Hyaluronic acid: what it contains, food table

Where hyaluronic acid is contained should be known to everyone who is interested in preserving and prolonging youth. It is a building block found in connective, nervous and epithelial tissues. It enters the human body in the composition of products.

The benefits of products containing hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most important components of the extracellular matrix. It is also called hyaluronate and unsulfonated glycosaminoglycan. It is a polysaccharide involved in cell migration and proliferation. In the human body, it is contained in biological fluids, nervous tissue, bones and skin. In the vitreous body it is presented in a gel-like form. In bones, acid is present in a hardened state.

One particle of hyaluronic acid accounts for about 500 water molecules. Due to this, the substance reliably retains moisture and fills the space between the layers of connective tissue. It penetrates into the cage both from the inside and when applied externally.

Hyaluronic acid is classified according to the length and mass of its constituent molecules. Its main function is to accelerate regenerative processes and preserve skin youth. With age, the supply of a substance in the body decreases. This is reflected in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and a person's appearance. The elasticity of the skin is lost, against which there are pronounced age-related changes.

To stop the aging process of organs, you need to take care of the replenishment of nutrients. The emphasis is placed not only on the amount of hyaluronic acid, but also on the level of collagen. It performs vital functions by taking part in a number of physiological processes. In addition, along with hyaluronate, it promotes tissue regeneration and keeps the body young. It comes both with food and as part of medications.

Enrichment of the store of hyaluronic acid through diet therapy is more effective compared to injection. This is due to the even, rather than pointwise, distribution of molecules throughout the body. If fillers are only aimed at improving appearance, adjusting the diet helps to normalize the state of health.

The human body weighing 70 kg contains on average 15 g of hyaluronic acid

Products containing a high percentage of hyaluronic acid help to replenish its supply. This makes the skin firmer and more hydrated. The benefits of enriching the diet with these foods are as follows:

  • elimination of dry skin;
  • help with cataract treatment;
  • retention of moisture in the deep layers of the skin;
  • giving elasticity;
  • elimination of cosmetic defects;
  • prevention of ophthalmic diseases;
  • improving joint mobility.

In addition to the skin, hyaluronic acid is present in joints, nails, visual organs and intestinal tissues. With its lack, the risk of developing ophthalmic diseases increases against the background of a lack of biological fluid. Together with this, the condition of the nails and hair worsens. Joint mobility is also impaired, which affects the quality of life.Low levels of hyaluronic acid can be indicated by dry eye syndrome and the first signs of aging.

Scientists have shown that the process of producing a substance can slow down due to smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, dietary adjustments alone are not enough. It is necessary to give up bad habits and normalize the water balance in the body. In some cases, a lack of substance is observed in certain diseases. The most common provoking factors include injury and inflammation. In this case, it will be necessary to eliminate the cause of the pathology.

Comment! To improve the absorption of hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in rutin and vitamin C into the diet.

What products contain hyaluronic acid

Many women seek the help of a beautician to replenish their hyaluronic acid levels. Youth-preserving procedures are not always painless. In addition, they require an impressive amount of money. Since hyaluronic acid is found in food, you can replenish its supply by changing your diet. To do this, it is necessary to increase the use of:

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  • meat and broths;
  • red wine;
  • soy products;
  • spices;
  • vegetables with starch content (beets, grapes and potatoes).
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As part of broths and meat, hyaluronate can be consumed daily. Grapes must be eaten with the skin, since it contains a greater number of nutrients. Red wine will only be beneficial if it is natural. You don't have to consume it every day. It is quite enough to drink 1 glass 1-2 times a week. It is advisable to purchase soy products only from reputable brands.

Replenishing the supply of hyaluronic acid naturally is a safer way to promote health and prolong youth. It does not require spending money and does not provoke unwanted reactions. But it must be borne in mind that the result of diet therapy largely depends on the general condition of the body and the age of the person.

The production of a substance by the body decreases after 25 years. Therefore, people of this age need to be careful about their diet. For hyaluronic acid to be properly absorbed, you need to add vitamin C and rutin to the diet. Sources of ascorbic acid include citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, greens, spinach, currants, and bell peppers. Rutin is found in raspberries, garlic, buckwheat and green tea.

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Hyaluronic acid is easier to find in medicines

Products containing hyaluronic acid are often used in conjunction with drug therapy to strengthen joints. In this case, there is a general strengthening effect on the body. The likelihood of positive dynamics increases significantly. The optimal duration of the treatment course is 3-5 weeks. Foods high in hyaluronic acid can be consumed indefinitely.

Important! In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is one of the most common components of skin care products.

Hyaluronic acid content table in food

Before adjusting your diet, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with which foods contain hyaluronic acid and collagen. A significant supply of the substance is present in meat, mainly in tendons, chicken combs and bones. Therefore, it is extremely important to eat broths prepared with offal. You don't need to give up jellied meat either. In addition to meat, it contains gelatin, which is a valuable source of collagen.

A table with the exact content of substances in 100 g will help to compose a balanced diet:

Name (100 g)

Hyaluronic acid content (g)



salmon fish






rabbit meat






To replenish the supply of hyaluronic acid with vegetables and herbs, you need to consume them in large quantities and only in their raw form. You should also focus on products that accelerate the absorption of the nutrient. These include starchy foods and naturally occurring estrogens. The latter are found in large quantities in soy foods. Therefore, it is necessary to include tofu cheese, beans and soy milk in the diet.

Among plants, burdock is a rich source of hyaluronic acid. Its beneficial effect on the body has been proven by many years of research.

Attention! A decoction is prepared on the basis of burdock, which reduces the number of wrinkles by giving the skin elasticity.

Contraindications to the use of products containing hyaluronic acid

Restoring hyaluronic acid levels through diet is not for everyone. In some case, local administration of the substance will be more appropriate. Contraindications include the following:

  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • autoimmune reactions;
  • allergy to a particular product;
  • antibiotic treatment.

Before changing the diet for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. This will help eliminate contraindications. Special vigilance is recommended for allergy sufferers. Products are introduced into the diet gradually, observing the reaction of the body.

Up to 25 years of age, maintaining the supply of hyaluronic acid at the proper level is not always advisable. At this age, the body is able to ensure the independent production of a substance. In addition, an excess of hyaluronate is just as harmful as a lack of it. In this case, the substance promotes the migration of streptococcal infection and takes part in the movement of malignant cells.

Attention! The process of limited production of hyaluronate in the body can be triggered by hormonal imbalances or serious diseases.


Hyaluronic acid is not found in as many products as it might seem. Therefore, many people may face a deficiency of the substance, which entails undesirable consequences in the form of rapid aging. Changing the way you eat helps keep your body in top condition for as long as possible.

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