Bazhanovets (loosestrife): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo

The medicinal properties of common loosestrife are in demand for colds, inflammatory diseases and digestive problems. To get the maximum benefit from a plant, you need to study its features and possible contraindications.

What it looks like and where it grows

The common loosestrife, or Bazhanovites (Lysimachia), is an annual or perennial plant from the Primroses family. It has a creeping rhizome and a straight, less often creeping stem, leaves are lanceolate, with a solid edge, on the lower surface with pubescence. On the shoot, the plates are arranged in opposite order, alternately or in whorls of 3-4 pieces.

In June-August, the loosestrife brings buds of yellow, white or pinkish color, collected in paniculate apical inflorescences, with five petals. Closer to September, it bears fruit in the form of seed boxes.

An adult loosestrife reaches 50-100 cm in height

Bazhanovets is widespread throughout Eurasia, with the exception of the Arctic regions; it can also be found in North Africa, East Asia and North America. For life, he chooses damp places near swamps and reservoirs, often grows in meadows and in damp forests.

Types of loosestrife

The verbeinik is represented by many species, but several of them are the most common.

  1. Ordinary (Lysimachia vulgaris). The plant reaches 1 m, is able to develop directly in water bodies at a depth of 10 cm.
    The common loosestrife is a good honey plant
  2. Dubravny (Lysimachia nemorum). The European variety blooms in May and produces single long-stalked buds.
    The oak loosestrife reaches a height of only 30 cm
  3. Point (Lysimachia punctata). The species grows in Central and Western Europe, blooms with yellow buds for a month in early summer.
    The spotted loosestrife is popular in ornamental gardening
  4. Monetary (Lysimachia nummularia). The plant has creeping stems up to 30 cm long.
    Coin loosestrife is widespread in Japan and North America
  5. Cartilage (Lysimachia thyrsiflora). The plant is found at the very edge of the banks or directly in the water. Differs in long stamens, strongly protruding from the flower.
    Cartilage loosestrife is also called kizlyak

All varieties have a similar composition and have valuable medicinal properties. However, in the recipes, an ordinary and a point Bazhanovite is most often used, they are most common.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties, contraindications and photos of common and spot loosestrife are of great interest for traditional medicine. The green parts and roots of the plant contain:

  • tannins and tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • saponins and flavonoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • arginine;
  • silicon;
  • rutin and quercetin;
  • kaempferol;
  • lactones;
  • caffeic and chlorogenic acids.

When used correctly, loosestrife has a particularly good effect on the digestive system, and also improves the functioning of the immune system.

The medicinal properties of loosestrife

Healing agents from Bazhanovtsy, when used correctly, bring great benefits to the body. In particular, the plant:

  • has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • promotes healing for cuts, abrasions and burns;
  • helps with diarrhea due to its astringent properties;
  • has a choleretic effect and improves liver function;
  • allows you to fight seizures;
  • relieves pain and inflammation in case of joint ailments, dislocations and sprains;
  • has an antiseptic effect for colds and sore throats;
  • promotes expectoration when coughing;
  • accelerates the healing of mucous membranes in case of gum disease, eliminates bad breath;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Due to its antiseptic and hemostatic properties, loosestrife is actively used in gynecology.

Looseweed infusions and decoctions prevent the development of scurvy

The medicinal properties of common loosestrife

Common loaf is found in traditional medicine recipes most often. The plant is used:

  • to normalize digestive processes and heal the gastric mucosa;
  • to stop bleeding;
  • to strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clots;
  • to improve the outflow of bile;
  • for disinfection of wounds and cuts.

An ordinary Bazhanovite helps well with stomatitis and fungal diseases. It can be used to eliminate edema and rheumatism.

Medicinal properties of spotted loosestrife

In folk medicine, the dotted loosestrife is popular - another widespread type of plant. It is used mainly to normalize metabolism and accelerate digestion. You can also use a point Bazhanovite for thrush in women, to relieve swelling and to relieve pain.

Preparation and application methods

For medicinal purposes, you can use the green leaves of loosestrife and its roots. Traditional medicine offers several methods for processing plant materials.


An aqueous infusion of common loosestrife is good for anemia, scurvy and chronic constipation. A product is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • two large spoons of dry plant leaves are poured into a thermos;
  • raw materials are poured with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • close with a lid and leave for an hour;
  • filter.
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You need to take the product in a large spoonful three times a day.

