drying.

Flowers are cut off during flowering. After collection, they must be dried immediately. The place chosen for drying should be protected from direct sunlight and well ventilated.

The finished raw materials are subsequently stored in cardboard boxes or paper bags. The healing properties of maple after harvesting are preserved for 2 years.

Some believe that maple has magical properties, for example, it is enough to hold on to a tree, and a boost of vivacity for the whole day is provided.


The benefits and harms of maple should always be taken into account before you start using decoctions and tinctures based on it to treat diseases. Indeed, instead of the expected benefits, you can cause significant harm to the body. In this case, do not forget about the individual intolerance of some components, therefore, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in advance.

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