Why Altai taiga honey is useful: reviews with photos

The beneficial properties of taiga honey should be studied before medicinal use of the product. The delicacy has a strong healing effect, but requires caution.

Description and taste of taiga honey

Taiga honey is collected in the Altai Territory, Siberia and Transbaikalia. Nectar for the production of the product is given by such plants as willow tea and sweet clover, angelica and sage, lingonberry and fireweed, blueberry. The variety is considered quite rare and highly prized in the market.

Fresh taiga honey is viscous but stringy, with a good degree of transparency

The photo of taiga honey shows that it has a dark brown coffee color. The delicacy has a thick, rich aroma and a moderately sweet taste with herbaceous notes. After crystallization, honey becomes fine-grained. The taiga variety is candied rather quickly, on average within a month after harvest.

Chemical composition

The bee product has a high medicinal value due to its rich composition. The delicacy contains:

  • iron and nickel;
  • cobalt and calcium;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • malic and lactic acids;
  • enzymes and pectins;
  • iodine and potassium;
  • flavonoids;
  • oxalic and citric acids;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • saponins and tannins;
  • vitamins K and H;
  • dextrins;
  • antioxidants;
  • aluminum and selenium;
  • B vitamins;
  • natural sugars.

The nutritional value of the product is 315 calories per 100 g. When using taiga honey, moderate dosages should be observed.

Why taiga honey is useful

When used carefully, taiga honey brings great benefits to the body. In particular:

  • increases immunity and enhances resistance to colds;
  • stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves kidney health;
  • cleanses the liver and helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • increases mental performance;
  • strengthens endurance;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps with insomnia;
  • improves appetite;
  • slows down the aging process and promotes cell rejuvenation;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the hair;
  • normalizes digestion and pancreatic function;
  • evens out the hormonal background.

The beneficial properties of the Altai taiga honey are in great demand during the recovery period after operations and serious illnesses. Also, the delicacy helps with vitamin deficiency and prevents the development of anemia.

Women can use a bee product for violations of the monthly cycle, with painful menstruation or during menopause. But during pregnancy, the use of taiga honey should be agreed with a doctor, since the remedy can cause allergies. For the same reason, the product is not consumed during lactation; it often provokes a negative reaction in infants.

Taiga honey promotes muscle growth in men due to its amino acid content

For men, taiga honey is useful for its strengthening properties. It increases overall stamina and detoxifies the liver.The valuable substances in the delicacy prevent the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, improve potency and protect against cardiovascular ailments.

Application in traditional medicine

The valuable properties of taiga honey are used in the treatment of diseases. Traditional medicine recommends several tried and tested bee-based recipes.

With ARVI and angina

The benefit of taiga honey is that it improves the body's resistance to viruses, lowers the temperature in case of colds and softens a sore throat. With ARVI, it is useful to use such a remedy:

  • 250 ml of milk is heated until warm;
  • add a small spoonful of bee products;
  • stir until dissolved.
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You need to consume the remedy in the volume of a glass in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

Advice! If you add a small spoonful of natural honey to the chamomile infusion, you can gargle with the resulting solution up to five times a day.

With cardiovascular ailments

Taiga honey normalizes blood circulation, tones the heart muscle and prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks. You can use it for arrhythmia and hypertension. Such a remedy brings benefits:

  • put 30 g of taiga honey in a glass of water;
  • add juice from one ripe lemon;
  • stir the ingredients.

You need to take a healing agent on an empty stomach twice a day in full. In total, therapy is continued for two weeks, and then a break of the same duration is taken.

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With a stomach ulcer

The valuable substances in the bee product soothe irritated mucous membranes, promote their healing, and normalize the production of gastric juice. For medicinal purposes, the following mixture is prepared:

  • 100 g of a bee product is combined with an equal amount of butter;
  • add 115 g of aloe leaf gruel;
  • make 100 g of cocoa powder;
  • stir thoroughly until smooth.

For treatment, it is necessary to take 15 g of the healing mixture twice a day, previously diluting it in 250 ml of warm milk. Drink the remedy on an empty stomach shortly before meals.

With gastritis

The following remedy helps to improve digestion and relieve abdominal pain with gastritis:

  • taiga honey and crushed aloe leaves are mixed in equal proportions of 100 g;
  • add 15 g of grated fresh carrots.

You need to take the mixture in a large spoonful three times a day on an empty stomach.

With bronchial asthma

Taiga honey has a positive effect on the respiratory system. For bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy and pneumonia, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • 50 g of dry nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • cool under the lid;
  • add 15 g of taiga bee product and mix.
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Natural infusion is consumed twice a day on an empty stomach.

Important! When treating bronchial asthma, you must first make sure that there is no allergy to bee products.
When coughing, taiga honey softens the throat and eliminates bacterial processes

With laryngitis

With a runny nose, laryngitis and sinusitis, inhalation of honey infusion is beneficial. They are performed like this:

  • 100 g of bee treats are diluted in 300 ml of water;
  • pour a solution of 1 liter of hot, but not boiling liquid;
  • bend over the pan and inhale the rising vapors for ten minutes.