Looseweed infusion removes phlegm when coughing and bronchitis


With weakened immunity and frequent migraines, it is useful to prepare a medicinal decoction of common loosestrife. The recipe looks like this:

  • 40 g of medicinal raw materials are crushed and 400 ml of boiling water is poured;
  • in a water bath, process for half an hour;
  • removed and cooled to a warm state;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

It is necessary to take a decoction of 100 ml twice a day, in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.

A decoction of common loosestrife is suitable for compresses for bruises and rheumatism


With chronic fatigue, loss of strength and anemia against the background of a serious illness, you can take a tincture of ordinary loosestrife. Prepare it like this:

  • two large spoons of fresh leaves pour 200 ml of vodka;
  • close the vessel and put it in a closet for a week;
  • removed from time to time to shake up;
  • filter.

The finished product is drunk up to four times a day, 15-20 drops.

Tincture of common loosestrife can be used to wipe cuts and abrasions for disinfection

The use of loosestrife

An ordinary Bazhanovite is often found in traditional medicine recipes. The plant can be used for general strengthening of the body and for relieving inflammation, the herb is beneficial for internal and external use.

With conjunctivitis

Common loosestrife relieves eye inflammation well and eliminates tearing. For conjunctivitis, fresh leaves of the plant are used, namely:

  • several washed young plates are crushed to a state of gruel;
  • the resulting mass is squeezed through folded gauze;
  • two large spoons of juice are diluted with the same amount of pure water.

The agent must be instilled into the eyes twice a day, a couple of drops. The procedures are continued until recovery, with any symptoms of allergy, treatment is stopped.

With arthritis

Compresses from fresh leaves bring a beneficial effect for joint ailments and sprains. The remedy is done like this:

  • the plates of the plant are washed from dust and ground in a blender;
  • the gruel is applied to a cotton cloth and applied to the sore joint for half an hour.

Compresses can be used up to five times a day. Common loosestrife relieves inflammation well and improves joint mobility.

With thrush

The antifungal properties of common loosestrife can be used to treat candidiasis. Traditional medicine advises to prepare the following solution:

  • two large tablespoons of dry leaves and stalks of loosestrife are crushed;
  • raw materials are poured with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • incubated for 20 minutes in a water bath;
  • filter and cool until warm.

Twice a day, the resulting product is used for douching. In total, treatment is carried out within a week.

With liver diseases

An ordinary Bazhanovite promotes the removal of toxins and improves liver function. A strong tincture of the plant has a good effect:

  • 30 g of dry grass is crushed and filled with 250 ml of high-quality vodka;
  • in a closed glass vessel, remove to a dark place for ten days;
  • filter the finished product through cheesecloth.

The tincture must be taken twice a day, 20 drops. Usually the product is diluted with a little water.

Tincture of common loosestrife is beneficial during the recovery period after poisoning

With heavy periods

The common loosestrife has hemostatic properties and is used for too heavy and painful periods in women. To reduce the amount of discharge, prepare the following infusion:

  • a large spoonful of dry leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • leave the loosestrife under the lid for six hours;
  • at the end of the period, the agent is filtered.

The infusion should be divided into two equal parts and drunk during the day. In total, you need to take the medicine no longer than a week.

With a cold

With ARVI and flu, tea based on dry leaves helps well. Prepare it like this:

  • 60 g of raw materials are poured into a teapot or thermos;
  • pour 1 liter of hot water;
  • cover with a lid and incubate for 10-15 minutes.

The finished drink is filtered and consumed in the same way as regular tea. Common loosestrife helps to relieve fever and improve overall health.

Advice! For angina, warm tea is useful for gargling.

To strengthen blood vessels

An aqueous infusion of common loosestrife strengthens blood vessels and helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The drug is made according to the following recipe:

  • 10 g of dried plant roots are ground into powder;
  • pour raw materials with a glass of hot liquid;
  • kept under the lid for 45 minutes;
  • filter.

You need to take the infusion in a warm form, 70 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. In total, it is allowed to use the product for two weeks, after which you should take a break.

With bronchitis

Common loosestrife fights against bacterial processes in the bronchi and facilitates the process of expectoration. A medicinal plant is used as follows:

  • 30 g of dry grass and stems are poured into 500 ml of fresh boiling water;
  • leave the product to infuse for 20 minutes;
  • filtered.
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You need to take the infusion in full once a day. A spoonful of honey can be added to the medicine to improve the taste.

