What is nicotinic acid for, how to use, action

When they say "nicotinic acid", for many it causes unpleasant associations with tobacco smoking, and the information that this product has a lot of useful properties causes genuine bewilderment. But the benefits and harms of nicotinic acid have real justifications, and therefore it will be useful to figure out what kind of substance it is.

What is Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic acid and its derivatives - nicotinamide, niketamide - have nothing to do with the substance found in tobacco and cigarettes. In fact, they are a group of water-soluble compounds sometimes referred to as vitamin B3. In the course of the body's activity, these compounds easily transform into each other, therefore, they have similar beneficial properties and have a similar effect on humans.

Why is nicotinic acid useful?

The beneficial properties of nicotinic acid extend to the entire body, regardless of its biological sex, age and clinical condition. They contribute to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of heart disease.

In addition, nicotinic acid accelerates metabolism, saturates cells with oxygen and dilates blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the health of hypertensive patients. It also helps to relieve tinnitus, dizziness and headaches. In addition, it supports the functions of the liver and cleanses it from the harm of toxins and toxins, therefore it serves as an effective remedy for alcohol poisoning.

But the benefits of vitamin B3 do not end there. Nicotinic acid has proven beneficial for women. The use of vitamin B3 has proven to be particularly useful in restoring hair structure. It also strengthens the blood vessels of the scalp, increasing their elasticity: cells are more actively saturated with oxygen and useful compounds, blood flows to the hair follicles, and therefore they grow faster and become more durable.

Nicotinic acid has no less benefit for men. Since, among other useful properties, nicotinamide has the ability to regulate the work of the circulatory system, taking it as a drug has a beneficial effect on potency and sexual desire. This acid has a positive effect on hair growth and is an effective remedy against baldness.

In addition, the beneficial properties of niacin is used in traditional medicine in the treatment of a number of different diseases, such as pellagra, neuritis, and others.

Indications for the use of nicotinic acid

Although nicotinic acid is present in varying concentrations in most products of the main food groups, there are special categories of people who are prescribed this substance as a medicine. These categories include people who suffer:

  • pellagra;
  • disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • neuritis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • vascular spasms;
  • long healing ulcers.

However, even people with the above diseases should not self-medicate and take the drug on their own. In order for the tool to bring maximum benefit, you should first consult with a specialist.

Daily intake of nicotinic acid

As with any useful product, nicotinamide must be consumed in accordance with the indicated dosage so that taking the vitamin does not entail harm.

For a healthy adult, the daily rate is determined at the rate of 6.6 mg per 1000 calories, which is approximately equal to 15 - 25 mg per day, depending on lifestyle.

Children from 1 to 6 years old need to take 10-12 mg of niacin daily, and from 10 to 13 years old - 15-19 mg. Teenagers under 18 years old need 20 mg of vitamin per day.

Important! It is not recommended to give nicotinamide tablets and ampoules to children under 10 years of age.

Symptoms of a lack of nicotinic acid in the body

Since nicotinic acid brings tremendous benefits, it is natural that a lack of it can harm the body. So, with a deficiency of vitamin B3, a number of symptoms characteristic of vitamin deficiency develop:

  • lethargy, apathy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • memory and attention disorders;
  • sleep disorders;
  • digestive problems;
  • irritability;
  • pre-depressive states.

Vitamin B3 deficiency can be caused by:

  • excessive sugar intake;
  • smoking;
  • taking large doses of leucine;
  • alcohol abuse.

The above symptoms are eliminated by a course of tablets or injections of nicotinamide.

What foods contain nicotinic acid

Naturally, nicotinic acid is found in many plant foods. High amounts of vitamin B3 contain:

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  • cereals and products based on them (bread, rice and wheat bran, flour);
  • nuts and seeds (peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds);
  • mushrooms (shiitake, honey agarics, champignons)
  • legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils);
  • yellow and red vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).
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At the same time, nicotinic acid of legumes is absorbed by the body most efficiently.

In animal products, nicotinic acid is present in the form of nicotinamide. It can be found:

  • in beef liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • fish (tuna, cod, salmon).

A unique property of nicotinamide is its ability to maintain its beneficial qualities at high temperatures, which is why the products that contain it are suitable for various heat treatments.

Instructions for the use of nicotinic acid

Today pharmacies offer a wide range of nicotinic acid-based medicines from various companies. But regardless of the brand, the prices for this product are very affordable and will be affordable for everyone. Nicotinamide is sold in two versions:

  • in tablets;
  • in the form of ampoules for injection.