During inhalations, breaths are taken slowly and shallowly, trying not to burn the mucous membranes.

With abscesses and boils

The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of Altai taiga honey can be used for cuts, wounds, abscesses and healing burns. For medicinal purposes, a large spoonful of the bee product is mixed with flour to obtain a thick and viscous mass. Every day, the agent should be applied to sore spots for a couple of hours, the compress should be fixed on top with a bandage.

With nervous disorders

Taiga honey has pronounced soothing properties and helps with increased irritability, stress and insomnia. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  • 5 g of dried herb St. John's wort is poured over 200 g of boiling water;
  • insist for half an hour;
  • 15 g of taiga honey is added to the warm product;
  • stir until dissolved.

If desired, you can add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint to the infusion. Use the product up to three times a day, 250 ml.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of taiga honey can improve the condition of hair and skin. The bee product accelerates the processes of cell metabolism, nourishes the epidermis with vitamins and organic acids, and helps fight premature aging.

With increased oily skin, the following mask is beneficial:

  • a large spoonful of bee products are mixed with egg yolk;
  • add 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • stir the ingredients;
  • apply the product to the face for ten minutes.

If the skin is dry, taiga honey can be mixed with sour cream or kefir to moisturize.

It is necessary to apply healing masks twice or three times a week on a regular basis. In this case, the beneficial substances in the bee product will improve the condition of the epidermis after a few procedures.

This natural treat is beneficial for oily hair. The following mask has a good effect:

  • add two egg yolks to 10 g of taiga honey;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • distributed over the curls, paying special attention to the root zone.

It is advisable to keep the mask on the hair for 8-10 hours. Therefore, it is best to do it at night and wrap your head with a film and a warm towel, and in the morning wash off the healing mixture with warm water.

Taiga honey relieves skin inflammation and unclogs pores
Advice! You can add taiga honey to face cream or ready-made hair products.

Contraindications to the use of taiga honey

Taiga honey is a fairly safe delicacy, but it has its own contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to use it:

  • if you are allergic to any bee products;
  • with exacerbation of stomach ulcers and pancreatitis;
  • with a tendency to obesity;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Taiga honey should not be offered to children under three years old. Adolescents and adults are allowed to consume a treat in volumes of no more than 80 g per day.

How to distinguish from a fake and storage conditions

Polyfloral taiga honey is not very common on the market, so the buyer always runs the risk of facing a fake. Often, unscrupulous sellers offer ordinary herbs from the middle lane under this name.

There are several ways to distinguish taiga honey from fake:

  1. Request an official certificate from the seller confirming the quality of the product and the region of origin.
  2. Order a delicacy directly from reliable suppliers from Altai, Eastern Siberia or Transbaikalia.
  3. Estimate the color of honey, the taiga variety should be dark, if the product is golden or deep yellow, we are talking about a fake.
  4. Look at the pumping date and consistency. If more than two months have passed since the production date, and the delicacy is still liquid and not crystallized, then there can be no real taiga honey.
  5. To smell the product, if it is real, then the aroma will be multifaceted, with floral notes, without chemical shades.
  6. To taste the delicacy, it should not be sugary, but moderately sweet, with a long herbal aftertaste.

It is recommended to store the bee product at temperatures from 5 to 18 ° C in a dark place with low air humidity. It is not customary to remove taiga honey in the refrigerator; it is better to put it in a closet or pantry with suitable conditions. The jar with the treat should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Real taiga honey should leave a slight sore throat after swallowing
Attention! It is necessary to store the bee product under an airtight lid. Interaction with oxygen accelerates the destruction of nutrients in the composition.

The taiga honey should be kept in glass or ceramic containers, in extreme cases, in a plastic container. But the bee product is not placed in metal containers, it will oxidize and quickly lose its healing properties. If properly stored, taiga honey can remain tasty and healthy for about two years.


The beneficial properties of taiga honey are very diverse, it can be used for colds, digestive ailments, coughs and inflammations. But you need to choose a product especially carefully so as not to face a fake.

Reviews of taiga honey

Fedulova Alina Vladimirovna, 35 years old, Orenburg
Taiga honey is one of my favorite varieties. It is very beautiful in appearance, fragrant, without sugary notes. I use it just like that, and together with tea, it turns out to be especially useful in the autumn as a preventive measure. If you try real taiga honey at least once, you won't be able to confuse it with anything, the taste is very characteristic.
Astrakhantseva Tamara Igorevna, 41 years old, Tver
I tasted taiga honey for the first time just a year ago and immediately appreciated it. It is not at all similar to the usual flower and meadow varieties, much more interesting in taste and aroma. I use it mainly for pleasure and protection from colds. But I also noticed that against the background of the application, the stomach stopped hurting, although I suffer from chronic gastritis.

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