It is recommended to use ordinary loosestrife for bronchitis shortly before bedtime.

With migraines

Common loosestrife relieves vasospasm well and helps with headaches. For migraines, traditional medicine recommends this collection:

  • 30 g of dried bazhanovtsa is mixed with an equal amount of rosemary and chamomile;
  • herbal raw materials are poured with 400 ml of boiling water;
  • leave under the lid until it cools completely.

The filtered medicine is divided into two portions and consumed in the afternoon, shortly before meals and in the evening before going to bed.

With hepatitis

Looseweed's cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties help fight hepatitis. For the treatment of the liver, tincture is used in small dosages, and they do it like this:

  • pour 500 ml of vodka 50 g of dried crushed roots;
  • when closed, they are removed for two weeks in a dark, cool place;
  • after the time has elapsed, filtered.

It is necessary to use the tincture 20 drops per 50 ml of pure water three times a day. The course of therapy should not exceed ten days.

Attention! Since the tincture of common loosestrife contains alcohol, in case of liver diseases, you must first discuss the intake of the drug with your doctor.

For constipation

Looseweed's medicinal properties normalize digestion and regulate intestinal peristalsis. For chronic constipation, you can use the following remedy:

  • 5 g of dry grass is crushed and steamed with a glass of boiling water;
  • leave under the lid for an hour to infuse;
  • pass the product through cheesecloth.

You need to take loosestrife 50 ml per day in the morning or afternoon. The infusion is most beneficial when consumed on an empty stomach.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits of loosestrife are used in the cosmetic field. The plant helps to improve the condition of problem skin, prone to inflammation, and moisturizes too dry epidermis. Herbal infusions and decoctions are used to care for hair to restore shine and stop hair loss.

Cleansing tonic

On the basis of the beneficial Bazhanovite, you can prepare a refreshing tonic for daily use. They do it like this:

  • 10 g of the dried plant is poured with 200 ml of hot water;
  • insisted in a closed form until completely cooled;
  • filter.

You need to use the product to wash your skin in the morning and evening. In addition, the infusion can be poured into special molds, frozen and wiped off the epidermis with ice cubes.

Common loosestrife, with regular use, improves complexion and removes wrinkles

Acne Loose

Looseweed's anti-inflammatory properties have a good effect on skin pustules and irritations. It is recommended to prepare such a remedy:

  • 10 g of dry leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of hot liquid;
  • kept under the lid to a warm temperature.

With a strained infusion, wipe your face with a cotton pad before bedtime. Bazhanovets helps to quickly cope with acne and regulates oily skin.

Loafers for hair

The useful common loosestrife stops hair loss, stimulates hair growth and increases the volume of strands. To care for weakened curls, prepare the following decoction:

  • 30 g of dry or fresh leaves of Bazhanovites are poured with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • in a water bath, warm up for half an hour;
  • removed from the stove and cooled to a warm state.

The strained broth is diluted with clean water in equal proportions and the hair is rinsed after normal washing. To obtain a good result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

Contraindications to the use of loosestrife

The useful properties and contraindications of loosestrife are always individual. Plant-based products should not be used:

  • with varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • with hypertension;
  • with allergic intolerance;
  • with atherosclerosis.

You should not take decoctions and infusions of loosestrife during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Collection and procurement

Looseweed leaves and stems are harvested for medicinal purposes after the plant has faded.The weather is warm and dry, but not too hot. For raw materials, they go to an ecologically clean place away from roads and industrial facilities.

Plant stems with leaves are cut at a distance of about 5 cm from the ground with a sharp knife. Upon returning home, the raw materials are sorted out, leaving only the highest quality fragments, washed and laid out to dry on a flat surface.

You can leave an ordinary loosestrife both outside in warm weather and indoors. It is also allowed to use an oven or dryer, heating them up to only 50 ° C. The finished raw materials are laid out in cardboard boxes or paper bags and put into a dark cabinet.

Dried loosestrife retains its valuable properties for up to two years
Important! The roots of the plant are dug up in the fall shortly before the cold weather. They also need to be dried, after rinsing from the remnants of the earth.


The medicinal properties of common loosestrife are beneficial in folk medicine and cosmetology. The plant is used for general strengthening of the body, for inflammation and digestive ailments. In this case, it is important to observe the dosage and remember the contraindications.

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