Amaranth oil: benefits and harms, how to take

Amaranth oil was used more than a hundred years ago. Leaves, stems and amaranth itself were used for cooking and feeding animals. What are the benefits and harms of amaranth oil, our ancestors knew.

What amaranth oil is made of

Amaranth oil is a useful product that is obtained from the amaranth plant of the same name. Its wide leaves and stems are suitable not only for cold pressing, but also for making bread and other dishes. So it was believed several centuries ago. Now the plant provides people with a beneficial medicinal oil. Amaranth is not familiar to everyone, but it can still be found under other names: fox tail, cat tail, velvet, scallops. But the Aztecs called it "the golden seed of God," and for good reason, because there are legends about its benefits. However, it must be remembered that the properties of a plant can not only support the body, but also be harmful.

The chemical composition of amaranth oil

The properties are due to its composition. To understand exactly what benefits and harms its use will bring, you need to consider its chemical composition, make sure that there are vitamins and other useful substances.

What has a positive effect on the state of the body:

  1. Antioxidants and Amino Acids.
  2. Vitamins E, P, B, phosphorus, copper and iron, phospholipids, tocopherol.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids (about 70% of the composition).
  4. Squalene, which is good for the skin.

Amaranth oil benefits

Its benefits allow it to be widely used in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology. Therefore, everyone can get the maximum benefit from this product for themselves. The oil will help in the treatment of many diseases, it can support the strength of the body. Also helps with weight loss, popular with women who love high-quality natural cosmetics. Men and children should not give up on it.

For men and women

The oil is useful for the treatment of many diseases. It can positively affect the well-being of both women and men.

What are the benefits of amaranth oil for the body:

  1. Helps with liver and stomach diseases.
  2. Prevents anemia.
  3. It has medicinal properties that it exhibits in hypertension.
  4. Contributes to the normalization of the heart.
  5. It is used to treat stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  6. Treats diseases of the ENT organs.
  7. Useful for inflammation of the urinary tract.
  8. Indicated for diabetics.
  9. Helps with nervous disorders.
  10. Promotes weight loss.
  11. It has found application in the treatment of infertility in both sexes.
  12. The benefits of amaranth oil for women in the treatment of erosion, endometriosis, fibroids.
  13. It helps men to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.
Important! Before use, you need to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The amaranth product saturates the body with useful elements, helps it to function normally, and strengthens the immune system. Therefore, it is simply necessary for a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, it should not be limited.Doctors recommend taking half a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Important! It is worth introducing it into the diet only after there is confidence that the child does not have allergies.

Portions are increased gradually so as not to harm the baby's fragile alimentary tract.

For children

The main property due to which doctors recommend using it for children from a young age is strengthening the immune system. This is especially important when visiting kindergarten, school.

With acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the agent is even instilled into the nose with a pipette. And vitamin D in its composition is useful for preventing rickets. The product is able to have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the child's body. It is beneficial for atopic dermatitis, which has become a common disease in childhood.

Is amaranth oil good for weight loss

Fat is not the enemy of a losing weight. But this can only be said about healthy polyunsaturated fats, which are found in large quantities in amaranth oil. They will be very useful if you want to lose the hated kilograms or build muscle mass:

  1. Omega fatty acids speed up the metabolism.
  2. Allows muscle mass to grow faster and fat to decrease.
  3. They are responsible for the normal function of hormones.
  4. Supports the body during periods of dietary restrictions. Prevents anemia.

Amaranth oil treatment

Natural ingredients must also be treated correctly. And it is important to do this after the permission of the doctor.

With rhinitis, two drops are instilled into each nostril for two weeks. If sinusitis is overcome, the procedures are carried out for about 5 months. The result will be better with additional use inside, for example, as a salad dressing.

To cure inflammation of the female genital organs, a healthy oil is also used. A tampon is dipped into it and inserted into the vagina twice a day for two weeks. It is important to consume the product internally.

If the disease has affected the oral cavity, it is enough to rinse it with oil twice a day, then swallow it.

Important! These procedures are carried out only as an additional treatment. The basis should be special medications.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Due to its properties, it is used in cosmetology. The product is not harmful. Only benefit is gained from it. There are not only a large number of homemade mask recipes, but also a series of cosmetics with these products in the composition. It is important to choose the right ones, in accordance with the type of skin and hair, the characteristics of the body. To see the result, you need to buy only a quality cold-pressed product.