Depending on the goals, you can choose the most convenient option. It should be taken strictly according to the instructions, which are somewhat different for different types of medication.

In tablets

In order for nicotinic acid tablets to bring tangible benefits, it is important to use it only as directed by a doctor. Basically, pills are taken to treat pellagra after meals. The dose of the drug in this case varies depending on the age.So, adults are prescribed 0.1 g 3-4 times a day, while children are prescribed 0.02-0.05 mg 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment in this case is from 2 to 3 weeks.

With ischemic disease, vasospasm of the legs, gastritis with low acidity and other disorders, nicotinamide is prescribed for adults one-time 0.05-0.1 g for 1 month.

In ampoules for injection

The benefits of nicotinic acid injections are noted for pellagra, Raynaud's disease and hypovitaminosis. In the first case, injections are carried out intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 1 ml of a 1% solution 2 - 3 times a day. The course continues for 10 to 15 days. For other indications, the dose is changed to 10 mg 1-2 times a day during the same period.

The properties of niacin are also effective in Hartnup's disease, which is also treated with injections. The amount of medication here varies from 40 to 200 mg per day.

Important! Do not give injections to children under 18 years of age.

Nicotinic acid for weight loss

Nicotinic acid can be a great help for people looking to lose weight. It normalizes metabolism and relieves the liver of harmful toxins, thereby making it easier for the body to break down fatty deposits. It also regulates the digestive processes, which makes the stomach work better, nutrients are absorbed more actively, and therefore, you want to eat less. In addition, vitamin B3 has anti-stress properties and relieves nervous overstrain, which is often accompanied by overeating, so its benefits in losing weight are undeniable.

However, it should be remembered that nicotinic acid itself is not a weight loss aid and will bring the desired result only in combination with moderate exercise and healthy diet.

The use of nicotinic acid in cosmetology

In addition to medical applications, the beneficial properties of niacin are widely used for the production of cosmetics for the face and hair, and not only on an industrial scale. Vitamin B3 is a popular ingredient in home beauty formulations.

For hair growth

Nicotinic acid benefits hair health, weakened by a lack of nutrients, improper care, stress or weather conditions. To restore shine to hair and activate growth, you can use a simple and effective method:

  1. Immediately after washing, a solution of nicotinamide from 2 ampoules is applied to the scalp. At the same time, massaging movements are performed, gently rubbing the medicine into the roots.
  2. The liquid is not washed off. After the procedure, do not use a hairdryer for 30 minutes. You need to apply the mask every other day for 15 sessions.
Important! When nicotinamide is applied to the head, the normal response of the body is a slight tingling sensation and pleasant warmth. Severe itching and burning can be a sign of an allergy: in this case, the mask must be washed off immediately.

Against hair loss

Since the properties of niacin help fight hair loss, people with this problem should try a special mask:

  1. One ampoule of nicotinamide is mixed with 1 ampoule of vitamin A and the same amount of vitamin E.
  2. Connect them with 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil and 1 egg yolk.
  3. The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. A terry hat or a warming cap is put on top.
  4. After an hour, the mask is washed off with warm running water. Shampoo is optional.
Important! This procedure is only a temporary measure. Only a specialist can determine the real cause of hair loss.


Nicotinic acid is quite successful in eliminating dandruff. To prepare a mask for this ailment:

  1. First, prepare a water bath. Propolis is poured over a small amount of water and cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  2. The resulting solution is cooled and filtered.
  3. Aloe juice is mixed with niacin. Add to the propolis broth.
  4. The composition is washed into the roots and left for 30 minutes.
  5. Then wash off with warm water and mild shampoo.

For facial skin

Nicotinamide also has regenerating properties, making it an excellent remedy for problem skin. In addition, it is often included in anti-aging masks. For this:

  1. One egg white is combined with 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp.
  2. Add vitamin B3 and mix until smooth.
  3. Apply on face for 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out no more than 2 times a week.
Advice! Before applying the mask, it is advisable to treat the face with a cleansing lotion.

Is nicotinic acid possible for pregnant and lactating women

Nicotinic acid may also be beneficial for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Adequate availability of vitamin B3 itself is essential for normal fetal development and maternal health. Therefore, women in a special situation are strongly advised to eat foods containing nicotinamide.

