How to wash a down shawl

A downy shawl is a wardrobe item that has recently been gaining popularity again. The main component of this warm garment is natural goat down, which predetermines that the process of caring for and washing a shawl should have certain subtleties. The beauty and durability of using such an attribute of the wardrobe depends on how correctly to wash a downy shawl at home.

Features of washing down shawls

In order to wash a downy shawl, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will allow you to maintain an attractive appearance of the product after cleaning.

Before washing the scarf, you need to prepare it for this process. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • on a smooth and clean surface, the downy product must be carefully and carefully combed using a wooden comb;
  • if there are any dirt on the scarf, it is recommended to pre-wash them using means suitable for washing natural woolen fabrics;
  • in choosing the option of how to wash a downy shawl, you should give your preference to the manual option: this is a great guarantee that the scarf will retain its original appearance;
  • to facilitate the process of removing dirt from the shawl, you should first soak it in a deep container;
  • a very important rule is careful observance of the temperature regime for washing things. It should be borne in mind that both soaking and washing itself, together with the process of rinsing a scarf, must take place in water at the same temperature;
  • the cleaning agent chosen for removing dirt cannot be applied directly to the thing;
  • do not rinse the scarf under a strong stream of water;
  • in order to wash a thing, it is not recommended to use improvised means, for example, brushes, which can damage the internal structure of the down and thereby spoil the appearance of the shawl;
  • the process of drying a down shawl should take place only in a natural way, without using any electrical appliances or laying out the scarf on the battery.
Important! A downy shawl is a thing that should be washed as rarely as possible, therefore one of the basic rules for wearing is that it should be protected as much as possible from all kinds of contamination.

How to wash a shawl at home

To wash a goat down shawl at home, you should avoid using ordinary washing powder, as well as products that have too strong a chemical composition or harsh fragrances and fragrances. In this case, it is better to give preference to the following means:

  • a concentrated solution of baby soap in water (this technique will allow you to cope with only minor contamination on a down shawl);
  • any hair shampoo dissolved in water;
  • a solution of liquid soap in water: in this case, the soap must be chosen without dyes and strong aromas;
  • a special liquid agent designed to remove dirt from woolen products;
  • rinse aid for linen.
Important! Granules of ordinary washing powder negatively affect the quality of the fibers of a down shawl and are poorly washed out of the thing, this can negatively affect the final result of cleaning.

How to wash a downy shawl at home

In order to wash a cobweb downy shawl at home, you need to allocate a certain amount of time for this, since this process is very laborious. It is worth approaching him as carefully and carefully as possible. After preliminary preparation of the product, you should take care of the availability of a suitable cleaning agent for this process, and also think in advance about the method of drying the shawl.

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In the washing machine

You should resort to the process of washing the shawl in an automatic machine only if it is not possible to carry out this process manually.

Advice! In order to machine wash your downy shawl, it is recommended to use a clothes cover specially designed for washing clothes. This will provide additional protection for the scarf from possible damage in the process of removing dirt and from churning down fibers into lumps.

The sequence of actions in order to wash a shawl in a washing machine should be as follows:

  • perform all the manipulations to prepare the shawl for cleansing;
  • before placing the shawl in the drum of the washing machine, put the scarf in a previously prepared cover;
  • pour the required amount of liquid cleaning agent specially designed to remove dirt from woolen products into the powder container, in the amount indicated on the instructions for the tool;
  • in order to wash the shawl, it is important to set the “Delicate wash” mode in the machine: the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius;
  • it is also recommended to use the double rinse function;
  • the "Spin" mode should be completely disabled.
Important! In order to qualitatively wash a down cape in a washing machine and not harm the product, the process of removing dirt should be carried out individually only from this thing.

After the cycle of the washing machine has ended, you should leave the item for a short time in the drum of the machine so that excess moisture leaves the product. After that, you need to go directly to the drying process.


To wash a woolen shawl at home, the most acceptable option is to manually process the item.

Advice! In order to wash the cape with the highest quality, it is necessary that the volume of water in which the entire process of removing dirt takes place exceeds the volume of the shawl at least 4 times.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that cleansing should take place in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees, since hot water will inevitably cause deterioration of things due to the down rolling into lumps.

To wash a downy shawl by hand, you must:

  • Pre-soak the item in water (no more than 20 minutes). This will make washing much easier. However, it is important to observe the specified time interval, since exceeding it can lead to the fact that the down begins to separate from the threads of the product, which will cause its damage;
  • The selected cleaning component cannot be poured directly onto the thing: it is necessary to evenly distribute it in the water and only then immerse the down product in the container;
  • In order to properly wash the cape, you should make soft and smooth, pressing movements. At the same time, it must not be wrinkled and twisted. Otherwise, the thing will simply lose its shape;
  • It is necessary to rinse the product from the cleaning composition in at least five waters. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to substitute it under the pressure of water and carry it out for rinsing;
  • At the end of rinsing a downy shawl, to add volume to its fibers, add one of the following to your choice of water: rinse for linen; 1 tbsp. l. acetic acid for every liter of water; freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Before you start drying a downy shawl, you need to wait about half an hour - so that all excess liquid is gone from the product.
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To wash a white downy shawl, you need to choose a cleaning agent that is suitable for removing dirt from both white and woolen items at the same time.

Important! In order to wash the down cape as efficiently and carefully as possible, you should try to maintain the same temperature regime of the water during the entire wash and rinse. Different temperatures can negatively affect the structure of the fibers of the fluff and the subsequent strength of the product.

How to properly dry a downy shawl

Properly washing and drying a downy shawl after washing is not such an easy task. It is better to choose a well-ventilated room in which drying will take place, while the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

There are two main options for drying a downy shawl.

The first option is with a frame

It assumes the presence of a special device designed for drying such products - a frame. You can make such a design yourself or purchase a ready-made copy in the store.

The drying algorithm in this case should be approximately as follows:

  • on each edge of the down shawl, it is necessary to stretch a coarse thread;
  • using a threaded thread, fix the cape with furniture nails or pushpins on the frame;
  • leave the product in this form for about 60 minutes;
  • after that, the thing should be removed from the device and laid out on an ordinary terry towel or other fabric that has the ability to absorb liquid well.

During the entire period of drying the shawl, it must be beaten well.

Second option

Assumes no such special drying frame. It is also quite acceptable, but in this case it is necessary to act very carefully, since there is a high probability of deforming the appearance of a downy thing. The sequence of actions in such a situation:

  • Wrap the down cape in a roll in a terry towel. The duration of one such procedure is 20 minutes;
  • After the towel is wet, it should be replaced. It is necessary to repeat this procedure until the main moisture leaves the thing;
  • Next, you need to lay out the thing on a fabric that absorbs water. At the edges, it can be fixed with any objects in order to minimize the likelihood of deformation of the thing.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to dry a downy shawl on an ordinary clothesline.

How to fluff up a downy shawl after washing

After most of the moisture has been removed from the product, it should be placed in a regular bag and put into the freezer of the refrigerator. The total duration of the presence of the scarf there is about 6 hours, while every hour it must be removed from there and shaken. This will help to fluff up the fibers of the fluff.

After the shawl is completely dry, it must be carefully combed using a comb with wooden teeth.


Washing a downy shawl at home is a procedure, the features of which every owner of such wealth should know. To preserve the unsurpassed appearance of the down product, the washing process must be approached with the utmost care and care. Subject to all the recommendations and rules of the procedure, this wardrobe item will delight its mistress with warmth for a very long time and cause the envious glances of others.

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