For facial skin

All cosmetic recipes are developed by professionals in this field. And it's not in vain that they try to include amaranth oil in the composition. This valuable ingredient will bring maximum benefits to your skin. But it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products, because you can prepare the mask yourself:

  1. Moisturizing the skin. To moisturize the skin, prepare a mask of 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 spoon of honey, 1 yolk. All are mixed and applied to dry skin. After 15 minutes, everything is washed off without cosmetics, with plain water.
  2. Skin nutrition. For nutrition, mix with cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 2. All this is applied to the face, the main thing is not to touch the area around the eyes. After 10 minutes, everything is washed off with water.

For hair

The benefits of amaranth oil for the skin are well appreciated. But besides this, trichologists also recommend using the product. This will leave your hair shiny, strong and vibrant.

Attention! You should not make masks from this product more than twice a week.

If there are doubts about the properties in its pure form, masks are made from it, which give even more effect:

  1. For hair growth, prepare an avocado mask, 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of honey. All ingredients are mixed into a gruel. Next, the mask is applied to the hair roots. After an hour of exposure, the hair is washed with warm water.
  2. So that the hair does not thin out, it is worth mixing amaranth oil with olive oil in equal proportions. The mask stays on the hair for about two hours, then rinses off.
  3. And to make your hair shine, take half a liter of beer, one yolk, 100 grams of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of healing oil. They all mix. This mask is applied to the hair twice a week for a couple of minutes.
Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado
Attention! For best results, the oils are slightly heated in a water bath before use.

For body

It is known that oils nourish the skin, make it firm. Amaranth is no exception. To maintain your beauty, it is not necessary to prepare face masks with a lot of hard-to-find ingredients. The secret of the beauty of the female body is simple: massage with amaranth oil.

The product does not need to be mixed and prepared for the procedure. But it should be at room temperature or even slightly warmer. The main thing is not to overheat, so that the product retains all its properties. Such massage will not only relax, but also tighten the skin, moisturize it, make it elastic and even contribute to weight loss! Massage of areas where the "orange peel" is noticeable will be effective.

How to use amaranth oil in cooking

In cooking, they are used in the same way as any other oils. If you want to make a diet or other salad, the choice is obvious. The main thing is that it is suitable for ingestion.

For frying and baking, it is also perfect. It will replace sunflower seeds without spoiling the taste. On the contrary, it will even make the dish better. And one of the main properties that are so important for cooking is the preservation of useful qualities, trace elements are not destroyed after heat treatment. You can fill any porridge by replacing the creamy one. So the dish will become more useful and will not change its taste.

Harm of amaranth oil and contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, the product is not suitable for everyone. It will not harm, but there are people who need to use this product with caution or limit its amount. This is due to individual intolerance and some diseases:

  1. It is not recommended for use in cooking with high cholesterol.
  2. You need to be careful with gallstone disease.
  3. Chronic pancreatitis is one of the contraindications.
  4. Cannot be used for ulcers, diarrhea.

How to choose and store amaranth oil

Storing amaranth oil is not that difficult. It should be located in a place where direct sunlight does not fall. The temperature should be cool, it should not heat up and freeze.

The choice is more responsible. It all depends on the goals of the buyer. The fact is that it is obtained in several ways. They determine not only the price and amount of the benefits brought, but also the rules of use.

For example, with oil extraction, the product is cheap, but there is very little amaranth in it. It is based on something else, cheaper. Extraction with organic solvents assumes only external use of the product, since during the production process harmful chemicals get into the oil.

The cold-pressed product is the most useful, suitable for all purposes. And the most expensive one. To get it in small quantities, you need a lot of raw materials. But the customer benefit justifies the price.


The benefits and harms of amaranth oil have been familiar to people for a long time. The product is used not only in cooking, but also for the treatment of various diseases, helps to lose weight and to put hair and skin in order. Before treating any disease with oil, it is important to consult a doctor and use it as an adjunct to medicines.


Angela Rodina, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg
I first started using this oil for making masks. I love looking after hair and skin. And with amaranth it turns out great! Later I learned that it is also medicinal, and even used in cooking.I advise you to try amaranth hair oil!
Alexander Budkin, 43 years old, Moscow
At first I used amaranth oil internally, but later noticed that it quickly runs out. It turned out that his wife appreciated his benefits properly. Now we recommend amaranth oil for the face as well!
Olga Verina, 46 years old, Kaliningrad
What kind of oils I have not used, but amaranth oil is most suitable for the body. Perfectly moisturizes, I add it to masks, creams. The main thing is to use it correctly.
Valentina Morozova, 35 years old, Samara
During diets, I used to give up fat completely. Then I realized that this was my big mistake. Amaranth oil is good for losing weight, no matter how the word “oil” scares me. Don't deplete healthy fats.
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