But taking vitamin B3 tablets as a dietary supplement during lactation and pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

The use of nicotinic acid for children

The properties of nicotinamide can benefit not only adults, but also the child. However, in the form of tablets or injections, it is recommended to take it only after reaching the age of 10, since a high concentration of the substance can cause allergies. For younger children, the amount of vitamin B3 that they receive daily from food will be enough, provided that the children's diet is balanced.

Nicotinic acid and alcohol

One of the many beneficial properties of nicotinamide is that it is able to neutralize the harmful effects of the breakdown products of alcohol-containing substances in the liver, thereby alleviating the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. This ability is often the reason for the misconception that vitamin B3 can be consumed along with alcohol without fear of harm to health.

In fact, the situation is somewhat different. Ethanol has the ability to flush out beneficial compounds from the body, including vitamin B3, thus negating all the benefits of the drug.

In addition, alcoholic beverages can enhance certain properties of niacin. Ethanol, which has a suppressive effect on high blood pressure, coupled with the same properties of vitamin B3, can provoke a hypotonic crisis, fraught with serious harm to the body.

Alcohol mixed with nicotinamide contributes to the aggravation of side effects when taking the drug. So, the appearance of severe drowsiness, unstable mental manifestations, increased irritability and aggression are often noted.

However, the use of vitamin B3 after drinking alcoholic beverages can be helpful in eliminating the effects of intoxication if the drug is taken as directed.

Interaction of nicotinic acid with other drugs

Care should be taken when using nicotinic acid with certain medications. In particular, this applies to any drugs that are aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots, since nicotinamide has similar properties and in combination with similar drugs can cause hemorrhages.

Vitamin B3 is also not recommended to be combined with drugs that help lower blood pressure - this can only enhance the properties of the latter. The same applies to antispasmodics.

The interaction of nicotinic acid with antidiabetic drugs, in contrast, neutralizes all the benefits of glucose-lowering drugs.

In addition, nicotinamide is not compatible with the following substances:

  • vitamins B2 and B6;
  • eufilin;
  • salicylates;
  • tetracycline;
  • hydrocortisone.
Important! If you are taking other medications in parallel with vitamin B3, in order to avoid harmful effects, you must inform your doctor about this.

Nicotinic acid side effects and overdose

Even taking into account all the benefits of nicotinamide and the almost complete absence of harmful effects on most people, it is worth remembering that in some cases, the use of vitamin B3 can cause unpleasant consequences for the body. Side effects of the drug include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • hives;
  • facial redness;
  • a feeling of heat without a change in body temperature;
  • temporary loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the body;
  • feeling of numbness.

These symptoms do not require treatment and quickly disappear after reducing the dose of vitamin B3 or completely canceling it. However, prolonged neglect of the primary symptoms can lead to more serious harm to health, for example:

  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • decrease in the body's ability to process glucose.

But since all these complications are to one degree or another associated with the functioning of the liver, it is possible to mitigate the harmful effect of taking nicotinic acid by adding dishes high in methionine to the daily menu. "Poshekhonsky" cheese, sea fish, turkey and almonds in the diet will help maintain the normal functioning of the organ without additional medical intervention.

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Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid

Despite its many beneficial properties, in some cases, nicotinamide can still cause significant harm to health. In this regard, the drug is not recommended for people in a certain state of health, namely:

  • with individual vitamin intolerance;
  • with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with acute ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • with gout.

Since the use of nicotinamide is accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy, in order to avoid possible harm, its use should be abandoned by those whose profession is associated with constant driving or requiring increased attention.


The benefits and harms of nicotinic acid directly depend on the dosage. A correctly calculated amount of the drug will show its beneficial properties with all its effectiveness, but only if the medication is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can have a harmful effect on a person and exacerbate existing diseases.

Reviews, before and after photos

Rudkovskaya Anastasia Gennadievna, 36 years old, Khabarovsk
After the second birth, I faced a problem - my hair began to fall out. For several years I had a complex about this: not yet forty, but I am already bald. Then I learned from a friend that nicotinic acid helps with hair loss. I decided to try it, although I didn't have much hope. But literally a month later, the hair seemed to have become stronger and the bald spots have noticeably decreased. Now I am trying for my husband to find a product for hair growth based on niacin. We will be treated together.

Kulsh Evgeniya Olegovna, 29 years old, Dnepropetrovsk
Personally, I just can't understand why use nicotinic acid for weight loss? Healthy eating will be much better - and you will lose weight, and you will feel great. But the use of niacin for the face is at least interesting. I'll have to experiment. Fortunately, there are a lot of recipes for masks with nicotinic acid on the Internet.
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